mireluvian-blog · 7 years
ways to start feeling again
sit in the sun without anything to do, feel the heat of the rays hit your skin, realize that this sunlight has travelled a very long way to reach you
walk around barefoot and try to feel as much of the ground under your feet as you can, notice every rock and blade of grass
sit quietly for a while and notice the touch of breath in your nostrils, feel how the air gets cooler as you inhale and warmer as you exhale
drive around aimlessly and blast some of your favorite songs, scream/sing along to them and feel the vibrations of your favorite lyrics as they change the air in your throat and around you, feel that the music is healing you from the inside out
stay away from alcohol or drugs for a few days, try to be as aware and present as you can in every moment, stop trying to numb or dull your senses
eat a few meals without any distractions, notice every bite and taste every flavor that covers your tongue, be grateful for it all
look up at the stars and the moon, understand how small we all are and how immense the universe is, realize what a miracle everything is, let your heart swell with amazement and admiration for life itself
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mahariel  looking  like  a  goddamn  princess
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
things i was thinking about while grocery shopping :
           sharing culture / language with the elves of middle earth            scoia'tael commander mahariel
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
The Dalish Love & Treasure Their mages - Receipts
So, as many of you know, I think it’s (to put it plainly) bullshit what DA:I suddenly springs on us, regarding “Dalish only have three mages per clan because they don’t have templars.” And to call it sudden would be an understatement, because previously we were told and shown nothing but the opposite.
The motivation behind doing so is quite transparent: The writers realized the Dalish were a great example of why the templars are not necessary, and needed to do some rewrites to push their needless Grey Morality™ where it need not exist. (To be clear, here are my thoughts on this.)
These are some Receipts for the Dalish having many mages, and respecting said mages. Under the cut, because there’s a lot. Feel free to reference to this post this if needed.
For organizational purposes, I’m going to break this up by three categories: Visual (what we see in-game), Verbal (dialogue), and Written (The Masked Empire, and extended lore material.)
Keep reading
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
FRIENDLY REMINDER :      mahariel  is  the  living  embodiment  of  talk  shit,   get  hit.    
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
dragon age starters
feel most free to change pronouns ,  etc .
❝ it doesn’t matter that they won’t remember me. what matters is i helped. ❞ ❝ bad things should happen to bad people. ❞ ❝ i’m here to set things right. also ? to look dashing. that part’s less difficult. ❞ ❝ planning has never been my strong suit . now, killing…killing & love-making. those i am better at. ❞ ❝ oh ! we could get matching outfits ! ❞ ❝ i’m not saying i should be your first pick for a dance partner at the ball , but in the deep roads , i’m your man / woman. ❞ ❝ draw your weapon & say that again ! ❞ ❝ we’re here to kill them all, yes ? for sport ? ❞ ❝ you tend to get up to interesting things. you meet interesting people & then you kill them. ❞ ❝ i never worry, darling. a leash can be pulled from either end. ❞ ❝ it’s like you need permission to be alive. ❞ ❝ has anyone told you what marvelous eyes you possess, my dear ? ❞ ❝ have you ever licked a lamp post in winter ? ❞ ❝ i’ll try not to hit anyone. ❞ ❝ there you are. everyone’s been looking for you. ❞ ❝ the last man standing gets