milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
i might .... make a new blog . 
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milkhney · 5 years
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Florence Pugh | W Magazine
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
so  in  my  sleep  deprived  state  i  accidentally  deleted  my  starter  call  so  idk  who  liked  it  so  hi  ,  i’m  back  .  still  too  lazy  for  drafts  ,  still  want  more  threads  so  yea  .  .  .  like  this  if  u  would  like  a  starter  based  on  ur  wishlist  .  i’ll  come  to  u  for  muse  .
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milkhney · 5 years
i WANT a rockstar muse who lets all the fame get to his head and thinks every girl wants him and he’s just a fucking dick cus of daddy issues and the public making him this god awful person ( which he kinda is ). and then he has a ship with a girl who is his new assistant and she gets tired of dealing with his bullshit and calls him out and he’s like whoa,,, ur hot,,,, and it’s just this hateful relationship full of arguing and insults and maybe sexual tension ? someone pls i wanna play the guy
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milkhney · 5 years
give me a mob boss’ second hand man/protege that has a secret love affair with the mob boss’ daughter and they’ve had a fling for awhile and they both pretend like it’s not like serious serious but they are in love and they have to hide it from everybody (especially the mob boss) and she’s always worried about him doing dangerous shit & getting involved in dangerous shit but she knows it comes with the lifestyle and he’s hella protective over her like is willing to literally kill for her and it’s scandalous and dramatic and forbidden because when the mob boss took him under his wing, he literally said “rule #1 is you don’t touch my daughter”…… somebody give me that… 
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milkhney · 5 years
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milkhney · 5 years
all   i   can   ever   think   about   is   two   toxic   ass   exes   who   really   shouldn’t   have   anything   to   do   with   one   another   showing   up   at   the   function   with   someone   else   on   their   arm   only   to   make   each   other   jealous   .   like   hushed   ‘   why   would   you   bring   them   ???   ’   and   hot   n   heavy   make outs   in   the   closet   while   they’re   hiding   from   their   dates   ..   i   just   really   love   angst   ,   ok.
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milkhney · 5 years
b a s e d . for @onckiss​ .
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a  crowd  began  to  form  around  the  pair  now ,  and  everyone  had  their  phones  out  –––  this  was  definitely  going  to  end  up  online  by  the  end  of  the  day  and  aaron’s  parents  would  kill  him  for  getting  into  a  fight  over  something  stupid .  but  he  didn’t  care ,  all  he  cared  about  was  making  sure  the  male  in  front  of  him  understood  never  to  mess  with  his  relationship  ever  again .  as  his  fist  connected  with  the  other  male’s  jaw  one  last  time ,  the  brunet  pushed  him  into  the  crowd .  ‘ i  said,  stay  the  fuck  away  otherwise  next  time  ,  you  will  end  up  in  hospital ! ’  the  other  didn’t  reply  and  instead  pushed  the  crowd  apart  in  order  for  him  to  dash  away  .  a  smirk  of  triumph  appeared  on  aaron’s  face  for  less  than  a  second  before  feeling  someone  grabbing  his  upper  arm  and  pulling  him  away  from  the  crowd .  he  knew  it  was  her  and  his  face  fell  knowing  that  she  would  relish  in  the  male’s  jealous  actions  ,  aaron  had  lost  this  round  .
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milkhney · 5 years
b a s e d . for @onckiss​
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as  she  crawled  along  the  top  of  the  crane  a  string  of  profanities  left  the  female’s  lips ,  she  couldn’t  believe  she  was  about  to  hang  from  this  fifty  story  building .  did  she  even  have  the  upper  body  strength  to  do  so ?  the  further  she  crawled ,  the  more  her  palms  started  to  sweat  –––  grabbing  onto  a  nearby  pole ,  zoey  rubbed  her  hands  over  her  jeans  profusely ,  hopefully  that  would  help  with  her  grip .  “ hang  for  five  seconds ”  the  bot  tells  her  while  also  scaring  her  half  to  death ,  she  can’t  back  out ,  all  her  friends  are  stood  at  the  window  cheering  for  her .  carefully ,  the  brunette  begins  to  descend  the  crane  –––  as  she  reaches  the  last  bar ,  the  bot  reappears  telling  her  to  “ hang  with  one  hand . ”  as  she  lowers  her  last  leg ,  zoey’s  breathing  gets  heavier ,  ‘ holy  shit ! ’  she  whispers  to  herself  before  letting  one  hand  slip  from  the  metal  bar .  after  closing  her  eyes ,  she  began  to  count  down ;  ‘ five…  four…  three…  two…  one… '  a  sigh  of  relief  slips  from  her  lips  as  her  other  hand  gripped  onto  the  bar .  dare  complete .  after  pulling  herself  back  up  and  crawling  back  to  the  window ,  she  smiled  as  her  friends  stood  cheering  for  her .  ‘ party  back  at  my  place  to  celebrate ! ”  zoey  yells  at  the  group  before  they  all  yell  back  and  run  off.  ‘ oh  my  god ,  i  did  it !  how  proud  are  you  right  now ? ”  she  asked  as  she  turned  around  to  face  her  best  friend  behind  her ,  breathing  still  heavy  and  heart  still  racing .
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