mineisthefury · 8 years
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Minimal Interior Design Inspiration | 88
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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The more things change… 1976 | 2017
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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— Chirrut Îmwe, Rogue One
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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mineisthefury · 8 years
trans girls are super cute
chubby trans girls are super cute
skinny trans girls are super cute
broad-shouldered trans girls are super cute
tall, gangly trans girls are super cute
short, chubby trans girls are super cute
muscly trans girls are super cute
trans girls with uneven bodies are super cute
trans girls who like masculine things are super cute
trans girls with facial hair are super cute
trans girls who supposedly dont “pass” are super cute
trans girls with stretch marks are super cute
trans girls with scars are super cute
trans girls with short hair are super cute
trans girls with long hair are super cute
trans girls who dont have clear skin are super cute
trans WOC are super cute
straight trans girls are super cute
gay trans girls are super cute
bi trans girls are super cute
pan trans girls are super cute
aro trans girls are super cute
ace trans girls are super cute
trans girls of all orientations are super cute
trans girls who dont want surgery are super cute
trans girls who do want surgery are super cute
disabled trans girls are super cute
nonbinary trans girls are super cute
neurodivergent trans girls are super cute
trans girls who are questioning, dysphoric, non-dysphoric, arent out yet, dont have a ‘feminine’ voice, are struggling with being proud of their identitiy, and everything else are super cute and super valid
ur tummies are super cute. ur hair is super cute. ur leggies are super cute. ur everything is super cute and oh my god youre so pretty i love you and i support u all <3 
all the trans peoples r cute as heck, but this post is for the super cute trans girls out there (hint: thats all of u. all of u r cute). u all rock. go out there and be ur super super cute selves.
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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173K notes · View notes
mineisthefury · 8 years
The Bermuda Triangle is less of a problem than I thought it would be when I was younger
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mineisthefury · 8 years
a shout out to all the people who started saying “same” as a joke once in awhile but now use it for the most random things like a car honking their horn at another car
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mineisthefury · 8 years
A glimpse of Iceland
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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345K notes · View notes
mineisthefury · 8 years
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Pumpkin ravioli / Recipe
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mineisthefury · 8 years
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60K notes · View notes
mineisthefury · 8 years
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