militerate-blog · 4 years
" Bridging the gaps between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants"
By : Group 8
A lot of times, we've been asked by our parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, about a lot of things regarding their gadgets and social media platforms. Certain phrases or sentences of theirs, includes "Hija/Hijo, come here. Where can I find the camera in this thing?" or "How can post stuff like them?". It's not their fault,for this kind of situation has turned into a cycle. Innovation never rests,and almost every year, new things are being invented. Someday, we'll be the ones asking our children about how to use certain technologies, or social media platforms. So, it's best to teach those we know who are digital immigrants, about how to use new technologies that hadn't exist in their youth. By doing that, we'd be bridging the gap between the digital natives and the digital immigrants.We need to engage to narrow the digital gap ,so that we can implement our next generation on how to handle technolgies with the use of desciplinary action so that we can make our children better more respectful of modern digital devices and also we can educate our next generation on how to act as a young age on how we can over come fear of shame with the use of technologies.
Another example is ,my mom recently bought a Smartphone and told me to teach her on how to operate the gadget so that she could Socialize with our Relatives and Friends, so everytime she holds her phone she keeps asking me how and where, its really not their fault that there's technology, its inevitable especially in our current situation and how I fix this gap is to teach them about new things, Introduce them to the world of convenience. There are lots of situations that i have encountered that shows Digital Divide. My mom got her latest Android phone this year and she's coping on how to use it, she always asked me how to do this certain things (how to mention in a comment section, how gmail works etc.)Me as a Digital Native I should share my knowledge to the digital immigrants. By teaching them why, how, when, to use New Media or any kind of media. As a literate digital native. can bridge the gap of digital natives and digital immigrants by practicing patience when teaching the digital immigrants of the proper usage of internet. I will tell the digital immigrants what's the benefits of using technology and initiates what they want to learn and slowly but surely explain to them precisely after that I will give them time to practice and practice so they can easily learned from it.
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militerate-blog · 4 years
" The Setbacks of Piracy "
By : Group 8
Piracy is the unauthorized copying of softwares or such films. It is a federal crime, of which will cause grave punishments to those who go against the law about piracy. It robs profits from industries of which may or may not lead to bankruptcy. Because the lack of profits in industries (which means lack of money) will make it difficult for them to invest in certain necessities for a project, resulting to low productivity and quality. Pirated softwares or films, though it almost costs free, can infect computers, phones, tablets, and etc, which makes it very risky. It cannot be tolerated.Piracy negatively affects every single person working in these industries and their supply chains. There is less money to invest in new software, developing music artists, and movies. ... Most of the people who lost work because of piracy and stolen profits will struggle for the means to support their families.
Piracy is one of the most uncontrollable issue/happenings that you can encounter. Watching it from a cd/dvd or it can be on any online sites. Piracy has a negative effect on the economy by reducing sales in music/movie industries.The legal copies is lesser demand that cause a low sale of income to the intended industry/company. People prefer pirated movie because it's cheaper and sometimes , there's no price but they don't know what's the negative effect of it especially to the workers of the music/film industry , there are higher chances that they lose there job because of major losses of the revenue to the industry.Piracy is stealing. If you are caught copying or distributing copyrighted content digitally without permission, such as music or software you could be held liable under both civil and criminal laws.
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militerate-blog · 4 years
"The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual"
By: Group 8
Being media and information literate is very important in order for us to locate , analyze and use information properly. We have the knowledge to become a responsible user and it makes us wiser on how we consume media. It keeps us updated and prepared so that we could adapt to different situations. It helps our modern minds become functional, efficient, and skillful in both the physical and digital society. Proper and effective communication requires efficient and truthful information so that people can easily adapt the messages correctly.Information and media literacy provides good training and education for all of the people around the globe to be able to adapt to this new world and for the changes of the upcoming future.One of the values of being an information and media literate is to have discernment as users. And to be skilled, responsible creators of information and media.Being an information and media literate is the solution to destroy the rising toxicity in social media or media itself. You’ll gain knowledge and discernment to be a better citizen and or netizen. The importance of being a media and information literate person is very crucial nowadays because we are living in the 21st century which revolves us with rapid growth of technologies such as television, computers, cellphones, radio’s and other medium for information. Being literate about media and information will give us advantage in our modern world today especially in terms of giving and gathering information knowing best most of the false and accurate information in different kinds of medium especially in media. A country with citizens that is media and information literate will gain more advantage compare to other countries which stays in traditional way of being literate such as referring to libraries, archive, newspaper and etc., Mostly in terms of good governance and accountability. Some other benefits are to improve the quality of life, improved learning environment and more cohesive learning units.
The purpose of being information and media literate is to engage in different kind of media to communicate, you must be able to understand, create, inquire, communicate and think critically. It is important to access, organize, analyze, create messages in a effective way.There is a lot of value about being literate in Media and Information, Media and Information is important to our everyday lives. It gives us very important thing that we need nowadays, able to know or to be update , aware, of what is happening in our surroundings. It gives us opportunity to connect with our friends, basically connect with everyone by using Media. Sharing, posting, and getting information, research, chat, is what we usually do everyday. That’s why we need to be vigilant, we need know how we are going to use them in a way we’re we can be a citizen who used Media in a Effective way.
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