mimis-memes · 6 days
O, P, Q ( For Nana )
( You actually sent this to my meme's blog, instead of the rp blog, but it's okay ! 😆💖 )
🍎 。:*• ─ SEXY ABC.
O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex ?  Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ?  
Whenever they feel like it ? 😆 Though Nana is a sucker for slow mornings and/or passionate nights, and her idea of a perfect weekend with a lover is spending the whole time wearing nothing but his shirt and getting up only to prepare some food for them.
P ─ Public.  Have they ever done it in public ?  Were they caught ?  Do they have a favourite public place to do it ?
If the corridor of her family home counts, then yes ! Luckily they weren't caught, and even though she's somewhat inexperienced in this department, being the artistic type, she'd find it the hottest to do it in some sheltered corner of an art exhibition/museum, or backstage of one of her fashion shows. A romantic at heart, she's also the kind to visit her lover at work to bring him much more than lunch. 😉
Q ─ Questions. Is there anything they’d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage to ?  Any questions they’d rather avoid ?  Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themes ?
Even with blushing cheeks, Nana is big on communication and there's nothing she wouldn't discuss or answer truthfully. There are no taboos, and being adventurous and open-minded, she'd be willing to try almost anything at least once. Although she doesn't really like being asked about her past experiences, because her ex-fiancé was her only lover, and she fears her lack of experience might be off-putting to new potential partners. In the same manner, she wouldn't ask them about past lovers, because the past is in the past.
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎 。:*• ─ EASTER ACTIVITIES.       ›     ( a symbol meme for muses who want to have fun with some easter-themed activities this spring.  )
send a symbol for our muses to:
🥚  ─  decorate some easter eggs together 🪺  ─  exchange easter baskets with each other 🍪  ─  bake easter-themed sugar cookies together 🍽️  ─  prepare an easter feast together 🥞  ─  go out for an easter brunch 🧺  ─  go out for an easter picnic 🔍  ─  hide eggs from each other & do a easter egg hunt around the house 🐣  ─  meet by chance at a community easter egg hunt 🥄  ─  have an egg & spoon race 🎬  ─  watch easter-themed movies together 🌸  ─  visit a spring fair  🐇  ─  visit a local farm ( and pet the bunnies ) 💐  ─  meet at a floral arranging class ( making easter centerpieces, for example ) 🌱  ─  plant flowers/vegetables together 📷  ─  have an easter-themed photoshoot 🐰  ─  take pictures with a cute/creepy easter bunny ( bonus points if one of them is the bunny! ) ⛪️  ─  attend each other’s religious celebrations ( even if different from their own ) 🎶  ─  create an easter/spring playlist together & dance/sing to it 💖  ─  meet while volunteering at a charitable event/doing easter acts of kindness 🃏  ─  wildcard !  choose your own activity !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎  。:*• ─ PUNNY PICK-UP LINES SENTENCE STARTERS. ›   ( in the spirit of Valentine’s day, here’s a compilation of various funny & punny pick-up lines !  Feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses and/or add more context. )
🚪  ❝ I a-door you ! ❞ 🍵  ❝ You’re a cute tea ! ❞ 🧁  ❝ You bake me crazy ! ❞ 🫁  ❝ We belung together ! ❞ 🐚  ❝ You’re very spe-shell ! ❞ 🧈  ❝ You’re my butter half ! ❞ 🔥  ❝ We’re a perfect match ! ❞ 🍲  ❝ You make miso happy ! ❞ 🥕  ❝ I carrot live without you ! ❞ 🐻  ❝ I love you bear-y much ! ❞ 🍌  ❝ I find you very a-peeling ! ❞ 🐳  ❝ I whale always love you ! ❞ 🍞  ❝ You’re the loaf of my life ! ❞ 🦦  ❝ There’s no otter like you ! ❞ 🦐  ❝ You’re shrimply the best ! ❞ 🍉  ❝ You’re my one in a melon ! ❞ 🍕  ❝ You have a pizza my heart ! ❞ 🐰  ❝ Nobunny compares to you ! ❞ 🪵  ❝ Wood you be my valentine ? ❞ 🍋  ❝ This is my best pick-up lime... ❞ 🍅  ❝ I love you from my head to-ma-toes ! ❞ 🌮  ❝ Can we taco ‘bout how cute you are ? ❞ 🍄  ❝ You take up so mushroom in my heart ! ❞ 🍍  ❝ If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple. ❞ 🗼  ❝ Are you a tower? Because Eiffel for you ! ❞ 🌽  ❝ I know it’s corny, but you’re a-maize-ing ! ❞ 🍩  ❝ I donut know what I would do without you ! ❞ ☕️  ❝ Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me ! ❞ 🧀  ❝ This might sound cheesy, but I think you’re really grate ! ❞
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mimis-memes · 1 year
Hi Mimi! Are you going to do some icon templates for Xmas?
