minsyga · 6 years
Best thing to ever happen in the history of the entire world? Jonghyun’s smile.
Proof (not that it’s needed, we all know it’s true):
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Please feel free to add on your favorite pictures of Jonghyun smiling!!!
2K notes · View notes
minsyga · 6 years
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© 슈가마운틴 | Do not edit.
660 notes · View notes
minsyga · 6 years
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Because we all need this
272 notes · View notes
minsyga · 6 years
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Agust D vs. First Love
299 notes · View notes
minsyga · 6 years
falling leaves | 02
Pairing: (Y/N) x Yoongi
word count: 6.1k
Genre: smut (in later chapters), fluff and angst 
! This story is from my wattpad account so if you want to read the next chapters you can always go to my wattpad account. Every chapter on tumblr consists 2/3 chapters of wattpad. 
All gifs used in my fanfic are not mine so credit to the rightful owner! 
Part 01 
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I groaned and pressed on the button of my alarm. The annoying sound finally disappeared and I opened my eyes slowly. I sighed and sat up as I lazily rubbed my eyes.
My feet wandered on the floor, searching for my pink slippers. I finally felt them and putted them on. I smiled at the soft and warm feeling around my feet and stood up. I lazily went downstairs, hungry wasn’t I so I skipped the kitchen and went straight to the living room.
I stopped in my track when I heard voices. Way to familiar voices. I grinned and turned around to enter the kitchen.
“Mom, dad!” I exclaimed in joy and ran up to them.
“You’re awake?” Mom asked and pecked my cheek.
“Yup” I nodded and walked up to my father who was reading the newspaper at the table.
“Good morning, dear.” He smiled at me and went back to the newspaper. I was still in my pajamas and my hair was messy but I didn’t care. My stomach needs food now, unlike two seconds ago.
“I’m making french toast.” Mom smiled and placed a toast on my plate.
“Thank you” I reached out for the confiture and smeared it on my toast.
“Mmm” I hummed as the delicious taste filled my mouth and pleasured my taste buds.
“I’m glad you like it.” Mom smiled and placed the last toasts on a plate. She sat down at the table after placing the plate in the middle of the table and we all enjoyed the breakfast.
“Are you staying home today?” I asked them when we finished.
“Well, we have to work today but don’t worry. You’ll not be alone today, mrs. Kim will visit you today so she can see your piano talents.” Mom said and stood up.
“We want you to practice a lot.” Dad said and followed mom. I nodded but deep inside I felt sad. I do not want to see mrs. Kim, not because I don’t like her or something like that but she is old and I always have to repeat what I say because she can’t hear me that well.
“I will.” I said with a sigh and followed them to the hallway.
“Oh yeah I almost forgot, she will gave you some papers with songs that you can use to practice.” Mom said and kissed my forehead.
“I have to practice them?” I asked.
“Yes but don’t worry, they’re not difficult.” She said and headed out. She easily talks. I thought to myself.
“See you tonight.” Dad ruffled my hair, making it a bigger mess than it already was, and headed out.
I waved them a farewell and waited for them to enter the car. Once the car wasn’t in my sight anymore, I closed the door.
Meanwhile Yoongi and Jimin were sitting in Yoongi’s little studio.
Yoongi was busy composing a song while Jimin was telling him a story that happened that day.
After a few minutes he finally turned around and listened to his friend who was telling him a story. But his thoughts were not on Jimin but on something else.
Jimin probably noticed it so he cut himself off.
“Yah, are you listening?” He asked his friend who was staring at his lap.
Yoongi immediately looked up and nodded. “What? Euhm… yeah yeah.”
“Don’t lie…” Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against his chair as he stared at his, now looking down, friend. He knew that Yoongi had a rap battle in the evening and that it can be stressful but it worried him that Yoongi looked extra stressed out. Like he was going to die.
