milo-thomas · 4 months
Milo offered a dopey smile in thanks as they slid the glass to him. He admired the drink as he spoke, complimenting their work. He was starting to learn that he had a slight preference for the more colorful drinks. The ones that lulled you into a false sense of security with their sweetness only to have you fighting to keep them down as he did now. Really, it was no surprise. He had one hell of a sweet tooth so it only made sense that he preferred for his liquor to be as well. He looked at them as they spoke before his gaze drifted to the mess he had made with a frown. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, his words melting together a little as he slipped his ring back on and picked up a napkin to help clean up his mess. “I’m not usually so messy. My mom raised me better than that.” He sighed and wiped away some more of the droplets his drinks had left behind before looking at them again. He was about to ask if they were a musician or something when they continued, asking if he was having a rough night or celebrating. Before he could stop it, a soft laugh fell from his lips as he thought about not only just how shitty his day was but how bad the last few months and the last seven years had been.
He thought of the faces of his eight-year-old patient’s parents as he told them that their child’s illness had progressed past what he or any surgeon could help with. Thought of how he could see the very moment all those hopes and dreams they had for her shattered under the weight of their new reality. He then thought of Evelyn, who still called daily despite weeks of him not picking up, of the messages she left that ranged from tearful apologies to the cruelest insults she could think of, and the fact that despite everything, he still loved her. Enough so that he hadn’t told anyone the real reason he left, because he didn’t want people to look at her differently or to judge him for spending seven horrible years with someone who continued to hurt him. Still, despite how badly thinking about everything made him want to cry and never stop, he smiled and sipped his new drink.
“I’ve had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but it will get better,” he said after a moment more of thought because it would. He had to believe it would, and even if it didn’t, he knew that the last thing she needed was him dumping any of his problems on her. After all, there was no way they were paid enough to hear about the problems of some random drunk guy. “This is delicious,” he said as he took another sip. “Are you a singer or something? You said something before about on and off stage.”
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the slurring & the pausing gave robin pause. they arch their brow at him, waiting for a split second before shaking her head and then placing the martini glass on the table. it was a cotton candy deluxe, one of those drinks where the alcohol was disguised in the sweetness of the taste. meant to resemble an explosive carnival ride, though by the looks of him, he might need to get off the teacups. she'll be keeping an eye on him & his state of mind. it's the least she could do & part of the job. the spinning of a ring on his finger & robin glanced to it, but didn't ask. probably a bit too personal & it was not therapy night. "alright, i'll hold off on the cow, and thank the lord for it."
gingerly, she slid it before them, remaining there on her elbows in order to retrieve the rag from where she last left it. she followed up the drops from his previous drinks ( and there were a lot ) & mopped away the sins. "they do tell me that on and off the stage, my good man. but it's always nice to hear it. you got a rough night or you got one that's makin' you celebrate real hard?"
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Having just finished a long, draining surgery and his work day with it, Milo initially wanted only to go home and pass out face down on his bed until it was time to get up and do it again. He was planning on doing just that, but last second decided to force himself to take a little time to walk and enjoy the unseasonable warmth, knowing it would pass with a day or two since the start of spring was still weeks away. Walking, he breathed in deeply, cherishing the smell of the upcoming spring that hung teasingly in the air. While he missed the heat of California and was no fan of winter, he found himself enjoying the variance the West Coast had lacked. Stopping at the lake, he watched as the ducks paddled around, a little jealous at how at ease they seemed to be. Their lives were simple and clear-cut in a way his would never be and while he loved just about all that came with being a human, he longed for such simplicity. “Jesus, now I’m jealous of ducks, “ he whispered with a soft laugh and a shake of his head before the sound of a woman speaking up pulled his attention.
Milo turned his head, his gaze falling on a smiling young woman before it drifted first to the sketchbook she held then to the ducks she had been sketching, and finally to the grapes housed in a plastic container beside her. “What? Oh, sure. No problem.” He offered a smile as he responded and though exhaustion tugged at him, he moved to pick up the container. “Where do you need them to be? I can try and get them there while I try not to get attacked.” The last thing he wanted was to be accosted by a furious flock of ducks.
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location: Central park
status: Open starter ( @bhqextras )
Skilled hands trace lines with charcoal on an old sketchbook, nose scrunched up deep with concentration, tongue trapped by white pearls as Violet observes in silence as a few mallards float around the great Harlem Meer and she hums in delight when the sunbeams touch every visible part of her skin, the warmth provided inviting enough to thank the gods for the upcoming spring. The artist takes a small piece of sliced grape the actress herself cut that morning and tosses it to the water, watching the wild duck chase after it and come closer to where she currently is sitting. She pays special attention to its beak before turning her attention back to the sketch and tries to replicate every hard line onto paper, not imagining a better way to spend a day off from the grand streets of Broadway.
