miraculoussaltlove · 2 months
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-It’s tough to be the older brother-
-The afton children-
-As of now they are not of this age in my comic but I decided to just draw them for fun-
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miraculoussaltlove · 2 months
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miraculoussaltlove · 2 months
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miraculoussaltlove · 2 months
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LBSC Art Sprint Challenge. Prompt: Lipstick Stains
My first attempt to this week’s @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers​ art/sketch sprint challenge. It was fun! I want to do it again :D
Rules: 45 minutes sprint for sketching, the next 24 hours to finish the rest. 
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miraculoussaltlove · 3 months
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New Concept work for a lot of this stuff honestly lol
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miraculoussaltlove · 3 months
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Evolution of best friends!
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miraculoussaltlove · 6 months
Henry: Will, you really need to fix Michael’s bad habit…
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
Somethings that has probably happened in the just the two of us/Mama Mirabel AU
Mirabel, as soon as she turns 18 : I think I'm going to adopt a son.
Pepa: *smiling* thats nice you helped so much with raising Antonio.
Mirabel: *points to Antonio* it's him. sign here please.
Mirabel, 10 y/o: *holding newborn Antonio for the first time.* I've only had Toñito for 5 minutes but if anything was to happen to him id kill everyone here and then myself.
Mirabel: Do you take constructive criticism?
Antonio: I only take cash
Mirabel: high-five.
Antonio,after drawing on the walls: You love me, right, Ma
Mirabel: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Mirabel, 12 y/o: Deep down, I'm sure I was always pretty okay with you.
Mariano, 20 y/o: Thanks, Mirabel!
Mirabel: It wasn't a compliment, numbnuts.
Antonio, 5 y/o: Look, Mirabel, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Mirabel, 26 y/o: I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Antonio, 15 y/o: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear
Mirabel: You mean ring bearER, right?
Mirabel: Sweet face, look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to my wedding.
Mirabel, 14 y/o: hey Antonio-
Antonio, 4 y/o: *shocked*
Mirabel:...have you seen my purple thread?
Antonio: *staring*
Mirabel: Ok what is it?
Antonio: Oh where you talking to me
Mirabel: Ay,...Sweet face, have you seen my purple thread?
Antonio: second drawer to the right.
Mirabel: Nene! Bring me my paint brushes please!
Pepa: Nene....
Julieta: who...
Camilo: oh boy...
Antonio, full sprint: Coming, Mira!!!
Pepa, at breakfast: Has anyone seen Antonio?
Mirabel, without looking up: Chocolate chip!
The family: ...
Antonio, out of no where: Yes?
Mirabel, 24 y/o: Antonio. I can't keep calling you nicknames
Antonio, 14 y/o: Hey hey hey. thats fucking Tonito to you.
Mirabel: Antonio
Antonio: mr. Sweetface.
Antonio, age 4: *at anyone who spends too much time with Mirabel.* listen here. I don't like you.
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
There has to be some adults with logic in the Mamá Mirabel AU scolding the other adults who left their kids to a young girl.
There are.
Señora Pezmuerto for example scolded Pepa for being an awful mother that dumped her son onto her 10 year old niece.
That resulted in Pepa causing a thunderstorm, and Señora Pezmuerto being blamed for it by Alma and the weather woman…
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
Pepa: Awe are you mama's little boy?
Baby Antonio: Mira
Pepa: And Mama!
Antonio: Mira
Pepa: Mama
Antonio: Mira
Pepa: Ma-
Antonio: Mira
Pepa: Mama!
Antonio: Mira!
Pepa: Mama!
Antonio: Mira!
Pepa: Ma-
Antonio: Mi-
Pepa: Ma-
Antonio: Mi-
Pepa: Ma-
Antonio: Mi-
Pepa: Mama!
Antonio: Mira!
Pepa: Alright! Ya know what? Change your own diper!
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
Mama Mirabel with a twist
By: Me, @ismaet and @alternaterey
Mama!Mirabel, but instead of just Antonio, it's like all of the village kids 10 and under. All of the townsfolk find it normal for her to have like 10 kids following her around like ducklings. She brings them to Casita, plays games, teaches and sings to them, repairs their clothes and embroiders for them, etc. They call her 'Mamabel'. When her family starts to notice and ask around, the people are just like:
"Oh Mirabel? She's always kinda been like a second mother to the kids, it's cute right?"
And the family starts to notice just how close she is with them, to the point where they wonder if they've just not paid enough attention to realize something as big as that.
Mirabel is called: Mamabel, Mama, Mira, Mirabel
Casita is called: Abuelista, Abuelita, Cassie, Casita
She has about 30 kids that collectively join her over the years, all 10 and under.
Mamabel AU starts when Antonio is born.
!A little bit of an angst alert!
Mirabel is "assigned" to care for Antonio. Pepa and Felix are more like parents of convenience. Julieta is busy and Agustin is too. Abuela doesn't seem to notice a difference, still giving a lot of credit to Pepa and Felix. Mirabel ignores the pained feeling in her heart. She often wonders if her family really cares. But deep down, she knows they don't. Mirabel goes out to town often with Antonio, and an adult is eventually like:
"Can you hold Diego for a moment?"