“What is it with you? You look very stressed lately.” Jimin said as he leaned forward on his chair, his elbows now resting on his knees to support him.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that my grades are dropping and -”
“Again!?” Jimin exclaimed in horror.
“Yes” the older one sighed.
“Study then.” His friend simply said.
“I don’t want to, I have to focus on my underground rapbattle this evening.” He turned around on his chair so he was facing his computer.
“It seems like Agust D is making a comeback.” Jimin smiled and playfully elbowed Yoongi’s side. He smiled and tried not to laugh. Only Jimin knew about Agust D’s true identity.
“What is it? Is something funny?” Jimin asked laughing and elbowed Yoongi again in a playful manner. Yoongi give in and let out his laugh out.
“Don’t you have other things to do?” Yoongi asked as he turned around with his chair to face his now grinning friend.
“Gosh yes! I had to help my mom with something. Gotta go!” Jimin quickly grabbed his dark blue bomber jacket and left Yoongi’s tiny studio in a hurry. He was totally not planning on disappointing his mom once again.
Yoongi smiled at his friend’s behaviour and stood up to close the door. Poor boy, he didn’t have the time to close the door correctly. Yoongi thought as he still smiled to himself.
“Com'on Kim Bok Joo, don’t be sad…” I whined as my drama came to an end. Not really to an end because I have to wait another whole week to see the next episode.
“When will I find a guy like Jeong Joon Hyung?” I pouted and leaned back in the sofa. Then I remembered something.
That boy I met in the rain…
He was really handsome and cute at the same time. Is he my Jeong Joon Hyung? I giggled at the thought and hid my face in the pillow o my lap. A habit of me is to always put a pillow on my lap, it makes me feel secured. Why do I feel like this? (Y/N), don’t be stupid! That was a  one time thing. You won’t see him again!
My stomach made suddenly a weird noise, making me forget about that boy instantly. I rubbed my tummy and stood up from the snug spot I was sitting on.
“Let’s see if there is anything to eat.” I said to myself and entered the kitchen at the far end of my living room.
Opening the fridge, my stomach made louder noises. I made a ‘tsk’ sound when the fridge was empty, there were a few vegetables and a bottle of water though. I closed the fridge and turned around with a pout on my lips.
I then noticed something on the kitchen counter. Money. I smiled and grabbed it.
“Your parents told me to gave you the money but because you were watching your drama, I didn’t want to disturb you.” I heard a voice entering the kitchen.
“It’s okay, thank you.” I thanked the butler and quickly ran up to the hallway.
While walking on the street, I thought about that one boy. Again. I hope to see him again. I almost giggled while thinking about that.
I walked by a tree and stopped when I saw a poster on it. I approached it and examined the poster.
“Underground rap battle?” I said to myself as I frowned in confusing. My mouth formed an 'O’-shape when I saw someone familiar on that poster. It was that boy I met in the rain! I smiled to myself, I just realised that he was as handsome on the poster and in reality. He is a rapper? I never listened to rap before. Not because I didn’t want to but because my parents didn’t want me to. They told me to focus on classic music and only that.
I secretely started to listen to hiphop music and I have to admit it, it’s better than classic music. It’s also because of that that I found Shinee on youtube, since then they became my idols.
I examined the poster further, searching for his name. “Agust D?” Is that his name?
Little did she know but two pair of eyes were focused on her as they approached her.
It startled me when someone stood beside me from nowhere. I slowly looked up and saw a handsome face. I kept staring and then noticed what I was doing. I quickly turned back to the poster and almost wanted to slap myself when I noticed who it was. I glanced at the poster and the boy, back and forth. It was him! I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up.
“You’re-” I begun.
“Yes, I am.” He interrupted me. I quickly closed my mouth. His voice was cold and slow but still sexy. Then it was silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one.
“You listen to rap?” He asked me and glued his dark eyes on mine. It’s then that I noticed how his eyes never showed any emotions. Is he a vampire?
