millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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And we’re done! <3 love ya’ll
A Memory Undone Masterlist // AO3
warnings: cheeky humor, mildest of mild spice ~2.4k words
Epilogue, 1 year later
It was raining as it always was this time of year.  Rivulets of water rolled down the car window, gray clouds thick and heady on the horizon. Feyre was still trying to find beauty in it—the stormy skies. Even a year after she’d woken up from that terrible accident and she still struggled with feeling safe and at ease. But she was doing better. Not perfect, but better.
She’d even managed to start driving herself around again.
Only on the shortest possible routes to places she knew and felt comfortable going to, but she’d done it.  She was driving alone and perfectly safe.  And it was raining.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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Thank-you for sticking with me on this story.  Thank-you for the comments.  Thank-you.  Epilogue will be soon.
@thegloweringcastle​ has been such a huge help throughout this story and I am so grateful.  We wouldn’t be here without you.
Warnings: medical talk and hospital stays, descriptions of IVs etc. ~5.4k words
A Memory Undone Masterlist // AO3
Part Twelve
Feyre hated hospitals.
If she never had to step into another hospital, it would be too soon.
“Why can’t I see my husband?” she demanded in the middle of the ER.  She knew she should have cared about causing more chaos in an already tense place, but she just needed answers.  Now.
Kallias, the same doctor that had treated her, stood before her with sympathy in his eyes.  She didn’t want sympathy; she wanted her husband.  Kallias’ icy blond hair fell into his face as he, again, tried to explain.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Feysand fic based off of this ask.  you can find it on AO3 here. 
warnings: none! just some fun :)
Rainstorms and Strangers
There was a storm raging outside the car.  It was the kind with lashing rain and sharp wind that made everything seem just a little bit more miserable.  Feyre stared out into it through her windshield and questioned her life choices.  She knew that she was not going to get out of the car and endure it. She didn’t like the rain and she didn’t like how dark it was this time of year. It was the middle of December and it was only six at night but felt like the outside had turned into a yawning black hole.
She much preferred the warmth of her car, thank you very much.
“I hate Prythian,” she muttered.  It seemed to be her motto as of late.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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After this is just one chapter followed by the epilogue!
…also…don’t hate me…
A Memory Undone Masterlist // AO3 Link
Warnings: angst. ~6k words
Part Eleven
The next few days passed, surprisingly, without much fanfare.  And even more surprisingly, without any awkward interactions between Rhys and Feyre.
After the attempted discussion of wedding rings and his subsequent feral behavior, Rhys had given Feyre her space.  He’d returned to sleeping on the couch, which he greatly regretted, and he’d become even more careful to not touch her or get too close to her.
It was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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we’re winding down and i have no self control so here we go…
warnings: mild angst, mild steam ~4.5k words
A Memory Undone Masterlist // Fic Playlist
Part Ten
Nesta arrived the next morning at eleven.  She was unapologetically late with bags of groceries and a carrier of coffee in hand.
“How much coffee did you get?” Feyre asked taking the carrier from her.  The four slots were full with various drinks, one was obviously Nesta’s with the lipstick stain at the top.
“I didn’t know what you’d want, so I got a few different mixes,” Nesta shrugged. She headed straight to the kitchen as she kept talking. “There’s a hot chocolate with extra whip, an iced latte with caramel, and something with like five shots of espresso and ten sugars.  I dunno Gwyn swears by it.”
Strangely, it didn’t surprise Feyre that Gwyn would drink straight chaos in a cup.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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we’re winding down and i have no self control so here we go…
warnings: mild angst, mild steam ~4.5k words
A Memory Undone Masterlist // Fic Playlist
Part Ten
Nesta arrived the next morning at eleven.  She was unapologetically late with bags of groceries and a carrier of coffee in hand.
“How much coffee did you get?” Feyre asked taking the carrier from her.  The four slots were full with various drinks, one was obviously Nesta’s with the lipstick stain at the top.
“I didn’t know what you’d want, so I got a few different mixes,” Nesta shrugged. She headed straight to the kitchen as she kept talking. “There’s a hot chocolate with extra whip, an iced latte with caramel, and something with like five shots of espresso and ten sugars.  I dunno Gwyn swears by it.”
