minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Yet being the key word. But you will.
If you're talking about Beleth, I'm quite sure he's too occupied with that little Fallen-turned-Demon of his.
That depends on you finding me or not.
Lucky enough for me I tend to pop up right when there’s something more important for you to deal with.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
That depends on you finding me or not.
Lucky enough for me I tend to pop up right when there's something more important for you to deal with.
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iamthetrickster replied to your post: Oh how lovely. Those slimy little bastards are…
Do you even get to complain about that?
Considering I just complained? 
It’s not exactly a privilege you get to bestow upon me.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
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iamthetrickster replied to your post: Oh how lovely. Those slimy little bastards are...
Do you even get to complain about that?
Considering I just complained? 
It's not exactly a privilege you get to bestow upon me.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Oh how lovely.
Those slimy little bastards are back..
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
It's really more your Moose's place to tell you that.
You've been saying that for ages now.
Your assumptions are cute.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Your assumptions are cute.
I gave him a bit of a verbal pat on the back, I suppose. It was an interesting idea.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Not at the moment, no.
I gave him a bit of a verbal pat on the back, I suppose. It was an interesting idea.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
I gave him a bit of a verbal pat on the back, I suppose. It was an interesting idea.
Oh, it will work. 
You mean that little thing down in Miami? Not at all.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Oh, it will work. 
You mean that little thing down in Miami? Not at all.
Tell you what, I could knock it down to two weeks, but that’s it. 
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Tell you what, I could knock it down to two weeks, but that's it. 
Like I told Apollo, this has got to work itself out. 
I was honestly wondering how long it would take you to confront me.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Like I told Apollo, this has got to work itself out. 
I was honestly wondering how long it would take you to confront me.
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iamthetrickster replied to your post: I think it’s time you and me had a chat.
How fond are you of that charred smear you call a soul?
Fond enough to keep it out of anyone’s reach. Why do you ask?
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
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iamthetrickster replied to your post: I think it’s time you and me had a chat.
How fond are you of that charred smear you call a soul?
Fond enough to keep it out of anyone's reach. Why do you ask?
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
I think it's time you and me had a chat.
I'm all ears, Gabriel.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
I most assuredly am. 
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lordofpride started following you
Well, well. Isn’t this a surprise.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
Apollo, darling. I wish I could stop the prayers, but the only thing I can do is stop them from converting other people. The prayers will peter out on their own within a month or so.
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dontcallmealyre replied to your post: You can stop now. No more prayers.
Start keeping track or I’ll do to you what I did to Atropos and then some.
I can’t stop it, Apollo. It’s up to them now.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
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dontcallmealyre replied to your post: You can stop now. No more prayers.
Start keeping track or I’ll do to you what I did to Atropos and then some.
I can't stop it, Apollo. It's up to them now.
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minesbiggerdarlings · 12 years
You can stop now. No more prayers.
I haven't whispered in anyone's ear in quite some time.
All you're getting are the ones I've already made the suggestion to, and possibly anyone they've suggested to as well. Haven't kept much track. *smirks*
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