miraculous-stardust · 2 hours
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I miss them ❤
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sometimes a video game with a bad story has a good secret story that you can unlock if you pretend the bad parts aren’t there and make up a bunch of stuff
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this summer i will learn italian and french and russian and run a marathon everyday and work for three months and get fifty new ear piercings and read every work of high literature ever created and watch every movie. but most importantly just chill and relax
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Work in Progress Part 2!!
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dungeon meshi at the gay bar
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So my sister wants to start sewing more, because
a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.
b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton
c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance
So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.
And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’
And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this
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People do not see masculinity as being as fluid and complex and nuanced as femininity and it’s annoying as hell. Because of patriarchy’s stranglehold on masculinity and radfem theory’s stranglehold on queer spaces, people really think with their whole heart that only femininity is subversive or experimental, or frankly, queer, and that masculinity is only a power grab and nothing more. Embarrassing!
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Only including some of those who have died before AND you get to meet.
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sorry to keep harping but the thing is. like. people pretty much universally have profoundly complex and richly textured lives outside of the internet. like everyone you'll ever meet will have their share of complicated relationships, personal struggles, identity issues, et cetera. and these people will likely have deep inner lives and senses of self that an outsider is not easily privy to yk. but then you get all these Posters with a superiority complex who log into the fandom blogging website, see a fandom blogger blogging about fandom, and for some reason forget that other human beings have a rich inner world and assume that this little niche interest site somehow represents the totality of the fandom blogger's life and that they can deduce some sort of damning portrait of a Life Consumed by Media from the fact that they sometimes blog about fandom on the fandom blogging website. and then they make stupid ass posts like the aforementioned. it's so pretentious and self important and mean spirited with zero substance. Banished to the salt mines for 10000 years
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I always love the fact that they are linked before they even knew each other. Didnt even know each others names and they crossed into another world that sparked their rebellions at the same time. Arsene formed his pact because Ryuji was about to be killed. Kid formed his because Akira was in danger by the guy that took everything and still told him to fight back
ah yes the awkward first meeting and then unexpected traumatic event that leads them to be almost instantly joint at the hip, it's true
it is really interesting though because like, i've seen a lot of ppl yap about this before. but to summarize, even if, yeah, watching a stranger stare at you directly in the eyes with a wild grin as he awakens his rebellious spirit to save your life does probably fundamentally change you (i could go on about how even before the awakening they were looking out for each other because they were in a pretty terrifying place and only had the stranger they stumbled in with to rely on), their connection relies on the fact that... they do just mix well! as friends! ryuji's seen akira and his will, and he's not the scary delinquent the school is hyping him up as. plus, he knows what it's like to be treated that way. and akira's seen ryuji, the guy that practically drags him around the school to try to unveil an abuser, even if by... far too direct and inefficient methods, his heart is in the right place. a supposed no-good kid that a TEACHER tells him to stay away from, but because of that meeting they ignore all that advice.
ryuji's there to pick you up and be your first friend when you show up, alone. and he's got good reason to.
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can't stop listening to this
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miraculous-stardust · 10 days
in el tango de roxanne when the narcoleptic argentinian goes “ROOOOOOXANNE” and ewan mcgregor is like “WHYYYYY DOES MY HEART CRY” and the violins are just freaking out in the background that’s the most intense moment in film history
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miraculous-stardust · 12 days
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ʀᴇɴ + ʟᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ-ᴄʟᴀᴅ ᴄᴏᴘ ᴏᴜᴛғɪᴛ
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miraculous-stardust · 12 days
Groupe 1: Notre lecture du mois de juin sera Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, d'Alexandre Dumas (tome 1 seulement)
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Le roman raconte comment, au début du règne de Louis XVIII, le 24 février 1815, alors que Napoléon se prépare à quitter l'île d'Elbe pour les Cent Jours, Edmond Dantès, jeune marin de dix-neuf ans, débarque à Marseille pour s'y marier avec la belle Catalane Mercédès. Trahi par des « amis » jaloux, il est dénoncé comme conspirateur bonapartiste et enfermé dans une geôle du château d'If, au large de Marseille. Après quatorze années, d'abord réduit à la solitude et au désespoir puis régénéré et instruit en secret par un compagnon de captivité qui lui donne une carte avec l'emplacement d'un trésor, l'abbé Faria, il réussit à s'évader et prend possession du trésor caché dans l'île de Montecristo. Rendu riche et puissant, Dantès se fait passer pour divers personnages, dont le comte de Monte-Cristo. Il entreprend de garantir le bonheur et la liberté aux rares qui lui sont restés fidèles et de se venger méthodiquement de ceux qui l'ont accusé à tort et fait emprisonner.
Pour lire en ligne/télécharger: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/17989
Pour rejoindre le groupe sur discord
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miraculous-stardust · 13 days
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Flower jewels (glass, gold, enamel, diamonds, gemstones) by René Lalique
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