Strangely, it didn’t surprise Feyre that Gwyn would drink straight chaos in a cup.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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warnings: just some mild angst ~4.8k words
Here we go! there will be 13 parts total, epilogue included.  A giant thank you goes to @thegloweringcastle​ for your support and kindness with helping get this story out <3
Also I made a playlist for this fic, check it out here if you want!
A Memory Undone Masterlist
Part Nine
She didn’t know what exactly startled her awake, but when Feyre reached out across the bed and was met with cool sheets—she knew.  Rhys had left.
She’d known it was coming, he’d told her last night that things in the office were stressful.  But it was still disconcerting not to have Rhys there.  Funny how it had taken so little time to get used to him being beside her.  And funny how she wanted him here.  There was something so natural about him being a part of her, even if she was a little scared to admit it.
Last night at Rita’s had been more fun than she’d expected it to be.  It had helped her feel at ease with not just Rhys, but their friends and family too.  It had felt like a perfectly normal thing to do, something that would have happened back before the accident.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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warnings: just some mild angst ~4.8k words
Here we go! there will be 13 parts total, epilogue included.  A giant thank you goes to @thegloweringcastle​ for your support and kindness with helping get this story out <3
Also I made a playlist for this fic, check it out here if you want!
A Memory Undone Masterlist
Part Nine
She didn’t know what exactly startled her awake, but when Feyre reached out across the bed and was met with cool sheets—she knew.  Rhys had left.
She’d known it was coming, he’d told her last night that things in the office were stressful.  But it was still disconcerting not to have Rhys there.  Funny how it had taken so little time to get used to him being beside her.  And funny how she wanted him here.  There was something so natural about him being a part of her, even if she was a little scared to admit it.
Last night at Rita’s had been more fun than she’d expected it to be.  It had helped her feel at ease with not just Rhys, but their friends and family too.  It had felt like a perfectly normal thing to do, something that would have happened back before the accident.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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A Memory Undone
They say accidents happen for a reason.  Feyre would like to know what sort of reasoning is behind this one.
After waking up from a coma, Feyre Archeron Avitas discovers that not only has she been asleep for nearly two years, but she has also lost three years worth of memories.  Memories that include a husband.  Reconciliation with her sisters.  A life that by the looks of it was worth living for.  And yet her past remains a blank page.  As she adjusts to her new life, Feyre begins to come to terms with the fact that some things are meant to change–even her.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part …
Link back to my main masterlist // Fic Playlist
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Lot of the hate the inner circle gets is because people think they’re obligated to help their favs. “They were mean to Lucien” “They ignored Nesta when she was traumatized” “Rhys kicked Tamlin when he was already down”. Babe who cares? The inner circle isn’t a shelter for traumatized lonely people. They’re not therapists who are obligated to hold your hand through dark times. They don’t HAVE to treat your favs with kindness and understanding especially when your favs have done them dirty? Y’all think just because you love and understand these nasty ass characters, that means the ic is supposed to too.
Sorry but y’all sound like those miserable losers in school who hated the popular kids just because they overlooked you. GROW UP. Your favs aren’t entitled to everyone’s love and care. And truthfully, if everyone in this series liked each other, it would be boring as fuck.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
I cannot explain the happiness I feel when I think about Rhys
This man literally spent 50 years in hell, fell in love, met back with his family when he thought he will never see them again, his soulmate loved him back, all of his family and his mate survived the war, his city stayed relatively safe, he got a son
He's gonna have his happily ever after with Feyre and Nyx
After his whole 500 year life was living hell in most of it, he can finally be just a happy dad in love with the most baddest females in the world
He can play matchmaker with his wife for the rest of his family
He will spend days with his son, giving him the love that he never got from his own dad
It just makes me so happy that they can finally be happy together
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Based on the Anon prompt: Rhys’ birthday
Yes, I do over use the idea that feyre gifts Rhys painted pictures, what of it? It’s right around 1.8k words
The Things We Cannot Say Masterlist // AO3
The Gifts We Give
The subtle notes of a piano compilation drifted through a small set of speakers and created a soft ambiance through the apartment.  At least, it should have.  It was the usual playlist Feyre put on when she was ready to sit down and paint, however that afternoon didn’t invite or entice anything productive.  Feyre instead found herself staring at the empty canvas before her.  Her paints and brushes were already lined up and ready to go, she even had a few reference sketches on the table beside her. She’d only been here twenty minutes but already knew nothing would come to here for what to paint.
