miniconswerve · 10 days
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rough sketch of overlard playing pool. While that flab be getting in the way- it don’t stop him from clearing the table and winning your credits!
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miniconswerve · 2 months
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Here are the colored version- one with an art nouveau style, and the second with just a cutesy bg. Just lookit how happy they are- and how blushy Onslaught is!
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miniconswerve · 4 months
go to settings > to the right, under "Blogs," pick the blog you want to change the settings of > scroll down to visibility settings > turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog url]" > do this for each individual blog you have
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Cyclonus' love is start to show~ lol so cute!
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CHUBFORMERS TAIL/GATE UNDER THE CUT!!! ⚠️Do not open if its not for you!!!⚠️ you have been warned
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Was talking to a lovely soul and got the idea to draw this cutie!! He's a bit on the shorter side so thinking how things might distribute on him was fun!
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miniconswerve · 4 months
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Decided to do a few things;
First things first: this is a comic panel redraw, from the comic: transformers, till all are one, issue 10, the price of you. Comic art by Sara Pitre-Durocher, colors by Joana Lafuente. I feel it’s important to mention this because the deal with comic panel redraws is you are literally redrawing a panel, so pose credit goes to artist mentioned, shading was based on the coloring of the panel, done by said artist.
With that said, I did change things up and decided to do a lineless piece in a more painterly style. This was literally just meant to be a quick little colored sketch, but morphed into practicing a few different techniques. I also put in the simple sunset bg. But here we have Blast Off smooching his crush, Onslaught.
Comic image: https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Blast_Off_x_Onslaught
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miniconswerve · 4 months
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One very full Brav/ern coming right up!!
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miniconswerve · 4 months
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i've never drawn Ta/rn before...
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Thinking about an alternate prewar universe in which cheap, highly-enriched fuel is easily available to the masses and, at least in the industrialized cities, excess weight is the norm rather than the exception. Most bots don't use their own wheels to drive.
Thinking about a bot moving to Ia/con from the hinterlands (or even a colony world) and being struck by how fat everyone is. Even the smaller bots (slim next to their peers) are noticeably rounded; sure, they don't have bulky struts and cables, but they've got plenty of fat on them. Big hanging bellies are more the norm than the exception. Older infrastructure looks cramped, crammed with so many widened frames.
Newcomers, whether straight out of the Well or here from the boonies, grow to fit in quickly...
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Everyone wanted to be thicc but nobody wanted to be fat. Everyone wanted the dad bod but nobody wanted to be fat. Everyone wants fat mommy milkers but nobody wants mommy to be fat. Everyone wants to be a bear but not like, an actual fat bear. You get what i’m saying
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miniconswerve · 4 months
tf game:
what got you into tf?
char you would kill if you could
char that deserves free drinks for a year at macadams
What got me into Transformers?
Shamefully, the first Michael Bay movie. I was a teenager and all I knew about Transformers at the time was the G1 series and thought it was dumb. Boy was I fucking wrong!
Character I would kill if I could?
That is a very tough call but if I had to pick, I would say Prime Starscream. He got away with too much and got lucky in so many cases that just didn't let him shine in a good like other versions of him did. He was a pest at the best of times it felt like.
Character that deserves free drinks for a year?
Phew, another tough one with all the trama these guys go through. I think my pick would have to be TFA Blurr. All he did was do his job, do it better than anyone else, got betrayed and cubed. He's in no good state mentally or physically. He deserves something nice.
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miniconswerve · 4 months
📽- What was your first TF series?
🥇- Favorite TF series
🤖- What got you into TF?
❤️- Fav Autobot?
💜- Fav Decepticon?
🤍- Fav Neutral or Obscure Character?
💞- Any Ships? Who's your current fav?
🎶- Best Theme song?
🥲- Saddest Anime Betrayal?
🔪- Character you would Kill if you could.
😘- Character you'd give a lil kiss to~
🥴- Do you simp for any robots?
🍳- Character that you would go to Brunch with
🍻- Character that deserves a year of free drinks at Maccadams
💬- Favorite Obscure TF fact!
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Trying to think of a fun scene to write of Swerve but I am so brain dead tonight. I do really like the idea of him being a hardcore gamer/streamer but unsure what to do with the thought.
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Here you go! @chubs-your-formers @withoutalice
~~~Story below the cut!