Her attention is quickly grasped by someone's presence standing somewhere near her; right between the sun-rays her soul so desperately seeks and her, making the brunette look up from her sketchbook as she smiles widely. "Do you wanna give me a hand? I'm just about done but I have a few details left and I need that duck to be close and happy. Mind feeding it these grapes—" she points at the fruit carefully packed on a plastic container "While I finish? I'll pay you fairly. Fair warning, I did saw a lady get chased earlier today by some of these fiends, but that was her own wrong doing for being rude to them and coming too close to their home."
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milo-thomas · 4 months
While Milo did drink in high school and the first four years of college, he mellowed out once starting medical school -mainly because he was too busy studying to go out and party like most of his other classmates, and by the time he had finished, he barely drank at all. That, of course, had nothing to do with tonight. With Valentines Day just around the corner, his marriage in total shambles, and the storm of shit that was his day at work, he found himself still in his scrubs and several drinks in at the first bar he spotted on his way home. The one perk about not drinking often was that he didn’t know what he liked anymore so he was trying just about everything. With one hand he gently spun his wedding ring, and with the other, he downed the last of his glass as the bartender turned around with his next order.
“Yessss. No need to have a cow, that is mine,” he slurred with a dopey grin only to pause as the long line of previous drinks threatened to revolt only to have their efforts quashed with more than a little effort. “It’s beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that you do amazing work?”
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open starter : no cap !
where: becky's martini bar, during the february bar crawl
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robin had expected a higher turnout, but this brought service to a whole new level. this second job and their third had been more recent than their gig as a stardust waitress — and this was only the third time they'd worked a shift where the influx of customers nearly overwhelmed them. robin's smile, plastered on their face, their valentine-red lipstick feeling more like some kind of burn. their wrist aching from all the shaking of the drinks on ice, people actually wanting more of what they made behind the scenes. ( if her boss found out, oh no ! she hated the idea of even accidentally stepping on anybody's toes. ) with a frosty, pink drink in hand and one of those lollipop straws lazily circling the glass's outer rim, she turns from the back of the bar and freezes. she — cannot remember who she made this for. "this for you?" she arches her brow at the customer closest to her within earshot. "... please tell me this is for you. otherwise, i'm gonna have a cow right here."
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Milo watched as the man unceremoniously slid to the floor before following suit, figuring he may as well get comfortable since it would be a while. “Yeah, of course,” he assured as he placed the boxes on the ground before him and turned them to they would open in his companion’s direction as he continued. “Take as much as you like. One has just about everything on it and the other has just veggies. I’m not sure which is which. If you want I also have water.” Milo stood the flashlight up so it would shine on the ceiling and keep the space illuminated before opening his bag to pull out a sealed plastic water bottle and place it within the man’s reach. While he preferred his reusable water bottle, he kept one or two disposable ones on him in case he or someone else would need it. “I suggest not drinking too much though. It might be a while before we can get out.” Milo smiled as the man introduced himself. “That’s true. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Jude. I’m Milo.”
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ever since he was a kid, jude had always yearned for the snow. maybe it was because of its magic. how it was able to quiet a loud and sensory indicting city in minutes, making it easier to think. easier to hear. he loved it so much that he seemed immune to the inconveniences it caused. and while normally getting trapped inside of an elevator would be reason for a panic attack, jude was weirdly and uncharacteristically so, ZEN. he wouldn't question it. anytime he managed to not feel anxious he considered it a blessing. a soft sigh of his own escaped from parted lips, admitting defeat and sliding down so he's now sitting on the floor, " oh! are you sure? " though the familiar scent of the pizza was reminding him that he'd forgotten to eat yet again. something that happened when he was in the middle of writing a new piece. " i don't think i could ever say no to pizza. " jude admitted with a chuckle, " i'm jude by the way. who knows how long we'll be in here, can't hurt to get to know one another. "
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milo-thomas · 4 months
“Obnoxious?” Milo smiled as he repeated the word, gaze flitting from her to the couple then back again. “That’s a bit cynical, don’t you think? Look at them. They’re just
in love. You know how it is when you love someone. You can’t get enough of them and just want to be around them. Sometimes it’s easy to forget you’re not the only two people in the world.” He looked back at the embracing couple with a soft smile. He missed that. The simple pleasure of loving someone and being loved in return. He missed that feeling. He missed being happy. Not that one needed to be in a relationship to be happy, but he did miss the simplicity of love when you first start out. The excitement to see one another. The pure elation that came with just spending time together. It had been years since he felt that.