hello there, dear anon !  Yes, I had planned on doing some Christmas/Holiday-themed dash icon templates, just like I did for Halloween, but then real life and bad mental health happened, and it took me a while to actually get it done. Nevertheless, I've just finished and posted them, and although Christmas is just around the corner, I hope you can still find them useful. 😊
You can find the Christmas dash icon template pack here. Inside the psd file, you’ll find 12 icon templates for you to customize according to your preferences. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your interest in my little creations !  🥰
Happy Holidays !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎。:*• ─ CHRISTMAS DASH ICON TEMPLATE PACK.   ›  ( to celebrate this holiday season, I’ve made a free christmas-themed dash icon template pack !  inside the psd file, you’ll find 12 icon templates for you to customize according to your preferences — you can change pictures, colors and add or hide elements !  i made it as simple as possible, so only very basic photoshop knowledge is required to use the clipping mask and make a transparent png for best results. to download just click on the source link. )
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notes: 🍎 This template was made from scratch, and is available for personal use only. Do not redistribute it as your own creation, sell it or mix it with another artist’s work. 🍎 If you find this template pack useful, please like & reblog, so others can use it too. If you want, you can tag me on the icons you’ve created, as I love seeing my work out there ! 🍎 If you find any issues with the psd file or have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask/message and I’ll do my best to help. 🍎 This is a free psd and no payment is required/expected. But if you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you ! ♡
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mimis-memes · 1 year
Gracias por la traducción, @treeofliferpg​​ !  🥰
( Spanish translation of the werewolf plot ideas )
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Ideas de rol: Licántropos
Recordamos que el siguiente texto no ha sido redactado por el staff de ToL, solo lo hemos traducido para que pueda llegar a más personas. La autoría pertenece @mimis-memes. Podéis leer el post original en su tumblr así como en nuestro tumblr bajo la etiqueta “idioma original”.
 1. La cura: PJA es una científica que, después de haber tenido una mala experiencia con hombres lobo en el pasado (¿Tal vez apenas escapó de un ataque? ¿Tal vez vio a un ser querido siendo atacado/secuestrado por hombres lobo? ¿Tal vez es descendiente de un cazador de lobos ya fallecido?), ha dedicado toda su vida a encontrar una cura para la licantropía. Un día encuentra y secuestra a PJB, un hombre lobo, para mantenerlo en su laboratorio y aprender más sobre su condición, tal vez incluso hacer algunas pruebas y experimentar con él. ¿Cómo se desarrollará su relación? ¿Aprenderá A que hay más en los hombres lobo de lo que parece?  ¿Podrá hacer las paces con el pasado y aceptar a B por lo que es? ¿O lo curá a la fuerza?   ¿Se volverá B contra su captor? ¿Intentará escapar o castigarla convirtiéndola en lo que más desprecia?
2. La caza: PJA y PJB provienen de un antiguo y renombrado clan de cazadores de hombres lobo (pueden ser hermanos, primos, una pareja o simplemente amigos). Son considerados los mejores, pero durante una cacería particularmente difícil, PJA comete un error y es atacado por el hombre lobo, que escapa ileso. Ahora ambos saben que es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que A también se convierta en una de las criaturas que han cazado durante toda su vida. ¿B pondrá sus viejas creencias y tradiciones por encima de todo y abandonará a A? ¿Quizás incluso tratará de matarlo? ¿Regresarán ambos a su clan y fingirán que no pasó nada durante el tiempo que puedan, mientras intentan buscar una cura? ¿Esto les dará a ellos y a su clan una perspectiva completamente nueva sobre los hombres lobo, o todo seguirá igual? ¿Y si terminan cara a cara con el hombre lobo que mordió a A? ¿Todavía querrán vengarse, tratarán de aprender más sobre la condición de A, se harán amigos del lobo? (Como alternativa, B puede ser el hombre lobo, en lugar del compañero de caza de la musa A).