Over the last fifteen years since she’d first stopped talking, Feyre had been in and out of several different therapy types.  Painting and art had proven to be the most effective as she grew older. While she never spoke, art helped her channel her emotions and helped her process her grief. By the time she was sixteen though, her father stopped paying for all the different types of therapy.  She’d never started talking again, so it must not be doing anything useful.  Even when the counselors told him progress was being made, all he cared about was having Feyre speak again.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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warnings: the usual, not as angsty as I may have made it out to be, but it has some moments. ~7.5k words
Thank you to the wonderful @thegloweringcastle​ who helped me with edits and suggestions for scenes and reminding me of why I endeavored to even write this fic.  Literally, a gem among humans.
A Memory Undone Masterlist
Part Eight
Admittedly, Feyre had done a lot more damage while shopping than she realized.  It was only made evident as she unloaded all the bags onto the bed later that night.  Quite a few of the items had been on sale, she knew.  And she had actually needed some new shirts, and those jeans had made her butt look amazing.  So, technically speaking, the shopping had been necessary and not just a powerplay for her to exert control over who she was.
She really hoped Rhys meant it when he said go wild on the shopping venture.  She supposed she would find out soon, as she heard Rhys’ footfalls on the stairs.
“Feyre?” he called.
She winced and glanced at the clock, seven-thirty.  Right when he said he’d be home.  It was a little bit later than usual and she’d fully expected to have her mess cleaned up.  But then she and Mor got pedicures.  Because they could.  Which led to a later afternoon nap.  Which led to early evening messes.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Prompt The Things We Cannot Say: Rhys' Mom Discovering How Rhys' Dad Mistreated Feyre🥺🥺
This was really interesting to write. I hope I remained consistent to the characterization I already presented of Benham for this fic.  I…I have found that in writing him (in this fic and in others that I include him in) he can be very compelling and I want to keep the same tones of canon present for his character, but at the same time, I do believe there is more to him than we know.  So…yeah. This was interesting…
the things we cannot say masterlist
Warnings: Benham is still a piece of trash despite my above words. Potential ableist comments/negative commentary on disabilities.
~1k words
The Words of Others
“Benham Avitas.”
The man in question froze.  Not in fear or terror, rather in confusion.  Because that voice was his wife’s voice and his wife had long done away with visiting him in the office.  So that begged the question: was he hallucinating?  
Benham looked up to find that he, unfortunately, was not hallucinating.  His wife was indeed standing in the doorway of his office scowling at him with such ferocity that Benham for the first time in a long time felt unsettled.
“Alanna,” he said evenly.
She entered the office, clicking the door shut behind her.  
The spacious room seemed to collapse around her as she moved closer.  Arms crossed across her chest; Alanna regarded him.  His wife had a way about her that demanded attention.  She was a strong woman who would not back down from a fight.  It was one of the things that he’d first noticed about her all those years ago.
Now, all that energy she possessed was focused on him.
He knew what she was upset about.  It wasn’t hard to guess considering that she’d been spending more and more time with Rhysand as of late.  It was only a matter of time before she’d learned about the discussion, he and Rhys had about his dating habits.
And then Benham and Alanna had always had some innate ability to understand one another.  For the span of their near thirty-six year marriage they’d always known what the other was thinking, how the other would react.  
It didn’t help him now, however.
“Alanna,” he said again when she remained silent.
She held up a hand as she came to a stop just before his desk.  Her long, dark hair hung over one shoulder with a slight curl to it, a beaded wrap kept it tied in a tail.  The style emphasized the angles of her face and left her stark eyes on display.  His wife was always striking, even when angry, and right now she was livid.
“Rhysand told me about his new girlfriend,” Alanna said.  It wasn’t often that his wife let her emotions go unchecked and Benham had learned to navigate the waters when it happened, but this was different.
“Dear, now isn’t—” he began.