“Euhm…no.” I don’t know why I stuttered but his eyes were like magic. I couldn’t look away from them.
“Hm.” Then it went silent again.
“I want you to come to my rap battle to show you what real rap is but I think little girls can’t come.” He said without looking at me, his tone staying monotone but something in me told me he was teasing me. Maybe to brighten up the aura between us. I nodded, actually not understanding what he said when suddenly it hit me.
“What? I’m not a little girl!” I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at him. He turned to his right so he could face me properly.
“What’s your name?” He asked me, totally ignoring what I told him.
“(Y/N).” I silently said, still not over the fact that I’m talking to my crush.
“Yoongi.” I nodded and then it turned silent once again.
“But why did they call you Agust D on the poster?” I asked and tilted my head to the side. Was it a fault?
“People call me like that in the rap world, it’s a stage name.” He simply said and looked down at me. I nodded and my phone suddenly buzzed.
From butler Kang:  Where are you?
“I’m sorry, I have to go.” I bowed to Yoongi and quickly walked away but he stopped me.
“Wait, will you come to my rap battle?” He asked.
“I will see, I can’t promise you anything.” I answered and quickly ran to the Pasta Lunch. I totally forgot why I went out in the first place.
“I’m home.” I shouted as I kicked my shoes off.
“You made me worried, is everything alright?” Butler Kang ran up to me. Worry was indeed written on his wide forehead.
“Yup, I’ve got my pasta.” I smiled and held my bag in front of me. He sighed in relief.
“Enjoy your meal then.” He bowed and walked away, smiling in relief.
After finishing my meal, I sat there. Alone at the table. I was thinking about what Yoongi told me. I actually want to see his rap but I also don’t want to disapoint my parents.
But - they aren’t home tonight. I smirked to myself. One hour isn’t that bad right? I’ll just go there and when Yoongi’s part is finshed, I’ll go back home and no one will ever know that I went there.
Yet I’m nervous. I’ve never been a rebel before. What if something bad happens? Don’t think about it (Y/N)! It’s just an underground rap battle.
I went upstairs and searched in my wardrobe for black clothes. I finally found a black sweater and a black pant.
I checked myself a last time in the mirror and made sure my hat, which also was black, covered the half of my face so no one can recognize me.
Yoongi, here I come…
The area ,where the underground rap battle was located, was like I expected. People were cheering and jumping for their favorite rapper. Others were drinking or smoking. There was also loud music and a presentator with a mic in his hand. Everything was dark but their was still light so we could see. Some lights were colored and shined everywhere like a night club.
“Are you ready?” He screamed in the mic, making the crowd even wilder.
“Here is Okasian!” He screamed again and people were shouting the name. Okasian? I’ve never heard of that name. A man in black clothed came up and another music started playing.
His rap was quiet interesting but I was waiting for Yoongi.
Okasian’s rap came to an end and the presentator came back on stage.
“That was Okasian the next is” I hoped so hard for Yoongi. I was reallt nervous because I was planning to go home after Yoongi’s rap. I already know that I’m dead. “BeWhy!” The presentator screamed in the mic which made the crowd go wild again.
A man came up and he started playing the piano while rapping. It was really beautiful but not the thing I wanted to hear. I just noticed that a lot of rappers uses bad words in their rap.
I didn’t notice it but a woman came up to me. She was around the 30 and had curly hair. Her eyes were green which means she was a foreigner. The more she approached me, the more it smelled cigarettes.
“Wanna drink?” She asked casually and handed me a glass of soju. She was clearly drunk by the way she stumbled while walking and the way she talked.
“Euhm no thank you.” I replied politely. She scoffed and walked away. I shrugged it off and looked back in front of me.
His rap came to and end and again, the presentator came up on stage.
“Ladies and gentleman” The crowd screamed “yes” together while I stayed silent, waiting on my own. I hugged myself because of the cold weather, the underground rap battle was outside and It was night time.
