milonavarro · 4 years
“Yeah, they could,” Aaron agreed, right before he took another deliberate drag of the cigarette. So could a million other things. Aaron knew better than to trust anyone, especially a Navarro, but they were near Solano territory, and Aaron was rather fearless these days. “Don’t give a shit about my lungs. Here for a good time, not a long time, right?” He exhaled away from the man. “You should be on an anti-smoking ad.” 
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"You probably should considering you’re what? Like eighteen?” Honestly, he wasn’t sure what age the younger Solano was but he figured he couldn’t be past the age of twenty five. “Yeah, not sure how nice that’d go over considering I’m doing the smoking myself,” He said as he motioned to his cigarette laying in between his fingers. “Guess I’m in the same boat as you.” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
* * *
There was an air of tension in the airwaves of their tiny little world. Roman let it roll off his back. He used to wonder when he was going to die, when he was going to get offed. Now he didn’t wonder, the surprise was going to be a wonderful thing. When you accepted that death was right over your shoulder, and understood that perhaps the world was better off without you, then you ended up finding freedom. The chains of mortality lifted. Power drunk? Perhaps, he didn’t spend too much time thinking about it.
He did think of his legacy. He wondered if his siblings would make it out of this world alive - or if he had put shiney little x’s on them too. Perhaps they had been there all along. He tossed a pack from his jacket pocket down and took a seat next to his brother. “You should stop smoking. Ruins your cardiovascular capacity.” Roman was straight edge. He preferred tequila and various wines when the timing was right. In his younger years he was 40s in the parking lot and rolled joint but that stopped as he scaled and took on more responsibility. Roman felt the nervous energy rolling off Milo and he glanced toward him. “You’re worried.”
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“Thanks, doc,” He let out a chortle before smiling at his big brother. “I’m not worried. I’m just...concerned,” That was the same thing, he knew that, but he couldn’t voice his concerns aloud to his brother. The last thing he wanted was for Roman to think that he was second-guessing anything. He agreed that Victor had to be killed but if the Ross’s found out, what was the cost? They were careful and clean, he knew Roman always was. No one would ever figure out who slaughtered Victor Ross. But there was still that voice in the back of his head, that what if. His son. The next generation of Navarro. Was he setting him up for failure or god forbid, accidentally getting his innocent son involved? “What’s our next move here? To sit and wait ‘til whenever?” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
“You could never embarrass me, mi amor,” Phoebe replied, taking his hand in hers, leading him to the dancefloor. She knew she would be the one leading, much more of a dancer than her partner, though Milo knew how to follow her lead well. Still, despite the atmosphere and drinks in her system, Phoebe couldn’t shake her fears. Phoebe brought a hand to Milo’s cheek, face soft as she looked in his eyes. She wanted to voice all her concerns, but there never seemed to be the right opportunity. The middle of a dancefloor certainly wasn’t the place but that didn’t stop her mind from wandering. “Is everything alright with work? And Roman?” she asked, rather vague. Always tip-toeing around the details.
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He looked at her sympathetically as she placed her hand on his face. All of this wasn’t fair to her. He knew that she deserved better. A life without all of this. But there was a reason for staying around. He had to, his family was here. But there was more and more of a concern with his son. If this happened to Isla, no one was safe. Even if Victor was the one who killed her, whose to say that this couldn’t happen to any more of them? “Everything’s good,” He nodded, trying to show her that there was nothing to be concerned about at the moment. “I was thinking of taking a few days off. Maybe bring Matteo to Disneyland.” Anything, something to distract him from all the shit in his head. “I know he’s a bit young but I think it could be fun for us. For you.” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
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milonavarro · 4 years
“This is the last time, do you hear me?!” Lila hissed into the phone before hanging up on one of her soldiers and drawing in a sharp breath. The wheels in her head began turning right away; in case he wasn’t successful on his mission or capable of handling the situation himself, she needed a plan B. And a plan C, just to be sure. The Solano needed a moment, with her nerves buzzing, she was reluctant to go back inside to whatever carefree fun and expensive bottle of vodka was awaiting her. Nights like these were necessary though, to kick back after a rough day. Half lost in though she barely noticed the member of the Navarro family lurking in the dark but as soon as his words reached her, she turned to face the voice. “Mm,” the blonde hummed softly as she took a better look at the man; at the same time she reached into her purse. “Would you like something stronger? You look like you need it,” with a flicker of amusement flashing through her eyes, Lillian remarked. Retrieving a cigarette case from her purse, she revealed a couple of perfectly rolled joints. The tougher the day was, the stronger and better party favors had to be. Regardless of what the man said, she’d definitely enjoy one.
