mileyyywasheree · 5 days
hi guys… guess who’s back :33 me !!
just got out of school but anyways leave recs for we to write !!
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mileyyywasheree · 17 days
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here’s what i’ve done!
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here’s what he’s done
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and here’s the bases to both of those
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mileyyywasheree · 19 days
anyways here’s a molly sketch
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chat we tried
anyways the ref i used
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mileyyywasheree · 21 days
dutch van der line headcannons
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(ik some of yall freaks like a nasty, womanizer, disgusting, evil, manipulative man, but he is not treating you good. like at alllllllll)
(get therapy)
(daddy issues?)
(me too.)
general -
preaches all the time, you just have to roll your eyes
always digging in his drawls.
sniffs his hand after.
always PLANning dates with his ol girl (hosea)
twists his mustache, i can’t help but see it
forgets to turn the radio at night, so the who camp has to listen while trying to fall asleep (ik that’s not what it’s call but i can’t no spell that 😭😭)
“oh- no no. not like that— like this“ *proceeds to do the same thing you did.*
has long toe hair. like terrible
prob one of the best smelling men.
biggest manspreader too
dating -
very distant at times, but also very affectionate.. giving mixed signals?
type to spoil you, in gifts, praises, touches, whatever you want when you want.
hogs the blanket, this man is evil, what do you expect
calls you over so you can sit on his lap as he plans his terrible, stupid, self destroying plans. (love hate relationship with this man, if u can’t tell)
possessive lover, either jewelry, or marks. everyone knows your his woman
talk night talks when you can’t sleep
reads to you a lot, mostly american literature and poetry.
likes to feel as if you need him. constantly asking ‘who do you belong too? that’s right me.’
nsfw (mdni!) -
hard dom, like i do not think you could get this man to ever be a bottom, he needs to have the power over you.
he’s rough, bite marks, hickeys, hair pulling, indents in your hips from how hard he grips them.
likes doggy the best, so he can have leverage on your hair so he can pull, bringing you delicious pain
he’s very random on when he wants to have sex, always pulling you away to his tent or room.
constantly teasing you. lingering hand on your waist, eye contact from across the camp, basically fucking you with his eyes.
constantly having bruises on your hips, bruises on his fingertips digging into your flesh.
not that good at aftercare, most i can see is him laying there with you.
“that was fun.” *leaves.*
basically the whole actions after
i told u he was a butthole
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mileyyywasheree · 24 days
guys i’m sick
i have a stuffy nose ☝️🤓
guys i’m dying
i’m coughing
i think i have tb
i’m arthur
arthur is me
bye now
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mileyyywasheree · 26 days
Dutch isn't NEARLY as bad as your posts make him out to be
This is like, the tenth Dutch stan I've had in my inbox and I really don't understand it. Is he good looking? Not my type, but I can see the appeal. Is his actor, Benjamin Byron Davis, a cracking cool guy? Absolutely. Is his voice distinguished af? It's art, my guy.
But not as bad as I make him out to be? Okay, let's recap:
He treated everyone around him like tools and consistently brushed off, ignored, argued with, and cut down his best friend, even when he clearly wasn't feeling well.
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He killed a young mother in Blackwater, even though it was against his "code" to kill innocents.
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He abused/neglected his girlfriend, who was nothing but loyal and completely devoted to him, and he overall has no respect for women.
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He repeatedly made excuses for his bad behaviour, saying he "had no choice". He did, in fact, have a choice. Every single time.
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Even though it made her uncomfortable, he lusted after Mary-Beth (who was basically his daughter) as soon as she came of age.
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He singlehandedly got the young warriors of the Wapiti Tribe wiped out by manipulating them into fighting a battle he knew they couldn't win, just so he could get his hands on some useless bonds. This ultimately left the Chief childless/heirless and forced what was left of the tribe to flee to Canada. He called them, and I quote: "Canon fodder."
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He left his SON to die alone on a mountain, knowing full well he didn't actually betray him. Arthur poured his heart out during this scene, but Dutch still walked away.
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In RDR, he's a wanted mass murderer and a rapist. Yes, Dutch is a rapist, as told by Archer Fordham, who isn't known to mince words. John in no way denies the accusation and simply responds with a melancholic, "He was a good man once." This falls in line with the fact that Dutch has zero respect for women and lusts after younger girls.
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He shoots a frightened, innocent young bank teller in the head for "sport" and calls Abigail a whore, all while making fun of John for marrying her.
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Finally, he ruins John's life and tries to kill him, even though he's also basically his son. In RDR2, he even tries to guilt trip John into putting the gang before his family. There's literally an interaction where he berates John and says, "Just remember, the gang comes first." In reality, he should've done what Hosea did and encouraged him to leave, as any good father would have.