“Here is dok2!” The presentator announced. Everyone cheered meanwhile I searched for a chair to sit down on it.
After a while he finished and went off stage. The prentator came on stage like before and kept silent. Everyone kept their mouth and waited for the presentator to say something.
“Ladies and gentleman” the presentator said in a calm voice. “Nae” the voice shouted together but it was calmer than before.
“He’s drom Daegu and came to Seoul a few years ago…” the presentator said. The crowd kept silence but eveyone knew who it was, except me.
“He produces his own music and brought his mixtape last august out…” people started cheering as I stayed on the same spot. “Here is…” the presentator turned around and stretched his arm out. “Agust D!” He exclaimed and everyone jumped and cheered harder. I stood up as I saw Yoongi coming on stage. He was all black and looked so badass.
They call me new thang The recruit is here, to take over everything, The whole world, concert so sick, from Asiana Asia You could be my new thang I’m different from the hyungs, That ignore their duties An uprising of celebrities, damn only strong ones can mess with me Some think it was easy for me to reach my position Fuck you I’m the thorn in the eyes of those hyungs Who have no chances of becoming successful Honestly, “SSaihanuwar” is embarrassing We sell 500,000 copies a year My size is different to fit in the K-pop category whoo Right, if you want to go ahead, try reserving first class My seat is business yours is economy, forever behind me kissing my ass Next target is Billboard Brazil to New York, my busy passport
A fo the G to the U to STD I’m D boy because I’m from D I’m the crazy guy, the lunatic on beat Sending listeners to Hong Kong with my rap my tongue technology
A fo the G to the U to STD A fo the G to the U to STD A fo the G to the U to STD Sending listeners to Hong Kong with my rap my tongue technology
I’m the guy who shoves his junior or senior who copies from copiers Doesn’t matter if I’m nasty or if I’m a wack or fack, I’m the guy that will carve history on the ground Always getting more light among other hopeless rappers The raquet caused by the jealous hyungs who are scared I’d take away their source of income with my fame
hey ho I don’t give a shit when you’re busy being a moron I will simply bury you alive in the grave you dug out yourself hey ho you can’t handle me You wasted rappers should be grateful that I’m an idol
Cause I’m busy i’m busy 24/7 what rest? I hope those idiots who have lost their opportunities keep each other company Those childish and jealous people don’t realize what’s important Paris to New York damn my non stop schedule
A fo the G to the U to STD I’m D boy because I’m from D I’m the crazy guy, the lunatic on beat Sending listeners to Hong Kong with my rap my tongue technology
A fo the G to the U to STD I’m D boy because I’m from D I’m the crazy guy, the lunatic on beat Sending listeners to Hong Kong with my rap my tongue technology
I’m sorry I mean it I’m sorry I’m sorry for taking away your source of income, boy I’m sorry I reject fury Your mom’s going to be sad when you lose your only asset, health
I’m sorry, you should change your job Your ability of making yourself look like a moron is extraordinary so change your job, boy I’m sorry I mean it I’m sorry I’m sorry that your rapper sucks compared to me
A fo the G to the U to STD
Midway his rap I suddenly felt a grip on my shoulder making me startled. I slowly turned around and came face to face with butler Kang.
“Miss Lee” his stern voice gave me shivers already.
Here I am. In the car with butler Kang driving me home. It was silence and I knew I was in deep problems.
“May I kow why you were there?” His voice broke the silence.
“I-euh…” I didn’t know what to say.
“Just enjoying.” I simply said and hoped he wouldn’t ask more questions.
“Your parents don’t like rap you know.” He said making me gulp as I looked down. I nervously played with my hands.
“Don’t worry, I’ll not tell them.” He suddenly said making me look up.
“Really?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yes, it’s not fair to stay the whole day home, playing the piano while they can do whatever they want.” I’m glad butler Kang and our maid undertstands me. They'r like friends.