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"You think a joint’s stronger than a cigarette?” Maybe she was right but the last thing he wanted to do was come home high. Her offer was something that he was considering before he shook his head swiftly. “I can’t,” He responded, “Am I that obvious right now?” He hoped he could do a better job at covering up how stressed he was. Navarro’s were supposed to have a poker face. He usually did but all this shit was getting to him. The fact that he had Victor’s death weighing him down, unable to obviously tell anyone (besides Phoebe), it was hard. “You only have joints or?” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
Aaron had spent the last few days in New York – a spur of the moment getaway disguised as work. Being in LA felt like a chore nowadays, so any excuse to leave the city was a valid one. Most bars were slow, which was appropriate for a Monday night, but certainly not appropriate for Aaron Solano’s mood. There was not enough weed in the world to alleviate a mild annoyance that now felt semi-permanent to him. 
He walked out of Il Salone to get some fresh air and, more importantly, smoke a cigarette. His left eye was slightly bruised, thanks to an underground fight in Brooklyn (he’d won). He heard footsteps approach, and while Aaron didn’t particularly feel like talking, he still opened his mouth.
“Cigarette?” He offered. 
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Milo looked up from his phone, giving Aaron a shake with his head. "No, I’m good,” He already smoked enough today, considering the fact that he could smell the smoke on him. His intention was at least to change before he went to see Matteo. The last thing he needed to somehow give him was secondhand smoke. “You know, those things could kill you,” Everyone knew at that point, “No point in fucking your lungs up.” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
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milo + general aesthetic
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milonavarro · 4 years
Valentina still thought about her sister, usually paired with the feeling of guilt. Sometimes she thought that if she’d spoken up sooner, if she’d said something before Isla disappeared, none of this would’ve happened. It didn’t matter though, especially now. Even if she didn’t agree with what was happening, she was loyal to her family, even if that meant going to war for them. Noticing her brother on the opposite side of the street, she approached him steadily, her heels clacking against the pavement
“Haven’t you heard that smoking kills, brother?” Valentina spoke up, rolling her eyes as she fished a pack of cigarettes out of her purse. Offering one to him, she lit one of her own, despite her previous words. It wasn’t the only thing that could kill them anyways. 
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Milo smiled as she offered him another cigarette, picking it from the pack. Like brother like sister, apparently. "I’m sure somethin’ will get to me before it’s my lungs,” He noted, just looking at their family history. What they did for a living wasn’t conventional, it was dangerous. He knew that this was what they were born into, the lives that they were given. And he of course loved the money that came with his position. But there was always something in the back of his mind, the thought of Phoebe and Matteo losing him. He couldn’t let that happen, even if he joked about it. Or either of them getting hurt themselves. If only he could just leave but he could never leave his family. He just couldn’t. “Anywhere special you were heading off to? Or came from?” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
Phoebe smiled as Milo gave her a soft kiss. She could melt from her happiness, but the nagging voice in the back of her head was a broken record of worry. Phoebe fought hard to suppress her concerns, though Victor Ross’ death lived rent-free in her mind. She downed her second shot of the night and swallowed her unease, unwilling to put a damper on her date night despite how conflicted she felt inside.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one,” Phoebe teased at the mention of being out of her boyfriend’s league. Without Milo, she wouldn’t have the best thing to ever happen to her: Matteo. She kissed her boyfriend’s lips softly before her hand intertwined with his. She could taste the whiskey on his mouth. Familiar. 
“Promise you’ll dance with me tonight?” she asked, raising a brow with a mischievous smile on her face. “I can’t remember the last time we went dancing.”
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“Me and Matteo, we’re lucky to have you, mi cariña,” After everything that was going on, she was a constant in his life. “You’re so beautiful,” He gushed, unable to stop staring at her. “I’ll dance with you,” He agreed, giving his girlfriend a smile. Leave it to her to allow him to embarrass himself at the club. But with her, he didn’t care. He just wanted to have a good time. He loved her. “Just take it easy on me. You’re way better than I am,” Not that she had much to compete with. That was never going to be on his list of talents. 
“Promise me that you’ll still love me even after I embarrass you?” He chuckled, as he kissed softly once more. 
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milonavarro · 4 years
where: outside in the streets of LA
Being on edge from the actions of his brother, that he supported, Milo was hitting the cigarettes a little harder than usual. Feeling the smoke in and out of his lungs made him relax a bit from the tension he was feeling. All he wanted to do was protect his son but how the hell was he supposed to do that if a fucking war broke out cause of Victor? Victor deserved it though. It was obvious that he killed Isla. After his cigarette was finished, he tossed it on the ground before crushing it with his foot. 