And Mirabel just holds him while Antonio is shifted to her back. Diego is only ever actually given back to the mother when Mirabel has to go home at the end of the day. Now? She's kind of like the town babysitter (she's not complaining!) And it snowballs from there. The townsfolk still love her though, and give her tips and tricks when they see she's struggling. At about 11, she accumulated about 10 kids and this is about when they started calling her "Mamabel". (She doesn't correct them, the townsfolk even called her that in an adoring manner at times.)
The town built Mirabel her own special little house for her and the children on her 12th birthday, so they can have mass sleepovers. It's like a small house that sits between the town and Casita, a bit towards the back. None of the Madrigal's know it's there because the town kept it a secret. They knew that Abuela would somehow try and pull some "We should turn it into a store!" crap. (Mirabel cried like a baby that day.)
When the Madrigals DO find it, they're surprised. In the scenario that Mirabel goes into a coma after Casita falls, the older kids bring her to the little house (with the other Madrigal's behind them), and settle her into the bed (which is bigger than her small twin sized one in the nursery, which does NOT go unnoticed).
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Mirabel “Mamabel” Valentina Rojas Madrigal
She has a symbol for each child on her skirt, (she keeps her family in the corner.). She has more designs on the back and under her pouch.
Her pouch his usually full of Julieta’s food, but sometimes she has other things such as needles/threads, a handkerchief
She wears much more comfortable clothes, and softer materials, so the kids can cuddle close.
Her shoes are embroidered with butterflies and hearts.
She’s always carrying a blanket and/or a baby wrap.
She and the kids decorated their little house and it's not unusual for her to spend several nights there with Antonio and some of the others.
Should I release this on AO3? 👁👁
Edit: A lot of people seem to not know, but it’s on AO3!!
It’s called “Generation 31” but GamerBearMira
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
Mamá Mirabel AU
My own (rewritten) version of the mamá Mirabel AU, in which Mira takes care and basically raises Alejandra, Juancho, Cecilia and Antonio
Ever since her failed ceremony, Mirabel tried very hard to prove to her family that she’s worth something.
But when she was 10, Pepa and Félix decided to take advantage of this, and dumped their newborn son Antonio onto the 10 year old girl to care for, the couple not wanting to be parents again. Besides, it gave that useless brat something to do other than be lazy.
Despite only being 10, Mirabel took good care of her primo, and loved him to bits.
Unfortunately, some of the townspeople got the same idea Pepa and Félix had, and decided to dump their kids onto the 10 year old as well.
In total, Mirabel had to care for 4 babies; Antonio, Juancho, Alejandra and Cecilia.
It obviously was hard caring for 4 young kids when being 10, especially when no one bothered to help you, but Mirabel somehow managed.
It went on for years. Every day, Mirabel had to go to town and take care of the 4 children while their actual parents were doing their chores, gossiping or mostly relaxing…
And obviously, the 4 kids started to see Mirabel as their mamá…
“Mami!” Antonio said, reaching towards Mirabel as little Juancho and Cecilia called her that as well. “Mami!”
Mirabel tried to correct them, saying that she wasn’t their mami, but it was already too late.
And when Alma, Pepa and the other parents found out, all hell broke loose…
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
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(can you tell that I'm really salty about what happened to them?)
mostly salty about Luka cause he's my favorite character (to be a luka fan is to suffer)
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
Pietro has taken to saying, 'Move, I'm gay' whenever he feels like he's about to crash into someone while he runs. No one thinks it's funny but him.
-submitted by anonymous
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miraculoussaltlove · 7 months
If you do not stand with Palestine, leave this blog.
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miraculoussaltlove · 8 months
I think I'm one of the few people that never even blinked at the Luka Juleka twin fiasco.
My brother is 9 minutes older than me, born on seperate days but we're absolutely twins.
My brother has always called me his little sister? Because it's technically true? He looks our age, but I usually get mistaken as being a few years younger.
So when Miraculous pulled that "retcon" I never even blinked. I seriously just assumed Juleka got held back or her brother went to a different school with a different academic focus or...something.
I mean, this show doesn't even have a timeline that makes sense? There's a buncha little things like this? But the twin thing is the one thing I refuse to let go of.
I only care about it because my twin situation also confuses the fuck outta people.
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miraculoussaltlove · 8 months
His name started as a joke.
“Twins usually have matching names, don’t they?” his sister said. “Well, if I’m Juleka, then you should be Luka.”
They laughed and he knew it was a good idea to tell her first. His sister always understood him.
He started writing the name on his schoolwork, just to see how it looked. Nothing he handed in of course, but at the same time, something about writing that name made that work his in a way what he was giving his teachers wasn’t. That’s how he ended up saying the name to the girl at the bakery he stopped at after school one day.
“I should have known,” she said as she scribbled it on his receipt. “You look like a Luka.”
His sister called him his new name sarcastically at first, then more casually when she noticed the way it made him smile. He felt like his face was going to break when Juleka introduced him to her girlfriend, saying, “This is my twin, Luka.”
He started writing his name on things he was handing in, and his grades steadily rose. He was scared when he did, forgetting to erase the name before he handed something in one day, but was thrilled when he got it back with the words “great job!” written on it and a smile from his teacher.
The name spread, like a song through air, and soon it was the only note sung from anyone’s lips. He didn’t realize how much he loved the music until one day his mother said, “I love you, Luka,” and it was like heaven was singing.
So when he met the boy with the blond hair, the boy who’s face he technically already knew from seeing it a thousand times all over Paris, it was easy for him to smile, hold out his hand, and say, “Nice to meet you. I’m Luka.”
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