“But what was that what that boy rapped?” He looked at me and then back to the road. “A to G to the U to the STD” he suddenly imitated Agust D making me laugh. He then didn’t know the lyrics so he said nonsenses like “nanana” on a rythme making me laugh even harder.
It’s tiring when you always try to understand others when they just shrugg it off and don’t even try to understand you.
a few days later
Everything is going on like always. Mom and dad are busy with work. They even went to Vietnam for a meeting.
Mrs. Kim also visited me and asked me to play multiple times the piano for her. When I finished she would give me an applaud and say that I developped. She also gave me a few songs I can practice with.
I didn’t hear anything about Yoongi which is a bit sad for me. I wanted to see him again but I don’t think he want to see me. I mean, we barely know each other and almost never see each other so…
Butler Kang didn’t told my parents about what happened that night. He kept his promise which I’m grateful off.
“Y/N, sweetie?” I heard maid’s voice from the kitchen.
“Yes?” I asked as I hastily stood up from the sofa en walked up to her.
“I just got a call and your parents are coming home tonight.” She said with a smile.
“Really?” I asked, my voice filled with happiness. She nodded and went back to cutting the vegetables. I beamed and went back to the living room, where I was reading a book.
“Almost finished.” I mumbled to myself as I turned the - almost - last page of the book. My eyes softened when they followed every black word on the white paper. This story was really touching, making me almost cry.
I sighed in relief as I turned the last page of the book. It was a really long story, I was addicted to it even when it was so sad. I closed the book and groaned when I saw my tea in front of me, in the coffee table.
It must be cold now. I leaned in and took the cup in my hand. Making a face was exact what I did when the cold liquid came in contact with my tongue. I quickly put the cup back on the coffee table.
Just at that moment, I heard the sound of keys. I quickly rose up from the sofa and ran up to the hallway.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Mom greeted me as she came in. Dad followed her and also greeted me.
“Did you practice well?” He asked with a smile. My smile immediately faltered away.
“Is that the only thing you’ve been thinking about?” I asked them in a serious way. Their reactions changed into a worried one. The maid came in and stood beside me as she already knew what was happening and how I felt.
“No- That’s not what I meant, I-” “You just could ask me how my day was and if I had eaten yet but it seems like the piano is way more important than me.” I said in one go, looking them straight in the eyes.
It’s not that I hate the piano - it’s just the contrary, I love it but I don’t like the way they always put the practice with my piano above my health. It’s like I’m a machine who plays the whole day piano.
“No sweetie it’s not like that. We were just curious-” Mom begun but I cutted her off by just walking away, towards my bedroom.
“Eating without me?” Dad scoffed as he entered the small kitchen of our appartement. I just sat there, eating my instant ramen and didn’t even bother to give him a glance.
“Yoongi.” Dad’s cold voice echooed through the kitchen. I swallowed the ramen and looked at him.
“Where is the soju?” He asked, irritated, as he opened the empty fridge.
“How do I know?” I asked, not interesting in his soju bottles which are everywhere around the appartement.
“Tsk.” Dad gritted his teeth as he slammed the fridge shut.
“Go buy groceries.” He said but it was more in a command tone. How much he wanted me to obey him, I won’t.
“No.” I simply said and stood up.
“It isn’t like you have a choice, so go buy the damn groceries.” He said and pushed my shoulder so I faced him. His tone didn’t scare me at all.
“I’m not a maid.” I protested and turned around.
“Yes, you are.” He said, making me somewhat annoyed.
“No, I’m not. And don’t worry, I’ll move out in a few days.” I gave him a wry smile.
“You what!?” He exclaimed in disbelief and punched his fists on the kitchen counter.
“You heard me.” I walked up to my bedroom.
“No, you’re not-” I didn’t listen to him and just closed the door behind me.
I wasn’t kidding when I told him, I’ll move out. I found a little appartement somewhere and the past years were all of hard working so I have enough money to survive on my own.
