miraculousfrench · 6 years
Bonjour! I hate to be a bother, but I'm learning French and would love to use Miraculous as an aid in getting better at listening. I apologize if this question has been asked before because I really don't want to annoy you, but in your first-ever post, you said that there would be French Subs over on MiraculouSubs eventually, and that was back in 2016. Has any progress been made there? If so, where can I find them? (Je suis très désolé! Je sais que Vous travaillez incroyablement fort!!)
Hello !
I’m so sorry but the project has been on hiatus for a while since we have so much to do in our lives and we didn’t think the subs would actually interest anyone ;(.
I’m currently trying to get over my exams and thinking I’ll try to pick this project back up at the end of season 2 !
So sorry for the wait !
- spacey
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miraculousfrench · 7 years
salut à tous! je viens de regarder le séries encore une fois et j'ai remarqué qu'en Rogercop, Marinette ne dit pas "Je t'ai eu!" après avoir attrapé l'akuma. Qu'est-ce qu'elle dit? merci en avance de m'aider :)
Hello !
She says “come here” ! 
I’m sorry you had to wait a month for these 2 words >
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miraculousfrench · 7 years
Bonjour ! Quick question: In S02E01 (Le Collectionneur) what does Marinette say right after Chat Noir says "J'suis épaté", around 14:30 ? The "Stop your smooth talk and do something" part, I hear "Arrête ton baratin" but then I'm stuck, is it "face à l'action"? One more thing: will there be French transcripts like the ones you posted here before? (Because I'll probably have more questions ^^) I checked the FAQ but I'm not sure. Thank you so much for everything you do, you guys are awesome
Hello !
Very sorry for the late reply, life’s been crazy :’(
Ladybug says “Arrête ton baratin et passe à l’action” !
And there WILL be more transcripts once we catch a break, I hope you’ll forgive us !!!! Thank you for your kind words :’D
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
I'm not sure about the time, but in Timebreaker after Alix's watch breaks, the first thing Chloe says in the English dub is "As if, I totally had nothing to do with this." She said it a few other times but I can't find the instances :)
“En tout cas, je n’ai absolument rien à voir avec tout ça !”
Which we translated as “In any case, I have absolutely nothing to do with all this!”
Hope that helps ^^
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Can you put out the transcripts as text files instead of .ASS subtitle files? I've already watched a lot of the episodes in French, and I'd just like to go back and look at a few of the things I missed.
Hey there! 
You can open the subtitle files in a text editor and they’ll still work.
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hello! Would you mind reblogging this? I'm trying to find a voice actor who could read for Adrien in French /post/157206342542/
Sorry but this isn’t what this blog is for. We’ll publish that answer so people can see the link anyway if you want
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
[Desolée pour erreurs de grammaire :P] Salut ! J'apprends le français à l'école et j'adore ce blog ! Si tu as le temps, pourrais-tu transcrire le lettre qu'Adrien a écrit pour Ladybug en Dislocoeur ? Je souviens que Marinette l'a parlé et je peux pas le lire parce que le vidéo n'est pas HD. Merci beaucoup !! ^^ Aussi dans Tumblr "asks" est-ce qu'on tutoie ou vovoyie?
Worry not for any grammatical mistakes for we shall correct them under the cut !
You should use “vous” for this blog since we’re actually 2 people running it ;)
If you want to know when to use “vous” or “tu”, you just have to ask yourself “Would I call this person Miss/Sir if I were to see them in the street ?”. If the answer is yes, you have to use “vous”. I heard that when they teach you French in school, they tell you that using “tu” is very rude but that’s very wrong, don’t let anyone tell you it’s true. “Tu” is familiar. You’re not gonna tell your friend “Excuse me, good sir, would you mind handing over the candies ?”. So you use “tu” with them. Same for your parents. Your teachers, however, you’ll use “vous” with them
Tes cheveux sont noirs de jaisEt tes yeux, bleus comme les cieux,Je me demande qui tu es sous ce masque mystérieux.Je te vois tous les joursEt j’aimerai que tu me fasses signeJe t’aimerai jusqu’à la fin de mes jours,Veux-tu être ma Valentine ?
[Desolée pour les erreurs de grammaire/fautes :P] Salut ! J'apprends le français à l'école et j'adore ce blog ! Si tu as le temps, pourrais-tu transcrire la lettre qu'Adrien a écrit pour Ladybug dans Dislocoeur ? Je me souviens que Marinette l'a recitée et je (ne) peux pas la lire parce que la vidéo n'est pas en HD. Merci beaucoup !! ^^ Aussi dans Tumblr "asks" est-ce qu'on tutoie ou vovoyie?
