milquetoasties · 4 years
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One of two fake abortion clinics on the same street as the REAL center, the EMW’s Women Center here in downtown Louisville. This one is right next door to the actual clinic and this place is seriously a nightmarish hell-hole for any unsuspecting women tricked by the anti’s. They assure you this this the abortion clinic, they get you inside, and then offer you food and drink—which of course, means that once you realize your mistake, you can’t run next door and catch your actual appointment, since you need to fast.
Women have come out of this building crying, and on a few rare occasions, without their pants. They take you to a back room for an ultrasound, have you remove your pants, and then begin lecturing you on the sins of aborting. They do not give you back your pants until you have listened, and a few women tricked this far refused to listen and stormed out furious, ashamed, and in their underwear.
This is the anti-choice agenda—lying, tricking, shaming, and embarrassing women to the brink of hysterics in hopes that she carry the pregnancy to term. Forcing her, through lies and manipulation, to do with her body what THEY want, not what is best for her.
There is no “choice” at the Louisville “Women’s Choice” clinics. Just abuse, shame, and bigots who would rather undress a woman to make her feel vulnerable and then explain how awful of a person she is than let her make HER. CHOICE.
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milquetoasties · 4 years
um, excuse me
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milquetoasties · 6 years
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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milquetoasties · 6 years
reblog if lance deserves happiness
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milquetoasties · 6 years
Like or reblog if you’re going into season 7 optimistically and think it’s going to be great for klance!
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milquetoasties · 6 years
reblog/♥ if you’re a klance stan in texas
I’m trying to prove a point (and not feel lonely shhhh)
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milquetoasties · 6 years
keith, for sure
Mhm, anyone wanna wager a bet if either lance or Keith make the first move (for confessing)? I wanna say lance.
*this is just for fun*
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milquetoasties · 6 years
Klance as The Proposal
Keith as Margaret and Lance as Andrew
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milquetoasties · 6 years
Dear boys who think I'm only mad bc of ...
Dear boys who think I’m only mad bc of my period,
I swear to all that is holy if one more guy says I’m probably just mad or annoyed at him bc I’m on my period I will kill someone. Like, me being angry or annoyed at your idiocy is not reserved to any one time of the month. And in all honesty when I’m actually on my period I’m probably too busy trying not to die of pain as my insides kill each other to even bother with your existence. So guys, despite what you might want to think or say shut your goddamned mouths and just stop making me angry. It’s as simple as that.
Sincerely, Every girl who has had the misfortune of meeting you
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milquetoasties · 6 years
Generation Z
Generation Z was born with the tragedy of 9/11 shadowing our birth certificates. A warning signal of what’s to come in the rest of our lives.
Because we grew up going to class with four— yes, four— of our classmates raising their hands and having scars on their arms being exposed. No one says anything because it’s too common for the guidance counselor to deal with, so everyone adverts their eyes instead.
We have, time and time again, gone to class only to hide under our desks for four hours not being sure whether the alarm blaring in or ears is a drill or not. Texting your parents worried because nobody knows what’s going on, and all you can do is hope that this is one of the dozens of drills you have each month and not one of the hundreds of school shootings every year.
We’re afraid to go to concerts and movie theaters and malls, and the general fucking outside world with our friends or family because of the terrorism displayed on the news. We’re scared of ending up dead every time we leave our house because the chances of it happening are more likely than it not.
We grew up in a mental health crisis and a new age of terrorism and violence. We don’t have memories of being happy, because as soon as we became self aware we knew what was going on around us.
And every time we say something to make things better for the next generation after us; every time we cry or slit our wrists just like we know to do oh so well; every time we try to do anything in the our lives we’re told that we’re too young to understand. That we have nothing to fear.
And when we’re dead, what do we have to fear then?
When we’re dead, will we finally be heard?
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milquetoasties · 6 years
bae: come over
me: do you have food
bae: my parents aren’t home
me: are they coming back with food
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milquetoasties · 6 years
taehyung’s mullet protection club
rb if you in
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milquetoasties · 7 years
Here’s a casual reminder that the repeal of Net Neutrality officially goes into affect on April 23rd. We still have time to do something, we only need ONE more vote from the Senate to restore Net Neutrality, so please keep calling your representatives and put pressure on them to vote against the FCC’s repeal
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milquetoasties · 7 years
Reblog/ like if you ship Klance but aren’t an anti.
I want to try and help the countless multishippers in this godforsaken fandom who cant enjoy Klance because of anti discourse 
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milquetoasties · 7 years
anyway, with all due respect, klance is canon king
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milquetoasties · 7 years
“Krolia isn’t hot”
-no one ever
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milquetoasties · 7 years
Y E S 
Klance AU
Lance is dating a bunch of rando people trying to find The One, and of course, the standard date is art galleries. So Lance goes to these galleries on the regular, and one artist, in particular, keeps putting out these awesome pieces. How awesome? The dude apparently burns various things on the canvas (spices, paints, etc.) to create different color ranges and it’s so awesome and cool and Lance spends more time on his dates ranting about how cool this random artist’s work is than how pretty his date is. Honestly, his dates get pretty jealous over how much he talks about this artist Keith Kogane.
Anyways one night Lance can’t land a date so he goes to the gallery alone (like a Loser TM) and notices this like, really, really, cute guy staring at his favorite artist’s work? And Lance is like “CHANCE.” and all but trips over to talk to this guy.
He slides over and is all like “Beautiful! This artwork, I mean. Hi, I’m La-”
“I guess it’s alright.” The guy says lowly. And Lance Immediately does not like this guy, like how dare you??? “What?” The guy says, looking at Lance who has apparently just said that out loud. Do or die time, Lance McClain, amiright?
“I said ‘How Dare You’?” Lance crows, because how dare this guy knock his favorite artist? And maybe Lance misses the way the dude’s cheeks go red as he proceeds to outline just how Amazing Keith Kogane’s work is and pointing out small little details that he likes and by the time he’s done Lance is pretty sure he’s been telling the guy off for a solid ten minutes when another guy comes up. The dude’s ripped and could probably snap Lance in half like a toothpick, so he wisely shuts his mouth. At least the cute, yet rude, boy has quieted down. Hah, take that.
“Keith,” Captain Leg Day speaks up, sounding incredibly amused, “ready to go?’
Lance screams.
Arguably not his best moment.
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