Rung was panting heavily, reclined in an over sized sofa meant for mechs far larger. Though he wasn’t for sure how long till he finally did fill up the seat at this rate.
“Here we go, I got you a fresh pillow.” Megatron came up to the chair, holding a pillow the size of Rung’s bed. Before he could protest, Megatron was gently leaning the smaller bot forward to put the pillow behind him. “There we go! That should be much more comfortable! Better?”
Rung felt wonderful and cozy, the plush pillow molding around his sides. He felt tense still though. The constant attention and care was making him feel guilty. The guilt really hit hard as the smell of something delightful hit him.
“Lunch is ready.” Ultra Magnus announced as he walked into the room holding a food tray.
“But you just gave me breakfast two hours ago!” Rung groaned softly.
The therapist watched Ultra Magnus set the tray down over his lap. The tray bumped against his already bloated stomach, still full and sore from his late breakfast. The meal Ultra Magnus prepared looked amazing though; a beef stew with freshly baked bread and a tall glass of tea.
Ultra Magnus shook his head, giving Rung a warm smile. “No, I’m certainly it has been much longer since breakfast.”
Rung gave the blue mech an annoyed glare. “Since my second breakfast or first breakfast?” He questioned.
While Ultra Magnus’ expression turned to grimace, Megatron was quick to interject. “Don’t be like that! Ultra Magnus worked hard to make you this meal!”
Rung frowned as he looked back at the stew before him and sighed. It had been a month of this; Ultra Magnus cooking ridiculous amounts of food and Megatron waiting on him hand and foot.
He had been in the middle of a session with Megatron. He had been overworking himself trying to help everyone he could and finally the exhaustion caught up to him. Passing out in the middle of their session, Megatron quickly scooped up Rung and rushed him to the medical bay. Ultra Magnus was quick to visit.
Since then, the two large mechs didn’t dare leave his side. Megatron reached down to force a spoonful to Rung’s lips. Regretfully taking the bite, Rung couldn’t help but hum at the delicious taste. Even though he had eaten not long ago, he couldn’t turn down this delicious meal.
With Rung subdued by the delectable warm bread dipped into the gravy, Ultra Magnus and Megatron took their places on either side of Rung. Megatron fluffed Rung’s pillow a bit and adjusted the therapist while Ultra Magnus offered Rung the remote for the television.
“It’s been a month. Can’t I return to work now?” Rung asked once he finished drinking his glass of tea.
Megatron and Ultra Magnus shared a quick and worried look with each other. “No!” They answered in unison.
Ultra Magnus cleared his throat. “No, I spoke with Ratchet. He recommends a couple more weeks of rest.”
“For exhaustion? I didn’t break anything!”
“Well, better to be safe then sorry, yes?” Megatron put his heavy hand on Rung’s shoulder. “You finish your lunch and I’ll give you a belly rub, okay?”
Rung regretfully agreed. He could feel the smug triumph of the two mechs over him. He should really contact Ratchet for himself. He would have done so sooner if the two bots weren’t so good at rubbing his stomach after stuffing himself to the gills. He guessed he should make sure to finish every last bite then if he was going to get something out of it.
I've GOT TO STOP BEING SO ANGSTY and PROBLEMATIC so here's some nice chubformers
Imagine. Rung. Faints in the middle of too many therapy sessions, so either Magnus or Megs decides to intervene. Or even both of them. Magnus seeting up regular feeding schedules whereas Megatron is better about the bedside manner. they get Rung all weight restored and then some <333
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Closing Early
Another Swerve fic I managed to do this week. Swerve's a lil drunk and dancing like no one's watching! He's thankful for that actually.
Content warning: Drinking, fat robots, nudity, bad dancing, and depression.
I also imagine this is the song Swerve is listening to.
Swerve sighed out as he leaned against the bar. Tonight had been the slowest night he had ever experienced in his life. He would usually have the same regulars every night but not even they showed up. So far only two bots had shown up; one who ordered a single drink and left after ten minutes and the other was some passer-by who needed a bathroom. Tonight was a depressing night for business. Luckily, the bartender had just the remedy for that sad feeling.
The minicon reached under the bar and pulled out a fine bottle of high grade. Grabbing a glass from the rack, Swerve traced his fingers over a data pad. Soon, Earth’s greats pop songs from the 1980s was playing through the speakers of his bar. As the music began to build, Swerve would pop his hip to the side along with the beat. Even though he wasn’t good at singing, Swerve put his heart into it. No customers to complain about it tonight anyway.