I’m tired of living with him, him drinking every day and then whining on his bad health. Always scolding me for no reason and all the women he brought home. Let’s not talk about what they did.
I sighed as I laid down on my bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I was thinking about what to do. Going to the studio wasn’t going to help me and eating somewhere is also not going to help, because of the ramen in my stomache.
I stood up and decided to just go to the mall.
With a lot of effort and braveness, I went downstairs and sat down at the dining table. I wasn’t feeling like talking to my parents after all. I took my earpluggs and phone and played the song 'Sofa’.
As I listened to the song, I wrote down in my notebook. Well, because I like writing stories, I always write into my note book. The real reason why I started writing a story was because I had a lot of fantasy and I wanted to out them.
Mom and dad were in the meanwhile, sitting on the couch looking through the tv-programs. They give (Y/N) a quick glance and sighed at her.
“She’s so asocial.” Mom sighed and seated herself more comfortable on the couch before taking another glance at (Y/N)’s side profile.
“You’re right.” Dad agreed and put the remote on the coffee table when he finally found a good program to look at.
“Will she ever start a conversation with us?” Mom asked, not giving her daughter a glance this time.
“I don’t think so.” Dad tilted his head and quietly started to get mad at his - now relaxed - daughter.
I felt a stare at me so I looked to my left and saw dad staring at me from the living room. There was a long distance between us, yet I still felt uncomfortable. My mind suddenly turned blank, meaning that I forgot my fantasy for a moment. I closed my notebook and placed my pen on it as I took my phone and scrolled down on instagram.
Someone suddenly started following me, making me smile a bit.
What is she smiling at? (Y/N)’s dad asked himself as he observed his daughter.
I clicked on the account - which was following me - and it was a boy. I tilted my head and smiled at his username.
“Mochi95” I quietly said to myself.
Look at her. Being so happy because of a phone. Tsk. (Y/N)’s dad gritted his teeth.
“Yah, look at our daughter.” Dad pulled at his wife’s long sleeve.
“Hm. What?” Mom woke immediately up and looked around, just to see her husband pointing his chin at his daughter.
(Y/N)’s mom followed her husband’s gaze and her eyes fell onto Heeyoung. She was quietly smiling and talking to herself on the phone. Well, not really talking, she just said a word and that’s it.
“Honey, let’s go to the market and hope she won’t take that thing with us.” Her parents were actually not sure if she was talking to a boy of not. But we know that she wasn’t talking to one. So to make sure their daughter won’t meet a boy and apparently fall in love with him, they decided to go to the mall as distraction.
They surely don’t want a boy in their daughter’s life who will distract her from playing the piano…not now. Even if it was that selfish, they don’t want to risk that.
“Sweetie, we’ll go to the mall and you’re coming with us.” I looked up by the sound of my mom’s sweet voice.
“Okay.” I nodded my head and putted my phone in my pocket. I stood up the same time they did and we gathered in the hallway.
“So, what do you guys actually want to buy?” I asked them as I leaned forward in my seat.
“I don’t know. We’ll see.” Mom replied while dad was focused on the road. I leaned back against my seat and looked out of the window. The view passed by in a blink of an eye making me a bit dizzy.
Not long after that, dad parked the car in the parking of the mall. As I got out, I looked around and spotted an empty seating near the opening of the mall. I quicky ran up to it and sat down.
“Let’s go inside.” Dad suggested but I shook my head.
“I actually don’t feel well so can I stay here?” I asked them. It was actually true. I did not feel good at that moment.
“Sure, we’ll be back in a few minutes.” Mom replied in a calm tone and they walked away.
As I walked up to the mall, I spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench. I cheekily smiled to myself because of the way she seemed so tiny from afar. With quick steps, I walked up to her.
Her eyes widened at the sight of me and I didn’t know why but she started panicking. Confusedly, I walked closer towards her until I stood in front of her.
“Hey” I greeted her but didn’t smile. The fact that I’m cold towards everyone isn’t my fault, you know.
