mindbottleds · 3 years
txt ⇢ oliver 🥐☕️
oliver: oh good it's not just me. i'm about to head out to get something to eat.
oliver: okay!! the essay is due sunday so maybe we can do friday afternoon?
oliver: and we can always get something after too if you'd want to do that
ting: yes you should make sure you're eating well while you do homework and study and stuff!
ting: you promise i won't be keeping you from your work?
ting: i would love that, we can make a day of it :)
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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 she’s  been  there  before  .  multiple  times  actually  .  playing  until  the  sun  rises  and  then  realizing  that  she  actually  made  plans  for  the  day  .  araya  likes  to  think  that  she’s  improved  .  or  so  she  hopes  !  the  fact  that  she’s  gaming  at  around  5pm  and  not  until  5am  is  progress  !
[  black_canary  ]  –––  yeah!  marvel  and  dc  tbh
[  black_canary  ]  –––  wbu?
 in  all  honesty  ,  she  doesn’t  mind  that  they’re  having  an  entire  conversation  .  it’s  kinda  nice  .  and  it  beats  staying  silent  the  entire  time  if  she’s  not  playing  with  friends  .  although  ,  she’ll  feel  a  little  bad  for  keeping  him  up  late  if  they  continue  talking  .  who  knows  if  this  ‘  last  round  ’  will  be  their  last  ?  her  attention  shifts  to  the  request  that  popped  up  .  araya  ponders  for  a  moment  before  spotting  his  follow-up  message  and  smiles  .  cursor  hovers  over  the  accept  button  for  a  moment  before  she’s  clicking  it  .
[  black_canary  ]  –––  no  worries  dude  
[  black_canary  ]  –––  i’m  always  down  to  chat  on  discord  too
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ronan immediately stops feeling bad about carrying on a conversation when it seems she’s just as down for it, almost willing the matchmaking to not suck them into the game so he can keep typing because he doesn’t really want to involve their inevitable third teammate. 
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  i’m not a super expert or anything but i love all things spidey
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  into the spiderverse wrecked me
ronan is glad they’re not having this conversation in person because he’s sure the shock on his face over her offer to use discord instead would be embarrassing. anyone who knows ronan can testify that he’s a good, trustworthy person, but he’s too humble to think of himself that way, which makes it constantly surprising that others trust him easily. especially a woman trying to exist in the gaming space in peace.
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  that’d actually be sick
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  my user is hideouts#0001
and now he’s quickly alt tabbing to check his discord profile on his second monitor as they finally get pulled into a match, relieved his profile picture is of the back of his head, and that his banner isn’t anything too cringeworthy. 
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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“Yeah, it was a children’s toy.” Which felt sort of morbid to say now considering not only what they had done but what the ouija board was most commonly used for. Though maybe there was something to be said about spirits finding it easier to contact children. “I think mostly through myth.” Marifer points out. “Then people started believing the myth and put all their energy towards making the board be this whole evil thing.” Not that she doesn’t believe in it but she thinks it’s a bit more complicated. She purses her lips as if she has to give his question a very long thought. “Well, considering the fact that you smell very good, I’d say you’re doing bad at pertaining to that cliché.” She wouldn’t have slept with him otherwise. Well. “You’ll be the first person I call, Nate.” With this she closes the space between them just a bit more. “That alright with you?”
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“and i thought toy laptops were fun,” nate says with a scoff, as if a ouija board would have been his preferred toy, not that he owned many anyway. “what a vicious cycle, big chicken or egg energy there.” nate definitely doesn’t believe in the power of a ouija board but he can’t say he’d necessarily mock it either. he and potential demon activity can live in peaceful neutrality, as long as marifer’s involved. “oh do i?” he asks, eyebrows lifting in pleasant surprise at the compliment, though of course he knows he smells good. “first thing i’ve ever failed at that i’m happy about.” continuing to be attractive to her is like, top of his priority list at the moment. “is it alright with me?” he repeats in disbelief, not taking another step but instead just leaning his head in closer. “i’d be honored.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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“It’s perfect.” Martina stands next to Ting, admiring their team effort. “I know. It’s like, you think everyone you love will live forever. And then….” She shakes her head. And then they don’t. She hasn’t been to a funeral since Big Momma’s transcended to whatever happens next, but she carried the grief inside of her like a seed buried in her soul. Over time, it sprouted and blossomed into a beautiful eternal love  that belonged to no one else. Another seed is planted for Ting’s mom, and one day it will be beautiful, too. “I’m so sorry, Ting.” Martina says quietly. Her doe-eyed gaze holds onto the banner for a moment as she imagines Ting’s mother and Big Momma sharing a cloud, or a star, or a castle of glitter, meeting for the first time. “I wish you didn’t have to miss her.”