Looking back into his pack, he realized that he had just smoked the last one. His fucking thoughts must’ve been distracting him to even notice. “You got an extra cigarette? I have no idea where the nearest drug store is.” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
Phoebe rested her head on her palm, leaning on the bar. “Yes,” she replied to Milo. “I’ll need ten more shots before I stop missing him.” She put her phone screen down on the surface and sighed. Her eyes took in her boyfriend, her hand running up his arm and fingers resting gently on his jaw. “I’m happy to have you all to myself tonight,” she said. Date nights were few and far between; whether it was Milo’s work or taking care of their son, the couple rarely had time to be a couple. Though, Phoebe was sure to take advantage any chance she got to show off their love to the world. 
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He understood where his girlfriend was coming, but for other reasons than just missing him. The concern that Matteo would be brought into the war that he had created made him want to wrap his son in bubblewrap and never let him out. Thankfully he had the upper hand and assumed that the Ross’s didn’t had no clue who killed Victor. "You’re lucky that he’s not going to pre-school anytime soon, then I really don’t know what you’d do,” He was on his second whiskey of the night, happy to forget all of his worries for a moment. Milo kissed the side of her head as she spoke, “I know you are. I like bein’ able to put our parent hats away for the night.” Though he really did love watching Phoebe as a mother. She was just so natural at it, it always warmed his heart to see the two loves of his life together. “Reminds me of old times. And me wondering how the hell I even scored a woman so out of my league.” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
Rough nights had become part of Lucia’s normal ever since the incident, she was used to them, but as time went on she also got used to the distance between them. Ever since New years day and Victor’s assassination though it seemed they were becoming more frequent once again. The stress of the impending results of Julianna’s investigation and what this might start must have triggered something in her making it easier for the nightmares and restlessness to creep back in. 
Exhausted, Lucia lazily took a sip of her freshly gotten drink. She needed the caffeine something to make her feel like less of a zombie and this would hit the spot. Hardly focusing on anything else she started away from the counter not realizing the person just a few steps away. “Shit!” she exclaimed as she felt an impact. In an attempt to save both of them from spilled drink being their accessory of the day Lucia turned stepping back as she tried to steady herself. “I’m sorry i’m only running on like two hours of sleep and i’m not all here yet.” She explained, she knew it wasn’t much of an excuse, but it was the truth. “ You’re fine right? Nothing got on you or hurt you?” Lucia asked, finally accessing the person she’d ran into.
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Milo had volunteered to get coffee for him and his brother, knowing that stepping away from their ideas for their next move would probably leave him with a freer mind to think. Not to mention that he could use a little pick me up with caffeine. 
"You should probably sleep. Or down that coffee. I’ve been getting more sleep with a toddler in the other room.” It wasn’t that he hated all Ross’s and affiliates but he pretty much he had a very deep dislike for all of them right now. He didn’t want any leads going about who had the motives to kill Victor Ross. Right now they had the upper hand considering that no one knew it was his brother who had killed Victor. And he wanted it to stay that way. Too much anonymosity could be suspicious after all. “Nothing got on me, no,” He confirmed, though he knew he’d definitely have a different reaction if there was coffee on his sirt. “Anything spill out of yours?” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
Matteo was with the sitter, a trusted Navarro associate who would keep the little babe safe for the evening. Since the birth of her son, nights out were few and far between. Being a mother was her full time job that she adored; though, even the best of mothers needed a night away.
Her mind, however, would always focus on her son.
“I can’t believe Matty’s walking now,” she cooed. “So determined and strong, just like his father.” The baby was on his feet, running wild through the hallways of their home and trying to climb out of his crib and over furniture. Admiring photos on her phone, even at the bar she missed her little boy. Her heart ached so she took a shot. Something strong and definitely over-priced.
“God, I need a distraction,” Phoebe whined, knowing not much would be able to mitigate her maternal desire to smother her child. 
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“I love that he looks a little like a drunk old man when he’s walkin’,” He gushed, though this was hard for him too. They both seemed extremely protective of their son and rightfully so. But he figured that they both needed this, especially after some certain previous events. A smirk appeared on his face when she mentioned that Matteo was just like him. He knew that this was hard for her to be away from Matteo so he was happy to assist in any way possible for her. “He’s doing just fine, I promise. If not, we’d be getting a call right now,” Anything to reassure her that he was okay. “You need to relax, mi amor. You deserve it.” Phoebe had been the one with Matteo pretty much all the time. She needed a break. “Want another shot?” 
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milonavarro · 4 years
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