“You can’t be here. You have to go away.” She suddenly half exclaimed in a voice full panick, making me startled. But why was she panicking?
“Well, thanks for the greeting.” I sarcastically said with a poker face on.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that…” her eyes wandered off to somewhere else. Am I bothering her?
“Nevermind, but you have to go away from me.” She said in a now calm voice. I crashed my eyebrows together in confusion.
“Why?” I asked her and sat down next to her. She started panicking even more. The way her eyes grow big, her hands played with the hem of her coat and the way she bited down on her lip was rather cute than terrified. She looked like a lost puppy making me internally giggling. And that’s the reason why I always am confused. She seems like a cute little girl which I like to see but at the other side, my brain stops me and says to go away from her.
“Because-” two voices cutted her off making her freeze in her spot. She jolted up from her seat and turned around.
“(Y/N)-sweetie?” A lady came up to us with a man beside her. Both were wearing chic clothes ans looked high class. Are they her parents?
“Who is that?” The man which I assumed was her dad asked her. The way they talked already told me that they didn’t like me at all.
Aha! That’s the reason why (Y/N) didn’t want me to stay here. I suddenly felt guilty when they grabbed her sleeve and dragged her with them. She quickly gave me a glance over her shoulder and wanted to wave at me but her mother forcefully pulled her hand down. Will she have problems because of me?
Her father stayed behind and looked at me with a gaze I couldn’t read. The only thing I knew was that it was negative.
“Don’t put a foot near her.” He warned me and walked away. I scoffed and stood up. I then spotted something pink on the bench where she was sitting on. It was her phone. I took it in my hand and examined it. Looking up, I planned to give it back but they already left.
“This girl.” I sighed.
“It was nobody.” I protested with my arms crossed over my chest.
“Then, why did it looked like you were talking to him?” Mom asked angrily.
“It looked like that but it wasn’t the reality.” I protested again and leaned back against the seat of the car.
“I knew she was hiding something from us.” Dad said in a cold voice, his eyes still glued on the road. What is he saying? Hiding something?
“Me, hiding something!?” I asked in disbelieve. But part of it was actually true. That one night when went to that underground rapbattle without my parents knowing it. Yet, I don’t regret it. I get to know Yoongi more and that’s everything I need. He’s kind of my crush after all.
Another reason why I don’t regret doing it is because of rap. I finally had the chance to listen to it and it didn’t disappoint me at all.
But yeah, I still have to follow what my parents want without discussing if I like it or not.
The door closed behind me and I got rid of my shoes. Neither was there noises nor my father’s voice so I wondered if he was home. Slowly, I walked down the small hallway and entered the livingroom. There were empty beer bottles on the floor but other than that, no sign of dad.
I shrugged it off and turned around. Making my way upstairs, I heard some noises coming from my bedroom. I knitted my eyebrows together and walked faster upstairs. I almost missed one but luckily for me, I didn’t fell down.
The door of my bedroom was half open making my eyes widen. The floor which I already could see was full clothes and papers. My clothes and my papers. Is my dad in there or did someone broke in? I questioned myself and finally opened the door. Just to see my annoyed dad with a file in his hands. Not just a file but my school report with all my grades in it.
Well, I’m still at school. I’m in my last year but doing my best isn’t something for me except if it goes about music. Let’s say that my grades aren’t that good and that I totally don’t like school. Because of the boring lessons, I skipped classes and tried to focus on my music. Homework is also not my thing and studying is the worst.
“Min Yoongi” His loud voice filled the whole bedroom as he took a steo forward.
“What is this?” He asks in a cold manner as he shows me my grades. Red. Red was everything I saw. I gulped.
It’s been years I hid my grades for my father and everytime they asked me to bring my parents at school, I found excuses.
“Do you think this is a joke?” He raised his voice and threw me my school report. I didn’t bother picking it up, making him even angrier.