3. La profecía: PJA y PJB son dos hombres lobo nacidos la misma noche (¿Tal vez son gemelos, o simplemente pertenecen a la misma manada? ¿Tal vez manadas diferentes?), encajando con la descripción exacta de una antigua profecía que dice que uno de ellos está destinado a traer la paz, mientras que el otro está destinado a iniciar una guerra en la manada. A medida que crecieron, ¿siempre supieron acerca de esta profecía? ¿Cómo les ha afectado a ellos y/o a su relación entre ellos? ¿Es evidente cuál de ellos traerá la paz y quién traerá la guerra? ¿Creen siquiera en la profecía o harán todo lo que esté a su alcance para demostrar que está equivocada? ¿Y si, en su afán por escapar de su destino, acaban por cumplirlo? ¿Podría ser necesaria una guerra en la manada para finalmente lograr la paz?
4. La víctima voluntaria: PJA nunca ha sido popular (¿Quizás fue considerado el "niño raro" en la escuela y sufrió bullying mientras crecía? ¿Quizás se mudó mucho y nunca hizo amigos?), lucha contra la falta de confianza y nunca ser tomado en serio por sus compañeros de trabajo y/o intereses amorosos. Con poca o ninguna vida social, tenía mucho tiempo para dedicarse a algo que siempre les ha fascinado: ¡los hombres lobo!   Habiendo visto todas las películas y leído todos los libros, A conoce toda la historia sobre los hombres lobo, así que cuando conoce a B (Un nuevo compañero de piso/vecino/compañero de trabajo) no le toma mucho tiempo notar algunos signos y reconocerlos por lo que realmente son. ¿A enfrentará a B con esto? ¿B tratará de negar la verdad? ¿A verá esto como una oportunidad para ser más de lo que siempre ha sido y le rogará a B que también lo convierta en un hombre lobo? ¿Quizás incluso chantajearlo para que lo haga? ¿B cederá? Y si es así, ¿tratará de cuidar al nuevo lobo, enseñándole todo lo que sabe? ¿Intentaría A impresionar a las personas en su vida con sus nuevos poderes, tal vez incluso vengarse? ¿Cómo se desarrollaría la relación entre A y B?
5. El nuevo cachorro: PJA tuvo una aventura de una noche con un extraño y termina embarazada, pero algo no está del todo bien, ya que tiende a caminar dormida y tienen un antojo peculiar de carne cruda, especialmente cuando hay luna llena. PJB la está cuidando (pueden ser un amigo, un miembro de la familia, un ama de llaves, etc.) y, siendo un hombre lobo en secreto, sabe exactamente lo que le pasa a A. ¿Se lo dirá a A? ¿Lo ayudará a dar a luz y criar a un hombre lobo bebé?  (Alternativamente, si la musa A es hombre, podría haber tenido una aventura de una noche con un extraño y, nueve meses después, un bebé aparece en su puerta. PJB es una amiga/pareja/miembro de la familia/compañero de piso que vive con A y, siendo un hombre lobo, sabe exactamente por qué este bebé no es como ningún otro que A haya visto antes. 
6. Un cuento tan antiguo como el tiempo: PJA es un hombre lobo, PJB es un vampiro. Ignorando la guerra centenaria entre las dos especies, se aman. ¿Serán capaces de ocultar esta relación a sus clanes? ¿Pretenden odiarse y luchar entre sí en presencia de otros, mientras se reúnen en secreto después? ¿Y si fueran descubiertos?  ¿Huirían juntos, alimentando aún más la guerra? ¿Sus lazos familiares hablarían más fuerte que el amor? ¿ O será el amor la respuesta y el comienzo de una tregua? ¿Y si se hubiera concebido un niño híbrido? ¿Y si A está comprometida con el alfa de su manada de lobos? ¿Terminaría cumpliendo con su deber y abandonaría a su amante vampiro para protegerlo? (Como alternativa, B puede ser el alfa a quien se prometió A. ¿Cómo reaccionaría ante la noticia de que su prometida había estado con un vampiro? ¿Podrían mirar más allá y aún aceptar a A? ¿Podría A aprender a amar a B?).
