militarycrab-blog · 7 years
have senatorchang:
Yeah, I don’t want to lose a nut. I actually want kids in the near future. Screw it being too early. I’m excited for you now.
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Well, she said she was jealous of herself for getting the perfect wedding and proposal. I just want to give that to her, but I don’t know how. I can’t exactly steal the rings off her finger. Best man.. I think you just might have to help, if you have the time.
You can still have some with one, unless you’re already walking around with big secrets. But good, I’ll spare you for once. You with a little one... I think I could actually imagine that. Is that something you guys have been thinking about before all... this? 
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Well, she’s small. I could definitely hold her down and steal her rings for you. No but in all seriousness, I’m all in. Especially if you’re calling me Best man again. Maybe that’s just the way it should be, making new memories for the two of you. And lots of people renew their vows so it’s not like it would have to be a secret either. Just tell me what I can do. Finding out ring sizes, stealing her out of the house to give you some time, ... you say it, I’ll find a way to do it. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
That’s a good point. Hey, nobody’s perfect. Well, I guess since I can’t remember much except high school, but I’m not going to hold that against you. Obviously we’ve become friends over the years for some reason, so I’m trusting that. You’ve just grown up. Nothing wrong with turning over a new leaf.
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I’m very glad that you guys can see it that way. I don’t know if I’d be the same way if the roles were different. Let’s just thank the army for that. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Apparently so! Lol. Well that’s a good thing then; as you shouldn’t. I’ve been told that thrown green apples into your smoothies will mask a lot of the veggie flavor. My crazy thing?? Hmm. I’m actually not sure anymore. As sad as that is. For the moment, let’s go with that and my sugar addiction. I don’t remember eating this stuff or much at all when I was in high school but apparently I do now. I’m also a little OCD when it comes to laundry. I separate everything.
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Green apples, huh? While you do your M&M research, I’ll see if green apples mask spinach. And a load of other crap. Maybe this is the right moment to just dump the old things and find out new ones, though. Sugar is definitely a good choice. So you’re one of those laundry fairies? I’m thankful every day that men’s clothing doesn’t have as many different fabrics as women’s clothing do. I’d be completely lost if they did...
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
We sure do. Do you? That’s great then, Sebastian, best of luck on it all. I’ve been doing pretty well, work hasn’t really slowed down but then if it did, I’d probably be out of a job eventually.
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That’s good to hear. Well, good thing for you guys that assholes will never cease to exist. Because you guys making your own work would be pretty damn scary.
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Oh definitely. You’ll be on my mind - probably even the first one on my mind.
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Just make sure Mike doesn’t get too jealous, thinking so much about me. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
But I’m not like everyone else, Sebby. You’ve stuck by me when no one else would. Hanging out time is something that is always needed. Really? Well, I’m proud of you. Things are going. Work is work, as usual. Rachel is jealous of herself..or other self because of our wedding and what not. I told her that I wouldn’t mind renewing our vows to give her the wedding that she wants. Would that be a bad thing? I know what you mean. Tours are not for the faint of heart in the slightest. But, Seb, I really am proud of your decision. I’m sure you’ll be a great social worker. I know you like to read people sometimes, so that would definitely help.
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You know I love you, Mike Chang, but call me Sebby one more time and you might lose a nut. Eh, I still have a long way to go so it’s a little early to be excited. But a man’s gotta have something. 
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private:  So Berry wants to marry you? I don’t really know what to say. That’s great. Of course that’s not a bad thing. She wants you and she can’t stand the fact that she doesn’t remember marrying you. I’m really happy for you, man.
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Kurt couldn’t possibly be more folded into himself as he sat perched on his stool.  He laughed because Sebastian did and even if both of them knew it was because he was trying to lighten the mood, going along with it was easier than not.  Or maybe it was just an uncomfortable sort of laugh?  Reading someone he barely knew was taxing but his astute observation from the corners of his eyes of the man beside him did trigger something.  He knew that look on Sebastian’s face.  Because he was so used to making it himself.  His own version for his own reasons.  But how far off could they be?
Hearing about jealousy, or the lack thereof, made his stomach tighten a little.  How true was it? He wanted to believe Sebastian.  That he was understanding and would give him the amount of time he needed to properly get over this.  He just wasn’t sure.  Not yet anyway.  Not with knowing that the person who Sebastian actually came here to see wasn’t going to come home anytime soon.  Kurt wondered maybe if at all.  
Bringing that up wasn’t going to do him or his case any good.  So, he didn’t..for now maybe..and just continued on with the conversation.  Bottom lip jutting out as he toyed with the edge of his mug handle in thought on what to say next.  After a brief pause, he found his words again (his wits were still a little scattered..and had been since he opened the door..) and cleared his throat.  “I guess it’s a lot nicer that you do like me.  I mean..  This would feel impossible if you didn’t.  Even if I haven’t given you any reason to..and absolutely none to trust me.  It’s just..I don’t like hurting people. Lately, that feels like it’s about all I do..and I’m just trying how to figure out not to.”  Shoulders hitched in a shrug and he peeked over at Sebastian again.
“Most of the time?  I just want to go back home, you know..?”
