mini-bee-bee · 1 day
Mr. Right Now masterlist (Hangman x Reader)
When Jake picks your ID up from the floor at the Hard Deck, he has no expectations that he's about to be in for a wild ride. But when he learns that you're looking for Rooster and why you're at the bar in the first place, he starts to feel more possessive than he should. You're young and stubborn and about to get yourself into trouble. Maybe he would prefer if you got into it with him instead. "It's a bad idea," he said, and then your lips were on his.
roosterforme masterlist
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General series warnings: 18+, smut, loss of virginity, age gap, language. Check each chapter for specific warnings.
Part 1 coming soon
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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mini-bee-bee · 2 days
For Jesse Boone
“Oh, but that black dress makes it hard to breathe”
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Tagging: @thiashazzywriting @whateversomethingbruh @district447 @Gatefleet @EryBerry109
Raincheck - Jesse finally decides to get that raincheck.
Last Night - Jesse can't remember the night before.
Perfect Gentleman (NSFW)- Jesse has a certain reputation.
Feel Just Too Damn Good (NSFW) - Jesse has never felt as good as he feels with you.
Happy - You and Jesse have a frank conversation when you see an email from Heather.
Makapipi Falls - Jesse and you take a trip together.
Wild (NSFW) - Jesse realises what he was missing in his marriage.
Companion piece to upcoming fics: Scar Tissue & Wild Horses
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When Jesse sees the picture of you in that little back dress, he finds it hard to breathe. His chest constricts, his heart pounds and his vision tunnels. He’s taken back to that night, that one a couple of days ago where you turned up on his doorstep wearing it with nothing underneath. You’d kept it on while he fucked you on the rug in the hall, he remembers laughing into the curve of your throat in the aftermath because you, you always make him do the craziest things.
He flicks through the other pictures, they’re all from the past few days. You going about your life, doing normal things. He knows who sent them, he knows why he sent them.
They’re a message to you from Henry Scofield.
I’m watching you, I’m coming for you.
This is what Marty Deeks was warning you about when he made the trip last week, that the man who hurt you was on the loose, that he’d escaped from prison.
He thinks about the scar between your breasts, the one hidden under that tattoo. He’d almost killed you that night, plunged a knife right into your chest, watched as you bled out. It had ended your career as a detective.
It’s the reason you retrained as a criminalist and moved to Hawaii, in a way it’s the reason you met him.
Jesse knows what these pictures are going to do to you. He’d found them this morning propped against your door in a manilla envelop and he’d known, he’d just known what they contained.
“Why are you hanging around out here?” You ask him as you open the front door and he freezes, the photographs gripped tightly in his hand.  
“I need you to pack a bag.” He tells you as he hands you the glossy images. “You’re coming to stay with me.”
Love Jesse? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 2 days
perfect boy .
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mini-bee-bee · 9 days
Ok I've got 1. Kimball Cho x reader. A ring, Gelato, and the leaning tower of pizza (or any other landmark you feel comfortable writing about) if not landmarks then maybe a cat.
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @caitlinrosa @mcfriggingonagall @kniselle @aiko24k
Break - Cho and you discuss your past relationship.
The Necklace - Cho realises you still wear the necklace he gave you.
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It’s Rigsby’s gelato that reminds Cho of the trip to Italy, the one the two of you had planned to take in the fall. The plan was to drive up along the coast from Naples to Pisa. You didn’t believe that a building could actually lean that far and not fall over. He’d found your disbelief endearing at the time, he remembers hiding his smile behind his coffee cup as you tried to work out the physicality of it using paper cups from the water cooler.
He'd bought the ring not long after that. It was something simple, silver with a small trio of diamonds that cost most of his paycheck.
The plan had been to propose somewhere along that trip up the coast. There was a spot he’d come across when he was stationed out there with Special Forces that he knew was absolutely perfect.
It’s a few of months before the vacation that everything goes to hell. He gets hit by a car, injures his back. You put the trip on hold because it’s a bigger problem than the two of you thought. He starts popping pills to get through the day and before he realises it’s an addiction.
The wake up call comes when he almost kills you. His team is supporting yours in the field when he falls sleep behind the wheel of the car. He doesn’t hear the radio call go up or the logistics of the operation. He doesn’t know you’re walking into danger not until the gunshots erupt through the air, jerking him awake.
