mintnessx-blog · 8 years
Hetalia as shit my friends, family, teachers and I said.
Italy: I ate spaghetti in the morning, for lunch, for dinner and at 3 am while watching Netflix instead of studying.
Germany: what are you talking about, jogging is good for you * accidentally falls and twists ankle* I’m fine……
Japan: no, pandas are not from Japan, no anime is not a chinese cartoon, what the- you have to be the most racist person I’ve ever seen in my life……
America: I ave an idea, let’s melt icebergs and we’ll get more water for drink. England answering:yeah ,let’s do that and help quickening the process of global warming
England: I have a theory that McDonald’s is hell and the employees are Satan’s spawns who fatten people and when they are so fat that they can’t run away, they drag them into hell…….of course that’s just my theory
France: you know, just think of the French revolution like a gay parade in 18th century
China: why do all people think every Asian person is Chinese? I don’t think China is that big to hold all those Asians.
Russia:what are you talking about its not cold at all (wearing a shor sleeved t-shirt while outside is snowing and is -20 degrees)
Romano: what the fuck is this?! I mean look at this pavement. It’s like a public toilet for birds. It’s like all the birds around this fucking country came here to crap.
Spain: hola Señor, (referring to female’s)
Prussia: Mein Gott Germany and Prussia and Austria are not the same. Prussia is more awesome.
Austria: if I got penny for every stupid thing people around me said I would be a billionaire and wouldn’t go to school
Hungary:should I hit that idiot with a frying pan or with a hot frying pan filled with hot oil?
Sweden: This smells like Ikea……I like Ikea
Norway: yes I brought coffee in school, no I’m not going to share it
Denmark: do you wanna build a snowman. .. it can be made of lego’s
Also Denmark: you can never be too old for lego’s
Iceland: we’ll go to the park , yeah , and well jog, wear hippie clothes, eat vegan meals and talk about homosexuality . Finland: omg Christmas is coming and I still haven’t got tbe presents for all of you, wonderful people * worrying even if it’s middle of November*
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mintnessx-blog · 8 years
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Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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mintnessx-blog · 8 years
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It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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