milestonesxzine · 3 years
Hey is this zine still out? I know it's like a year later... Do you happen to know if there will be another killugon zine like this made? I'd love to get one 😭
Hey there! Fireolin here, one of the zine editors. So sorry you missed us. This zine finished its run, but there are often other ongoing Killugon events and zines. You might try following @hxhevents to hear about them as they come up. I'm not associated with that blog, but they're doing a good thing publicising fandom events. If you're after fic or art for any hxh ship, you can also try searching any hxhbb tag, as we've had big bangs for a number of years with both art and writing. Hope this helps!
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
Is anybody still checking this tumblr? I have a problem that i need to speak to somebody about.
Hello! I'm still here, at least.
If you've got a problem you need to talk to one of us about, it might be easier to DM. You can DM me (Mod Sol) at @avtorsola or @davidoodles, or you can DM the zine blog itself. Whichever works for you!
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
Donation Announcement!
Now that the Gumroad is finally closed, and all the money is counted up, the mods of the Milestones Zine are thrilled to announce that we MORE than broke even - the zine made almost $500 USD in surplus!* Thank you SO much to everyone who bought the Zine, and to all our contributors, without whom this would not have been possible.
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(*note: $25 USD belonged to the mod who owned the account - an amount which was required to open the account in the first place. It has been deducted from the donated amount and returned to the mod in question.)
THUS, as planned for a surplus, we chose to donate the excess money. The mods decided, in light of the COVID-19 crisis and the international , that we would like to donate to Doctors Without Borders (link to their site).
However, we wanted approval from our contributors before making any final decisions, and sent out a survey accordingly! The results were as follows:
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Because the majority of respondents approved of this charity selection, we went ahead and made our contribution: a whopping $482.53 USD! Attached is a screencap of the thank-you from DWB.
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Again: thank you SO much for every purchase, pageview, reblog, and retweet given to our zine. And again, from the Zine mods: thank you SO much to the contributors that made this zine and the ensuing donation possible. You all are wonderful, you made this zine an incredible experience, made a final product that was beautiful, and allowed an end result of donation of nearly $500 USD to Doctors Without Borders.
Signing off, the Mods of the Milestones Zine.
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
There have been some technical difficulties with Gumroad, it seems, so we’ve gone with our backup plan and emailed a PDF of the zine directly to those who have ordered one of the physical-merch bundles from the Milestones Zine gmail. (PDF-only orders are as of yet unaffected)
If you have any further trouble accessing it after this - i.e. if you click the shared link and receive an “Access Denied” message, or similar - please request access to the PDF. Google Drive should offer the option for this on the PDF document. Once you click that “request access” button, an admin should be able to correct the problem with no trouble whatsoever.
If you are still experiencing technical difficulties with the PDF portion of your order following this, the zine’s tumblr will be maintained for an as-of-yet indefinite period of time - please feel free to send us an ask. (we will respond privately if you indicate for us to do so)
PDF release announcement
So, for those of you who purchased the zine PDF - it should currently be available in a download link that came from the Gumroad store, sent to the email associated with your purchase!
However, we did just upload the PDF zine to Gumroad recently for PDF+physical-content bundles. Thus, if you have previously received a link to download digital content, the PDF zine should now also be available for download using that same link.
If you did NOT receive a previous email, and you don’t get one soon - please let us know so we can get your PDF copy to you right away!
Thank you! ~Milestones Zine Mods
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
PDF release announcement
So, for those of you who purchased the zine PDF - it should currently be available in a download link that came from the Gumroad store, sent to the email associated with your purchase!
However, we did just upload the PDF zine to Gumroad recently for PDF+physical-content bundles. Thus, if you have previously received a link to download digital content, the PDF zine should now also be available for download using that same link.
If you did NOT receive a previous email, and you don’t get one soon - please let us know so we can get your PDF copy to you right away!
Thank you! ~Milestones Zine Mods
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
It’s Out!
All bundles and hard copy zines have now been sent! They should be with you soon, but of course, the post is a mess rn so give it a couple weeks before you worry. We would love to hear what you think of the finished product, so let us know! <3
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milestonesxzine · 4 years
A Little Brightness
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So, you may be wondering if this zine will ever come to light in the midst of this global chaos. And I hope it brings a little brightness to your day when I tell you that I actually sent out all the zine-only orders this morning!
The bundles are being assembled as quickly as possible. Yep, we have them in hand and almost all the merch, and with any luck will get all physical orders sent in the next week!
We’ve had to forego some bells and whistles in packaging, but given how precarious it’s been getting everything together we hope you’ll forgive that. The zine itself is beautiful, and we hope that it brings all of you some joy in a rather grim time.