All the corrected mistakes are in bold ! That last sentence was a bit awkward but I couldn’t correct it without actually changing your entire sentence. That being said, that’s some very good French you have here, stuff to be proud of, keep up the good work !!!!
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Bonjour! I was wondering if you would be supplying French transcripts for the webisodes (especially the new ones, now that one has appeared) as I am learning French and sometimes find it really hard to understand what they are saying as it is super fast :( Keep up the great work! Xx
You know what, I have to translate everything right now so I’ll do the transcripts too, you’ll have them by tomorrow !
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hey! Thank you very much for the hard work. If possible, would you be so kind to name the transcripts after the episode's name? There are different orders depending on the country, and it doesn't seem to match the one I have, so I'm a bit confused. I've also noticed the subtitles go a little too fast sometimes, disappearing before the speakers stop talking, but I'm saying it more for the future, if anything. Sorry for the bother, and again, thank you very much.
Hello there ! By the time you read this ask, the names will have been updated to match Miraculousubs’ episodes’ names
Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about the timing. It was timed to match Miraculousubs’ videos and so, if you use our subs with videos from different sources, the subs won’t match the video’s time :\
You’re either going to have to change the time yourself if you want the subs to work with your videos or wait until we manage to put our sheet back up, sorry
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
salut! i just started watching and i'm just confused on where to find things on this page- from what i can tell, you do awesome stuff, i just can't find anything specific haha. do you do full transcripts for episodes or just parts that people ask for? (and if you do full transcripts, where are they?)
Hi !
We do both but we (Ari and spacey) both got very busy suddenly so we’re doing the transcripts when we have time so unfortunately, they’re progressing very slowly >
In the meantime, you can find the first 6 episodes riiiight here
The link never changes, it’s updated when we put a new transcript but we usually make a post about it
We’ll do our best to finish them before the beginning of season 2 though 
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hi! Any chance you could write out the part in L'Imposteur when Marinette leaves the super awkward phone message for Adrien? Thanks!!
Sure we can !!!!
“Bonjoureuuh, répondeur d’Adrien. Euh, C’est Marinette qui euh, hum, a un message pour toi ! Bien sûr, puisque c’est ton téléphone. Donc, hum... hahaha rappelle-moi, salut, à plus !”
Not sure if you want the part where she talks without realising she’s still on but here we go anyway
“Quoi, j’allais quand même pas lui laisser comme message “Salut, beau gosse, c’est Marinette. J’aimerai bien t’inviter au ciné, mais je suis tellement amoureuse de toi que le seul moyen que j’ai pour te parler sans que ma bouche se mette à foufoutter, c’est à travers ce fichu téléphone !”, hein ?”
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
So in France that students have to choose different paths or tracks for their last two years in lycee, right? Adrien would probably take a science one since physics is his favorite subject but what about Marinette? As a budding fashion designer, what track would be best suited for her?
Alright, so before I go deep in the explanations, here’s the deal. In the high schools you’re talking about, you can choose between 3 sections for your second year, S (Scientific), ES (Economy and Social) and L (Literature). In some schools, you have other choices but that’s a story for another time.Usually, people who don’t know what they want to be later go for the  S section, or the ES section if they don’t like maths because it’s the kind of Bac that lets doors open.
So, this kind of high schools have what we call a “Bac général”, which means you don’t have a specialisation, you’re taught a bit of everything so you can manage college or university.
However, after middle school, you can choose to go to a kind of high school to have a “Bac pro”. This kind of Bac is for people who want to work after they finish their study. So, if you want to be a florist, you go to a special school to actually become a florist right after you have your Bac.
So, to answer your question, Marinette could go to a Fashion high school OR she could stay in a general high school and then go to a Fashion university. If she were to stay in a general high school, she’d probably go for the ES section, in my opinion.
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Thank you so much for making this amazing blog! I have a question about one of your answers XD (post/145573717544/hey-je-viens-de-voir-la-traduction-anglaise-du). Where it says "une personne lambda," is that like saying person X or person Y? Would you ever see "une personne alpha/beta/etc." or something like that? Is it a common thing to see in French? I hope that's not too many questions, thank you!! :D
Hi, thanks for stopping by on our blog ^^
It means “a random ordinary person” and we wouldn’t say “une personne alpha/béta/etc”, it’s always “lambda”. It’s not used that much but it’s not rare to hear it when someone is trying to explain something
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
What does Adrien say when the subtitles say, "Let's go home." and "What have I done?" Thanks!
“Rentrons à la maison” and “Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait ?!”
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hello, can you tell me where can I find the French lyrics to the songs from the Christmas special. I am learning French but songs are too fast for me to understand completely yet.