With his glass full, Swerve took a large gulp. The glass was half empty before he finally pulled back with a satisfied sigh. The burn in his throat was most welcome. Fumbling to pick up the next few lines in the song, Swerve began to refill his cup.
With a pint of high grade already in his tank, Swerve was feeling warmer and his tension ebbing. He took thick gulps of the glass. It was emptied as fast as the first one. With the music fading from one song to the next, Swerve reached out to grab the bar. He gave a loud grunt and jumped up. Getting halfway up onto the bar, Swerve kicked his leg up to roll on the rest of the way.
The minicon flinched. Swerve looked over the edge of the counter and gave a pout. He had knocked his class off of the bar when he rolled onto it. Luckily, the glass was emptied and he still had the bottle in front of him. Swerve grabbed the bottle and strained a bit to sit up. His legs kicked over the edge of the counter, looking out over his empty bar.
The sight made him take a swig from the bottle. As he swallowed the mouthful, Swerve groaned as he felt tension in his throat. His face scrunched up as he forced down the drink and then-
He couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden burp. He was drinking a bit faster than he realized. Reaching down, Swerve pressed his fingers across the panels over his middle before finally retracting the plating into his armor. With a sigh of relief, the doughy protoform under his armor pushed out and rested in his lap. The white mass even bounced a bit from the sudden release. It certainly felt a lot better now as Swerve continued to drink from his bottle, a hand resting on his belly and giving it a gentle rub.
Licking his lips to catch a stray bead of high grade, Swerve looked down at his bloated gut in his lap. He gave the dome a gentle smack on the side, watching it wobble until it settled with a sigh. With a moment of regretful curiosity, Swerve would slip a hand under his chest plating and cup his breast. It felt bigger and a bit softer than last time.
Swerve knew he was drinking a lot more lately. It was showing on his body too. Trying to shove that bitter regret down, Swerve slowly got to his feet and stood on the bar. His balance was shaky, sucking the last of the high grade from the bottle.
Leaning forward, Swerve’s alcohol filled belly bugled, hardly able to reach past his pale stomach. He dropped the bottle onto the bar and retracted the plating around his hips with the other hand. The bartender sighed out as the plating no long cut into his love handles. Swerve was on full display now; his spike, his port, his round rear. There was nothing for him to be ashamed of though since no one was in his bar but him. His face felt warm still, making him frown. He was still glad for the relief from his tight armor.
Being out in the open like this felt nice and freeing. There was also shame mixed into it though as Swerve moved to the upbeat music playing, left in only his helm, arm plating, and pede armor. He had hardly been dancing for a minute and he felt out of breathe. Swerve could feel his stomach sloshing with high grade, his breasts slapping down against the top of his belly, his backside jiggling, thigh wobbling. Swerve felt ashamed of himself despite trying to cheer himself up with a bit of fun.
Rubbing the sweat from his face, adjusting his visor, Swerve slowly stepped down from the bar. He stepped on the shattered glass on the floor, deciding he’d sweep it up in the morning as he went to the door. Switching the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’ and locking the door, the bartender began to drag his feet towards the back of the bar.
In the back was a small storage space. A line of kegs with hoses in them for the taps were lined against the wall on one side. On the other side was shelves of cheaper spirits and fine oils. In the very back was where Swerve’s desk was, cluttered with orders, recipe books, and a large stack of bills. Next to that was his mattress sat on a small elevated platform with a pin-up of Blurr next to the pillow.
Swerve fell forward into the bed, groaning in discomfort from landing on his bloated stomach. He rolled over onto his side, facing the wall and stared at the picture of Blurr briefly. He quickly rolled onto his back. Swerve didn’t want such a sleek and beautiful bot to look at him like this. With a drawn out sigh, Swerve closed his eyes, visor dimming as he started to recharge.
Maybe tomorrow he could do better.
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miniconswerve · 4 months
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happy Valentine’s Day! Have an obedient Dead/lock for the special day of love…. However, with a smirk like that, you know he got something up his sleeve!
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miniconswerve · 4 months
Sleepy Swerve
This is a fic I came up with a couple of weeks ago and finally finished up. Thanks to @siberat for making me finish it! Hope someone enjoys it!
Warning: Weight gain, fat robots, dick sucking, sleeping, feeding.