Thank you all for your patience and support while we pulled this all together. We couldn’t have done it without you!
<3 The Milestones Mods
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
An Update on Production
So no doubt you’re all wondering how COVID-19 is going to affect this zine. Unfortunately, at the moment we have no clear answers as production depends on so many different people and companies. What we CAN promise you though is that we are not shutting down operations, and will produce and ship zines and perch as soon as we can. We’ll also ship all pdf orders as soon as the pdf is ready, and our designers are getting close to a finished product. Sorry not to have more definite things to tell you but the situation is changing by the hour here in WA state - as it no doubt is for a lot of you. Thanks for your patience and support! The Zine Mods
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Preorders Ending!
We have an exciting announcement for everyone!
Not only are are the MilestonesxZine mods going to keep our gumroad store open for just a little while longer (for any last-minute zine orders), but we have also reached enough orders that physical zine copies should be doable for us now!
Thank you all so much for your orders, reblogs, boosts, and contributions to this zine - we’re so excited to finally send it out in print!
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
I wantedTo ask if we can still buySomehow past Feb 29th. I dont think I can get theMoney in time? ItsGonna take me a bit to do, prob. & evenThen Im stillKinda confused byHow to by it, even whenGoingTo order the zine & merch. Ive neverBought a zine online (yet), Ive been meaning toFor multi fandoms & ships Im a fan & apart of, but just havent gottenTo doing it yet. I justWanted toAsk if i can somehow, hopefully buy (justMaybe not a pre-order) it still. I
Hi there, and thanks for the interest! So, preorders have now closed. That means that you can still make an order on our gumroad shop as long as what you want is still listed for sale, but you’ll have to pay right away rather than deferring it to the end of the preorder period. Atm we don’t know exactly when we’ll close the shop to new physical orders (i.e. the print zine and merch - it will stay open indefinitely for the pdf). It will be sometime soon though - basically, as soon as the designers finish layout, bc as soon as they do then the zine will go to print, and we don’t have enough orders to bring the price down enough to order a bunch of extras.  tl;dr - The bottom line on this zine is that you’ll be able to get a pdf for the foreseeable future, but if you want a hard copy or merch you should really order asap. There are unlikely to be extras.
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Milestones Zine Preorders Open!
Choose from any one of our four purchase options and enjoy Killugon content from 25 artists and 10 different writers!
Option one: Digital PDF - a downloadable version of the zine in a PDF format!
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Option two: PDF + Hard Copy - A downloadable PDF version and a print copy of the Milestones Zine !
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Option 3: Bundle #1 - A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, and two matching buttons by kot!
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Option 4: Bundle #2 -  A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, two matching buttons by kot, 1 charm by trashsketch, and 1 friendship bracelet! (bracelet inspired by the bracelets seen on the zine cover)!
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And, as a bonus, the first 30 physical preorders will also come with a random piece of free merch! (PDF-only purchases are not eligible for this promotion)
Preorders will close on February 29th!
You can order from our Gumroad store, located at https://gumroad.com/milestoneszine
Reminder: This zine is an all-ratings zine and by purchasing any of the above zine options, you confirm that you are a legal adult in your country of residence.
(Please note that the listed prices do not include shipping)
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Milestones Zine Preorders Open!
Choose from any one of our four purchase options and enjoy Killugon content from 25 artists and 10 different writers!
Option one: Digital PDF - a downloadable version of the zine in a PDF format!
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Option two: PDF + Hard Copy - A downloadable PDF version and a print copy of the Milestones Zine !
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Option 3: Bundle #1 - A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, and two matching buttons by kot!
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Option 4: Bundle #2 -  A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, two matching buttons by kot, 1 charm by trashsketch, and 1 friendship bracelet! (bracelet inspired by the bracelets seen on the zine cover)!
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And, as a bonus, the first 30 physical preorders will also come with a random piece of free merch! (PDF-only purchases are not eligible for this promotion)
Preorders will close on February 29th!
You can order from our Gumroad store, located at https://gumroad.com/milestoneszine
Reminder: This zine is an all-ratings zine and by purchasing any of the above zine options, you confirm that you are a legal adult in your country of residence.
(Please note that the listed prices do not include shipping)
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Milestones Zine Preorders Open!
Choose from any one of our four purchase options and enjoy Killugon content from 25 artists and 10 different writers!
Option one: Digital PDF - a downloadable version of the zine in a PDF format!
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Option two: PDF + Hard Copy - A downloadable PDF version and a print copy of the Milestones Zine !