It wasn’t that the love had faded. He still loved Evelyn even after everything that happened, but thinking back on it, he realized that he hadn’t felt it in so long. That simple joy of being around her. In fact, for the last couple of years or more, he had found himself dreading going home to her, worrying over the unknown of what he would be coming home to. Would she be happy to see him? Would she be angry? Would they spend another evening fighting only for her to apologize once her anger got the best of her? Thinking of her now, he glanced at the wedding band he still wore, knowing he was stupid to keep it on. His marriage was over. While the paperwork had yet to be drawn up and signed, what he had with Evelyn died the night he fled. Still, he didn’t have the heart to take it off just yet. Especially not when most days he couldn’t help but wonder if he made a mistake in leaving. Still, even with all the pain he felt over the years, he still loved love and hoped that he would one day get a chance to be obnoxious once more. “I think it’s nice and not everyone is fortunate enough to have that.”
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A romantic, she thought. She couldn't relate. Sherri's had her share of partners, of course, but she wasn't sure if she's ever felt anything close to the image of happiness the couple seemed to be radiating, and she was absolutely okay with that. It was an intentional outcome for the blonde, choosing not to let the chaos of romance potentially ruin her life. As such, public displays like the one on the rink did little did garner her sympathies. As skaters navigated around the pair, Sherri found 'sweet' wasn't a word in her vocabulary for the embrace. "More obnoxious, I'd say. Cinematic, given the setting and the snow, but obnoxious. Too little of space for displays like that." She shrugged, blowing on her drink before taking a small sip.
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Milo smiled as she spoke and opened his mouth to offer her some pizza only to shut it again as she continued, her question ringing with unspoken anxiety. “I’m honestly not sure,” he replied with a small shrug. “I’m hoping not, but it really depends on how bad it’s gotten out there.” Truthfully, he hoped that it wouldn’t be very long. After a day filled with so many inconveniences, he now just wished to get home and back in bed which is where he should have stayed rather than heading out in a vain attempt to get just some of the many things on his never ending to-do list done. He watched as she moved to the doors, trying to peek between them and then moved on to try knocking on it. “Maybe, but elevator doors are hard to pry open and I don’t want anyone getting hurt trying. I’m sure they will get to us soon. We’ll be fine.” He moved to sit down, and placed the boxes on the ground in front of him before moving to stand up his flashlight so it would shine up at the elevator’s ceiling and keep the room better lit. “Are you claustrophobic?” He pulled his phone out as he spoke and typed out a message to his friend to let them know what was going on before looking at her again with a small smile. “If you want, you can take some pizza. If anything it will give you something to focus on instead of all this.” He gestured around the elevator then and leaned back against the wall with a sigh. “I’m Milo by the way.”
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her cousin would be worried sick, anavieve knew that, but she was also confident that this last pitstop would be over within a matter of minutes. she had sworn to the other woman that her trip out into the storm would be a quick one, and while one thing led to another and extended the journey unexpectedly, anavieve knew that her cousin would understand and relax once she was back in their apartment safely waiting for the storm to pass. it would all be fine, unless something were to go wrong. "oh no," she repeated the other's words upon that something going wrong with almost comical timing.
"realised i was just about famished the second you walked in here, it smells good," she told him, chuckling despite her stress and the nerves that quickly crept up. it would all be okay, though, anavieve could get through this - she had certainly lived through worse before. "but surely we won't really be in here for this long, right?" she stepped over towards the elevator doors, trying to see if she could see anything through the crack - it was no good; not only would she not have had luck on a regular day, but with all of the lights out it was pitch black everywhere other than where her companion's light shone. regardless, anavieve knocked on the doors. "hello?" she called out. "if we stopped on a level, maybe someone could pry the doors open for us, you know?" she explained, before calling out a greeting once more. after a beat, she realised they were out of luck. "surely..." she began again, restless to get out, though as she accepted the truth of their situation, she trailed off.
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Blinking, Milo looked from his companion to the boxes held in his hands, feeling now that he was being judged a little for his choice of pizza parlors. “I think it is,” he stated, unable to keep his tone from being a tad defensive. “I might be biased though.” It was a small mom-and-pop place. A real hole in the wall he had been going to for as long as he could remember so there was a chance his opinion was tainted by both the nostalgia it offered and his affection for the old couple who owned it. In a way, they had played a major part in raising him. They had been kind enough to give his mother a job so he had spent countless hours there during his formative years, studying or helping out. Even in college before he moved away for med school, he frequented it, enjoying the familiarity of the past as he studied for the unknown future. “I’ve been getting pizza from this place since I was a kid so to me it’s the best pizza in the city, but you won’t know unless you try it.” He opened the top box as he spoke to reveal a pizza pie covered with not only numerous toppings but a truly generous amount. He peeked before adding, “The other one is just veggies if you don’t eat meat.”