Alanna cut him off. “It is the time, Benham.  You…you talked to our son and the woman he is seeing the way you did.  You treated her like she was anything less than a real human being?  Benham.”
His wife was a passionate person.  Strong willed and unbreakable.  Given the life she’d come from and the dreams she aspired to own--it was what made her who she was.
“Alanna,” he said, “do you realize what people will say when they hear about this?  Our son, my son, with someone who can’t even—”
“You basically disowned him!” Alanna cut him off again.  Something she’d never done in the course of their marriage and it indeed was a very strange phenomenon.  His wife.  His soft spoken, genteel wife, was ready to murder him. “Why should he care what you or anyone else thinks?  You haven’t cared about him until he made a way for himself.  Without you.”
Benham rose to his feet, unable to remain sitting any longer.  To have his wife speak to him like this—well he didn’t like it.  He didn’t like for anyone to use this tone of voice with him.  He was the one in control.  He was the one to maintain order.
“Alanna,” he said, his voice taking on a warning tone.  “Watch how you speak to me.”
She glared at him and he could see the color rising in her cheeks. “No.  I won’t.”
The air of the office shifted and Benham felt more anger rise within him.  It wasn’t often he and Alanna disagreed.  Well, they disagreed but ultimately, he made the decision.  He was the patriarch of the family and what he said was always the final word.
Indeed, Rhysand had seen success with his business venture.  A nightclub.  Despite how well the club had done, Benham still believed his son had to be out of his mind to turn to such an investment.  Why a nightclub that would still barely break even when Benham had set up a perfectly successful job for him?  Everything had been lined up for the Avitas family to have everything at their fingertips.  But Rhysand and subsequently the other boys had turned their noses.
It had been humiliating.
Rhysand was selfish and never thought about anything other than his own wants and whimsies.  It had been one rebellion after another in raising that boy.  And then Alanna insisted on bringing Cassian and Azriel into the mix the last few years of their high school educations.  It had only made things worse.
In the end, Benham had had enough.  He’d bailed the boys out of jail, found them sneaking out of the house, and then Rhysand denied everything that had been built up for him.
Alanna had never agreed with the hard hand Benham used.  Oh, he’d never struck his son or daughter, violence towards ones family was rather tasteless.  He’d never seen the value or need in it anyways.  For all the chaos Rhysand had caused as a boy, it had only taken a word or a shipment off to some sports camp and the boy would come back for the better.  He let Alanna to raise Thea to her own desires, only needing to step in when Thea tried to withdraw from her honor classes or end her math and science club enrollments.
“You just let me have my son back,” Alanna said, pulling Benham from his thoughts. “I don’t want to lose him again.”
“That girl—”
“That girl means something to him.” It was the second time Alanna had cut him off that night.  This was not a trend he appreciated. “That woman makes him happy.  Isn’t that all that matters? Why don’t you want that for him?”
“He has made it clear what he wants,” Benham said. “And it most certainly isn’t this family.”
Alanna cast him a long, tired look.  And for the first time he could see the lines of her face, the exhaustion and the pain and the sorrow.
“Are you sure about that?” she asked.  Without waiting for an answer Alanna retreated back out of his office.  She paused before opening the door. “I think you need to consider if your family is most important to you, Benham.  I think it’s best if you stay in the apartment you rent in the city tonight and not come home.”
With that, she finally left.
It took quite a while for Benham to calm down after that.  For one, Alanna had spoken to him so forcefully and so assertive.  For another, she knew about the secondary apartment.
Benham didn’t leave his office for the rest of the night.
I probably won’t revisit Benhams POV again for this fic.  I doubt I’ll do Alanna’s either, despite my love of her.  A partial resolution for this little plot line may come eventually.  I have an idea for it, but it’ll end up being a full-length chapter (I already know it’ll be 3-4k words and not drabble size).  And me being me and a problem child when it comes to consistent updates…I have no specific time line when that’ll be.