“And what are you doing in my bedroom?” I ask him in my usually slow and cold voice.
“It’s none of your bussiness.” He folded his arms over his chest. I raised my eyebrow and examined my now messy bedroom. I knew what he was searching but I just wanted to make sure it was that. Then I spotted it, half open, on the floor near my also messy bed. My piggy bank.
I laughed bitterly and adverted my gaze towards him now nervous but also serious one. Money. He wanted money.
“Because you can’t pay the rent doesn’t mean you have to steal my money.” I said in a cold voice. The good news is that I never hided my money in my piggy bank. I knew since the begin that everytime I made money and putted it into my piggy bank, that my father took it without knowing me. It couldn’t disapear other than that. So I - Genius Min Yoongi - hided it somewhere else where no one can find it.
“I’m not stealing it.” He stepped closer towards me.
“Like I believe that. You’ll never find it.” I also took a step closer towards him and almost pinched my nose when his stinky breath hitted my pale face.
Yoongi’s father had two options. The first one was going further into the conversation until there would be a fight. The second one was ignoring everything and going back to the bad grades of his son. And that was exactly what he choose.
“About your grades” He began and undid his belt around his middle. Yoongi gulped as he already knew what was going to happen in the next moment. “they don’t please me.” His dad finished his sentence and backed a few steps up.
“Now, you know what position you have to be in.” His das said with an evil smile and looked at his son. Yoongi couldn’t do anything after all, it was a punishment. So he kneeled down and positioned himself as if he was going to do push ups.
“Count how many you receive.” Dad’s voice was stern and before I could do something, I felt a sharp pain on my legs.
“One.” Another sharp pain was to be felt but on another spot.
“Two.” I closed my eyes tightly and hoped for it to be over as fastly as it could…
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minsyga · 7 years
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oh boy
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minsyga · 7 years
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minsyga · 7 years
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© uniK | Do not edit.
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minsyga · 7 years
NEWS:  Suga donated Korean Beef 5kg to 39 orphanages (child care center) on his birthday. He donated under fanclub ‘ARMY’ name because he wanted to have a meat party with ARMY but he couldn’t do so.
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minsyga · 7 years
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yoongi performing “first love” + happy birthday yoongi!
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minsyga · 7 years
INFO: The twitter tags that will be used for Suga’s bday tomorrow March 9 is #GeniusYoongiDay after that tag drops ARMYs will use #MinPdDay
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minsyga · 7 years
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blood sweat & tears
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minsyga · 7 years
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If this ain’t the truth HAHAHAHAH
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minsyga · 7 years
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          to our kings
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minsyga · 7 years
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Hyuna ‘The Queen’s Back’ Concert in Los Angeles bakahaksaeng / 170310
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minsyga · 7 years
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after the last ment, i think most people thought that was already the end of the concert. the stage lights were turned off and from where i was seated, i also saw the staff clearing the stage.
but our fanlights were still on. so we continued to shout SHINee. it went on for a few minutes, and then the lights on stage came back. five spotlights on five mic stands. the middle stand had a red rose attached to it. everywhere around me were people racked with sobs.
then we saw the four as they moved forward to where the spotlights were. they were all dressed in white suits, a red rose in the breast pocket.
it was a new song. then we heard jjong’s voice, and it just twisted my heart without mercy. and then i saw how the four were trying to keep it together, and i was just, overwhelmed again with so much love and pride for them. it was hard to make sense of all the emotions. it all was just too much. shawols around me were weeping heavily too.
at the end, the four took the roses from their suits and attached those to the stands too. that was the last image of the concert. five stands in a row, with red roses under the spotlight.
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minsyga · 7 years
Ride (01)
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→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader
→ Genre: biker gang au, angst, future smut
→ Word Count: 8.2k
→ Summary: Leading a biker gang isn’t exactly easy, especially not when your ex boyfriend leads a rival gang. 
→ Series Warnings: adult themes, major character death
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