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎  。:*• ─ CHRISTMAS PICK-UP LINES SENTENCE STARTERS.      ›    ( a compilation of various christmas/holiday-themed pick-up lines taken from various sources, for muses who are feeling flirty this holiday season !  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses.   note: numbers 21 to 40 can be nsfɯ, so please read at your own risk ! )
nice & funny : 1.    ❝ There’s snow one like you ! ❞ 2.    ❝ When we met, it was love at frost sight ! ❞ 3.    ❝ I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you. ❞ 4.    ❝ Hi, Santa said you wished for me. Good choice ! ❞ 5.    ❝ Are you Christmas ?  Because I want to merry you. ❞ 6.    ❝ There's snow place like your arms this Christmas ! ❞ 7.    ❝ Do you live in an igloo ?  Because you're pretty cool ! ❞ 8.    ❝ I didn’t think I was a snowman, but you just made me melt. ❞ 9.    ❝ If I was the Grinch, I wouldn’t steal Christmas. I’d steal you. ❞ 10.  ❝ I’ll be home for Christmas — and I want you to come with me. ❞ 11.  ❝ You make me more excited than gifts under a Christmas tree ! ❞ 12.  ❝ I don’t need Christmas lights, you’re already shining so bright ! ❞ 13.  ❝ The Grinch may have stolen Christmas, but you stole my heart. ❞ 14.  ❝ Let’s drink some hot tea in the snow. After all, ‘Teas the Season ! ❞ 15.  ❝ I don’t have a Christmas list, because you’re already the best gift. ❞ 16.  ❝ It’s the season of giving, so you should give me your phone number. ❞ 17.  ❝ Aren’t you supposed to be on top of that tree ?  Because you’re a star ! ❞ 18.  ❝ Let me take you on a first date in the snow. I promise I’m not going to flake ! ❞ 19.  ❝ Can I take a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas ? ❞ 20.  ❝ If you were a tree, you’d be an evergreen, because I bet you look this good all year round. ❞ naughty & sexy : 21.  ❝ Let’s make this a not-so-silent night. ❞ 22.  ❝ Let me help you out of that ugly sweater... ❞ 23.  ❝ I want to fill you up with my... holiday spirit. ❞ 24.  ❝ How about I shimmy down your chimney tonight ? ❞ 25.  ❝ The only package I want this Christmas is yours. ❞ 26.  ❝ We don’t need a sleigh, you can ride me instead. ❞ 27.  ❝ Santa’s lap isn’t the only place wishes come true. ❞ 28.  ❝ Let’s both be naughty and save Santa the trip tonight. ❞ 29.  ❝ Is your name Winter ?  Because you’ll be coming soon. ❞ 30.  ❝ Let’s pretend to be presents and get laid under the tree. ❞ 31.  ❝ Your stocking isn’t the only thing I’ll be filling up tonight. ❞ 32.  ❝ Are you ornaments ?  Because I want you all over my tree. ❞ 33.  ❝ You're the first gift I want to unwrap on Christmas morning. ❞ 34.  ❝ Call me your Christmas tree, because you’re turning me on. ❞ 35.  ❝ Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me ? ❞ 36.  ❝ I was going to warm my hands by the fireplace, but you’re much hotter ! ❞ 37.  ❝ Do you like the song “Jingle Bells” ?  Because we could go all the way... ❞ 38.  ❝ Are you looking for a tree topper ?  Because I’ve been told I’m a star on top. ❞ 39.  ❝ I just got some mistletoe. How about we go back to my place and try it out ? ❞ 40.  ❝ I’m not Santa, but do you want to sit on my lap and tell me what you want this Christmas ? ❞
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Sources: [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]  [ 3 ]
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mimis-memes · 1 year
Thank you so much for including me, @starry-night-memes​ !  🥰
Guys, please take a moment to check out all the amazing blogs listed as well !  💖
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RP Meme & Resource Blogs!
Active blogs below the cut.