He’s the first one that gets to you. You’re lying in the dirt, blood seeping out in the soil as you splutter and choke. You’ve been shot twice, your vest caught the first one but the second scattered the Kevlar plate woven underneath the material.
It’s a flesh wound he’s told in the aftermath, the plate took most of the impact. He’s starting to come down at that point, craving the pills. He thinks about leaving the hospital, just for a couple of hours to score because the pain is radiating up his back and it’s getting hard to think. It’s at that moment he acknowledges he has a problem.
You’re barely out of intensive care and all he can think about is the drugs.
He doesn’t deserve to be your husband, he doesn’t deserve to be anything to you, not until he’s kicked this.
He breaks things off that night.
“I’m not the man you think I am.” He says because he’s too damn ashamed to tell you the truth, that he’s the reason that you’re in this hospital bed.
He flushes the rest of the pills after that, goes to physio for his injury instead of using the quick fix. He attends narcotics anonymous meetings, gets clean.
When you return to work you won’t even look at him because he’s nothing to you now, nothing but the man that broke your heart.
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 11 days
second star to the right (and straight on ‘til morning)
updated June 14th, 2024
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series playlist | pinterest board
summary: At the start of his senior year at San Diego State University, Jake just has a few credits to finish up, a state championship game to win, and NFL tryouts to prepare for. His fall from grace hurts that much more when he fails the first written response paper in his Gen Ed History class.
On the upside though, his tutor’s pretty cute.
main storyline:
but this is getting good now
like real people do
go gentle into that good night
peter pan
lost boys get found
i won’t confess that i waited (but i let the lamp burn) - alternate ending/sequel fic
drabbles and extras:
the rose bowl
scott street
steady love
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mini-bee-bee · 11 days
The Surfer and the Paramedic
paramedic!jake 'hangman' seresin
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9-1-1, what is your emergency?
when jake was a kid he had wanted nothing more than to play pro-baseball. he loved the sport and worked his tail off to succeed. and he had great prospects to go pro. he had already committed to the texas longhorns, going to college to further his experience before going pro. he never thought he would need a back-up plan... not until his senior year when a raging storm tore through texas and devasted the towns in its path. jake and a few of his friends had made the horrible decision to chase it. only for it to turn around and chase them. the memory of the event is hazy. the visuals of it anyway. the pain? jake remembered it vividly. his leg, from the knee down, had gotten crushed by debris. it was a devastation to his life plans, his dreams. the debris crushed more than his leg... but something came out of that. jake had been saved. his got to keep his leg because of the paramedics and fire/rescue team that managed to pull him out. and that is where jake found a new opportunity. and that's where he met you. the surfer who would change his life as he saved hers...
hey guys! i know i don't usually leave comments under these but i did mention in this post that this will have a fic to go with it! and once i can get the muse to cooperate with me on things, i will have it written.
and i do want to apologize for not getting this up last week like i said i would. i haven't been feeling quite like myself lately, but im trying to get back to it because i want to share my ideas with anyone that wants to see them. 💜
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mini-bee-bee · 11 days
Look After You: Jack Hodgson x Reader
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GIF by @vakariaan
Tagging: @kmc1989 @hufflepuffgirl @aiko24k @caffeinatedwoman
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Jack’s become attuned to you throughout your time together, your moods, your habits, your methods. That’s how he knows that instead of going back to the house tonight you’re going to be sequestered at your desk reviewing the data in the HOLMES system. It’s what you do when you have a case that claws at you and this one, it certainly is.
You’re the only one left in the office when he’s buzzed through to CID. He uses his forensic credentials even though it’s personal because they wouldn’t let him in otherwise.
You’re sitting at your desk when he finds you, head in your hands as you study the documentation in front of you. He recognises this, you’re tired, overwrought, exhausted. You’ve been going at this thing like a dog with a bone for days now and he knows for a fact you haven’t been taking care of yourself. A couple of hours asleep at night, snacks from the vending machine, he can see the evidence piled up alongside the empty Costa Coffee cups.