final say on who is right or wrong. ❞ ❝ i like my hair the way it is, thank you. ❞ ❝ do you think about how to kill everyone you meet ? ❞ ❝ are you… sassing me, ____? ❞ ❝ yes, but she/you seems more… “ooh, pretty colors !” than “muahaha ! i am princess stabbity ! stab, kill, kill ! ❞ ❝ congratulations ! you have found a wastebin . ❞ ❝ what are you going to do with that sword ? ❞ ❝ not listening ! la la-la la la ! ❞ ❝ i saw you looking at the girl/boy in town earlier . ❞ ❝ anyone wishing to accuse me of weakness is welcome to try. ❞ ❝ …did you cut your own hair ? ❞ ❝ ”one by one they follow, drowning in the sea”. the rest of the poem is sad.. ❞ ❝ you aren’t all stone, ____. there is a person inside of you. ❞ ❝ we crush the heads of rude women when we feel like it. just so you know. ❞ ❝ protect what matters with everything you have, or you’ll have nothing, and deserve it. ❞ ❝ i want you to know that what we had was real. ❞ ❝ in the end you are always alone with your actions. ❞ ❝ somebody’s been drinking. ❞ ❝ let’s show them our hearts, and then show them theirs.. ❞ ❝ do you feel that ? my magic-sensing nose is tingling. ❞ ❝ well, shit. ❞ ❝ you worry me, you know that ? ❞ ❝ i’m cold. & it’s indoors. this is so wrong. ❞ ❝ i saw what you were doing back there. ❞ ❝ we will never speak of this again. ❞ ❝ you’re a big softie ! ❞  ❝ i’ve got just the thing to cure that pout. ❞ ❝ eight, nine, now you die. ❞ ❝ daughters never grow up. they remain six years old with pigtails & skinned knees forever. ❞ ❝ i don’t need my pants, anyway. ❞ ❝ smiles. we must be careful how we present ourselves. ❞ ❝ be careful what you wish for. power is treacherous. i have seen many people–great leaders–consumed by it. ❞ ❝ don’t touch me ! stay away ! ❞ ❝ i think of him/you/her as much as he/you/she thinks at all. ❞ ❝ i knew nothing of friendship before we met. ❞ ❝ you can approve or not approve as you wish, but this is one thing you cannot influence and mold to your liking. ❞ ❝ there you go, breaking my heart. ❞  ❝ does anyone else feel the verge to vomit? ❞ ❝ i…love you. just… wanted to tell you that. ❞ ❝ let those who would destroy us step into the light. ❞ ❝ it’s dangerous when too many men in the same armor think they’re right. ❞ ❝ if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. maybe even throw in a heroic death. ❞ ❝ i do quite like watching you leave. ❞ ❝ send him a fruit basket. everyone loves those. ❞ ❝ did i stutter ? ❞ ❝ are you kidding ? i’m surprised you didn’t kill anyone just coming over here. ❞ ❝ the world may want my time, but you have my heart ❞ ❝ have you ever heard the saying ‘let sleeping abominations lie’?  now would be the time to consider it. ❞ ❝ that sounded much better in my head . ❞ ❝ i have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. & good hair.  ❞ ❝ the air hurts. i have to stop. ❞ ❝ challenge someone to arm-wrestle me. ❞ ❝ so, you’re not like a lot of other girls/boys. ❞ ❝ not long ago this was impossible to imagine. you, the man i love, victory close at hand. ❞ ❝ how do you do that ? make everything better with a smile ? ❞ ❝ it gets no easier. your struggles have only just begun. ❞ ❝ there comes a time when you must stop running, when you turn & face the tiger.  ❞ ❝ it’s family, you protect. doesn’t matter who it is, blood or not. ❞ ❝ perhaps we should carve our names into the giant tree ? ❞ ❝ hey ! that’s mine ! ❞ ❝ our mistakes make us who we are. ❞ ❝ fear makes men more dangerous than magic ever could. ❞ ❝ don’t let anyone tell you when to move on. take their hand & say, “my choice". ❞ ❝ words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find. ❞ ❝ shitballs. fuck. shit. crap. ❞ ❝ living a lie … it festers inside you, like poison. ❞
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
—    bold   all   physical   traits   that   apply   to   your   muse.