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silas  very  much  remembers  all  the  lamenting  at  the  start  of  the  winter  season  from  the  local  newscasters  that  the  city  had  been  missing  out  on  a  proper  snowfall  for  the  past  few  years.  he  understands  where  the  sentiment  stems  from,  the  desire  for  a  white  christmas  the  picturesque  fluffy  snow  falling  down  and  blanketing  the  ground.  silas,  on  the  other  hand,  knows  when  to  count  his  blessings  and  the  previous  lack  of  snow  was  indeed  a  blessing.  everyone  says  they  want  snow,  but  he’s  determined  that  they  only  truly  mean  when  it’s  mirroring  a  scene  in  a  movie.  they  very  quickly  forget  the  disgusting  slop  of  watery  mush  it  becomes  on  the  sidewalk  and  having  to  navigate  around  the  mess  like  a  goddamn  olympic  sport.  it’s  with  this  in  mind  that  silas  regards  the  current  snowstorm  with  silent,  yet  disdain.  such  disdain  becomes  all  the  more  prominent,  tugging  at  his  features  when  the  elevator  he’s  in  cuts  out  mid-trip  and  he  can  feel  a  migraine  building  in  the  back  of  his  head.  “i  suppose  it  depends  on  what  kind  of  pizza  you  have  there,”  silas  answers  after  a  moment's  pause,  blue  hues  checking  the  time  on  his  watch  before  flickering  over  to  his  companion.  he  leans  against  the  wall  with  crossed  arms  while  assessing  the  pizza  boxes.  he’s  never  heard  of  the  place  which  can  be  cause  for  concern.  “is  it  good  ??  i  don’t  waste  my  time  on  mediocre  pizza.”
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Having their circumstances stated so plainly, Milo couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, we have,” he confirmed with a solemn nod of his head. They had, indeed, come to a halt. It was just one in a long line of inconveniences he had faced today, but not the last it seemed as the man stated that he had just eaten. Damn. Milo never was one to feel comfortable eating when others were not. “It’s two actually,” he said with a small raise of the boxes. “I can eat later though.” If eating alone wasn’t bad enough the thought of being cheered on as he did so was borderline mortifying. He didn’t have much time to think about how long it would be before he could eat though when his recently fed companion posed an unexpected question.
“I?”, he asked before deciding that he had heard him correctly. Milo almost laughed but managed to stop himself, not wanting the man to think that he was laughing at him because he wouldn’t be. It was a totally normal concern that anyone would have. “Elevators aren’t airtight so we have plenty of air. I was stuck in an elevator once for four hours so we’re good. Worst we have to worry about is needing a bathroom before they come for us.” Milo moved to sit down as he spoke, knowing that it would be a while and not wanting to stand for that whole time. Setting the boxes down in front of him, he reached into his back for his phone to send a quick text to let his friend know what was going on before pulling a couple heart-shaped lollipops from his bag. “Want one?” He unwrapped a lollipop for himself and popped it in his mouth as he held out the other to him. “I’m Milo by the way.”
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He realized he had inadvertently left his wallet behind before heading out to Stardust for a meal, which explained his ascent back to the top level of the building. His day, much like Milo's, hadn't been a masterpiece, but Colson exuded a certain resilience that refused to let the day's missteps cast a shadow over the evening. As the elevator came to an unexpected halt, shrouding them in temporary darkness, Colson's stoic countenance underwent a subtle transformation. In response to Milo's exasperated "Oh no," Colson, known for his mastery of understatement, offered a calmly dry observation, "Well, this is a rather unexpected turn of events." His focus shifted to Milo, now wielding a small flashlight to navigate the dim space.
The revelation of citywide power outages quashed any hopes of a swift resolution, eliciting a resigned sigh from Colson. His gaze pivoted toward the other, and in the face of uncertainty, he inquired with a touch of humor, "We've just come to a halt." He snorts to himself. No shit, sherlock. It appeared the universe had conspired to transform their casual catch-up into an impromptu feast. "Ironically, I just came from dinner." he added with a wry smile, betraying a glimmer of amusement amid the unforeseen circumstances. "I'm sorry, you'll have to tackle a whole pizza by yourself but I'll cheer you on from the sidelines."