You barely register him when he lingers alongside your desk. His fingertips reach out to trail along the back of your hand. You tilt your head up at his touch and his palm cups the side of your face, his thumb tracing over the apple of your cheek.
“Come on my love.” He murmurs as he leans in close, his nose trailing along yours. “Let’s get you home and into bed shall we?”
Love Jack? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 12 days
3 items: hairbrush, phone & pen - with OA please 😊
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Tagging: @trublu2u @greenies-green @rosaliedepp @whateversomethingbruh @anime-weeb-4-life 
Delaware - Things change for you and OA when you discover your father is sick.
Worth It - OA tells Maggie about the break up.
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Omar is trying to find a pen when he comes across the hairbrush.
Maggie’s on the phone trying to give him the address to their crime scene when he finds himself staring at the damn thing. It’s ridiculous how much one item can knock the wind right out of you. He thought he’d sent all your stuff over to Delaware but he must of missed it.
It takes him back a few months, to the time where the two of you were a couple. You’d been trying to brush the mud out of your hair because you’d ended up in a scuffle with a sex trafficker in the woods and now you’re covered with scraps of leaf and bark.
He can tell you’re getting frustrated, the brush keeps snagging on a knot at the back of your head, one that you can barely reach because you’re tired and your muscles are aching.
“Here let me do it.” He says kindly taking the brush from your hand.
You’d sat down on the floor between his legs as he perched on the bed, gently combing the brush through your hair. It’s the first time he’s ever this and he hadn’t realised just how intimate it could be.
“How’s that?” He’s asked you as you tipped your head back so that you could look into his eyes.
“Much better.” You’d sighed as he placed a kiss upon the tip of your nose.
It’s a couple of days later you’d gotten the call about your father, everything had gone to hell after that.
“O.A. are you still there?” Maggie asks him in the present and he closes the drawer that used to be yours.
“Yea.” He says, his voice a little rough. “Yea, I’m here.”
Love OA ? Don’t miss any of their stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 14 days
"She's more than worth it" prompt with OA please 😊
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Tagging: : @trublu2u @greenies-green @rosaliedepp @whateversomethingbruh @anime-weeb-4-life 
Companion piece to Delaware - Things change for you and OA when you discover your father is sick.
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Every couple of weekends Omar makes the four hour trip to Delaware. He leaves on a Friday night and returns late Sunday or early Monday, usually heading straight into work. It goes on for months.
Maggie can see the toll it takes on him, the exhaustion on his features as he sits at his desk, sipping the largest mug of coffee he can muster.
“You’re stretching yourself too thin.” She finally tells him one day when he falls asleep in the car on the way to a crime scene. “You can’t keep going like this.”
“That’s not going to be a problem.” He says, rubbing his palm over his weary features. “She broke it off with me this weekend, she says it isn’t fair, that I’m putting more into the relationship than she can right now.”
“And what do you think?” Maggie asks as she pulls the car into a parking space.
“I think she’s worth it but it’s not about what I want.” He says, his head comes to rest against the seat as he looks out the window. “She needs to dedicate the time to looking after her father, she can’t be worrying about maintaining a relationship. I know she’s right, that’s where her focus needs to be but…”
“But it still hurts.” Maggie says with understanding as he toys with the ring on his finger.
“Yea.” Omar says, his voice a little rough. “Yea it does.”
Love OA ? Don’t miss any of their stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 14 days
Ex!Joe Part One: Left Behind - Joe Velasco x Reader
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Tagging: @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @witches-unruly-heart @storiesofsvu @magic-multicolored-miracle @rosaliedepp @cycat4077 @crazy4chickennuggets @cixrosie @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @mysoulisasunflower @legit9thlunaticwarrior @mydarkestsecretlol @the-adzukibean @wooshwastaken @kiwiithecrazybird @justreblogginfics @anime-weeb-4-life @alwaysachorusgirll @julieelliewrites @telepathay @weiwei0210 @nessamc @genius2050 @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow
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Joe knows why he goes out to bars and fucks strangers; he knows why he doesn’t form attachments with any of the women that he meets on apps like Tinder.
It’s because of you.
It’s because five years ago you broke his heart so badly that the damage felt like it was irreparable, like someone had cleaved his soul in two and took half away with them. You don’t come back from shit like that, he knows it. He still feels the loss, even all these years later.
