mindmaker187 · 5 years
Taz Amnesty ep 35 Spoilers
So, here's the thing.
Who was Duck talking to before he actually woke up?
Because in a lot of ways that felt like a vision, right? It felt like one of Duck's visions that he gets at the start of each adventure. Except. From a meta standpoint there's two reasons that doesn't quite jive. One (1), Griffin's never given Duck a vision that wasn't at the start of the adventure, excepting the vision this mirrored which was the first vision Duck ever recieved as a Chosen One. (Which could technically still be counted as at the start of an adventure.) Two (2), Duck didn't roll before the maybe vision, to see what the outcome would be.
But this is Taz, and although Amnesty has played a little stricter, it's always been fast and loose with the rules. And Griffin did have him roll plus weird in the middle of the maybe vision, so.
So, here's the in narrative reasons why the maybe vision was... off, to me.
In Duck's previous visions the people in the visions arent aware that its a vision. Yet Minerva tells Duck, "You've been conscious for 134 seconds. You have 134 seconds to stop them." giving him a direct timeline for how long he has to save everything.
And its already been established that the Chosen share visions. Well established. So when Duck actually woke up, why didn't Minerva know what he knew?
Also, Duck isn't usually an active participant in his visions. All the previous visions have had him watching a series of events play out. And yet Duck has a full conversation with maybe Minerva, he's an active participant.
Until, and this is the interesting bit, he rolls plus weird.
Then it's much more like a standard vision. Maybe Minerva gets one more statement in, "It's time to confront-", but Duck is no longer an active participant. He's just weightless and floating and recognizing these moments from a vision years past.
It's almost like there's a disconnect before and after the rift opens up. After, seems more like a standard vision, like Duck's Chosen One status giving him his advantages to see the right path forward. But before? When he's talking to maybe Minerva? That reads almost like, interference. Like someone or something taking Minerva's form to give Duck pieces of the puzzle. Giving him that 134 second advantage.
So. Who? Who is it that Duck is talking to, because I truly believe it's not Minerva.
And, possibly more importantly, why?
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mindmaker187 · 5 years
They should put literally any conceivable fighter into Smash Ultimate. I’m talkin Batman. I’m talkin Indiana Jones. I’m talkin Gandalf the Grey, and his echo fighter Gandalf the White. I’m talkin Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight.  And Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie, and Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi the Genie. Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader. Lo Pan, Superman, EVERY SINGLE Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
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mindmaker187 · 5 years
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mindmaker187 · 5 years
thank u neil cicierega for inventing music
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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Knowing what we know, knowing we do not know This is gonna change our world
based on the cover of my fav album of all time, spirit phone by lemon demon
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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Devblog #12 – Somewhere, Over the Double Fucking Rainbow
Hello there! This is Chris, hijacking the RoR2 devblog to share a few notes on music.
Yes, I am writing the music for RoR2
No, there won’t be a Coalescence 2
Chanson à nouveau..
The day I would start composing for RoR2 was a day I looked forward to with equal amounts of excitement and fear. The score to the original RoR is one I hold very dearly. It is music I loved writing, created during a very special time of my life, infused by each and every musical influence of my childhood and adulthood. It’s a perfect capture of me at that particular space and time. It also happens to be my most successful soundtrack to date, primarily because it’s part of a great game that people love to play, but also—if people’s feedback is to be believed—because it’s not too bad in its own right.
Now I find myself exploring the musical world or RoR once again and I can assure you it’s an awe-inspiring place! It’s also immense, savage and untrodden… You can witness this for yourself in the wonderful images posted on this blog and all over the internet, but let me tell you, it’s one thing looking at it and a whole different thing experiencing it first-hand.
