minheefantasy · 5 years
Seungwoo! Angst Pt. 1
3rd person POV
This time X1 was celebrating their leader's birthday. Everyone had gotten him gifts. Especially his girlfriend, Y/n. They had even invited the the AB6IX and CIX members.
Y/n was up late till 3 A.M making her lovely boyfriend a delicious cake. It was decorated with black and red designs and the words 'Happy B-Day, I Love U', in the middle.
They were now sitting at the table eating steak, which was Seungwoo's birthday request.
"Hyung open the presents now!", Dongpyo said excitedly. He was jumping around waiting for his hyung to open the presents.
"Calm down muffin", Seungyoun told Dongpyo trying to calm the younger down. Y/n giggled at the shorter’s childish acts, how cute.
"Okay, okay. Time to open the presents", Seungwoo said, standing up and going to the presents table.
"Open ours first hyung, pleaseee~", Dohyon said while doing the puppy/hamster eyes which made everyone swoon. Seungwoo didn’t waste a second before nodding. Those damn eyes are powerful.
"Okay, Dohyon’s and Eunsang’s first", Seungwoo said smiling while getting the one that said 'To: Wonnie, From: Dolphin and Eunsings'.
Seungwoo opened it and gasped when he saw the new Flash computer which was over $2,000. He couldn't believe he actually had it now.
Seungwoo walked over to the younger and hugged them.
"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. I will make good use if it, I promise", Seungwoo said while hugging them one more time.
"You’re welcome Seungwoo hyung, it was Dohyon's idea. I just cooperated with half the money", Eunsang said while giving Seungwoo a bro hug.
"Yes! It was my idea hyung. I'm glad you liked it", Dohyon said while giggling and jumping on Seungwoo's back.
Dohyon got off and Seungwoo got back to opening his presents.
The AB6IX members all cooperated and got Seungwoo five sets of Gucci clothes and CIX got him three pairs of Balenciaga slippers.
“I hope I’m not late, open up mine Wonie~”, now this is when the problem started. Or more like arrived.
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minheefantasy · 5 years
Yohan! Jealous Pt. 1
Yohan has been a winner of consecutive three-pointer basketball matches but you didn’t know anything about it and so that's why you agreed to something stupid.
The agreement was that if you made a three-pointer and Yohan didn't then he would have to kiss your cheeks. But if Yohan made a three-pointer and you didn't then the you would have to do push ups.
But that wasn't the problem— Oh no it wasn't.
You wanted to kiss Yohan's cheeks so badly so you tried your best to not miss any single shot but unfortunately that wasn't possible. Even if you tried your best you missed most of them while your boyfriend succeeded in all of them.
You sighed in disappointment as you finished doing push ups for the seventh time. You looked over at your boyfriend and rolled your eyes when you saw that Yohan was smiling happily at the fact that you won't kiss his cheeks.
This was really frustrating for you because everytime you tried to share your affection and love to Yohan, the latter always walks away or ignores you. He really hated skinship.
This was supposed to be your chance to finally have some skinship with your boyfriend of two years. Because can you believe that not even once have you had a kiss that lasted more than five seconds?
"One more round babe, please", you pleaded as you shakily gripped the basketball with your two hands. You needed to have at least one more chance to make your dream come true.
"Ah Y/n, I'm tired already. I won fair and square", Yohan conplained with a pout, his eyes avoiding yours. Yohan really loves you. You could even say he loves you more than he loves himself, but every time he tries to show it; he gets shy and flustered so he abandons the thought.
"Please Yohan, one more I promise if I don't make I'll do thirty more push ups", you said as you stand in front of Yohan so you can look into his eyes but fail as Yohan is looking somewhere else.
"What's going on here?", you both turn your heads to look at a older, short guy, that neither you or Yohan knew, standing there wearing sport gear. He was maybe around 26.
"O-oh nothing important just shooting some hoops, want to replace me?", Yohan asked kindly, with a smile, to the young man.
You frowned but decided to leave it. You turned to look at the older man but blush awkwardly when you noticed that the boy was already looking at you.
"My name is Yoongi and yes I would love to join the game but same rules have to apply, deal?", Yoongi asked as he smiled at your way and stretched his hand so you could shake it. Yohan noticed this. He felt a heavy feeling in his chest. He had to admit it, Yoongi was really handsome and could probably get a partner really easily if he wanted to.
Without thinking you shook Yoongi's hands, making him give you a bright gummy smile which made you blush madly.
Yohan had already went to sit down at the bleachers and couldn't stop staring at his girlfriend play with that shorty. His eyes widen at the realization that you would have to kiss Yoongi if the you didn't make it.
Yoongi took the ball from your hands and shoot the ball. Three pairs of eyes followed it as he cheered when he saw that he made it in, which made Yohan sigh in relief. He didn't want to see his girlfriend kiss anyone that's not him because in his mind those lips were supposed to be for him and him only.
Now it was your turn; you grabbed the ball and made it to the basket as you smiled proudly. You were about to look at Yohan to see if he saw your three-pointer but froze when you felt a pair of lips land on your cheek.
Your head snapped to Yohan as you held your cheek softly like if it was from a dream. To you this was new because Yohan had never kissed you in the cheek before as a surprise.
"What was that for?", you asked Yoongi as you avoided his eyes. For a moment you had forgotten about Yohan, your boyfriend.
"For working hard and making it", Yoongi said as he chuckled and grabbed the ball. He positioned himself in a weird way and shot it but it never made it through which meant that it was time for Yohan's worst nightmare.
You had to kiss Yoongi.
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