      tagged by: i steal all of these tbh       tagging:  the dash
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eyes (general):     large   /   small   /   narrow   /   sharp   /   squinty   /  round   /   wide-set   /   close-set   /   deep-set   /   sunken   /   bulging   /   protruding   /   wide   /   hooded   /   heavy-lidded   /   bright   /   sparkling   /   glittering   /   flecked  /   dull   /   bleary   /   rheumy   /   cloudy   /   red-rimmed   /   beady   /   bird-like   /  cat-like   /   jewel-like   /   steely   /   hard   /   long lashes   /   sweeping eyelashes   /   thick eyelashes
eyes (color):    chestnut   /   chocolate brown   /   cocoa brown   /   coffee brown   /   mocha   /   mahogany   /   sepia   /   sienna brown   /   mink brown   /   copper   /   amber   /   cognac   /   whiskey   /   brandy   /   honey   /    tawny   /   topaz   /   hazel   /   obsidian   /   onyx   /   coal   /   raven   /   midnight   /   sky blue   /   sunny blue   /   cornflower blue   /   steel blue   /   ice blue   /   arctic blue   /   glacial blue   /   crystal blue   /   cerulean   /   electric blue   /   azure   /   lake blue   /   aquamarine   /   turquoise   /   denim blue   /   slate blue  /  slate gray   /   storm blue / storm gray   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   chrome   /   platinum   /   pewter   /   smoky gray   /   ash gray   /   concrete gray   /   dove gray   /   shark gray   /   fog gray   /   gunmetal gray   /   olive   /   emerald   /   leaf green   /   moss green
eyebrows:     arched   /   straight   /   plucked   /   sparse   /   trim   /   dark   /   faint  /   thin   /   thick   /   unruly   /   bushy   /   heavy
skin (general):     lined   /   wrinkled   /   seamed   /   leathery   /   sagging   /   drooping   /   loose   /   clear   /  smooth   /   silken   /   satiny   /   dry   /   flaky   /   scaly   /   delicate  /   thin   /   translucent   /   luminescent   /  baby-soft   /   flawless   /   small pores   /   large pores   /   glowing   /   dewy   /   dull   /   velvety   /   fuzzy   /   rough   /   uneven   /   mottled   /   dimpled   /   doughy   /   firm   /   freckled   /   pimply   /   pockmarked   /   blemished   /   pitted   /   scarred  /   bruised   /   veined   /   scratched   /   sunburned   /   weather-beaten   /   raw   /   tattooed
skin (color):     amber   /   bronze   /   cinnamon   /   copper   /   dark brown   /   deep brown   /   ebony   /   honey   /   golden   /   pale   /   pallid   /   pasty   /   fair /   light   /   cream   /   alabaster   /   ivory   /   bisque   /   milk   /   porcelain   /   chalky   /   sallow   /   olive   /   peach   /   rosy   /   ruddy   /   florid   /   russet   /   tawny   /   fawn
face structure:     square   /   round   /   oblong   /   oval   /   elongated   /   narrow   /   heart-shaped   /   cat-like   /   wolfish   /   high forehead   /   broad forehead   /   prominent brow ridge   /   protruding brow bone   /   sharp cheekbones   /   high cheekbones   /   angular cheekbones   /   hollow cheeks   /   square jaw  /   chiseled   /   sculpted   /   craggy   /   soft   /   jowly   /   jutting chin   /   pointed chin   /   weak chin   /   receding chin   /   double chin   /   cleft chin   /   dimple in chin   /   visible adam’s apple
nose:     snub   /   dainty   /   button   /   turned-up   /   long   /   broad   /   thin   /   straight   /   pointed   /   crooked   /   aquiline   /   roman   /   bulbous   /   flared   /   hawk   /   strong
mouth/lips:   thin   /   narrow   /  wide  /   full  /   lush   /   cupid’s bow   /   rosebud   /   dry   /   cracked   /   chapped   /   moist   /   glossy   /   straight teeth   /   crooked teeth   /   gap between teeth   /   gleaming white teeth   /   yellowed teeth   /   braces   /   overbite   /   underbite   /   dimples
facial hair:     clean-shaven   /   smooth-shaven   /   beard   /   neckbeard   /   goatee   /   moustache   /   sideburns   /   mutton-chop sideburns   /   stubble   /   a few days’ growth of beard   /   five o’ clock shadow  /  none