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Not as bad as I make him out to be? Anon, he's garbage. A borderline cult leader with delusions of grandeur. Honestly, what does this man have to DO for people to see him for what he is?
I understand he's a complex character (I appreciate him in that regard), I understand it's fun to fantasize and analyse and I even think it's fun to imagine what he was like while raising our protagonists, but come on. Don't tell me he's "not that bad". You'd be hard pressed to find a man lower. Yes, it's certainly possible and even likely he wasn't always a bad person, but his past doesn't matter. All we can do is judge him based on his actions via the events of RDR/2.
Preemptively, I know someone's going to bring up the concussion or "mental illness" argument, but we have proof Dutch was bad before the trolly crash, and--coming from someone who suffers from multiple diagnosed mental illnesses--it's not an excuse. I find the mental illness theory particularly insulting, because it's not and never has been an acceptable reason to hurt others. In addition, most people with mental illnesses statistically don't become murderers/rapists/criminal masterminds, and Dutch is still cognizant enough to make informed decisions. He knows right from wrong, he just doesn't care. If Dutch is indeed a psychopath or a sociopath or a narcissist or whatever else people claim, it might explain his behaviour, but it wouldn't excuse it. That's a very slippery slope.
That said, I want to make it abundantly clear that I honestly don't have anything against you if you like Dutch (he's a fictional character, after all), but ... come on. If you'd never seen what he was like prior to the gang's downfall, I doubt you'd be saying he's "not that bad".
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mileyyywasheree · 26 days
she’s my spirt animal
Hey lesbians,
you may be thinking: “is that a dirty, muddy blanket that this girl just pulled out of a shallow river?”
and to that i answer: yes. yes it is.
but i had to work to get this dirty, nasty blanket out of the water. i had to fish it out with a really cool long stick.
you wanna know what else is long and cool, lesbians?
my list of mental illnesses. and my massive-
anyways, i didn’t just use a long stick to get this awful, mucky blanket. oh no. i had to get my hands in there. and i’m not afraid to get my hands dirty in some wet, filthy folds.
and oh yeah. my dms are open. your move, lesbians.
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mileyyywasheree · 28 days
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Blessed are the peacemakers...
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mileyyywasheree · 29 days
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
"Abigail is so anoying! All she does is complain!"
I would too if I were raising my child while on the run from the government. The father of my child denies that he is the daddy because of the things I had to do in order to survive an era that gave me no rights just because I was born a woman!
Abigail Marston! They could never make me hate you!
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
if y’all want me to write malexmale your going to have to tell me 😭 also i doubt there’s barley going to be any nsfw bc i dont rlly know much abt guy on guy lol 😭😭
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
charles smith headcannons
normal/dating 😛
(guys i wrote this on the bus myb 😞😞)
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general -
feel like he’d constantly go riding for walking in the woods for hours.
kinda cannon but i feel like he’s very spiritual.
keeps that photo of him and his family when he was younger close and always protected.
kinda like arthur and how he talks to his horses.
the bromance between him and arthur is STRONGGG
barely drinks, but when he does he’s very lightweight (bar scene in the second chapter)
feel like he’d smoke weed, like it makes sense 🧘‍♀️
sweats a lot (idk 😭 he just looks sweaty)
dating -
big on touching, always has a firm hand on your hip or waist.
touching and this kinda go hand in hand, BUT
he’s biggest cuddler ever. usually the big spoon, but probably doesn’t mind either way. i feel like his favorite cuddling poses are like you laying on his chest, or him wrapping himself around you.
takes you on rides whenever he can.
let’s you braid his hair occasionally.
feel like he’d pick flowers to give to you like almost everyday
def into chubby women (not saying he would date sm1 skinny)
nsfw (mdni) -
size kink. he’s big, and he knows it.
kinda like arthur, soft dom fs.
definitely more vocal i feel like, grunts type shiii.
this man loves, and i mean LOVESS when you ride him.
loves any position where he can see your face.
he wants you to mark him up (my source, i told u so)
guy ik it’s short but yeah 😞 more will b coming i might write a fanfic
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
oh shit i didn’t know dutch was chill like that
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who amongst you is oomfie and who is softblocking me
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
i’m sorry but the arthur morgan x john marston is borderline incest
liekkkk what the frick ☝️🤓
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mileyyywasheree · 1 month
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Quoth Rob Wiethoff : While I don’t know much about velociraptors, if they existed today, there’s a good chance they could kill you.
Textless and alternate version under the cut
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mileyyywasheree · 2 months
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this scene is always so funny to me
like why are yall having a slumber party LMAOOO
kicking their feet and giggling😝
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