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The move to 3D was a bold one and I’m its biggest supporter. Honestly, even if it didn’t offer this amazing opportunity to expand the game’s universe into this whole new level of detail and immersion, I would still embrace it only because it gives me the perfect excuse—the obligation, even—to avoid repeating myself. The thing I feared most starting this project was writing the same music all over again. Not because I don’t like the existing music (I love it) but because the existing music already… exists. What would be the point of Coalescence 2 (some people have actually asked for it)? If anyone wants to listen to Coalescence it’s right there for the listening. The RoR OST is a product of very specific, irreplicable circumstances. Even if I wanted to write sequels to these tracks, I couldn’t. They would be mere parodies.
So, I’m writing new music for a new game. Hopefully it will be better music for a better game, but I’m going to be satisfied if turns out being good music for a good game. I know many of you will not be happy reading this but I ask you to be open minded and trust me. If you liked the music for the first game chances are, you’ll like this one too. It’s the same person doing the writing (and performing, and producing, and mixing, and mastering) after all. It will be different, but it won’t be that different.
Paying my Dews
Let’s make sure we avoid any misunderstanding here: I don’t take the RoR musical legacy lightly. Rest assured that many things will carry over, not least of which the RoR motif. The usual odd meter and various polyrhythms will be featured prominently too. There’s drumming, lots of drumming, way too much drumming…. Several cameos of familiar instruments and even entire sections that will sound very reminiscent to old players. And then, there’s the unsung (pun intended) hero: form. Even though you can’t literally hear it you can certainly feel it. Form is the glue holding the music together. Just like with the first game, I’m working my ass off to fit these new tracks into meticulously woven forms.
As such, all the above elements that are part and parcel to the RoR sound will not be let behind. As previously mentioned, this is terra incognita we’re heading into and only a fool would go into the unknown without a flashlight. I plan to use the original music to illuminate all the new one hidden in the darkness beyond.
It’s still too early to tell what the new soundtrack will actually sound like. I guess it will sound more like the original RoR than anything else—a definition as intentionally vague as can be. A word I liked using to describe the first soundtrack was “monolithic”. I feel the RoR2 OST will be even more so. To use a classical music analogy, if RoR1 was a suite, RoR2 will be more like a symphony. Don’t worry though, I’m still delivering discreet pieces of music that you will be able to tell apart (and prefer over others). Let’s just say I’ve set up my sessions like communication vessels of sorts.
For the time being, you can sample some new music in the game’s teaser and this SoundCloud playlist (which I plan to sparsely update). There’s a lot of material already written but most of it is still being forged into shape. There are also new things we’re testing to make the in-game music more dynamic and meaningful to the player, which have directly impacted my workflow. For the moment, all I can say I’m working on it steadily but slowly—slower than usual (sorry, Duncan & Paul!). As I said, while I’m very excited I’m also quite fearful. There’s plenty of pressure to satisfy the many fans of the music from the original game (thank you all so much, btw!!!) and even more self-imposed pressure to write music that I feel proud of and enjoy listening to for years to come. You see, I’m trying to uncover music I’ve not written before and I need to make sure my excavation brings to surface more than just petrified feces…
When? When the great Magma Worm in the sky deems us worthy.
Where? All over the place, starting with Bandcamp.
Vinyl? Probably. Hopefully in a nice boxset with an RoR1 re-print.
Engineer Edition 2? Yes, but no sheet music this time around. Too many arpeggiators and modular patches for it to make any sense.
DEADBOLT 2? I sure damn hope so!
“It Can’t Rain All the Time”
That will be all for now! If you made it this far, thank you for reading and see you next time! If you want to keep the conversation going you can find me in the social media outlets below, where I will post the occasional RoR2 update, answer all your questions and share pictures of my cats:
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram |YouTube |SoundCloud
Take care, Chris
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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Devblog #11 - Moving Forward
With a very heavy heart, I’m sad to announce that RoR2 has been officially discontinued.
hahahaha jk
Today marks Risk of Rain’s 5th Birthday (+1 day)! In celebration, we have a few fun announcements lined up along with a large devblog! Also, Risk of Rain is off 80% today - if anyone doesn’t happen to have the game already, come check it out here!