hair (general):     long   /   short   /   shoulder-length   /   loose /   limp   /   dull   /   shiny   /   glossy   /   sleek   /   smooth   /   luminous   /   lustrous   /   spiky   /   stringy    /   shaggy   /   tangled   /   messy   /   tousled /   windblown   /   unkempt   /   straggly   /   neatly combed   /   parted   /   slicked down / slicked back   /   cropped   /   clipped   /   buzzed / buzz cut   /   curly   /   bushy   /   frizzy   /   wavy   /   straight   /   lanky   /   dry   /   oily   /   greasy   /   layers   /   corkscrews   /   spirals   /   ringlets   /   braids   /   dreadlocks   /   widow’s peak   /   bald   /   shaved   /   comb-over   /  thick   /   luxuriant   /   voluminous   /   full   /   wild   /   untamed   /   bouncy   /   wispy   /   fine   /   thinning
hair (color):     black   /   blue-black   /   jet black   /   raven   /   ebony   /   inky black   /   midnight   /   sable   /   salt and pepper   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   charcoal gray   /   steel gray   /   white   /   snow-white   /   brown   /   brunette   /   chocolate brown   /   coffee brown   /   ash brown   /   brown sugar   /   nut brown   /   caramel   /   tawny brown   /   toffee brown   /   red   /   ginger   /   auburn   /   copper   /   strawberry blonde   /   butterscotch   /   honey   /   wheat   /   blonde   /   golden   /   sandy blond   /   flaxen   /   fair-haired   /   bleached   /   platinum
body type:     tall   /   average height   /   short   /   petite   /   tiny   /   compact   /   big   /   large   /   burly   /   beefy   /   bulky   /   brawny   /   barrel-chested   /   heavy   /   heavy-set   /   fat   /   overweight   /   obese   /   flabby   /   chunky   /   chubby   /   pudgy   /   pot-bellied   /   portly   /   thick   /   stout   /   lush   /   plush   /   full-figured   /   ample   /   rounded   /   voluptuous   /   curvy   /   hourglass   /   plump   /   leggy   /   long-legged   /   gangling   /   lanky   /   coltish   /   lissome   /   willowy   /   lithe   /   lean   /   slim   /   slender   /   trim   /   thin   /  skinny   /   emaciated   /   gaunt   /   bony  /   spare   /   solid   /   stocky   /   wiry   /   rangy   /   sinewy   /   stringy   /   ropy   /   sturdy   /   strapping   /   powerful   /   hulking   /   fit   /   athletic   /   toned   /   muscular   /   chiseled   /   taut   /   ripped   /   herculean   /   broad-shouldered   /   sloping shoulders   /   bowlegged
hands:     delicate   /   small   /   large   /   square   /   sturdy   /   strong   /   smooth   /   rough   /   calloused   /  elegant   /   plump   /   manicured   /   stubby fingers   /   long fingers   /   ragged nails   /   grimy fingernails   /  ink-stained
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mahariel  looking  like  a  goddamn  princess
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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* BURN ALL THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO BURN. / featuring muses from the witcher, final fantasy, dragon age, and the elder scrolls! private. highly selective. independent. / SAVE ALL THE PEOPLE YOU HAVE TO SAVE.
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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❛    nice  pants,    good - lookin’.       what's  the  drop  rate ?    ❜          ( @thronecraft )
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
didn’t drag tamlen out of the cave by his long-ass ears at the first sight of corpses
your fave is problematic: mahariel
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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I will fight for you. I will fight for the North. When you bend the knee. My people won’t accept a southern ruler. Not after everything they’ve suffered. They will if their king does.
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mireluvian-blog · 7 years
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a fast lil thing for @mireluvian​!!
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