@aelinchocolatelover  // @sexy-dumpster-fire // @bamchickawowow // @ireallyshouldsleeprn // @courtofjurdan // @sassys-world // @sleeping-and-books // @superspiritfestival // @chieflemming // @julemmaes // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @firestarsandseneschals // @emikadreams // @rapunzel1523 // @booksofthemoon // @highladysith // @fangirlprincess09 // @rowaelinismyotp // @vanzetanze // @cassianscool // @stardelia // @my-fan-side // @sjmships // @tillyrubes10 // @rhysandswhore  //  @story-scribbler  // @post-it-notes33 // @live-the-fangirl-life // @strangevil321 // @pastasiren // @lemonade-coolattas @foreverfallingforthestars // @feysand-loml // @realbookloverproblems // @ghostlyrose2 // @swankii-art-teacher // @foughtconquered // @bri-loves-sunflowers // @captain-swan-is-endgame  // @mystic-bibliophile // @cretaceous-therapod // @thenightgodess-feyrearcheron //  @thisloveseternal // @gracie-rosee // @magnifique1807 // @liars-lmao // @goddess-aelin // @thegloweringcastle // @tangledinsparkles // @the-lonelybarricade // @millsarcherfeykat // @sideralwriting // @nerdperson524 // @the-fae-are-taking-over // @sushisempai // @jenibearx3 //  @the-introverted-bibliophile //  @starfall-spirit //
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
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A Memory Undone Masterlist My Main Masterlist
Decided to divide this chapter into two.  Figured a 11+k update was a little much. good news is that you won’t have to wait as long before the next update, lol.  Snippets were pulled before I decided to divide the chapter, so if one isn’t seen here, it’s in the next part ;) or I did a heck of a lot more rewrites then I meant to, lol. But just know, we’re gonna have fun next chapter.  Or we’re gonna cry…
and of course this chapter wouldn’t be the same without @thegloweringcastle! Thanks so much for your notes and thoughts <3
warnings: the usual apply, for the most part this chapter is fairly lighthearted in comparison to the rest of the story. ~4.8k words
Part Seven
Feyre started awake the next morning with a surge of panic running through her body.  It took a moment for her breathing to slow and even out while she struggled to hang onto the last threads of her dream.
There was nothing to remember of course.  Nothing but darkness and a sense of urgency she could never fulfill.  Still, she had at least been asleep.  The first time in a long while.  And if she were being honest, she didn’t care about the dream that was slipping away when there was another body tucked against her.
A heavy arm around her waist tightened just barely and Feyre cocked her head to sneak a glance at Rhysand, still asleep beside her.  Immediately the dream vanished at the sight of him.  It was strange how that happened.  Dread and fear were replaced by peace and contentment allowing her to settle back in the warm contours of the bed.
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Can’t wait for Tamlin to die so we don’t have to hear anything about him ever again
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millsarcherfeykat · 1 year
Amren was correct about n.esta. If those swords had that much power n.esta is the LAST person who should have it. End of story. She didn’t like the powers and wouldn’t train. It’s the inner circles job to monitor potential dangers and she couldn’t even take care of herself without her little sister so how can she wield all that power. Hell, the girl didn’t even notice that she made the swords. Amren was her friend for a year. When Feyre went to Amren and asked about N.esta, Amren refused to speak to her about N.esta. Amren didn’t explain anything to the inner circle. She kept her and N.esta relationship private. But when Feyre suggested that Amren helps N.esta learn her powers, N.esta threw a temper tantrum and blamed Feyre. Went on childish rants about how everyone chose Feyre over her and locked everyone out of her life but still came around for rent money. When Amren “voted” against her, she was just reflecting on her own history with N.esta.
N.esta is a victim of her own immaturity. Right after Amren explained to N.esta why she personally didn’t want her to know about the swords, N.esta immediately attacked and told Feyre about the risk of death from the pregnancy out of spite. She immediately proved Amrens point. She couldn’t even control herself enough to not use her own nephew and sister pending death to further her verbal abuse against her younger sister. As soon as Amren spilled some truth, n.esta can’t self-reflect to save her own life so she attacked. So this is who is suppose have those swords? She didn’t even care about the swords so let’s stop acting like she did and understand that she don’t like when people won’t put up with her behavior. She is immature and weird and if she could just calm down and think critically for two seconds her life would be better. It’s not Amrens or Feyres or Elains or Mors or Cassians fault that N.esta can’t be around people who tells her the truth and don’t kiss her ass or judge her for how she treats feyre.
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