There are times when he forgets, where he wakes up in bed and smiles before he rolls onto his side and remembers that you don’t live together anymore. He’d tried to you when he’s got back from his assignment, but you’ve moved on, taken a transfer out of the borough. He thought you were trying to get yourself as far away from him as you physically could.
The thing is that he has never been able to discern why you chose to leave him when you did. He’d been on assignment before, longer, more dangerous ones and you’d weathered it. He wasn’t sure why this one was any different. All he knows is that he came home and found a letter on the kitchen table.
“I’m sorry Joe, I just can’t do this anymore.”
The words are still seared into his brain after all of this time.
When you step into his Squad Room it sends him reeling. It’s like someone’s doused him in cold water and that carefully cultivated professionalism sails out of the window, he doesn’t even realise he’s on his feet until he hears his chair clatter against the cabinets behind him. He strides towards you with purpose despite the fact he has no idea what he actually intends to do.
It’s the shock he thinks, as he grabs your arm and hurls you into the hallway like you’re a perp. He’s causing a scene, he knows it but he can’t help it. They don’t understand what you did to him back then, how he hasn’t had functioning relationship since you left because it cut so fucking deep it scarred him.
“What the fuck?” You spit at him as you stand in a quiet section of the corridor.
“Yea.” He agrees, his dark eyes blazing as he drinks you in. He doesn’t want to admit it but you look good, your hair’s a little shorter than it used to be but so is his. He has to check himself, because his fingers are itching to reach out and run it through those pretty tresses. Instead he crosses his arms over his chest. “What the actual fuck are you doing here?”
“Your Captain called me in. You need help taking a statement for the Solovyov case.” You tell him, pointedly. “I’m not sure how many Russian speaking detectives you think there are in Manhattan but I’m what you’ve got.”
Fuck… He didn’t even know you were back in Manhattan, last time he had heard you were in Brooklyn, working on cases around Brighton Beach because of your dexterity with the language. Little Odessa was a safe distance he’d thought. You didn’t run in the same circles, no chance of bumping into each other.
“When did you even…” he begins, shaking his head.
“Last year.” You answer tipping your head away from him. “It was made very clear to me what would happen if I showed my face around Brighton Beach again so management transferred me over to Hate Crimes.”
He closes his eyes briefly. He wants to ask, it’s on the tip of his tongue but he refuses give you that, he refuses to give you anything. You don’t deserve his concern; you don’t deserve him. You walked away and left him fucking drowning. Right now he feels like he’s in a nightmare, he feels out of control and he hates it. You’re a disruption that he doesn’t need. He’s finally settling in here, he’s making friends, he’s putting down roots for the first time in his life and then you turn up….
It puts him on edge and he hates it.
“Just…” he starts before he lets out a sigh. “Don’t fuck this up for me alright? This is the first time I’ve had a home for a while, and I need it to stay that way.”
“Of course not.” You say softly as you meet his gaze and he feels the earth crumbling from right underneath his feet because even though it’s been five years, it feels like nothing has changed.
He’s still stupidly fucking in love with you. The distance hasn’t changed that, he thought it would have. That that hate and vitriol he had felt for you when he read that letter would manifest once more, but it doesn’t. Instead all he feels is yearning, it’s an ache he feels in the very core of his being and he thinks that hurts more than anything else because he sees that wedding band on your ring finger and he knows without a doubt that you’ve already let him behind.
Love Joe Velasco? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 14 days
Set Me Alight - Masterlist
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Part 8: Salt & The Sea - posted!
📖 Jake Seresin / Hangman
💛Maeve (Midge) Spencer
🏷️ Slow burn, strong language -> this OFC swears like a sailor, Original Female Character, enemies to lovers, Camping/Hiking AU, Getting lost in the woods, Survival in the Woods/in a fire lookout, Mystery, Bullying, Shitty Friends, Flash Backs, Eventual Smut, post-college daggers, alternate Universe Daggers, Short OFC, forced proximity, tension, angst, eventual romance, eventual happy? Ending, stalking, and intense moments.
❗️18+ minors DNI. Ageless and blank blogs are blocked without warning.
