minniecake · 2 months
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minniecake · 2 months
I know we all hate Donald Trump's guts but we gotta understand that turning him into a martyr would solve absolutely nothing. This little nick on his ear is going to get Republicans fired up like hell as it is, and we're going to have to work all the harder to keep his ass out of office again.
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minniecake · 2 months
Trump isn't guaranteed to win this year's presidential election because he's been shot at. In 2020, Trump supporters voted in heavy numbers, but guess what? They still lost because we outvoted them. 
Do I want to vote for Biden? No, but I will since no third-party candidate has a winning chance, and I don't want Trump to be president again. Unless y'all are gonna overthrow the American political system and government, we need to vote.
It's normal to be terrified about this presidential election, but don't allow it to stop you from voting and trying to stop that orange fucker from returning to office.
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minniecake · 3 months
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Ben Ledi ice crystals by Niall Corbet
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minniecake · 3 months
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minniecake · 11 months
just told my mom i was gonna freak it sensitive style and she hyped me up with “ooh quiet down…. quiet down..” while i was dancing
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minniecake · 11 months
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I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, which makes me think it isn’t being reported, but right now the largest protest for Palestine in the history of the United States is taking place in Washington DC. Thousands turned up to show their solidarity for Palestine and to call for a ceasefire.
Look at this, they won’t be able to ignore us for much longer.
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minniecake · 11 months
i will defend to the grave that literary analysis IS enjoyable and a valid hobby but it's amazing how a hyperfixation on The Character will have you writing essays for fun
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minniecake · 1 year
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minniecake · 1 year
I cannot emphasize this enough as a practical life skill: learn how to say no to authority figures. Learn how to tell them that nothing they can do to you will change your mind. Disappoint your parents. You have to live your own life.
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minniecake · 1 year
I work at a movie theater.
And personally? To be in the tickets booth, and see young girls, teenagers, adult women, coming in to see Barbie,
the most highlighter pink outfits, some of them coming in with the dolls they’re dressed as, laughing to each other, cheering for each other,
to see the men they’re coming to see it with, dressed in pink, cheering them on, taking their pictures with smiles and cheers in the lobby at the photo op
touches something so deep in me
I can’t say any nuances of the movie that haven’t already been said, but like, fuck man, love is so deep and so kind and to be able to see glimpses of it from behind my little ticket desk makes me a little less nihilistic.
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minniecake · 1 year
Also while we’re here I want everyone to appreciate that This
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This wild, wonderful, beautifully animated and heartfelt queer story started here
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Here, on tumblr, by an art student who’s wrestling with his identity, mental health, and religious trauma
Tell your stories, kids, you never know how many people will thank you for it
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minniecake · 1 year
I’m having feelings about Katara v Pakku again, and the fact that at this point in the series, Katara has never been in a fight that wasn’t to the death. Every fight she’s ever been in has had world-ending stakes. She’s not shooting to kill Pakku because she’s weaker and less trained than him - though she is - she’s shooting to kill because she doesn’t know any other way to fight. Friendly sparring, or fighting as a spectator sport, has not been a part of this girl’s life. Pakku’s fighting Katara to put troublesome teenagers in their place; Katara’s fighting Pakku because they’ll all die if Pakku doesn’t pull his head out of his ass and train the Avatar.
Pakku is genuinely surprised to see his own reflection in that disc of ice Katara shoots right past his face. If he hadn’t dodged, it would have sliced his head right open. He starts putting actual effort in after that.
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minniecake · 1 year
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i made a spidaman (theythem)
edit: their name is Sumo (jesús contreras)
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minniecake · 1 year
When I was 18 I took a ballet class at college and every morning our beginner adult class started just as the Ballet Majors in the studio next door took a mid-class break.
Many mornings they would gather in the doorway of my classroom and watch us struggle through our bar warmups or jumble up a new technique while they smiled and whispered to each other.
And every morning I dreaded seeing them there because I knew they were making fun of me.
I had other classes with some of them, and I was always embarrassed when ballet came up, and it always did, them being ballet majors, because I loved to talk about it but knew they’d seen me dance, and I was sure they thought I didn’t belong in the conversation.
At the end of the semester, our instructor announced that she’d like to invite the dancers from the next door studio to sit in on our final performance as an audience, and everyone in my class hesitated. We’d worked so hard, we wanted to celebrate our progress during our final without being judged. Most of us left class that day suddenly more anxious about the final than we’d ever been.
The next morning, in one of my other classes I had with the ballet majors, one of them approached me, and as if she’d been reading our minds the entire semester, she said
“Hey. I just wanted to say that I know we watch you guys dance a lot, and I wanted to make sure you know we’re never laughing at you. When we watch you guys learn the basics…..it reminds us of when we first started when we were younger. It’s like…looking at ourselves when we first fell in love with dancing. That’s why we love watching you guys.”
It shocked me. I felt awash with relief and utterly stupid all at once.
Here I had spent an entire semester assuming the worst of people who had otherwise been nothing but nice to me in every other setting, and I had no one to blame for that but my own insecurities that I’d allowed to rule me for months.
I’d been so unfair to these girls, because I was self conscious. I was so worried about being judged that I’d judged all of them.
Here I was worried they were laughing at me, and all along they were looking at me with nothing but absolute delight, even envy for what I was getting to experience.
This encounter changed my entire attitude, permanently.
It made me realize that, yeah sometimes people are jerks for no reason, but more often than not, people really are just….Good.
Since that day, I’ve started giving everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong, for their sake and for my own.
And I’ve learned that the world becomes a lot better and life becomes a lot easier when you accept that maybe not everyone is judging you. Maybe you’re the one who’s hardest on yourself.
Let yourself be. Let yourself exist and breathe and be happy.
The world is a much better place.
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minniecake · 1 year
i am in love with the style of gwen’s universe and the use of backgrounds. everything has a watercolor effect, but especially when gwen is feeling really intense emotion. when her dad finds out she’s spider-gwen, the background colors start to bleed together and run like teardrops! because she’s overwhelmed and close to crying and she doesn’t know what to do!
and when she and her dad are arguing in their apartment, all the colors are dark and the background is running again. she’s about to lose everything and her emotions are spilling over and the setting is crying with her and then… everything goes solid and real again because her dad finally understands.
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minniecake · 1 year
the entire message of this multiverse trilogy is that in this story, the lonely spidey doesn't have to be lonely
Pav was not alone in facing his first big threat because the spideys who were there didn't want him to be alone. And when they manage to actually save everyone (because multiple spideys were sharing the load), the entire city cheers. Imagine how Gwen felt, knowing how she's perceived in her own universe. Even for the other spideys, that must've been a novel experience--you just don't get uncontested gratitude when you're one person and you can't save everyone.
there's community to be found in the culture you grew up in & the people you meet during common-goal acts of heroism (solutions that wouldn't have worked for a lone hero works when there are three spideys trying to stop a helicopter)
look at peter b parker, he was lonely as fuck but mentoring miles changed him, he's not alone anymore
the classic spidey narrative is important because sometimes it is just you bearing the weight of the world--no one can lessen your grief for you, and no one else can take your leap of faith for you
but there's something special about spideys getting understanding and community in miles's story, it's such a nice thing to happen to these isolated heroes, and the joy thereof is infectious
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