mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ what do you know... ? ” minenhle leaned in coyly. dianna would not let her down  !
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“…her? oh god- i can’t believe that she managed to convince the guards to let her in.” dahye drew a dramatic little sigh. “you wouldn’t believe of how loudly some people like to talk in public powder rooms.” ( @hshqstarters​ )
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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welcome party - rehearsal dinner - ceremony - reception
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ oh max ! ” now there was a face she hadn’t seen in a while ! “ i heard you’re a big fan of swimming. are hotel pools more fun in a suit ? ” [ ;; @maximiliians​ ]
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ i actually enjoyed myself ? like really enjoyed myself. i knew the party was going to be fun but it exceeded my expectations ! how did your night go ? did you get a midnight kiss ? ” [ ;; @inescroy​ ]
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ i didn’t hear. ” minenhle frowned. “ that sounds really concerning — any idea who it was ? what they wanted ? ” it sounded like some self-centered royal had been way too bored at the party. “ hey... it’s not the end of the world. ” she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “ this is the first time i’m hearing about it. it probably hasn’t spread and i don’t think anyone would blame you. you weren’t out there roofing people. ” it was a miracle no one had gotten a heart attack ! “ you act oblivious. if it was like two people, you can imply that they should get new friends. individual guests’ actions aren’t on you. if you go around making a big deal out of it, it will become a big deal and you’ll have to start shoveling shit. ” 
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“ YOU HAVE TO KILL ME. did you hear ? drugs. someone laced drinks and at least a few guests were drugged against their will and without their knowledge. ” he buried his face in his hands. “ fucking kill me. this was supposed to be my own personal debutante ball. now everyone will remember me as that congolese guy whose party was the drug party of the year — and not in a good way. fucking fuck. ” the urge to kick the sofa overtook him and he immediately regretted it: searing pain shot up his leg from his big toe when it hit the surprisingly hard side of the sofa. more curse words escaped his mouth. “ do i publicly apologise ? do i tell people they might have been drugged ? do i deny it ? ” [ @mincnhlc​ ]
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ yasmin is good. ”  what else is he supposed to say?  if he says anything else,  he might slip and give minnie exactly what she wants to hear.  the missing substance in his own reply itched at his throat.  “ tried to convince her to join.  we’ll see. ”  whether she relays this information to reggie or not,  it doesn’t matter to him.  it’s not like the guy has done anything considered important during his stay at the program.  he’ll carry on hanging out with his so-called friends and being irrelevant.  plus,  it’s more pleasing to receive a retort from minnie anyway.  “ so it’s settled.  new years is off limits. ”  he raises his glass as if doing a toast.  “ does anyone ever plan to do karaoke?  don’t most people get drunk enough to the point where they don’t care about making themselves look stupid? ”
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“ would love to have her around. ” just so that she could keep an eye on the pair. fucking reggie... he had to screw things up on that front. she would have slept better knowing yasmin wasn’t going to favour okeyo. her eyes remained on him measuring his previous words. as much as they bothered her, she mirrored his actions and raised her own glass. “ we deserve a break. ” she grinned and shrugged before sipping on the champagne. “ depends on your singing voice and just how seriously you take yourself. not even once have i regretted karaoke. most of the times i haven’t even been that drunk. ”
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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did the joke go over her head?  “ wishful thinking. ”  he shrugs,  if she doesn’t play along,  he hopes it at least causes some offence.  “ yeah,  you’ve been? ”  the added touch of the moroccan crown heir being reggie’s ex was great motivation for okeyo to make the trip. and seeing the zulu’s lack of reaction gives him mild satisfaction.  he would like to think he struck some sort of chord.  for once he agrees, and instead of vocalizing it,  he shakes his head with a laugh into his glass before taking a drink.  “ hey hey hey.  it’s new years eve.  let’s have a truce for just tonight.  any other event or day is free game. ” 
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“ morocco’s nice. yes. ” he couldn’t miss out on an opportunity to rub it in her face, could he ? “ how’s yasmin ? ” she inquired over the rim of her glass. was it morocco he was visiting or the crown princess ? the detail was far from inconsequential. the most annoying part about okeyo was that he would have been fairly easy to get along with had the circumstances been different. not too serious but not a complete clown either. exhibit a: his easy-going laugh. “ mh... what happens on new year’s doesn’t count. sounds pretty fair. ” the more drinks she had the more happened and when things started happening with minnie, she usually had a pretty hard time slowing the process. she had a lot to gain from a bit of good will. “ you’re not planning on doing karaoke though ? ”
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ i’m only a phone call away,  can’t guarantee i’ll answer though. ”  he grins,  grabbing two drinks from a passing by waiter and handing one to minnie.  “ i went back home with asali and took a stop in morocco. ”  he answers truthfully.  he doesn’t elaborate further knowing minnie can read between the lines.  “ anything else you’re nosy about?  just saying i don’t have all the answers if it’s the kind of gossip you like. ”  he tilts his head toward the dance floor where jelani and his ex are dancing to a carly rae jepsen song.