❗️Reposting or binding fics, including designs, line breaks, banners or any graphic materials, is strictly forbidden without my written consent. Be a decent human being, and don't steal or copy people's work.
Summary: When you agree, somewhat apprehensively, to a week-long camping trip courtesy of your best friend Nat, you end up irate to discover Jake Seresin is also on the guest list. He's everything you hate, everything you want to believe you hate. Because the day you met him, he said some things he could never take back. Not to mention his nickname for you grates on your every f-ing nerve. But when the two of you get stranded in the Washington wilderness, it's not just the elements or the creepy feeling you're being watched that has you feeling trapped, it's the emotional baggage too. Struggling to survive the wilderness is one thing, but navigating the labyrinth that is "Jake the asshole" is another beast altogether. Somehow, you've got to deal with both if you're gonna make it out of these woods in one piece.
Not too sure how many parts this one will be, I'm kind of letting my mind take me where it wants to go!
My General Taglist form -> no pressure, though! You can comment below if you want to be tagged only to this one, too!
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Part 1 - Seventeen Going Under
Part 2 Abracadabra
Part 3 - You're so Vain
Part 4 - One way or another
Part 5 - I can't go on without you
Part 6 - Running up that hill
Part 7 - Paint It, Black
Part 8 - Salt & The Sea
Part 9 - My Blood
Part 10 - Mount Everest
More coming soon!
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Thank you to @desert-fern (She did the wonderful title), @sarahsmi13s, @startrekfangirl2233, and @teacupsandtopgun for helping me brainstorm with this one!
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mini-bee-bee · 14 days
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I keep thinking abt this comment and giggling
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mini-bee-bee · 16 days
Gaelic: Jack Hodgson x Reader (NSFW)
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GIF by @vakariaan
Tagging: @kmc1989 @hufflepuffgirl @aiko24k @caffeinatedwoman
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Sometimes when Jack takes you to bed, he slips into Gaelic. It’s something he does when he needs to express himself, when things have become too much.  He whispers the words against your skin when he’s inside you, his cock raking over that deviant little spot.
The words intermingle with English as he tells you that he loves you, that he has always loved you right from the moment you met on that beach in Herefordshire. He watches your skin flush as he hikes your thighs a little higher up his hips because he knows you like it when he fucks you hard, tender and deep.
“Oh mo fhíorghrá, we’re getting there now aren’t we?” He smiles as his fingers entwine with yours. You look so beautiful underneath him, like the first break of sunrise over the hills in Ireland.
The sound of your ecstasy heightens as he picks up the pace, his mouth sealing over yours at the pinnacle of pleasure. You tighten around him, your pussy gripping his dick as you climax and Jack, he comes with you, his release spilling inside of you.
His gaze meets yours, his thumb chasing over the apple of your cheek before he kisses you again.
“Is breá liom tú mo stór, i ndáiríre is féidir liom.” He whispers against your lips.
I love you my darling, really I do.
Love Jack? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 20 days
Saw the kissing list prompt and after reading 28 I immediately thought of Harvey x reader idk maybe it’s just me lol
Prompt: One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
Warnings: Established relationship, smooches
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"Sorry about that."
"It's alright."
"It won't happen again, I promise."
"It will, but that's okay," You teased. Harvey smiled grudgingly, giving a small nod as he sat back down in his chair, eyeing the retreating waiter's back.
"Everything okay?" You added.
"Fine. Mike ran into a complication, but it should be alright now. What'd you wind up getting?"
"Apple pie."
"What kind of complication?"
A grimace flitted across Harvey's lips as he folded his hands on the table. You rolled your eyes.
"I don't need all the gory details. Just a little hint?"
"Two words: Exculpatory evidence."
"Oh," Your eyes widened. "Yikes."
"Big yikes."
"If you need to go—"
"Mike has it handled."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." Harvey reached across the table, taking hold of your hand. "Wild horses couldn't drag me away right now."
"Well, touching Rolling Stones reference aside, if something happens and that changes, I get it."
"You think I'm going to let anything interrupt our anniversary dinner?"
You tipped your brows up slightly, and Harvey tacked on, "...Again?"
You chuckled, leaning back as the waiter returned with your slice of pie.
