mina-euglena · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to the one and only Don Mancini  🥳🎉
#donmancini #chucky
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mina-euglena · 3 years
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Chucky the anime series 🔪✨💀 (video)
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mina-euglena · 3 years
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some random stuff
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mina-euglena · 3 years
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🖤Good news, he´s (kinda) OK!!🧨🔥
Commissions open!.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
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All furry sculptures on the picture are made by me.
Is someone interrested in a making of and more work in progress pictures?
My sculpture service is finally available on etsy!
Making fursonas and other OCs into sculptures and other physical iteams like keychains.
Still slots open, please reblog and share the info around 🙌
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mina-euglena · 3 years
My sculpture service is finally available on etsy!
Making fursonas and other OCs into sculptures and other physical iteams like keychains.
Still slots open, please reblog and share the info around 🙌
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mina-euglena · 3 years
Saying bye bye to all the heart broken fans of the Chucky franchise that had a different vision of the show and characters then Don and don't want to see more of it in the future. Not all can be happy with the series and I'm truly sorry that some of you didn't like the show....I still have to figure out if I love or just like it because I live in the EU. But what I heard about the plot and saw in clips (and that is by now everything) I think I going to like it very much. I loved the movies and for me Tiff sounds not out of character and how they met was similar to what I imagined. Also her keeping Nica captured sounds not out of character. Even if cutting off limbs seems extreme (I feel very sorry for Nica), I found seed of chucky at least as disturbing . Even chucky was overwhelmed with the craziness of the situation in the end. Tiffany simply decided to find an actress who she thinks is great to impregnate against her will and that had to experience a birth in an extremely short time ( with no birth assistance exept a psycho doll holding you hostage) . She lives in this body to this day. Chucky went more or less along with her wishes in this movie but you could see how he was not really on bord with all of this. For me is a forced pregnacy and then loosing your babys to a crazy person that puts the soul of her child in your newborns at least on the same level of fucked up( you saw that Jeniffer befor becoming finally posessed wanted to see her babys in the Hospital the emotional rollercoster and stress must be horrible) . So I don't think Tiff is out of character (if this limb scene isn't a drug dream by Nica) she and Chucky are sick and unpredictable. Makes the whole franchise so much more fun to me. Also them betraying each other from time to time.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
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mina-euglena · 3 years
since i still can't watch the Chucky series and can only find out about the end of the season via tumbler, I will distract myself with sculpting.
Small Chucky face practice.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
I actually think the show does decent flashbacks and I want to see where they’re taking this-
I rant about Chiffany and general Tiffany idk here
I actually think the flashback’s in the show do chiffany pretty well, now I may be saying this because I’m relatively new and haven’t really consumed any Origin fanfics but the show seams to know what it’s doing. At the very least it’s not completely ooc and character destroying like the one from curse of chucky. Good god if anything this series finally has them back in character if anything. I think the main issue is people are expecting fully fleshed out practically movie segments in the brief snipbits we’re getting. Their small flashbacks at different points and they can’t show everything, most of it is eluding to thinks we already know.
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Can we stop acting like Tiffany wouldn’t dress violently 80s and bimbo like?
She’s always dressed sort of “Trashy” (Jennifers words not mine) and really I love what they did with most of her outfits, tacky prints and her signature nails, however I do have to agree her being a redhead is total bull? However, I think it may have just been hair dye to?  I love that it actively shows her with a change of style too. 80s to goth ish to whatever she has going on since 2013. Also living for the current huge earrings yessss. It’s just real- people don’t stay stagnant in how they dress, not everyone, your  allowed to change your style. (I also don’t think she was ever fully goth- have you seen a 80s goth? It’s not just dark clothing)
As for the timeline- literally every timeline of events is so fucked up i don’t even know when the TV show takes place anymore- anything after child’s play 3 is fair fucking game in when it takes place in limbo. I didn’t expect any better when it came to their relationship 😭. However they can’t be showing snipbits for no reason, it’s bits a pieces at different times- you know like a flashback- I want to see way more if we get a season 2, maybe killing her mom and if Tiff is cake girl or not.
I don’t think it’s “backtracking”
I’ve seen a lot of people say this but really, I don’t think it’s ooc at all. Charles holding the voodoo book I think is sort of a nod to his practices or “a hobby” as he put it. But I don’t think he’s a purely book learner- hell it could be a karate kid situation where John tells him it won’t do much and shows him all the actual things. God I want a flashback where tiff just comes back in to find those candyman ass murals all over the apartment (I don’t think the one in the flashback is south side or I may be wrong).
No but I kind of love it , that there a relationship that’s a very passion driven thing. Every little thing is intense and it’s a ride that Tiff can’t quite get herself off of and starts changing because of- now she’s always been a killer but I’ve always thought in the bridge of chucky - he was a influence in several things she did or was.
1.) I think she wasn’t really a voodoo type, we’ve seen how she kills, she loves the throat slash and a new nail color. Her book is literally “voodoo for dummies” it’s something she picked up as Charles was so adamant in it being a escape from death she thinks - hey it might as well revive him too.
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2.) It lines up for her love of gorey details and expecting her boyfriend to kill too and be good at it, which this guy clearly wasn’t. Since killing was  definitely a think they were both way to into.
3.) “you haven’t changed” it’d make sense for them to be fighting around the time he would have been killed, she’d expect this big change from 10 years only for it to not really have happened but instantly a storm of love again.
Really peak Tiffany content
Now let’s be honest, she always was a little prone to dramatics.