Ultra Magnus cleaned the last bowl, making sure to wash it well before drying it off with a cloth. He added the bowl onto the drying rack with the dozens of other plates and bowls. Ultra Magnus had cooked a lot tonight; a soup, a stew, a baked fish, a couple of burgers, fried chicken, and pan fried potatoes. Despite all of this cooking, Magnus only ate a small plate for himself but every last bite was gone.
Turning around, Ultra Magnus’ stoic face broke out with a warm smile. On his couch was a white and red minicon. The barkeep was loudly snoring. So loud that Ultra Magnus could feel his audio receptors vibrate. Sprawled out across the sofa, the minicon’s belly rose and fell dramatically with each labored breath. Magnus felt a bit of pride being able to put Swerve into a food coma, especially after seeing how much he could eat.
Magnus knelt next to the couch and smiled as he looked down at the bloated belly, watching it inflate with each breath. The stomach looked incredibly tight. Giving it a test, Ultra Magnus slowly placed a hand on top of it. On contact, Swerve groaned a bit. No doubt it was from how painfully full he was. The minicon didn’t seem to know when to stop.
Smiling at the handsome snoring face for a moment, admiring his handiwork, Magnus began to gently stroke his hand over the stomach. It felt like he was feeling up a bowling ball; firm, dense, heavy. Giving a gentle squeeze to the sides of the dome caused it to push up a bit. Watching the stomach bulge from the displacement made Ultra Magnus’ grin grow wider.
Letting go of the sides of the belly, it heavily sagged back into place and rounded out once more. Swerve’s snoring was suddenly interrupted by a burp. The belch was deep and drown out. Once it was done, Swerve merely resumed snoring.
Ultra Magnus stroked his thumb over the dome as he leaned into it. His lips pursed, planting a kiss on the bot’s belly, his face sinking in a bit. He even rubbed his face into it, felling it slosh loudly, the stomach heavily moving side to side.
All the while, Swerve didn’t seem bothered by the attention. Ultra Magnus was in heaven as he heard the bloated belly gurgle and groan in his audio receptors. Pushing his face a bit more firmly into the gut caused a series of deep rumbles before-
Swerve belched out, his belly clenching tight over the food he had stuffed himself with. The minicon sighed out once his burp was done, licking his lips and smiling in his sleep.
Ultra Magnus bit his lip with a bright blush. He was getting too eager and soon reached down under that large dome. His fingers gently peeled back Swerve’s cog piece. The minicon’s spike was already throbbing, pushing up against his underbelly once released. Magnus smiled at the sight, loving how surprisingly thick the plug was. The red and white spike throbbed in his grasp as he pumped it, pre oozing down the shaft and covering his fingers.
Leaning in, Magnus parted his lips to take the shaft into his mouth. He groaned softly as he felt a squirt of salty pre hit the back of his throat. The spike forced Ultra Magnus to stretch his jaw uncomfortably. Pushing his face down more, Magnus felt his face push into the soft underbelly. He took a deep whiff of Swerve’s groin. The minicon’s musk burned his nostrils but smelt so warm and calming like leather and honey.
Letting go of the spike, Ultra Magnus grasped Swerve’s hips. He took in as much of the spike as he could. The member throbbed against the back of his throat. Magnus tried to control himself, not wanting to gag on it. He thought with the size difference between the two of them, this wouldn’t be so tasking.
Taking things slow, Ultra Magnus gently bobbed his head on the spike. His thick glossa slid under the throbbing member, his mouth being filled with the taste of Swerve’s precum. The blue mech could feel Swerve throb harder as he began to whimper. Swerve was about to overload.
When Ultra Magnus tried to pull back though, Swerve’s hand grabbed his helm and pushed him against his groin. Magnus gagged, eyes wide as he felt the minicon overload in his mouth. He struggled to start swallowing the thick load.
Finally pulling back, Magnus gasped for air. Cum dripped from his lips and Swerve’s gave a few final squirt, painting the blue mech’s face. Ultra Magnus could see over the bloated belly now. The stomach was rising and falling hard as Swerve panted, his visor flicking in his afterglow. The minicon flashed Magnus a devious grin though. Ultra Magnus knew stuffing Swerve was one thing but he didn’t imagine the bot would be so hungry. Now Swerve urging Magnus into bed as he kissed at the blue mech’s neck. Now Magnus was going to the glutton’s desert.
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miniconswerve · 5 months
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Second one finished. Here is Swerve as an orange tabby scottish fold. :D
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