minnowrowdy · 9 months
We don’t talk enough about Crowley slapping Aziraphale’s hands away when he touches his Bentley to be fair. Crowley. My icon. He most likely snapped at Aziraphale for shutting the door too harshly too at some point. When do you think Aziraphale closed his eyes and sighed to himself and thought; first I had to fight with stars, then plants, and now a Bentley.
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minnowrowdy · 9 months
Y'all weren't kidding about time not making sense
Trying to build a timeline through all the clips and:
Gabriel arrives late afternoon after Marguerite's resto is open (before the ball she talks about it getting busy 7pm or later, and the clock in the shop says it's around 5:20pm when Gab shows up (ish))
Then we cut to Crowley out in the world getting a call from Shax but his phone (and we KNOW it's green-screened in!) says it's 10:30am??
Oh I got a lot of puzzle pieces to shuffle around, god damn
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minnowrowdy · 10 months
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The Time Lord and the Toymaker? // We can make a difference.
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minnowrowdy · 11 months
Good Omens and the Miracle Chimes
Don't say anything... Just... Watch this please? It's a compilation of some miracle sounds throughout the show.
This has been my Roman Empire since my first viewing.
What I'm hearing is...
Aziraphale's miracle chime is distinctly different from other angel's miracle chime. Makes sense, main character, and all. His has this "singing" to it.
Crowley's miracle chime is just a hissing sound. However, I have no other demons to compare it to.
When they perform their half miracle, it starts with Az's chime and ends with Crowley's. They overlap ever so slightly, but you can clearly hear them both.
As for the last miracle sound(s?) of the show, I first hear Az's miracle sound, and after a few seconds, Crowley's. But, they're both distorted.
I just... Can't stop thinking about that last miracle sound(s?). What does it mean? I mean, I have theories as to what it could mean, and maybe I'll make a long post about it one day. I'm not a writer though, so it would take me a long while to write down all those thoughts of mine. For now, I'm just glad to have finally made this madness into a thing I can share.
Inspired to make this video thanks to this post by @noneorother. And here's hoping @embracing-the-ineffable also finds it interesting enough for their post.
P.S. I'm on the fence about making a super cut of every miracle sound in season 2. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I'll just need help making a list of timestamps of all miracle sounds as I know I'll miss one otherwise.
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minnowrowdy · 11 months
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#Literally the same energy, i'm gonna be sick
OFMD 2.08 // Good Omens 2.06
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minnowrowdy · 1 year
Decked Out is turning me into a horrible person I'm about to abandon all my loved ones so I can watch Etho's 2 hour video
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minnowrowdy · 1 year
i love watching etho runs on tango's stream because it turns out etho is just as baffling to his fellow hermits as he is to us.
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minnowrowdy · 1 year
Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.
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“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”
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minnowrowdy · 2 years
A person with a somewhat masculine voice says in a higher pitched tone, “Blue hair is weird!” They then change their voice to their regular tone, and say, “I’m gonna teach you this how I would teach a child. I don’t know your life story, but for the sake of making this an educational video, I’m gonna use stereotypes, so only take what resonates with you.
One child is born in a seemingly functional, to their awareness, loving family, while the other is getting quite the opposite. You can’t choose that you’re born with it, so you’re put out in this world and the majority of your peers are like you, and the majority of your teachers, parents and authority are like you, and the majority of the media out there is showing people like you. So all of the kids that are not depicted by this media feel erased and different immediately from the time they’re born, how they are born. You may feel too feminine as a boy, too masculine as a girl, like you’re in the wrong body, like you don’t think exactly neurotypically as everyone else, you’re too thin, you’re too thick, you’re too dark, you’re not dark enough. Kids like this immediately understand the struggle of not being accepted by the majority, and if it’s not the peers doing it, keep in mind they have the same authority and media only depicting the majority of one type of person.
So both the outcasts and the masses are gonna ask the same question of how do I fit into society, and the majority of the authority and media is gonna be saying things like “God is the answer,” “man marries woman,” “girls are this way, boys this way.” You have a set amount of rules that if you have no reason to question, you’re not gonna disagree with. But when this world has taught you it’s not for people like you, you’re gonna ask, “why is it that way?” which brings us to, “who is teaching us this?” Oh, people from this era or earlier, who’s making this stuff, people in this era or earlier, “Let me do my research on who taught them that stuff.”