"Thanks," You smiled, taking up one of the forks and tucking in as Harvey did the same. He got two bites in before his eyes slipped shut, a groan humming past his lips.
"Is that the pie, or is your phone buzzing?"
"Both," He grumbled, fishing into his pocket with a frown. "I'm sorry."
"S'okay." You dug your fork into the slice, doing your best to focus on it instead of the hushed, irritated conversation happening on the other side of the table. You heard a heavy sigh, and you knew what was coming next.
"Go on," You urged.
"I know," You nodded, forcing a small smile as you met his eye again. "It's okay."
Harvey sighed, lips pressed into a thin line. "I'll be home late."
"I'll make it up to you."
You smiled a little, leaning up for a gentle kiss as he stood. You eyed the table as his footsteps retreated, tugging the piece of pie closer to yourself and poking at it with your fork. You could at least hold your annoyance until he was definitely out of the restaurant, right? Besides, you still had pie. You took a larger scoop of pie with a dollop of whipped cream on top and shoveling it in with a soft sigh. So much for a calm evening.
You heard approaching footsteps again, but assumed that it was the waiter, so you sat up just a little.
"I paid the check," Harvey's voice made you look up in surprise, "So don't worry about that."
"Oh. I could've—"
"I know you could've, but I wasn't going to let you."
Harvey's eyes wandered your face for a moment, and you frowned as his lips tipped up with a small, amused smile.
"What is it?" You asked.
"You've got a little..." Harvey trailed off, bracing on hand on the back of your chair as he raised the other to trace your lower lip gently. Your eyelashes fluttered as the tip of his thumb dipped into your mouth, and your tongue gently lapped at the smear of whipped cream. His eyes lowered to the swell of your lips, fingers curling around your jaw as he tipped your chin up for another kiss. You parted your lips, letting your eyes slide shut as his mouth worked tenderly against yours. You raised your hand to curl in his hair, smiling against his lips as he groaned softly again, then broke your kiss.
"Was that the taste of the whipped cream, or is your phone buzzing again?" You teased.
"You, baby," He murmured. "That was all you."
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mini-bee-bee · 20 days
Birthday Bingo Celebration: Candlelight - Walker x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @wilnutsstuff @gatefleet  @lokiwife2021
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Every year on his momma’s birthday Walker attends church to light a candle. He’s not a spiritual man, not after everything he’s been through but her faith was important to her, especially in her final days.
“I kept up the tradition while you were away.” You tell him, your palm soothing over his back as you watch him ignite the candle with the lighter. “I know how much you hated the idea of her being alone in the dark.”
After his father lost the ranch up in New Mexico and his momma got sick, they could barely afford food and pain meds, let alone pay the electricity bill. They’d spent so many nights with no heat or light, his mother bundled up in blankets in an attempt to ward off the cold. It had been that way until the day she died.
“Thank you sugar.” He says as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and draws you close. His lips brush over your temple as he buries his face into your hair. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”
Love Walker? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mini-bee-bee · 23 days
Sending hugs always!
Meeting you was the best moment of my life.
For Mitch Ripley please and thank you!
I did change my name. Formerly the bejeweledwatercat. That was the post I tagged you in yesterday.
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Tagging: @spaghettificationandpretzels @mini-bee-bee  @mandy426 @Phoward89
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Mitch finds it hard sometimes, to say how he feels. It usually you that takes the lead when it comes to conversations about the difficult stuff, about emotions and feelings.
You were the first one to say I love you.
The one that asked him to move in.
It was you that brought up the topic of marriage after the two of you had moved into the house last year. He understood at the time that you were testing the waters, feeling it out to see if it was something he would be open to. For Mitch it had come completely out of the blue. He was just coming to terms with finding a home, the thought of taking the next step hadn’t even crossed his mind.
You could see that he was struggling with the concept so you’d let go.
It had never occurred to him that you might want to marry him. You’re the first long term relationship he’s had in his life and the only person he’s ever been in love with, he’s just happy that he gets to have that.
The more he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea of becoming your husband. There’s a security and stability that comes with marriage that something deep down inside of him craves. The thought of belonging to someone like that, belonging to you like that…
Mitch wants it more than anything, which is why he’s sitting at the kitchen table while you’re on shift, brain storming exactly what he wants to say to you.