Sebastian wrapped his hands around his cup after taking another sip, the faint smile still on his face. There was something about this situation that made it both awkward and not. Something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Part of him wished he would have gone the moment Kurt had told him that Dave wan’t there. But at the same time their conversation was more honest than he had probably been in months. He had never been the one to talk too much about feelings and worries, even though even he couldn’t deny that he had opened up a lot during the past couple of years.
But there were some things that he could never say out loud. Like how the thought of just letting Blaine had definitely crossed his mind. That maybe he wasn’t the right person for his husband anymore. That he was drinking coffee with that person right now. The thought of something like that ending was enough to make his stomach turn.
“It’s definitely nicer. It just would be a lot easier if I was little more of an ass and just told you to stay away. Not that I want that.” He clarified himself as soon as he realized how harsh that probably sounded. “I just want things to be less complicated.” A deep and honest sigh escaped him as he placed his elbow on the table, letting his face rest on his fist. “I don’t think you guys are hurting people by the way. I mean, yeah of course it hurts. But it’s not something you’re actively doing. It’s just the this whole situation... it’s bullshit. I don’t have another word for it.”
“It’s weird, isn’t it? From the outside you have the perfect life. I mean... the perfect job, perfect husband, a nice home, the good coffee machine...” he laughed, not really sure why. “Who would have known that that middle part, where it all becomes yours, was so important?”
Unplanned || Kurtbastian
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Sebastian…it’s really sweet what you’re saying here, actually I would say it’s beautiful. I am not sure where this is coming from, but I can tell you, that I feel the same way - you guys are my family. Over the last weeks…months more than ever before. 
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Good. So if you ever need a drunk uncle to tell stories to or a brother to kick Mike’s ass you know where to find me. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
I definitely get that, but I’m sure you’re healthy enough as it is! Hmm, maybe there’s something you could put in them to give you an extra pep in your step? Or to at least help them taste better?
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Well, I guess that’s my crazy thing. It’s not like I’m totally crazy about it, though. Blaine still likes the good things in life, and I’m not going to pass when pizza is ordered. So, what’s your crazy thing? Or is experimenting with candy about it? 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Would it maybe at least make it a little more… efficient? You’re welcome, but why would anyone be confused by it?
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Most probably... But I guess efficiency isn’t always top priority. Maybe confused is the wrong word, but we all know I’ve done my fair share of bad shit. Might be a bit fresher in your memory than mine...
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
I…thank you. Even though I am not 100 % sure what you mean since…this is not my life. Not really. I haven’t lived it. I didn’t make those choices. Well��I am not even sure, it was actually terrifying to go back to a life I used to miss, knowing what comes. It was strange.
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But everything you did came forth from the person you are, though. It may not be your life, but you’re still you and I know quite a lot of people who love you for that. All I’m saying is that you guys are like my family, and so far that hasn’t changed. And that’s about as sappy as I get. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Would you really call this a superpower though? I do believe that too by the way…when I was back…I tried so hard to act normal always thinking that one wrong move could change things.
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Okay, maybe that was a wrong example. You did get where you are on a series of choices that not many people would dare to make though. And I respect you for that. You know, I keep trying to imagine what it must be like to be back there... at least you guys don’t have to pretend with us here. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Of course I love you, man. You’ve been my best friend for.. how long now? Oh okay. Well, if you ever need to talk about any of it, just let me know.  I’ll always have an ear out to listen. That’s cool that you’ll be able to do both, if you wanted to. That is a good idea though. So what made you pick social work?
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You know you’re my best friend, too. I doubt there’s many people who would have stuck it out as long with me as you have. I’ll surely remember that. I might use that time for just some hanging out though, because believe it or not... for the first time in months I actually feel like I’m going the right way, doing the right thing. The same goes for you too, though. How are things going for you? Why I chose social work? I guess I’ve just seen some shit, I guess. I’ve stayed in one piece for now, but sometimes I believe that just makes me lucky. Luckily it’s not all that dramatic, or I would have stopped a long time ago, but if I could make myself useful in another way, to help figure things out for those guys, then how could I not go for that? 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Look at me, I didn’t go to college at all and even if - i wouldn’t remember it.
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But you have a superpower that I don’t have. The amount of people having the inside of their plates dumped on their heads would be too damn high if I were you. I’d make an inappropriate joke about you guys kicking my younger self to college if you have the chance, but I do believe our decisions brought us where we are. Or were... whatever...
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
Oh no, I don’t think it sounds boring. It actually sound amazing if you ask me.
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Well, amazing isn’t really the word I’d use yet. Kinda makes me wish I would have gone for college when everyone did, but I can’t complain.
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
You’re so smart. Oh c’mon now! I doubt I’m the only one!
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I have less time to hit the gym now, so I thought a healthier diet might be the way to go. And trust me, nobody gets happy from green shakes. 
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militarycrab-blog · 7 years
You’re welcome, and good then! You would think with the way everything is digitized now there wouldn’t be so much, right? Good though, I’m glad! Oh wow, that’s incredible, Seb. Takes a special kind of person for that job. I think you’d be great at it.
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I’m usually all here for digitizing things, but doing it will paperwork will sadly enough not make it any better or more enjoyable.  Well, thank you. It’s actually quite nice to know people aren’t confused by the idea, which is what I kinda was prepared for. 
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