Heard you loud and clear so here’s the link for this episode’s transcript !!!!
If you just want the lyrics so you can view them without the video, I’ll put them under the cut
Marinette’s song
Papa, Maman, je vais vous aider à la boulangerie !Pour distribuer les bûches à tous mes amis !Alya, joyeux Noël à toute ta famille !Merci Marinette, joyeux Noël aussi !Alix et son papa, joyeux Noël à vous deux !Coeurs animés, Marinette, tous nos meilleurs vœux !Rose et Juleka, c'est pour vous, joyeuses fêtes !Joyeux Noël aussi !Joyeux Noël, Marinette !Joyeux Noël à vous, Manon et Nadia !Joyeux Noël Nino et Sabrina !Joyeux No-
Chat Noir’s song
La ville s'illumine, oui c'est Noël à Paris !Mais moi, je suis tout seul dans la nuit !Retrouvailles en famille et cadeaux qui scintillent, un Chat Noir qui est tout seul ce soir !Je rêves de chaleur, de tendresse, moi aussi !Mais j'erre seul comme un chat dans la nuit !Je suis un pauvre minet, pourquoi personne n'a pitié ?Chat Noir se sent si seul ce soir !Chat Noir se sent si seul ce soir !Si je m'égare, si je me perds, qu'est-ce que ça peut bien faire ?Après tout, je suis qu'un chat dans la nuit !Votre sapin me désespère, je vais le réduire en poussière !Je suis le chat vengeur de la nuit !Je suis le chat vengeur de la nuit !Cataclysme !Je peux pas… Je peux pas !Être seul dans ce froid ne me fait aucun bien.Ruminer ma colère, ça n'a servi à rien.J'aimerais m'en aller, retrouver mon foyer.Ça ira mieux demain, je le sais.
Ladybug’s song
Il n'y a qu'un seul pouvoir qui puisse causer tant de dégâts.Le Cataclysme de Chat Noir, c'est certain.Et cette carte de Noël, elle n'est pas tombée du ciel.Mais du cadeau que j'ai fait à Adrien.Adrien disparaît, et Chat Noir apparaît.Il doit chercher à le protéger.La seule explication à ces questions,C'est qu'un super-vilain veut s'en prendre à Adrien !Il peut compter sur moi, je vais le sortir de là !Car c'est lui que j'aime en secret !Je ferais tout ce que je peux pour t'aider de mon mieux !Tu es celui que j'aime en secret.Même si je dois me cacher, je serai à tes côtés.Tu es celui que j'aime en secret…Mais qu'est-ce que tu ferais si tu savais la vérité ?C'est pour ça que je t'aime en secret…
Santa’s song
Je suis le Pire Noël.Merveilleusement cruel ! Je vais vous flanquer la frousse !Ce sera un affreux Noël pour tous !
Chat Noir’s song (End of the episode)
Pire Noël, cette fois, c'est réglé. On abandonne, t'as gagné.Personne pour venir à notre rescousse, on te donne nos Miraculous.Mais avant ça, on a un cadeau pour toi.Car le soir de Noël, même toi, tu y as droit.Un paquet ? Pour moi ?Ne l'écoute pas ! C'est forcément un piège !Tu nous fais si peur ! Tu es tellement cruel !Mais on tous droit à un cadeau le soir de Noël.
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for all your hard work and effort that goes into providing a translated version of the French dub of Miraculous. I appreciate it a lot! I downloaded a video with the English sub, but I also want the french sub along with it. [I downloaded the transcript and installed it on VLC] Is there a way to position the subtitles so that the French sub is at the top rather than at the bottom, so I can read English and French? Sorry if I sound stupid. Tysm!!
You’re very welcome, our pleasure !!!! Thank you for checking us out ^^
That’s a.... Weird question, to say the least. I’m a solid 75% sure this isn’t what this blog was created for but I’ll try to help you out ^^
Unfortunately, I’m think you can’t actually put 2 subs at the same time on a video ? Unless of course you copy-paste the French subs IN the file that has the English ones ?
But ok I’ll try to explain. SO here’s what you gotta do if you wanna try. First, download Aegisub. That way, you can manipulate the subs. Then, select all the lines in the French subs file (click the first line, press Shift and click on the last line), THEN do Ctrl + C and, in the English subs file, Ctrl + V.
If you did everything correctly, you should now have the French subs lines with the English subs lines at the bottom of your file. Now you just have to click the box where it says “Dialogue” and select “Dialogue Up” and all the French lines should be at the top.
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miraculousfrench · 8 years
Hi, in episode 22, where Adrien and Ladybug are looking at Adrien's mum, what exactly do they say?
Tu as son sourire.
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