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mimis-memes · 1 year
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Thank you so much for your birthday wishes @violentemperor​ , @mellowwpuphub​  & @katedibiasky​ !  🥰  Have a wonderful day as well ! 💖
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hello everyone !  it’s my birthday !  Yeah, it seems little Mimi here is getting old hehe !  And even though I haven’t had this blog for long, I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you who’ve enjoyed my content and have taken a moment of your day to interact !  Every message, follower, like & share means a lot to me and has brought a smile to my face. 🥰 
To celebrate this day, I’ve just posted some funny birthday sentence starters for all your muses who also want some fun on their birthday !  I hope you guys like it !  Thank you so much for your support, and remember that requests are always open ! Now, it’s time for me to go & have some cake ! 😋 Have a great day and happy roleplaying !
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🎁 ㅤ
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mimis-memes · 1 year
Happy bday mimi! 🥳🎂 Hope you had a great day!
hello there, dear anon !  Thank you so much !  I did have a great day, despite the rain !  I got to visit an exhibition about Frida Kahlo, and then had a little birthday dinner with my family.  🥰   This is the last picture in my camera roll:
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A pretty good way to start this new age of mine hehe !  Hope you're having a wonderful day as well ! 💖
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mimis-memes · 1 year
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Thank you so much, dear anon ! 🥰 Hope you're having a lovely day as well !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
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hello everyone !  it’s my birthday !  Yeah, it seems little Mimi here is getting old hehe !  And even though I haven’t had this blog for long, I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you who’ve enjoyed my content and have taken a moment of your day to interact !  Every message, follower, like & share means a lot to me and has brought a smile to my face. 🥰 
To celebrate this day, I’ve just posted some funny birthday sentence starters for all your muses who also want some fun on their birthday !  I hope you guys like it !  Thank you so much for your support, and remember that requests are always open ! Now, it’s time for me to go & have some cake ! 😋 Have a great day and happy roleplaying !
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🎁 ㅤ
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎  。:*• ─ FUNNY BIRTHDAY SENTENCE STARTERS.    ›    ( a compilation of funny quotes taken from various birthday cards.  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses !  )
it’s my muse’s birthday !  what would yours say to them ?
1.     ❝ Congrats on not being dead yet ! ❞ 2.     ❝ One year closer to granny panties ! ❞ 3.     ❝ Free cake !  I mean, happy birthday ! ❞ 4.     ❝ I’ll always be younger than you. Ha ha ! ❞ 5.     ❝ In whiskey years, you just got more delicious ! ❞ 6.     ❝ For the record, you’re not old. You’re a classic ! ❞ 7.     ❝ A late birthday card is better than a late period ! ❞ 8.     ❝ Candles aren’t the only thing getting blown tonight ! ❞ 9.     ❝ Happy anniversary of your umbilical cord separation ! ❞ 10.   ❝ Another 365 days since you fell out of a vagina. Hooray ! ❞ 11.   ❝ This is an annual reminder that I’m super glad you were born ! ❞ 12.   ❝ The older you get, the better you get !  Unless you’re a banana... ❞ 13.   ❝ I’m really glad your parents had unprotected sex !  Happy birthday ! ❞ 14.   ❝ Today we celebrate the only time you won a race. Happy birthday ! ❞ 15.   ❝ I’m glad you were born, my life would be pretty boring without you ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. ❞ 17.   ❝ Happy birthday to the love of my life, and the biggest pain in my ass. ❞ 18.   ❝ I wanted to give you something amazing, but I didn’t fit in the gift bag. ❞ 19.   ❝ Thanks for being born !  It’s a great excuse for us to get drunk and eat cake ! ❞ 20.   ❝ I wish you happy birthday with all my butt !  I’d say heart, but my butt is bigger. ❞ 21.   ❝ You suck... at aging !  Can you at least try to look older ? Happy birthday, anyway ! ❞ 22.   ❝ Happy birthday !  We’ve been through a lot together, and most of it was your fault ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Let’s celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world — naked and screaming ! ❞ 24.   ❝ Birthdays are good for your health. Studies show that people who have more birthdays live the longest ! ❞ 25.   ❝ Happy birthday to the funniest, prettiest, classiest bitch I know... other than myself, of course ! ❞ 26.   ❝ Happy birthday !  Always remember that if you fall, I’ll be there to pick you up... after I finish laughing, of course ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world !  Wait, did I say “to” ?  I meant “from” ! ❞ 28.   ❝ This is not a birthday card !  Because if it was, then it would be late. But it’s not a birthday card, so it’s not late ! ❞ 29.   ❝ I think me being your [friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc...] is enough of a birthday gift. You’re welcome ! ❞ 30.   ❝ Good things take time, just like me remembering your birthday. Happy belated birthday ! ❞ 31.   ❝ I didn’t get you anything, but I thought about it. They say it’s the thought that counts ! Happy birthday ! ❞ 32.   ❝ I wanted to send you something sexy, but the postman told me to get out of the mailbox... anyway, happy birthday ! ❞ 33.   ❝ Happy birthday to a [brother/boyfriend/husband/etc...] that has the world’s greatest [sister/girlfriend/wife/etc...] !  You are so lucky ! ❞ 34.   ❝ There’s two things to remember on your birthday. First, forget the past, because you can’t change it ;  second, forget the present — I didn’t buy you one. ❞ 35.   ❝ For your birthday I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life. ❞
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎 。:*• ─ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME !     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special and fun together this christmas / holiday season. )
send a symbol for our muses to:
🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree 🎄  ─  decorate a christmas tree together 💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe 🍽  ─  prepare the christmas dinner together 🍪  ─  bake & decorate christmas/holiday-themed sugar cookies ☕️   ─  drink something warm and/or festive ( either at home, at a coffeeshop, christmas market, etc... ) 🏠  ─  decorate a gingerbread house together 🎬  ─  watch a christmas movie 🎭  ─  see a christmas musical/play at the theater 🔥  ─  have an indoor picnic by the fireplace and/or christmas tree 🌟  ─  drive around the city to see the christmas lights ✉️  ─  send each other a christmas card 🎅🏻  ─  be each other’s secret santa 🎁  ─  exchange & open chistmas presents 🛍   ─  go christmas shopping together 👕   ─  go out wearing matching christmas sweaters  🎉   ─  attend a holiday party together 📷   ─  have a holiday photoshoot 🎶   ─  go christmas caroling  💃   ─  dance around the living room to christmas songs 💖   ─  volunteer together at a local charity  ✈️   ─  go on a christmas getaway ✏️   ─  create their own christmas/holiday tradition 😈  ─  decide who has been the naughtiest and the nicest and give each other rewards & consequences accordingly  ( can be funny/platonic or sexy/nsfɯ, depending on muses’ relationship ) 🃏   ─  wildcard !  choose your own activity !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡
hello there dear anon !   Thank you so much for sending some positivity my way !  It truly makes me happy that me and/or my little blog has made someone happy as well ! 🥰
Have a wonderful day !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🃏   ─  wildcard ! ( let hannibal cook for will uwu )
hello there ! Thank you so much for sending in some memes, but unfortunately I think you've got the wrong blog. This is only a resource blog for roleplayers, so I don't actually rp here and there aren't any muses on this blog. 😅 ( And even my own rp blog is on hiatus, so I haven't been much of a roleplayer these days... 😅 )
Anyway, I hope you can still find some content to your liking around here ! Requests are always open as well. 💖 Have a great weekend and happy roleplaying !
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mimis-memes · 1 year
🍎 。:*• ─ THE WINTER DATE.     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special & fun together this winter. )
send a symbol for our muses to:
⛄️  ─  build a snowman ❄️  ─  have a snowball fight 👼  ─  make snow angels ⛸  ─  go ice skating 🛷  ─  go sledding ⛷  ─  take a skiing trip 🍪  ─  have some hot cocoa and cookies 🍿  ─  stay in watching movies, wrapped up in a blanket  🔥  ─  have dinner by the fire 🥧   ─  bake something together 🧑‍🍳   ─  take a cooking class together 🛖   ─  take a cabin getaway  🌲   ─  go on a walk through the woods 🧶   ─  knit something for each other ✂️  ─  start a DIY project together 🎡  ─  visit a winter wonderland 📚   ─  have a coffeeshop & bookstore date 🛁   ─  take a nice, warm bubble bath together 💤   ─  have a pajama day 🕯   ─  have a “no electricity” date night ⛺️   ─  build a blanket fort 🃏   ─  wildcard !  choose your own activity !
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