mimichan-artcosplay · 6 years
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I want my eggs CRACKED and my name DROPPED!
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mimichan-artcosplay · 6 years
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mimichan-artcosplay · 6 years
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I really love this picture
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mimichan-artcosplay · 6 years
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Jaebum aka got7’s boyfriend material
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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Happy Chinese New Year!!! 新年快樂啊希望可以挖到更多中文圈的同好 😂😂 ((想太多
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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official weiss schnee artwork from blazblue cross tag battle
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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© YouTH
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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© Depend On You
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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© 김쑥갓
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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© sosoyugyeom
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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This is dedicated to Kim Jonghyun, who was a bright light in many eyes and a kind heart. You, along with your brothers in SHINee, inspired so many. Your music and soul will never be forgotten, Shawols will be in mourning for a while, but we will remain strong for you! The photo I used for reference belong to its rightful copyright holders, no copyright infringement intended, I just wanted to honor a legend that we lost yesterday. This took me 8+ hours to complete, on and off. I send you much love, Jonghuyn, continue to play your kazoo in heaven! <3 <3 
Apr 08, 1990-Dec 18, 2017
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
Christmas Day
Jungkook X Reader Genre: Fluff
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My feet move back and forth as I fight the cold from creeping in, failing miserably. Keeping my eyes on my surroundings I try to spot a familiar figure, again failing to do so. At this point I’m trembling slightly and even hopping on the spot, catching curious glances from passerby.
Not long later, a pair or strong arms encircle me from the back, along with a coat wrapping around me. “Merry Christmas, ________.”
“Merry Christmas, Jungkook-ah.” I turn when he lets me and grin up at him. “Merry ‘white’ Christmas.”
Jungkook keeps his arm around me, the coat that he is wearing stays wrapped around my frame, his warmth surrounding me. “Let’s hope it keeps snowing.” He looks up at the falling snow flakes. “Then you’ll get to stay here.”
“Ey,” I wack his stomach, as much as I could with the little space left between us. “My father is going to hunt you down.”
“Your father likes me.” Unable to restrain myself I slide my cold hands behind his back underneath his coat. How can anyone not like Jungkook? “Did you wait long?”
I shake my head and press my numb nose into his sweater. “No. It’s my own fault for not putting in a thicker coat.”
“Aigoo, let’s go before you turn into a Popsicle.” I feel him stroking my hair and I wonder how he even heard my muffled voice.
But no one of us moves. I tighten my arms, he just feels so warm and cozy. “Jungkook, your heart is beating really fast.”
“It’s because you are so beautiful.” I slap his back because I know that my disheveled self after work did not look pretty at all.
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not.” I feel a light feathery touch against my hair. A sweet peck. “Let’s go, you’re cold.”
Tired, I snuggle deeper into his chest. “But you feel so nice, I could fall asleep like that.”
Jungkook amused laugh meets my ears and it instantly brightens my mood. “Then let’s go like this.”
Pushing against me, I have to walk backwards, our legs knocking against each other. I raise my head and we laugh together, his nose crunching up cutely.
I’m sure we were funny to look at but I don’t think any of us cared. We’re just happy to be together and spent the little time of Christmas we had left in each others company.
“Aish, you’re so slow.” Mischief flashes in his eyes as he unveils my arms from around him and pulls it over his head, as he bend down to lift me over his shoulder. “Let’s, go, go, go.”
“Ya!” I hit his back and blush, embarrassed, when I notice some people on the streets pointing at us. If they weren’t looking before, they sure are now.
The only response I get is his laughter as he rushes through the streets towards his company.
It’s really hard to stay upset with him. Why is his laugh so contagious?
~ ~ ~
The sound from the door closing wakes me up from my sleep. I was leaning against my usual spot on the couch inside the studio, feeling even more exhausted after the short nap.
Unlike before, I am now by myself, Jungkook no where in sight. The lights were dimmed and the computer was on idle, which means that he had left a while ago.
I frown lightly. Where could he have gone to?
Seeing some movement behind the frosted door, I get up to take a look and jump when I come face to face with Jimin, spotting me he jumps too, eyes widening.
“Oh, Jimin-ah. Why are you here? Jungkook isn’t in there.”
“Oh, uh…” Jimin looks flustered. “I-I’m just looking for something.”
“What is it, can I help?” I start searching the ground.
“My… my sock.”
I snicker. “Your sock?”
Scratching his head, Jimin looks away. “Eh, no my… my earring.”
“Oh, again?” I take out my phone and use the flashlight. “Did someone hit you with a pillow?”
He laughs, but it sounds nervous to me. When I look up I see his eyes still glued to the corridor. His expression troubled.
“Everything OK?” I ask carefully.
“Huh? Yes, yes.” His gaze snaps my way. “You don’t need to look for it, I found it earlier.”
“Oh, that’s good.” I smile and look down the corridor. “Is Jungkook in the practice room?”