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ting takes that in for a long moment, trying to feel out if she’d considered her mother immortal, certainly no longer thinking that way of her father if she had, not now that her mother is gone. it’s childish she hadn’t seen this coming so early in life. “thank you,” she finally says, trusting her voice to work, throat threatening to close, the tears she thought she’d been out of prickling at the back of her eyes again. she leans her head on martina’s shoulder, exhaling a shaky sigh, letting the grief flow through her, strong and steady like the river that flows a mile from her house. “her soul is somewhere new, bringing joy to the world in whatever way the universe felt would be best. i was lucky to have her for nearly twenty-one years.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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“just all the standards,” she states, as if ting will know what that means, which she probably does. “can’t go anywhere without my pepero and choco pies.” ingrid continues digging around in her bag until she pulls out a box of banana flavored choco pies. “tada! just like magic, huh?” it’s somewhat of a miracle she managed to smuggle all of this abroad. “don’t leave again without me!” she whines adamantly. “i’ll take a semester off simply to travel if i must.”
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“then i know i will be excited,” ting says with a little clap of her hands together, because she’s gotten to know ingrid’s standards a lot over the last year, and obviously she thinks the world of her best friend’s taste in snack foods. she’d never been one for packaged food in the past, but ingrid has sold her. “ohhh, one for me please!” she hasn’t had one since coming to france and now she’s excited. “it is not leaving without you, and besides, i want to stay here for awhile now.” she’s busying herself with unwrapping the choco pie, eyes firmly locked on the plastic wrap. “i have made a friend here.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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They snorted, lips curling upwards. “Me, a sap? Never.” They wanted to be, sappy and emotional, but it was hard for someone like them. Monique nodded slowly, remembering the news about Yara’s father, not feeling an ounce of sympathy for the man, not even now. Though, they did raise an eyebrow at the mentioning of Aidan. “You sound unsure of yourself,” they said. “Why is that?” Because in Monique’s mind, the two of them were definitely dating. “Oh you know, the usual. Getting ready for shoots, going to various interviews with magazine companies, going to parties– living it big as a full time celeb.” 
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“no, never, my bad,” yara says with a grin, throwing her hands up in mock surrender. she knows monique well enough by now to know that they’re cut from the same cloth in that regard, preferring to use their actions to show that they care for the people in their lives as opposed to their words. “i guess it’s just weird to say,” she admits with a sort of exhale like she’s been holding in that confession, which she supposes she has. “i never expected to end up with a boyfriend, from gallagher no less. kind of surprised myself.” she knows it’s healthy, knows it’s a good relationship, but it’s still an adjustment. “and that’s what you deserve,” she says with a serious nod, meaning it despite the playful tone, because they do deserve it. “when i collect all your spreads and make you sign them, i promise not to sell them.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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Haris’s attention breaks from his computer screen for the first time in hours, a tinted glare streaking the lenses of his blue light glasses. His lunch is virtually untouched as his laptop projects his latest failure: a code he couldn’t figure out how the hell to debug. “Huh?” Suddenly aware of the stiffness tightening his spine, Haris cranes his neck, replaying the beat of Ronan’s words in his head. Bad news, good news, too-good-to-be-true news. Holy shit. “My guy, congrats!” Haris straightens his terrible posture and reaches across the table for Ronan for a high five. He never understood the ultra competitiveness that plagued the tech industry. “Lunch is on you,” he jokes. “How big are we talkin’?” His eyebrow hikes up, genuinely happy with this news. “No way, again?” Typical. Ask Haris and he’d swear that he hasn’t seen Ronan spit any game, but all admirers flocked to him. He just guessed they have working eyes. Haris reaches for the receipt, holds it up to the light, and squints at the 10 digits for close inspection. Yep, definitely a phone number. “Bro, you gotta be the world’s best wingman,” he jokes. “But I don’t think I’m her type. When are you gonna shoot your shot?” Haris has an idea why he hasn’t, but he wants to hear it from Ronan himself.