RoR2 Development
It’s been quite a while since the last blogpost, and we’ve progressed quite a lot since then. A question we get very frequently is “are melee classes in the game? How will they work?”
Melee classes will be in RoR2. The major challenges that each melee character faces is that in RoR2, there are a lot of flying monsters. While most bosses are on the ground, there are also still flying bosses. We want to absolutely make sure that we avoid any scenario where a melee class is softlocked from completing the stage because the boss is too high in the air.
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Our first venture into melee is a classic from RoR1 - the Mercenary. He was an easy fit because his mobility and dashes are:
Fun in 3D, and
Guarantee that he can always reach air monsters.
His kit has been also updated a small bit, with 3-hit combos for his basic ability and conditional behaviors depending on whether or not he executes his skill on the ground or in the air.
Every melee character will require a bit more love in RoR2 to make sure that they can function in this new environment, but we are very excited to have them in the game :)
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We have also been (obviously) working on a ton of new stages, monsters, items, etc. An exciting NEW addition to RoR2 is a brand new tier of items, called Lunar items. These items come not from this planet, but somewhere much stranger…
Lunar items are different from standard items because they have extremely powerful positives at the cost of drawbacks. Classic RoR1 items were always net positive - and therefore items with considerable downsides open s up a ton of design space for us to explore. Some lunar items may be situational, some may be playstyle dependent, and some may be much more synergy dependent than classic RoR1 items.
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The Lunar concept is something that is unique to Risk of Rain 2 - and these strange Lunar creations may also extend to more than just items…
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Beta /Early Access
Another frequent question we received while presenting PAX was “when can I buy this game?”.
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We are planning on launching in Early Access in Q1 next year. We’ve spent a lot of time researching recent EA successes, and as a multiplayer roguelite title, we think RoR2 would be the perfect candidate for Early Access.
However, we want to make sure that we have a plan going into EA - and that we stick to it. Specifically, we are focusing on 3 goals for EA:
Building a community - We want to support Risk of Rain 2 for as long as possible. Having a solid community of players that we can actively communicate with would be critical for feedback.
Being able to stay on top of development and avoiding content drought. We have experience as developers for supporting Betas, so regular patches is an expectation we understand. We also hope that as a multiplayer roguelite title, the time between content updates feel less painful compared to other EA titles.
Gathering feedback from the players and making sure the game continues to shape into the game we want to develop. While we always have a vision for the game, a lot of times players have fantastic ideas that can help propel the game from being good to fantastic. This is also our first ever 3D title, so we really need to collect feedback to make sure it matches everyone’s expectations of the game.
As of right now, we have made our Steam Page public for people interested in wishlisting, available here. As we get closer to the EA date, we will update everyone with an expected development timeline.
We want to be as transparent as possible with what we’re working on and what we will work on - and if you have concerns about our venture into Early Access, please let us know!
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Fans who saw us at PAX may have seen some of these bois available for purchase. We have teamed up with IndieBox to create a limited set of Rock Plushies, and the reception at was fantastic! In fact, it was so good that we made another set of them - available online now.!
Thank you again to all our fans who have been interested in the development of this game - we have a very exciting future ahead of us, and I hope that everything turns out like everyone hoped.
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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Inktober: how does a phone work underwater half a billion years ago anyways?
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
let’s try this again!
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you asked, I answered
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
Q: When is Risk of Rain coming to the Switch? A: Now
Surprise! Risk of Rain is available on the Switch today, as of right now.
We have been working with Code Mystics to port the game over and we are very excited to finally have it out. Risk of Rain fits naturally on the Switch and we are so excited to have our first game on a Nintendo console. Check out the trailer link and store page below for more information:
Store Page:https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/risk-of-rain-switch
Code Mystics: www.codemystics.com
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
Good stuff
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Might as well keep going.
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
I need art of TAZ’s human disguised mothman NOW
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mindmaker187 · 6 years
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local kid gets depression and hypothermia and talks to his cat
* do not repost/edit/use without permission *
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