“No!” Jimin’s loud response startles me. “I mean, no, he’s…. inside the….. toilet…No! Jungkookie is inside the kitchen.”
I raise my eyebrows, amused. “OK? Are you sure?”
“Yes, that’s where he is.” Again, nervous laughter.
“OK, thank you, I’ll go look for him.”
“Yes, he’s in the kitchen.” Jimin repeats and waves with a cute smile.
I walk down the corridor and arrive at the kitchen a while later seeing anyone but Jungkook. He must have left already.
Just then my phone rings. A text message.
'come look for me’
I groan. Not this again. He’d done this the first time I visited him at the company. It took an hour to find him. Turns out he kept changing his hiding spot. Sneaky little…
With a heavy sigh, I make my way to the practice room, as that made the most sense and open the door to find complete darkness.
Before I am able to close the door behind me, light flashes and the room is illuminated with Christmas lights hanging on the wall, revealing a decorated Christmas tree in the center of the room. Music had started playing softly in the background and when I listen closely, I recognize the song in an instant.
Touched, I suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of love. My heart thumbing rapidly as my eyes wander around the transformed room, I feel incredible blessed.
Christmas ornaments were hung on the tree and when I walk closer to look at the decoration, I have to grin. Photos, we had taken together, were hung on strings and when I look even closer, I see that someone had drawn funny things on Jungkook’s face.
What a bunch of dorks.
Moving around the tree, my heart jumps when I see a figure standing behind it. Jungkook.
He grins and raises a mic to his mouth.
“~Aye, love, I’ll confess right now. Without you I’m nothing.~”
My heart swells even more at the sight of him wearing a cute Christmas headband.
“~ Your lips on my lips, you and I, merry, merry Christmas.~”
Without missing a single line Jungkook takes my hand and guides me back to the spot where I had seen the photos and it’s only now that I realize that there was an 'X’ on the ground.
“~Getting to see your pretty smile again. It’s getting me fluttery.~”
My cheeks raise on their own accord. Seeing that Jungkook winks, holding my gaze.
“~With you, shawty with you. With you, shawty with you. With you, beautiful Christmas day.~”
His eyes. All I can do is stare in awe, mesmerized by his voice.
“~For me today too and tomorrow it’s Christmas Day. Kiss me so beautiful Christmas Day.~”
While singing that he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively making me push against his chest with the hand that he had help onto firmly. Different from the original version, the song fades into silence instead of their ending comment.
Jungkook smiles widely, his bunny teeth appearing. “Merry Christmas, ________-ie.” I cannot contain the squeal because he had used the same low voice that I told him I liked so much. He laughs and pinches my cheek after putting the mic away. “You really like that.”
“Hm,” I admit and smile up at him. “Merry Christmas.”
When I think of how much he probably had to prepare for this even though he had so little time for himself, I start to get emotional. “Thank you, this is really the best event someone has ever done for me.”
“Aigoo,” Jungkook’s hands move to cradle my face, his thumbs brushing under my eyes even though no tears had spilled. “Don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying.” I blink the few tears away. “Ah, but, I don’t have anything for you.”
We had agreed to not exchange gifts as we were both busy. It’s a miracle that I get to see him before he departs for his concert.
“You’re here, that’s more than enough.” Jungkook tilts his head and gazes down at me with an affectionate smile. “There is something you could give me as a gift.”
“What is it?” I ask, prepared to give him anything.
His lips twitch and I’m pretty sure I know already, but instead of telling me, Jungkook looks up at the ceiling. Curious, I look up too and giggle with slight disbelief when I see a mistletoe hanging above over heads.
Our eyes meet, he looks at me expectantly and lifts his eyebrows briefly, when I still don’t give a reaction he goes ahead and puckers his lips playfully. The only effect it has is make me burst out into fits of giggles.
What a dork.
Gazing into his eyes, I feel myself getting entranced.
A dork I seem to be falling more and more in love with.
| masterlist | 
— — — A/N: Present. Merry christmas everyone. ……
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Now this would be Jungkook’s way of giving a Christmas present but I’m not like that, I have way more to say. For example: How rude of him to just drop that cover on us with that cute selfie, his voice being too damn nice for me to function at all after listening to it. Only his voice with an acoustic guitar… orz Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone and if you don’t celebrate Christmas then happy holidays and if you don’t celebrate holidays then happy Jungkook keke. Bless them for doing a V Live today, this gif came just in time for this scenario/ one shot. Also doesn’t he look really handsome? *sigh* Are you guys ready for his self composed song because I know I never will be… Bighit is counting down to him becoming an official adult… rip me… Also end year performances… I hope you like this present, have a wonderful day everyone ^^
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mimichan-artcosplay · 7 years
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After Jong’s funeral, the moon in some places turned aqua. It’s good to know where he is now, and that he is still always and always will be with us, our little man on the moon ❤️
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