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“wait, no, it’s actually not a big deal,” ronan is quick to backtrack, but he can’t help but grin and reach across the table for the offered high five. it’s really not, or at least it doesn’t feel like it is to him when his goals are so much bigger, but he appreciates the support anyway and doesn’t mean to be ungrateful about it. “i just have more of a say in some final decisions on the current project than i did before, but i’ve still got a lot of hoops to jump through if i want to be the lead on anything.” which he does, of course, but he’s been dumping that particular starry eyed, dream hungry rant on haris for years, no need to rehash it right now. instead he’s pulling out his phone, not to type in the phone number, but to venmo haris fifty bucks, calling his bluff on lunch being on his tab today. “that’s... a good thing, right?” from anyone else it would sound like a backhanded compliment, but ronan is grinning too. “uhh?” he trails off, glancing back at the barista, who is embarrassingly looking his way, and they make eye contact, and now he has to consider passing away. “i’m not.” he’s not opposed to casual stuff, haris knows that, and he doesn’t always turn it away, but a number from a barista in the middle of the day feels different than a number from a girl at a club at one in the morning. “i’m hard stuck plat in apex right now, it’s the middle of the ranked split, and i found a cool teammate i might be able to climb to diamond with. and yes, i am aware of how pathetic all of that just sounded.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
♡ haneul & esther ♡ @mindbottleds​
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he knows her by sight only – well, that’s not completely true. he always knows they both go to FIT, judging by the branded tote she sometimes has with her. and he knows they have the same taste in coffee shops, but then again, this is the best one by campus, according to him. while he’s waiting for his drink, he’s not paying much attention, just half listening for the sound of his own name, always han to make it easier. he catches the name “esther!” leave the barista’s mouth before the familiar looking girl is wheeling over and attempting to reach past him. “oh, sorry!” he apologizes hurriedly, then grabs the drink for her and hands it over. before either of them can say anything else, his own name is called, and he takes the drink with a polite smile to the barista. haneul looks over to see his favorite table is already spoken for, a large, expensive looking bag heaped on the table top. “dammit,” he mutters under his breath.
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esther’s confident in leaving her bag on the table she prefers over all the others in the shop for a multitude of reasons, the first being the best views out the window, the second being the accessibility. she’s not afraid to mildly inconvenience herself for a nice view. she doesn’t get the chance to say excuse me before the familiar person is already stepping out of her way so she can get her drink, offering him a polite smile. “don’t worry about it.” considering his manners had been faster than hers, she’s not bothered. her eyes follow his, realizing they have the same preference in tables, and while she’s not sorry that she’s claimed it first, she can acknowledge it’s crowded today, and perhaps she doesn’t need all of the space. “you can sit with me, if you’d like. would you mind moving one of the chairs out of the way for me?”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
♡ virginie & esther ♡ @mindbottleds​
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it had turned out to be much easier transferring schools without her mother noticing than she’d anticipated. then again, she should have known, considering how little attention her mom pays to her only child. this extends to virginie’s spending habits, thankfully, so she’s able to split the hefty rent payments with esther. it’s only been a couple months, but already she’s much happier at fordham, in a city almost as interesting as paris. virginie’s lounging on the couch when her best friend gets home, so she gives her a little wave. “how was your day, mon bébé?” she asks with a grin. “the new elle is out,” she adds, flashing her roommate the cover of the magazine she’s reading.