"How long do you think before we run out of air?"
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Having been thoroughly humbled by Mother Nature, Milo allowed himself a moment longer to lay there in defeat before carefully sitting up. “I’m ok. I’m good,” he assured her after allowing himself to take in a couple more breaths, grateful to be breathing easily once more. He took a second to assess before adding, “I don’t think anything is broken. I just feel a little bruised and humbled. I forgot how slippery winter could be.” He offered her a smile before standing up with her help. He was definitely bruised and would feel it tomorrow, but that was a problem for future him. For now, he felt ok enough aside from the ache in the back of his head. Pulling off his hood, he touched his head with a small wince. “I’ve had worse. I’m sorry if I scared you.” As he spoke he pulled his hand away, thankful to see that he was not bleeding. “Ah, see? No blood,” he said with a triumphant grin as he showed her his clean hand. “I’ve always been told I’m hardheaded, but I guess now I have proof.” It was only then that he realized he hadn’t caught what she had been saying earlier. “What were you saying before I slipped? I didn’t catch it.”
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"Shit. Oh, shit." Had that been her fault then? Ana immediately dropped the Tupperware and dived toward the man to try and help him back up from where he'd fallen. "Are you okay?" she questioned, brows furrowing as she offered out a hand. So maybe standing out here and scaring people by trusting cupcakes into their faces hadn't been the best idea in the world, but without any other kind of plan, it was all she'd got. "Here, let me help..." There was still a part of her wanting to curse, but the main priority now had to be getting him up from the floor. "Nothing's broken, is it?" Stupid question, as if he'd actually know that already. He looked okay, aside from a bruised ego maybe, something she'd certainly be suffering with if the same had happened to her.
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Reminded that there may not be many clinics open and assured that the cat would probably feel fine, Milo could not help but feel a touch foolish. He knew it was probably something silly to worry over. A paws worth of coffee that had been diluted with enough milk and sugar to have it bordering on candied would probably do nothing, but he knew that it was always better to be safe than sorry. That cautiousness wasn’t something he was born with, but something he had learned over the years in his line of work so it was only natural for it to bleed into how he interacted with the world outside of it. “Right,” he said with a small nod, a touch of color touching his cheeks. “I’ll take your word for it. I know nothing about cats, but if anything does happen to that one and it might be my fault I’m just going to give you my card. Just in case. You can never be too careful.” Patting his pockets, Milo frowned before remembering that any cards he had was still in his bag. “One second,” he held up a pointer finger and went back to his table to grab a card and a heart-shaped lollipop. Both of which he held out to the man, realizing only then that maybe it might be weird to offer a lollipop with it. “Here. Just in case.”
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It was the kind of drama that Leo could have done without tonight, but he supposed he should have prepared for it from the moment the snow had started to fall that morning. Sometimes he found New York as unpredictable as the UK was when it came to snow, surely they should have been better equipped for it? At least, that was the impression he'd always got in the past, although when it came to reality it didn't seem to ring quite as true. Still, it could be worse, it could be a lot worse. Once he'd managed to get the generator going at last, he made his way back out into the cafe with a view to closing up and getting the cats to bed. It wasn't too long until closing time anyway. What he didn't expect was what he found himself being told as he reappeared and his head tilted to the left a moment, a small smile creeping across his features. "I think they'll live," was his response, it wasn't as though it was the first time it had happened, he'd even had kids trying to get them to drink entire cups of coffee before now ( thankfully without any success and it had led to completely kid free hours in the cafe ). "Besides, I can't imagine there are too many vet clinics open in this anymore..." His gaze travelled to the window. "Don't worry, it'll be fine."
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Hearing the man laugh, Milo was grateful to have not been trapped with someone who would dissolve into a panic. While he was no stranger to managing the anxieties of others, it had been a long day and he was tired. “Well, you’re in luck. I have two boxes and you can have as much as you want,” he stated as he raised the boxes of pizza a little before nodding. “Yeah, once years ago. It’s actually how I met my wife. We were stuck for four hours.” A soft laugh accompanied his words as he thought back to that night. At the time, he thought those four hours were a blessing and he had actually been a little disappointed when they were finally rescued, but that disappointment didn’t last as she gave him her number before slipping out those doors to freedom. He remembered being awestruck as he watched her walk away and that was it for him. He always did have the horrible habit of falling a little bit in love with just about every person he met, but Evelyn had been different. In those first four hours, he had known he wanted an eternity with her. Slowly the smile he wore faded with the memory and he found himself taking a studying breath before it returned but not as bright as it was just a moment ago. “I’m Milo by the way.”