A common flaw with human beings is that they accept societal norms that are only in place for a little bit over their lifetime because they never lived to see a reason to question it. When you are born in a world that’s seemingly against you, you have reason to research why these traditions are in place, and you say, “Wow, if I happened to be born in the 1900s, pink was for boys and blue was for girls, and cheerleading is for boys and heels are for men, and the bible was changed to be anti-gay”. It’s almost like what we are taught is unreliable and not inherently factual, and in the time this was being taught, no one in the masses was disagreeing.
Everyone’s born in a box, but we weren’t all born with default settings, so we learned that humans can express themselves however they want. The way you think that only natural hair colors is normal, or how you dress is the right way, or blue hair automatically makes you weird, or pronouns equals liberal, that is taught to you. If this existed in the 1900s, this would be awesome [he points at blue hair], and this would just be english language [he points at pronouns]. When you’re wildly accepted by the masses, I see why you wouldn’t want to step down, you’re at the top of the pyramid. But the reason that we dye our hair blue is that the only people that wildly accepted us are other people who weren’t afraid of being different.
Now listen, maybe you just like authentically being a part of the masses, maybe your true self likes this stuff, that’s fine. But you also have to acknowledge that you were taught to avoid anything that would get you bullied or a negative reaction by the masses. So therefore, who’s really the top of the pyramid? [He flips the pyramid drawing upside-down].”
End transcript.
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minnowrowdy · 2 years
Hello my dears
Do you know some ff's where azi accidently hurt Crowley? Thanks a lot for your work :)
Hi! Not sure if you had a preference for physical or emotional hurt, but this was a hard one to search for, so here’s what I found...
Remember that time I stabbed you in the gut? by Zeckarin (T)
I wanted to write this adventure since I'd written "it was only a kiss", so here it is!
I am late on Febuwhump, but I'll catch up!
Do You Feel Loved? by mikripetra (T)
Crowley’s smile twists downwards. “So…still in favor of ‘the Great Plan,’ then?”
“Exactly!” beams Aziraphale. “She never meant for us to go through with the Apocalypse. She planned it this way from the very Beginning, don’t you see? Everything we’ve done, everything that’s happened- every bit of it was what She intended.”
Crowley swallows reflexively. His mouth tastes like ash.
Forget Me Not by Supergeek21 (T)
Aziraphale wakes up in Heaven with a pounding headache only to realize he has very little memory of the last 6,000 years. The good news is he successfully averted the War. The bad news is the Serpent of Eden now wants to kill him for revenge, or so Gabriel tells him.
When Crowley pops by the bookshop to visit Aziraphale and is greeted by the full force of an angel's wrath, he has no clue what he's done to incur such rage, or why Aziraphale is apparently reading his old work reports, but he'll be blessed if he isn't going to find out and win him back.
Thus saith the Lord by TheManicMagician (T)
Angels were created to serve as tools. Obedience was woven into their very being. Orders straight from the Almighty were obeyed, whether the angel in question wanted to or not.
Weeks after the apocalypse was averted, Aziraphale was issued a direct command from his Lord: The demon Crowley shall die by Principality Aziraphale’s sword.
Palliative Practices by VerdantVulpus (M)
Based on the following prompt.
What if every time Crowley does a good deed, he suffers pain after because it goes against his demonic nature (and the greater the good, the more intense the pain)? Then Aziraphale finds out that Crowley has been living with that pain ever since the Arrangement.
5 times Crowley masked his pain and 1 time he accepted help.
Sweetest of Words by shadowintheshade (E)
Aziraphale calls Crowley by the wrong name during sex and it almost kills Crowley, re-awakening memories of who he was before the fall, memories Aziraphale has never lost. Aziraphale gives up a chunk of his soul to save Crowley from dying, guilt and angst and comfort ensue as they both work out who they are and where this new/ ancient relationship is going.
E rated for sex and some serious gnarliness in a couple of chapters.
- Mod D
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minnowrowdy · 2 years
jensen and misha talking about their add (now more commonly called adhd) in the new jersey con is honestly so meaningful to me. as a person with adhd myself, it was incredible to hear people i look up to and admire talking about having adhd themselves. 
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minnowrowdy · 2 years
Tumblr Code.
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minnowrowdy · 3 years
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bream! (bee dream)
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minnowrowdy · 3 years
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Look everything about this is awesome but I lost it at Mar 🐫
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minnowrowdy · 3 years
this bit where Abed fucking destroys the autistic detective trope in like thirty seconds is one of my favourites, not gonna lie
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minnowrowdy · 3 years
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minnowrowdy · 3 years
Dream’s reaction towards Sundrop is so funny to me.
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