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“how honest should i be?” esther says with a sigh, but her grin indicates she’s just being dramatic, which she is, as she takes her bag off the back of her chair and hangs it by the front door instead. “it wasn’t too bad, today was just my busy day so i feel like i haven’t stopped all day.” she’s using her powered chair more often than not these days, just easier when having to navigate a city as opposed to a boarding school. “how was yours?” she remembers her manners enough to ask, and she genuinely cares! but now, she’s also distracted by elle. “you read my mind, i got a copy on the way home.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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mindbottleds · 3 years
txt ⇢ oliver 🥐☕️
oliver: mine is not the best, so it may be just up to you
oliver: i just feel like i'd want it to be good. the anticipation to see if it's good once it's done? almost too much
oliver: i do! i was going to ask you if you'd like to come with me one day soon
oliver: i have to go to the louvre for an assignment so
ting: i don't mind that :)
ting: this entire conversation has made me so hungry!!
ting: OH yes please!!
ting: you pick the time and the place, i have no schedule here
ting: and i'd hate to keep you from your studies :/
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mindbottleds · 3 years
@saintswrite​ | ronan & haris
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“don’t say anything,” ronan says as he slides across from haris on his lunch break, referring to the dark circles under his eyes which he can credit to the grand total of three hours of sleep he’d gotten the night before. “unless it’s hey ronan, congrats on your big promotion.” it’s not that big, it’s just slightly more power on approval over various story beats in the game. he glances at the crumpled up receipt next to his lunch and coffee, noticing now that the cashier had written her phone number on it, eyebrows lifting. “that’s for you,” he jokes lightly, pushing it towards his best friend.
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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 normally  ,  araya  would’ve  messaged  her  group  of  friends  to  see  if  they’d  be  down  to  join  her  .  she’s  built  up  a  tolerance  towards  the  amount  of  toxicity  that  comes  with  gaming  with  strangers  .  but  it  doesn’t  exactly  make  it  any  less  intimidating  .  she  can’t  help  but  smile  when  he  compliments  her  .
[  black_canary  ]  –––  wish  i  had  ur  courage  to  solo  queue  tho  but  thnx!
[  black_canary  ]  –––  oh?  then  we  gotta  end  on  a  high  note
[  black_canary  ]  –––  thnx!  she’s  actually  one  of  my  faves
 brows  furrow  as  she  sees  him  typing  but  stop  .  maybe  it  was  just  an  accident  .  y’know  ,  one  of  those  pressing  on  the  space  bar  without  realizing  it  type  of  ordeal  .  given  how  it’s  only  almost  5  PM  for  her  ,  she  doesn’t  realize  how  late  it  is  for  the  other  person  .  
[  black_canary  ]  –––  ready  to  start  the  match?
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her comment about his courage makes ronan laugh, happy to accept it as courage instead of not really having many people he can gather into a reliable squad, considering the weird hours he tends to keep. he’ll take it. 
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  it’s a tough job but someone’s gotta do it
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  that’s the spirit
[  hideouts_ ]  –––  big DC fan?
he doesn’t mean to continue having an entire conversation when they’re supposed to be playing another match before he passes out and inevitably has to exist on espresso in the morning. but ronan is curious, and his cursor hovers over the add friend button for a moment, not sure if she’d be down to play again sometime. he clicks it before he can stop himself, before readying up and answering her. 
[  hideouts_  ]  –––  yeah for sure, no pressure btw on the request
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mindbottleds · 3 years
txt ⇢ oliver 🥐☕️
oliver: yeah, it's nice knowing your neighbors for once. but an airbnb sounds much better than a cramped studio tbh
oliver: it's a little consolation then :)
oliver: oh same. tho they seem a little simpler than what these look like. or maybe i'm just overanalyzing them
oliver: it's bad but it's so good. i guess as long as you moderate them it's no biggie
ting: the kitchen is the best part
ting: oh good, i am glad :)
ting: i would say that food is not meant to be overanalyzed but i suppose i am constantly trying to make food better so that would probably be hypocritical
ting: oh! did you still want to go sightseeing?