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Christian knew it wasn't wise to be taking the elevator right now considering all the power outages in the city, but after a long afternoon of racing around checking on people after finishing up at work ( they'd pretty much been snowed out, the tourists less than keen ), he was exhausted and figured he'd try his luck. It didn't take too long for him to realise how much of a mistake this had actually been when the elevator ground to a halt in yet another power cut. This wasn't surprising, of course, this had been possible from the second he'd stepped foot in there. The fact he wasn't alone could be seen as a good thing, he supposed, especially so when his companion immediately produced a mini torch and went in search of the emergency button, leaving the problem solved for now. At the question that was posed to him, however, he began to laugh. "I'm always hungry," he answered. "This ever happened to you before?"
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milo-thomas · 4 months
♡ For: @bhqextras ♡ Location: An elevator somewhere in NY ♡ Time of day: Early evening
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It had been snowing all day, and between the snow, the traffic, the disappointing Craigslist listing, and now the fact that his pants were damp from a slip in a patch of ice, he was certain this may have been the worst day off anyone could ever take. Getting into the elevator, he gave a small nod to the only other occupant before adjusting the pizza boxes in his hands and hitting the button for his friend’s floor. While the day had been nothing short of a disaster, he was not about to let it ruin his night. No, instead, he decided he would catch up with an old friend and eat some good pizza which was something he had really missed while living out in California because as hard as they tried, California pizza just didn’t compare.
He looked up as the numbers on the floors ticked by before the elevator came to a halt as the power went out. “Oh no.” His tone was not so much panicked as it was exasperated, because this was the last thing he needed today. Milo adjusted the boxes he held again so he could take out the small flashlight he kept in his bag for emergencies. Turning it on, he looked at the various buttons and signage in the elevator before spotting what he needed. With a sigh, he pressed the emergency call button only to find out after answering numerous questions that there were power outages all over the city and it would be a while before anyone could get to them. Sighing again, he turned to look at his companion. “You hungry?” If he was going to be trapped here, he was at least going to eat something.
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milo-thomas · 4 months
There were certain moments in Milo’s life that he could not help but wonder just what he had done in a past life to deserve this one. It wasn’t so much that he believed in reincarnation, but when days like this happened, he could not help but wonder if the life he lived now was some sort of penance for the one before. His first mistake was not paying close enough attention to the weather or the fact that people had been talking about it the evening before. His next mistake was choosing to take off today of all days, and his third and final mistake was trying to save a little money by heading all the way out to Staten Island to see someone about a couch they were giving away on Craigslist. The couch ended up looking nothing like the photos and he had been forced to abandon the uhaul he had rented due to the insane traffic he had been stuck in for what felt like hours. Instead, he parked it on a side street and took off on foot to find someplace to wait out this storm, knowing full well, he would probably spend his evening in some hotel until the roads cleared enough for him to be able to make it to either work or his apartment tomorrow.
Hunching a little, he burrowed further down into his coat, wishing he had taken the time to check out reviews of it online. In the store, it had seemed impressive enough, but it was no match for the harsh reality of winter nor the freezing wind that seemed to slice through it with ease. Curling his toes a little in his sneakers, he began to worry that he might lose a toe or two before the day was over. He was not used to this cold anymore. In his youth, he didn’t feel it. He could play outside for hours, but he was older now and had spent years being spoiled by the heat of the California sun. Enough so that winter had him wishing for death. With a small wiggle of his head, he hid a little more of his face behind the high collar of his coat just as someone spoke up. The woman’s enthusiasm wasn’t expected so when Milo turned to look at her startled, he found himself slipping on a small patch of ice uncovered by a previous passerby’s footsteps. A yelp barely had time to leave his lips before he landed flat on his back and the air was knocked out of him with such force that for a moment, God herself wouldn’t have been able to convince him that he wasn’t dead. He stared up at the sky for a long second, watching as the flakes of snow fluttered down before he was finally able to take in an uneasy breath and exhale it with a groan as his gaze moved from the gray sky to the woman above him. “I think I just got the coins knocked out of me.” Why that was the first thing he could think to say was beyond him, but it probably had something to do with the pain now blooming in the back of his head.
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for: @bhqextras location: outside bake my day, staten island
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It was getting late and the snow was getting ridiculous. Anabelle had, of course, seen it all before, but the snow today didn't seem to want to stop. By 4pm she was sure she wouldn't be opening the shop tomorrow, the snow was already drifting against the door by almost a foot and a half, so that meant attempting to get rid of the stock by any means necessary. She was huddled in the doorway, coat zipped up so high you could barely see her face, brandishing several Tupperware boxes.