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She’s excitable, sweet and deadly. Something I love with the series is that we actively see her being a accomplice? Something we haven’t really seen in her prior movies as it was more about getting a body. She gets so excited about things she nearly gives herself away, like with the real estate agent “my fiancé used to live in the murder house , isn’t that cute 💕” style. They’re dynamic is the same as it was we just see it- much more physically- they scream and squawk and claw, storming out of the room only to be loving the next second. Seriously the fucking hotel scene-
1st when Chucky’s talking about her being the best thing and times he’s had in his life , but at times he just wants to kill her(and has) and how love, is strange. (Speaking though a supernaturally possessed  paraplegic girl)
2nd is moments later, once she storms back in the room he’s “let’s go get you what you want baby” mode. Is it quite the levels of the kiss at the end of cult? No. But it’s these small little details that drive me insane and I absolutely adore about them. They know what and who they are and it’s great. They’ve always been sort of cheesy and cartoony (Tiffs first two movies were literally comedy’s) , but I do hope we get to see the more serious side. They ARE buying a house, good god maybe they’re taking a break. Murder family. Who knows. They’re instable in a stable way.
Which is I don’t believe the whole “I like Nica more thing”
I’m here to calm the panic in that was definitely just a tiff being manipulative  moment, you can tell by her body language and the tone of her voice etc. She was squirming, getting to high pitched in her voice, to flattering. False sense of security. She literally knocks her out the next second with the same joyous brutality as the end of seed. She wouldn’t be doing all this, working way to hard or say “my fiancé used to live here” for her to just switch sides out of nowhere. Don does make a LOT of retcons and bad choices (making whatever the heart of damballa was, Sarah pierce , inconsistant time line) but I don’t think he’d do this
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mina-euglena · 3 years
Part 1 of my doll transformation time lapse for Chucky.
The next ones will be after 1 month and after 1 year.
It was fun thinking about when something develops and changes in chucky's body.
His skin after one week is still plastic-like but already with fleshy parts under it and developed organs.
His hair is changing more and more into real hair, especially his hair line and eyebrows are changing.
Also his body is starting to get more... functional (lets say he has the underwear not for nothing XD)
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mina-euglena · 3 years
The idea of chucky in a shirt that is way too big for him is funny to me...but imagine Andy giving him a mocking shirt on top.
Couldn't stop myself drawing this 😂
The little lakeshore snuggler 💕
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mina-euglena · 3 years
Doll Transformation
Charles lee Ray from one day inside a chucky doll to one year inside a chucky doll.
This is a sneak peak of a upcoming picture I'm working on.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
The thing with chucky's hair
After seeing all the chucky movies again, I noticed that the subject of hair cutting plays a role in a few places. It's subtle but enough for me to think that Charles hates to get his hair cut or even has a phobia about it.
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Chucky 3 : The student's hairdresser is portrayed almost like a serial killer in the film. Obsessed with cutting hair, in the cafeteria scene chases boys with hair that has grown too long, he collects parts of hair on his wall with pictures of the children and even when he finds Chucky and thinks he is a lifeless doll, he wants to cut his hair.
Cutting hair is generally portrayed as creepy in this film and not just from the point of view of chucky, but that was the first time his dislike was seen. Besides the fact that he had long hair all his adult life, of course.
From what we see in the series, the hair thing started in his youth. It almost seems as if he just let it grow at a certain point.
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Worth then pain?
In cult of chucky there is the scene that gave me the idea. When the three chuckies argue about who is allowed to kill Andy, the winner is not the chucky who has experienced the greatest pain that day, but the one who has just been "born" and has shaved hair.
The other chucky apologize and show real pity.
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None of them know that chucky was sent by Andy who apparently marked the doll in such a way as to know in which doll he hid his weapon. But through the series we also know that Andy had chucky's head with him for 4 years to torture and get to know him (in the sense of know your enemy).
So it is quite possible that he deliberately chose this type of marking because he knows how much chucky would hate this doll and having short hair. Since Andy was surprised by the fact that suddenly there is more than one chucky, it is even questionable whether he did not have the doll in case the head would have been too broken one day to be tortured.
Andy seemed to have reached such a sadistic point that I think it possible that he planned to go through the whole thing much longer and start the torture right from the start with the new doll with cut hair. Since Charles is extremely afraid of dying, it was clear to Andy that the chucky head, despite the hair, would not hesitate to save himself into a new doll in an emergency. So I think Andy knows too how much Charles hates haircuts and that is why he had a short hair chucky doll in the first place.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
A bit older fanart but I still think the idea of Chucky being transported like a baby is still very funny. Andy is so done with everything.
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mina-euglena · 3 years
Sadly I can't watch the chucky series yet in my country but this will not stop me from drawing fanart.
Had this thought for a while now...
how would a completely humanized chucky doll look like? I imagine it to be something like this with an undamaged chucky doll. Next question...What if the doll is demolished? How painful would the transformation into flesh then be?
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mina-euglena · 3 years
One of the many things I love about the Chucky franchise is how may times gender is so casually played with
like in Curse of Chucky Nica asks “you are a male right?” about Chucky (who never responds)
and in Cult of Chucky Grace comments “him? That’s a interesting choice of pronoun.”
not only is Glen/da canonically genderfluid, Chucky later ends up possessing Nica and living with Tiffany as a wlw couple, proving that Chucky’s gender is pretty fluid too
then we have Fiona in drag perfectly playing a young Charles Lee Ray and having a threesome with two women
let alone the fact that every movie/episode since 1988 has had at least one gay character (but often several)
Don Mancini has been infusing as much lgbt rep into his films as possible since the 80s, nobody is doing it like him and I am so glad he’s still putting out more content!
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