ting: because i would like to :)
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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 she  rolls  her  eyes  back  at  him  in  response  .  he  kind  of  has  a  point  but  if  she  comments  ,  they’re  just  gonna  be  stuck  on  this  topic  forever  .  “  no  i  totally  understand  .  i’m  just  sorry  i  couldn’t  get  more  information  for  you  .  ”  unfortunately  ,  her  contact  is  still  trying  to  work  something  out  and  she  was  adamant  that  the  terms  needed  to  be  clear  .  the  last  thing  she  wants  to  do  is  give  her  boyfriend  a  false  sense  of  hope  .  “  hopefully  i’ll  be  able  to  get  more  information  next  week  .  i’m  sorry  ,  love  .  ”
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her apology catches nate off guard, not feeling like he’s owed one, and feeling bad if he made her think he’s upset about the vagueness. he’s not, he’s just cautious. “it’s okay, you’re already doing more than i’d ever ask of you.” the idea of no longer having to attend gallagher hadn’t even crossed his mind, and it speaks to how much fallon cares about him that it’s crossed hers. “stop apologizing,” he insists with a small laugh, pulling her to stand between his legs where he’s perched on a table, arms wrapping around her waist. “you’re literally apologizing for trying to do something for me, that’s ridiculous.”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
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“It was originally just supposed to be a board with the alphabet on it. Like, for practicing, I guess.” She doesn’t know or she doesn’t remember at the moment since her mind is preoccupied with other things. With the boy standing in front of her. “Cliches are cliches for a reason.” Marifer shrugs, she’s certainly not going to be the one to tell him anything negative about what he’s studying and enjoys. Not considering the conversation they’re having. “Well, I’m all for trying new things, too.” Marifer’s never been subtle or shy for that matter. “So you can let me know whenever you’d like to try anything else.” 
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“so it was quite literally a children’s toy?” nate can’t imagine who else would need a board to practice the alphabet. non native speakers, maybe. “and it just became evil and haunted because someone probably fucked around and found out?” sounds very horror film-esque, and he’s surprised with his own interest in the subject. “so the cliche about hackers being total nerds who don’t shower... where am i in that one for you?” because he definitely showers. “why do i get the feeling you’ll be the one letting me know when you’re up for trying something new?”
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mindbottleds · 3 years
Truth and Lies || Jack & Marley
One not-sure-if-it’s-a-date turned to a second date, and a third. It turned to a first kiss, to being invited to her place, to opening up to her about just enough that she trusted him. Jack told himself he was getting close to Marley for that big score, that one brilliant moment when he could pull the plug on the whole thing and vanish without a trace. It was more complicated than that though. Because he let her in. He never told her the whole truth. Of course not. She knew his father had died recently, she knew he was basically an orphan twice over, where he lived, the crappy car he drove. Jack had never let anyone that close before.
Marley Grey was an anomoly. An anomoly he couldn’t quite be honest with himself about. Waiting and waiting and waiting for the moment where he could finally screw her over had only resulted in him wanting to stick around. But he knew it couldn’t last. She would never accept him when she found out the truth, and it was only a matter of time before she did. Her online presence meant he did his best to stay in the shadows, but that didn’t stop the occasional photo of them together from sipping out.
‘Is this you?!’ the text on his phone read, and Jack’s heart leapt into his throat when he saw the his friend had sent him a twitter thread and some gossip website theorizing 'Who is Marley Grey’s Secret Boyfriend’, and with a far enough reach, he was sure someone in the replies must have recognized him. He scrolled through them, waiting for those words to jump out at him, his chest growing tighter and tighter, palms sweating. No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. He checked the time. Marley would be home right now. He was supposed to meet her there to watch movies and have takeout tonight. Now, his first instinct was to get in his car and drive as far away as possible.
Something stopped him though, and when he got in his car, he found himself driving to her place, admittedly a few hours early. He buzzed, waiting for her to answer, and when she finally did, he knew something was wrong. He should have run. “Hey. Uh, can I come in?”
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marley isn’t really the type to spend much time perusing what anyone says about her for being in the public eye. she’s not immune to it, of course, and her curiosity does get the best of her sometimes. but overall, the bulk of her time spent on twitter is interacting with her fans and peers, not worrying about negative opinions or rumors. she’s apparently dated every single person she’s exchanged oxygen with, it’s nothing new.
but this is different a text from her manager that’s like, way too serious in a really terrifying way has her actually taking a look, and she gets far too lost in the thread. she knows she’s inherently trusting, more than she should be, all things considered. but the things she’s reading in this thread... they make her palms sweat, make her chest start to ache, and she’s not really sure how to go from here. 
who is she not to believe these people?
marley wants to be surprised that he’s at her door, kind of almost wishes she’d never met him in the first place, and that feels mean. she doesn’t have mean thoughts often, but there’s a first for everything. “i don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she finally says through the barely cracked door.
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