There weren't too many people around ( not at all surprising ), which meant she woud practically jump on any brave passerby. "Hi, hi!" The enthusiasm was unrivaled. "Would you like a couple of cupcakes? They're free. Please, take a couple!"
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Despite the bitter cold, Milo was damned determined to enjoy his day off to the best of his ability. While he planned on running some errands a little later in the afternoon, he had some time to kill so he went for a walk and soon found himself near the ice skating rink. In his youth, his mother had taken him there many times. Sometimes they would skate and other times they would stand and sip hot cocoa as they watched others enjoy the rink. He always remembered those times fondly, but now when he looked at the skaters laughing and gliding around, he could not help but think of Evelyn. It had been years since they skated together. Long enough that thinking back on it now, he was surprised by just how much time had passed since then. It was around Christmas time and she had been begging him for weeks already to take her, but work had been so busy. It always was, but after a particularly nasty fight in which she had accused him of caring more for his job than he did her, he decided to take the day off. They had gone to the beach and enjoyed a picnic on the sand and then that night, he took her skating. He remembered how brightly she had smiled when she looked out at the indoor rink. It reminded him of when they first started dating. The effortless joy that danced in her eyes. He remembered how she laughed as she clutched his hand while they made their way around the rink, and how she felt in his arms when he managed to stop her from falling. His heart ached at the memories, and he was grateful when the sound of someone speaking up pulled him away from the past and back to the present.
Turning, Milo looked at her before turning his gaze to the you couple she was remarking on. They looked so happy and in love. “I don’t know,” he said as he lifted his cup to take a small tentative sip of his drink so as not to burn his tongue again. “I think it’s sweet.” Truthfully, the sight made his chest ache. He had been like that once, but even with the pain he felt now, he hoped he would find that again. At heart, Milo was, and always would be a hopeless romantic. “They look happy. I hope they stay that way.”
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who: open (@bhqextras)
where: early afternoon in time square, near the Rockefeller ice skating rink
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Hanging out around the tourist trap of the ice skating rink wasn't something Sherri ever did. Her only reasoning now was because she was early for her concert rehearsal at a venue nearby, and the weather called for a hot drink. Which is how she found herself adjacent (not at!) the skating rink, purchasing a cup of hot chocolate from a booming vendor. Cupping her drink for warmth, her eyes couldn't help but travel to the merry skaters enjoying the unexpected flurry. As her sight caught on a couple locked in an embrace, her mouth moved on it's own, speaking in what might be a skeptical tone to the person nearest her. "Well, isn't that cinematic."
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milo-thomas · 4 months
There were many disadvantages to work being his whole life, but one of the largest was that sometimes he was so focused on what was going on in the hospital that he failed to notice what was happening outside of it. He had heard that they would be getting snow so that wasn’t so much a surprise, but what was a surprise was the sheer amount of frozen white bullshit that was currently falling from the sky and on his day off of all days. Trudging through the snow on foot, Milo grumbled a little to himself, missing the warmth of California. There he didn’t have to worry about things like public transit essentially grinding to a halt because of inclement weather or being concerned that he was going to lose toes on his walk towards his mother’s house. It was then, while he shrunk into his not warm enough coat that he regretted getting out of the cab. Sure, the meter was running and they were stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, but at least he would have been warm. The walk to his mother’s place hadn’t seemed so long then, but he was wrong and stupid. So, so stupid.
Another huff of frustration dampened the inside of his coat’s collar as he flexed freezing fingers in his pockets and cursed the heavens above. He hated winter. He hated walking. He hated snow. He hated coats that seemed warm until you left the safety of the store, and he hated the very wind that sliced through it with ease. Most of all, he hated that he hadn’t thought to check the weather before leaving his warm apartment. Oh, how he missed that apartment with it’s heat, and blankets, and cups of tea. What he would give to have a hot cup of tea. Milo had so lost in his internal lamenting that he almost missed that he was being spoken to. Stopping, he turned to look at the man, his own brows still furrowed in contempt for Mother Nature and her cruelty. It took a second more for the man’s words to sink in. Glancing up, Milo read the building’s sign before shrugging. “You know what, say less. I could use a strong drink.” While it wasn’t a hot cup of tea, considering the day he was having, this was even better.