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Option 3: Bundle #1 - A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, and two matching buttons by kot!
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Option 4: Bundle #2 -  A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, two matching buttons by kot, 1 charm by trashsketch, and 1 friendship bracelet! (bracelet inspired by the bracelets seen on the zine cover)!
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And, as a bonus, the first 30 physical preorders will also come with a random piece of free merch! (PDF-only purchases are not eligible for this promotion)
Preorders will close on February 29th!
You can order from our Gumroad store, located at https://gumroad.com/milestoneszine
Reminder: This zine is an all-ratings zine and by purchasing any of the above zine options, you confirm that you are a legal adult in your country of residence.
(Please note that the listed prices do not include shipping)
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Valentine’s Offers!
Hi all! In honor of Valentine’s Day, the Mod team of the Milestones Zine has put together two new zine bundles!
Valentine’s Bundle #1 - PDF copy, print by mornintide; button by wifftins; 2 matching buttons by kot.
Valentine’s Bundle #2 - PDF copy, 1 button by wifftins, 2 buttons by kot, 1 print by mornintide, 1 charm by trashsketch and 1 friendship bracelet !
Because neither bundle contains a print copy of the zine, the shipping costs aren’t quite as prohibitive for our overseas friends - we hope this allows you to enjoy this final product!
You can find the new bundles here!
P.S. Preorders close on February 29th! Please reblog to help us spread the Killugon love!
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Milestones Zine Preorders Open!
Choose from any one of our four purchase options and enjoy Killugon content from 25 artists and 10 different writers!
Option one: Digital PDF - a downloadable version of the zine in a PDF format!
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Option two: PDF + Hard Copy - A downloadable PDF version and a print copy of the Milestones Zine !
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Option 3: Bundle #1 - A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, and two matching buttons by kot!
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Option 4: Bundle #2 -  A PDF zine, printed zine, a print by mornintide, a button by wifftins, two matching buttons by kot, 1 charm by trashsketch, and 1 friendship bracelet! (bracelet inspired by the bracelets seen on the zine cover)!
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And, as a bonus, the first 30 physical preorders will also come with a random piece of free merch! (PDF-only purchases are not eligible for this promotion)
Preorders will close on February 29th!
You can order from our Gumroad store, located at https://gumroad.com/milestoneszine
Reminder: This zine is an all-ratings zine and by purchasing any of the above zine options, you confirm that you are a legal adult in your country of residence.
(Please note that the listed prices do not include shipping)
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
Art Teasers!
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Because you can’t always judge a book by it’s cover (though we would be honored to be judged by trashsketch’s gorgeous cover!) we have teasers from the contributions of our five guest artists! All listed handles are twitter, except for Mornintide’s, which is tumblr. Check out their pages, they’re all amazing!
Pre-order the zine here!
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milestonesxzine · 5 years
A Note About Preorders
Hello all! We want to let everyone who’s followed our progress here at Milestones know that we are so, so grateful for your support – especially to those who have already placed their preorders of the Milestones Zine! As we’ve watched the orders come in, we’re making plans about the best way to get everything printed and shipped off to our fellow Killugon fans.
However, there’s something we want to make everyone aware of:
The availability of printed, physical zines is entirely dependent on the number of preorders we get. The more orders we get, the more cost effective it will be to get zines printed. However, we need to meet a minimum of orders so the cost of printing and shipping the zines doesn’t exceed the funds we have available – funds that come from the merch orders and preorders. As of yet, we have not met this minimum. We still have about another 3 weeks before preorders are open, so it’s quite possible we will reach our minimum within that time frame. However, we wanted to inform those of you who have placed orders what we’re considering if we don’t meet our minimum requirement to print zines. Option 1 We extend the preorder time! If you’re interested in ordering one of the bundles that includes the physical copy, but can’t before the end of February, let us know. If there’s enough interest, we’ll extend the deadline to allow more time for orders.
Option 2 We send partial refunds while still providing PDFs and merch to those who paid. If we can’t afford to send out physical zines, we’re not going to make anyone pay for a physical zine, so if we choose this option we’ll send back partial refunds, but make sure that you still get the PDF for Milestones as well as the merch if you purchased either of the higher bundles. Merch production isn’t going to be adversely affected by the number of preorders because the pricing isn’t as steep as it is for a full-color art book.
Let us know what you think! If you want us to extend orders, let us know and we’ll take that into account. In the meantime, please spread word that preorders are available! Reblog, share, let your friends know. Our current deadline is the end of February. Here’s our shop: https://gumroad.com/milestoneszine
Thanks, The Milestones Team
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