mind-the-margin · 1 year
“It's taboo to admit that you're lonely. You can make jokes about it, of course. You can tell people that you spend most of your time with Netflix or that you haven't left the house today and you might not even go outside tomorrow. But rarely do you ever tell people about the true depths of your loneliness, about how you feel more and more alienated from your friends each passing day and you're not sure how to fix it. It seems like everyone is just better at living than you are. A part of you knew this was going to happen. Growing up, you just had this feeling that you wouldn't transition well to adult life, that you'd fall right through the cracks. And look at you now, it's happening.”
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mind-the-margin · 1 year
you ever take a shower and suddenly you're human again
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mind-the-margin · 2 years
you only realise how much your family is holding you back emotionally & mentally until you move out and then stay with them again after. you literally regress back to a worse version of yourself and you find yourself being more irritable and moody like a teenager
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
at a certain point you just get tired of your own shit. you have to force yourself to meditate, workout, eat mindfully and read the books to form a routine that gives you a sense of happiness within yourself again. it’s exhausting i know, but you gotta keep fighting for yourself because no one will take care and love you the way you can for own being. this life is not something to go bout so casually, everyday is your first and last time to embrace this moment. this life was gifted to you with a planet to explore and souls to experience. so show up for yourself.
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
being sexy literally has nothing to do with looks... you need to be a little bit weird and strange and unusual. people who are physically perfect by societal standards are not sexy like where's the flavour. the body hair. i'm right
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
My guardian angel is constantly whispering "whaaat theeee fuuuuuck"
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
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Thomas Hickey  -  Portrait of Three Princesses from Mysore 
Irish, 1741-1824 
Oil on canvas
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis.
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
My heart is so big that even after you hurt me, I will still try and find the good in you.
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
Having a good heart put me in some situations I didn’t deserve to be in
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
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BTS photographed by Sunhye Shin for Billboard Magazine 2021
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
when god made me he just wanted to see how many things could be wrong with a girl at once
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
it's so funny how immune i am to hustle culture. people will talk about taking breaks for their mental health and how difficult it was for them to do what was right for them and i'm like. it's absolutely unreal how quickly i'll dump something i don't want to do anymore.
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mind-the-margin · 3 years
props to stem people wtf! i can bullshit my way through any english essay because literally u just have to say stuff. but for stem paper u have to say stuff AND it has to be true. wack. 
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