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Who: Open. (@bhqextras) Where: Glow, Brooklyn
The power was going out on and off but the place was still riding on, for a Tuesday with expected bad weather the Drag Queens still showed and Glow drew a decent-sized crowd. The show must go on - as was the theme of the night, and lucky enough (for now) the generator was proving a worthy investment. Was it smart? No, probably not. Was he out there shoveling the main entrance every half hour? Also no. That much was clear when he stepped outside. Left with minimal staff, choosing to stay or go much earlier. The snow still beating down as hard as it was a couple hours ago when one of the only few people within eyesight came near, catcalling out "Ow ow, lookin' fucking fly. Fly and frozen. Should come in...strong drinks. Got a generator..."
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milo-thomas · 4 months
Looking out the window, Milo watched as the snow continued to fall. It was beautiful, but as he sat there petting a cat despite his allergies and sipping his cup of coffee, he could not help but think of what a pain in the ass tomorrow morning would be. He was only a few blocks from his mother’s place so he had a place to sleep tonight, but getting to work in the morning would be a nightmare. If it was even possible at all. Sighing, he picked up his phone and checked the weather app once more. Snow, snow, and more snow. Truthfully, he knew this was his fault. While he was meticulous when it came to his work, he couldn’t say the same when he was outside of it. He hadn’t bothered to check the weather when he chose to take the day off so he could run much-needed errands so he had no one but himself to blame for the fact that he was now sitting in a cat cafe doing his best to thaw before continuing on. At least he had remembered to make sure he still had antihistamines in his bag so he wouldn’t suffer from his allergies as well.
Taking his gaze away from the nearby window he smiled as the cat purred and rubbed its head against his hand just as the power cut out. He jolted a little in his seat, gaze darting from the cat to the dark cafe. He could hear the other customers talking to one another in hushed voices before all their attention moved to a man who had spoken up. Milo turned toward the sound of his voice only to squint as the bright light of his phone passed over them to survey the leftover patrons. Milo opened his mouth to ask if he needed help but stopped as the man disappeared through the back doors, taking the light with him. Sighing, Milo picked up his phone to turn on his flashlight only to see the cat he had been bonding with was taking this opportunity to stick its paw in his unprotected cup for a taste.
“Oh, come on now. I was drinking that, you know?” Another exasperated sigh fell from his lips as he slid the cup closer to him and looked at it. Thankfully he had been savoring it long enough that it had cooled enough to not harm the opportunistic feline but that now meant he was out a drink. Replacing the lid on his cup, he picked up his phone again to quickly look up if coffee was lethal to cats only to frown at the search results. Quickly Milo glanced at the cat again then anxiously refined his search and let out a sigh of relief. While coffee could be lethal, the amount a cat could lick off its paw was probably not enough to cause concern. Still, that didn’t stop him from getting up and heading over to the doors the worker had vanished behind the moment the lights returned. “Excuse me”, he said as the man reappeared. “Online it says It shouldn’t be a problem, but one of your cats. That one there,” he turned and pointed at the cat now had gone on to sniff his bag that he left on the table. “They stuck their paw in my coffee when the lights went out and had a taste. I’m not a vet so I’m not sure if that amount is bad or not, but I would be more than happy to pay any vet bills if you want to take them to get checked out.”
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for: @bhqextras location: kitty & brew, brooklyn, just after nightfall
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After the snow had begun to fall, the coffee shop had pretty much turned to complete chaos, a constant stream of people hunting for somewhere warm to get a drink ( and the added bonus of cats for company helped, too, of course ). Leo was used to a busy day, of course he was, but he wasn't quite so used to so many people turning up without some kind of prior booking, which meant it had been non-stop since midmorning right through to nightfall.
He was in the process of tidying up the place ready to close, a few stragglers enjoying the last of their drinks, when without warning the power went out, plunging the shop into darkness. Naturally, there was a pause, hushed murmurs, and the sound of pottery and spoons clattering, and then instinctively he called out, "No one move. The cats." A second later he'd switched on the torch on his phone, doing a quick sweep of the room and those remaining. "We have a generator, be right back..." And then he disappeared through the doors into the back. The power wouldn't last very long, but it would help for now.
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milo-thomas · 4 months
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[ robert sheehan, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! milo thomas just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city on and off for 21 years, working as a pediatric surgeon. that can’t be easy, especially at only 35 years old. some people say they can be a little bit headstrong and aworkaholic, but I know them to be compassionate and intelligent. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to manhattan
Hi! I’m Effie! I just wanted to say that I’m incredibly excited to meet and write with all of you. I didn’t join the discord for personal reasons, but please don’t hesitate to reach out. I will say, I do suffer from severe social anxiety so it may take a while for me to reply. I promise I am not ignoring you. I’m most likely working up the courage to respond to your message.
Note: I was going to put my intro under a read more, but I just learned that there is a character limit and both my intro post and bio alone are too long for the post so my intro post can be found HERE.
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