mindlesslysilas · 5 years
never watched anime but my little sister does. she loves all that kind of stuff. i’ve seen bits and pieces when she’s watching netflix.
I have started watching an anime and it’s so dope, like it’s so interesting. And funny.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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。・゚゚・ like or reblog if you take ・゚゚・。
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
“why have someone do it for me when i can do it myself?” she asked. “yeah i know, that’s why he’s not in my store and bleeding on the sidewalk.”
“honestly, if you can handle your own, feel free.” he said, shrugging his shoulders, “gotcha.“ he sighed, “well, sorry i interrupted then.”
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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“pineapple on pizza is gross.” she said with a laugh. she frowned, looking up at him then nodded her head, “you can tell me. i want to know, i want to help.” she spoke softly. pj wasn’t one of those people who went out of her way for people very often, especially when she wasn’t getting something in return, but she would move mountains for silas if he asked her to.
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“you’re not wrong.” he said with a soft shrug. he ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the couch, “pi... i need you to not freak. you’re the first person i’m telling this and i need you to not freak out because it’s going to already be hard for me to explain this.” he said, pressing his lips together. he sighed softly and looked down. her being his best friend for how long they’d been friends, it was not good for him to keep secrets from her.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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Shameless (2011 - …)
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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pj smiled seeing her friend, “i got sausage and pepperoni with jalapeno and just cheese. truthfully i wasn’t sure what i wanted so i just got whatever sounded remotely appetizing to me at the moment.” she frowned, tilting her head to the side, “why can’t you sleep, silas?”
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a small chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded, “i can kind of tell. i’m surprised there’s no pineapple to be found.” he teased, winking at the girl. he saw her face and shook his head, “honestly, i can’t even begin to tell you about my fucked up problems. especially if you’re already not having a great day..” he whispered. it was true. he didn’t want to burden her but he also didn’t want anyone to know just yet, except her. being in love with your best friend does that to a person. especially when you’ve been friends with them for so long.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
“Oh I get it. I’m usually on a bus with a bunch of other guys so this is so new to me. I mean girls in high school yeah, but that didn’t really count. I’m sorry to hear about that though. If you ever need a drinking buddy and someone to talk to.
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“so i take it you’re in some sort of band or sports team?” silas shrugged softly. he pressed his lips together and sighed, “thanks man. i might actually take you up on that offer. i don’t really have many friends around here.”
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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sunny shook her head. “no. if he touched me like that, his heart would be laying on the sidewalk,” she said. maybe she wouldn’t go to those extremes, but if she didn’t want to be touched, she’d fuck a person up. she was tiny, but she knew how to put somebody on their ass no matter how big they were.
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“i mean, there’s probably a lot of people in here that would’ve kicked his ass.” he wasn’t one of those people that went out of his way to protect people but he knew that men in this town were stupid, “you know you can refuse service to anyone, right?” he suggested to the woman.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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Yep. They certainly do - Oddly I’m not used to it so it really was weird and quite uncomfortable… I guess I must be, because I ended up doing at least three portraits before I could get on my way.
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yeah, i would’ve told them to go the fuck away and say i don’t have time to do their portraits. but i’m not an artist. i’m a mechanic. so i guess i can kind of just shrug shit off and tell people to go away when i’m busy.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
do you believe in perfection?
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what the hell kinda question is that? do i believe in perfection? i mean, have you seen my best friend? she’s practically perfection.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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reblog for lit asks and messages
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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the man stepped foot in front of his best friend’s apartment building and heard her voice. he sighed. she was going to be the first person he told. was he going to regret it? abso-fucking-lutely. silas walked himself up to the woman’s door and knocked before actually opening the door, “i heard something about pizza.” one of his weaknesses.
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after the night she had before, she was incredibly exhausted and had even bought a few packets of cigarettes, even though she swore she would quit and she did for almost 6 months. placing her phone on her bed, she grabbed a cigarette and a lighter and went outside, sitting outside on the curb outside her apartment. seeing silas pull up, she stood up, a smile gracing her features. “i have pizza inside.” she called out / @mindlesslysilas
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
imessage // pj & silas
pj: idiot lmao
pj: my cigarettes? no. my weed? yes.
silas: cool. i could really fucking use it right now.
silas: i'll be there soon
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
imessage // pj & silas
pj: you'll survive
pj: uhh....im just gonna say that i've started smoking again and leave it at that
silas: i am already dead and gone. rip silas archer. :P
silas: all i gotta say is are you going to share?
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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Try being single for six years after being dumped by the only girl you thought you’d ever love. Now that’s fucked up. But anyway, I’m sure it’s not that bad to laugh alone.
It was at least an episode where you’re going to laugh. Trust me she falls asleep a couple minutes into it and then I’m stuck by myself laughing in my own loneliness.
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mindlesslysilas · 5 years
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It would be wise to sleep instead of staying up. But I mean, if you have a job that permits you being up all hours, why the fuck not?
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“ Should I go to bed, probably? But will that happen, no. “
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