“Marley,” He writes in the notepad he’s been using to plan his proposal. “Meeting you was the best moment of my life.”
Love Mitch? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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mini-bee-bee · 23 days
ATF!Series Part Five: That Kind of Love - David Hale x Reader, Jax Teller x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989@hatersaremymotivators@bennykk@kelpies-shed
ATF Series:
Part One: A Rabbit You Don't Want To Chase - Stahl makes an unwelcome return to David's life.
Part Two: Fucked - Stahl fucks up you entire life in pursuit of Jax Teller.
Part Three: Hell or High Water - David visits you in jail.
Part Four: Damage Control - David tries to contain the damage and makes a decision about the future.
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Everyone thinks the relationship between you and Jax was just sex but the truth is it wasn’t. There are things that Jax told you throughout your time together that he has never told another person. His suspicions over his father’s death, his dismay at the direction the club is taking under Clay’s leadership, how trapped he feels by the legacy that’s been foisted upon him.
Those three months you’d spent together he had found himself falling in love. You were so different than the other people in his orbit, open, free spirited and you didn’t say a single thing you didn’t mean. That’s the reason he’d had to end it with you, because you were so unapologetically yourself it was detrimental.
When he hears you’re leaving for Santo Padre, he knows you won’t be coming back. The art scene over there is bustling, it’s the perfect place for a budding artist especially one of your calibre. He is surprised that Hale’s going with you. That man hasn’t taken so much as a vacation day since he graduated the academy and how he’s taking an eight week sabbatical so that he can that he can be with you over the summer.
It's just another way that Jax would have failed you because if he were in Hale’s shoes, he wouldn’t have been able to leave Charming, Clay would never have let him.
All of this shit you’ve been through recently, the arrest by Stahl, the vandalism charges, losing your placement in San Franisco, all of that’s on him. You’d had it in your power to put him back in prison, to take down the club and instead you’d set your life on fire. He’d like to think it was because of him but the truth is, he knows you were protecting Hale. If Clay thought you were a threat he would have come after you and Hale, he would have got caught up in the crossfire.
That man would do anything for you, he’d proved it when he used all of his political leverage to keep you out of jail. The promotion Hale had been seeking, it’s gone, he doesn’t have the juice for it anymore but he doesn’t seem to care. His priority is you, it has been since the very beginning.
When Stahl shows up at the club that night to wipe that in Jax’s face, he sees the writing on the wall. This bitch, she’s not going to stop just because the two of you have hightailed it to Santo Padre. She tells him as much as she sits in her car in the Teller Morrow forecourt, the engine still running. She’s going to follow you, try and use the Mayans connection to come at SAMCRO. Those guys may be running legit now but there’s still skeletons in their closet, ones that could lead back to Charming.
That’s the reason he gives Clay when he shoots her at point blank range in the head, he was protecting their business from a possible RICO case but the truth is, he was protecting you because Stahl. That cunt was never going to stop, not until she destroyed you, Hale and the club.
They make it look like it was the IRA. It makes sense to the AFT, she was tracking Galen, and now they’ve found her on the outskirts of town, carved up with the Butcher of Belfast’s signature. When Galen turns back up in Ireland, the investigation is torn from their hands and the ATF withdraw from Charming once again.
The night before you leave for Santo Padre Jax turns up outside your house. He wants to say goodbye, to tell you that you’re safe, that you don’t have to worry about repercussions from Stahl or the club. He barely has time to get off his bike before he sees Hale’s Jeep already pulling into the driveway. The other man doesn’t see him, he’s too busy collecting his bags out the back of his car.
You’re wearing one of Hale’s t-shirts and a pair of his boxers shorts when you open the door. It rankles Jax to see you in another man’s clothes, he remembers the mornings you’d slip from his sheets wearing a shirt of his that barely covered your ass. Hale smiles when he sees you, his fingers threading through your hair as the deputy kisses you with a tenderness he had never exhibited before he met you.
This is what love looks like, Jax understands, the kind of love that he can never give you.
He waits until you’ve gone inside before he starts his bike. He doesn’t want to infringe on your life any more than he already has. You deserve a man who puts you first and Jax has always known it could never be him.
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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