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“ why would you assume i have you number ? ” maybe because she did. but what was that but a piece of irrelevant information ? “ morocco... ” she didn’t like it. if the mwezis were successfully expanding their influence to north, the zulus had a lot of catching up to do. a friendship with uriah went a long way but he was no golden goose. opportunistic and, most notably, temporary. her eyes looked past him and she lifted a brow. hmm... maybe tekla would genuinely want to know. “ i think i’m fine. for some reason i don’t believe that anything worth knowing about would happen during ‘call me maybe’. ” she turned back to him. “ though if i caught you doing that, i might record it. it’d make pretty good blackmailing material. ” 
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ couldn’t help hearing you trying to solve an unsolvable problem ! ” she slipped into the spot next to matilde and draped an arm on her friend’s shoulders. “ you shouldn’t try to solve it like this. what you need to do is lock him in a room and not let out until he has fallen in love with someone. ” she grinned at the women. “ i’ve always thought he’d look cute with your sister, barbie. ” but that opportunity was no longer around as far as minenhle knew. “ the princess of japan is a good choice — except that omari has no fucking chance. i love that guy but man’s dumb as a boot. ” the japanese princess seemed far too sophisticated and proper. “ you know the turks ? what about the older princess ? ” [ ;; @barbiebraganca​ ]
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     - ‘ NOT ONCE, no. ’ and even without having heard her voice once, the woman was already above the majority of women her friend’s showed any interest in. ‘ she was the best i found in such short time and this disastrous crowd. how come everyone in this room is single yet nobody is single ? ’ that probably made no sense. ‘ as entertaining as watching omari flirt is though, i must say: this night’s boring. ’ it was only eleven. 
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            “ YOU JUST PICKED HER OUT JUST NOW, didn’t you? ” which matilde had assumed barbie only recently came to decide on fumiko just not then and there like a doll out of a catalogue. “ who is married? ” she turned to look back at those nearby. “ she’s engaged, ” matilde said with a glance to the princess of panama. “ she looks head over heels too, like a first love. ” and so the gossip had begun. matilde then gave a slight nod left of omari’s flirting expedition, towards another pair. “ they say all the good things happen after midnight. what do you think of them? ”
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ eh… ”  he shrugs giving her a non-answer.  “ a funny way of saying you missed me. ”
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“ oh i did miss you. a lot ! ” bantering with him was a relatively entertaining way to kill time. she could admit that. “ no but in all seriousness, i’m nosy. where were you ? ” 
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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            “ DOES IT? ” matilde knew as much, how bad it might looked, yet indifference seemed to remain her default expression. “ but i wouldn’t say biggest enemy and a few dates … dating. ” she attempted to shrug it off but only managed to glance at the ground a few times. “ maybe we should all look at it as building a bridge. ” and the spanish royals had held their tongue on any commentary on the tabloid gossip confirmation as far as she was aware. “ but it sounds like you approve. ” 
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“ if i were a bourbon-anjou, i’d be totally calling you names... but i’m not so i very much support you. if you know what you’re doing and he’s not using you. ” matilde had considered that, right ? right !? “ what’s he like ? he was sort of hated just a few years ago. ”
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ NOTHING… ” his sigh sounded like a whine. “ i did something stupid — nay, i have been stupid. ” he laughed because he didn’t know any other sound that would have released his chest from the pressure. “ it’s not that i’m waiting or expecting nadya to change her mind and come around. i don’t even want that. ” he wiped a bead of condensation off the side of his glass. “ but even as friends i feel like she’ll slip away eventually. i know she will. so i don’t understand why i keep following her around — and that’s another thing. ” she had expected him to ask her to dance when not in a thousand years would she bother to do it herself. opportunities. she gave him opportunities, nothing less, nothing more. “ i think i’ve become a doormat. didn’t think it was possible ! ” 
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“ something stupid. ” since it was uriah they were talking about, it had to be something incredibly stupid for him to be this self-aware. minenhle made sure that her lips remained sealed as uriah poured his heart out. he was getting the words out of his mouth, she did not want him to feel discouraged to continue. “ mhm... ” he was right: he was stupid. “ that’s how things are with nadya. you get what she gives you and you don’t expect anything. ” she shrugged. “ you’ll lose if you go seeking something specific from her. ” she nudged his arm before leaning against him. “ do what i do with everyone: if someone doesn’t match your energy, let them be and once they have figured out where they want you, they’ll contact you. then you can decide if their offer is what you want and need. ”
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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Perhaps I am bound to be restless Always yearning, never satisfied Perhaps I'm aching for nothing That words can't ever define
— tender offerings, first aid kit
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ finally ! i was so sick of the string quartet. i get that we’re in russia but if i had been forced to hear even one more of tschaikovski’s pieces, i would have left ! ” the orchestra had packed up and the band had taken its place ! “ i’ve been waiting all day to dance. like dance dance. this is perfect. ” ( @hshqstarters​ )
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ aww... i always love being a little clown for you. i should go find my juggling attire... ” despite the sarcasm, she sat on the bench next to him. even if she had been going somewhere, her curiosity wouldn’t have let her leave him be. “ what’s this about ? i want to know how good a story i’ll have to tell you. ”
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“ C’MON MINNIE… sit with me, entertain me a bit, distract me with one of your stories. ” [ @mincnhlc​ ]
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ no sermon, ever, has made me consider leaving it in the middle of it but this one tested me. it really tested me. i don’t know if understanding it would have helped though, at least i could zone out with good conscience. ” ( @elysefz​ )
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“it was a beautiful ceremony, really. though, if you told me it was more enjoyable for those who don’t speak russian, i would believe you.” @hshqstarters​
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            “ I THINK IT WAS, ” and as someone who did not speak russian, matilde thought herself an excellent candidate to say so. “ did anyone make a mistake during the ceremony? ” cultural customs she was far from familiar with. “ for one that lasted so long i know i would have. ” ( @elysefz​ + anyone who wants in )
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