mirrornaster · 4 years
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          OH   , this icon ?  This is me internally screaming because my activity feed hasn’t been showing my mentions for the past month and a half !  So, while I catch up on owed replies... I’d also love to get involved with the event --- so consider this a starter call since it got extended !  I’ll cap it at 3 for now so I don’t get overwhelmed, but castmates don’t count towards the cap & can like beyond it !
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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A week has passed, with Lilliana’s fears of more frequent attacks becoming a reality. The princess herself was doing all she could, even donning a suit of armor that had not been seen since the days of Queen Blossom. She makes it no secret about what she plans to do, and citizens watch in awe as she strode, sword in hand, towards the Eastern Gate, accompanied by Lady Ebony and Count Ivory. 
“Are you sure about this? Your magic can be a little…volatile,” Ebony says quietly as they reach the entrance. 
“It’s what I was born to do. Let us go,” Lilliana replies, and the three enter the forest that lies beyond Terra’s walls.
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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Save for the ticking of the clock on the mantleplace, the room is silent. A deep frown has etched itself on Princess Lilliana’s face as she looks at the files spread out in front of her. Missing persons reports, of nearly two dozen Terra citizens who had gone mysteriously missing between the hours of 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. Aside from the time of disappearance and last seen location–there is nothing they share in common. Not physical appearances, nor a pattern in names–nothing to indicate which of her citizens could be the next possible victim.
It’s as frustrating as it is terrifying.
Lilliana has always found life navigable by certain certainties. The Baron will be a pain in the behind. The Viscountess and Count will support her. Vraelgard is a small country–the nobles may not always get along, but they have their citizens’ best interests at heart. (Aside from the former Duke.) Her life–and her father’s–were shattered two years ago by betrayal and deceit. But since then, she had picked up the pieces, and continued on.
Vraelgard needed her then.
And they need her now, too.
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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   ❛   Can’t the quiet just mean that it’s quiet for once ?   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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    ❛   And then he... turns into a pickle--- ?   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
@mirrornaster​.\ sc.
even among the unfamiliar, bustling city and the crowds of unfamiliar faces, she’s easy to spot. moreover, her accents and features are too distinct for him to be mistaken of her identity. the past few days have been confusing, to say the least and a bit worrisome ─ not being sure where you are or where your friends are tends to do that. so when sun catches sight of someone he actually recognizes ─ he jumps at the opportunity to say hi.
literally. he jumps down from from the fence he’d been perched on moments before ( a much better vantage point than the regular street ), grin ‘pon expression. ah ─ what was it that neptune always called her?
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“ hey hey, ice angel !! ” sun calls out to her with a friendly wave but brows quickly pinch together in brief confusion. no no, that nickname doesn’t sound right at all !! well, there goes his opportunity for a smooth reunion! he chuckles, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. it doesn’t really matter, he’s simply happy to find someone familiar.
“ er, weiss! hey! can’t believe you’re here too. i thought i was like, alone in some strange alternate reality, or somethin’… do you have any idea where we are, because i don’t! ”
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        UGH   --- hearing that name again sounds weird on several different levels. Wait --- it was ‘snow angel,’ right ?  Why did she ever fall for that one... ?  She doesn’t dwell on it long, though, once it occurs to her that it wasn’t Neptune’s voice --- or Jaune’s, for that matter. 
        A resigned sort of amusement lights her features once she turns on her heel, the tiny quirk of a smile that’s almost impulsive --- like it shines through despite her best efforts. A gloved hand rests on her hip as she studies him, the distance bridged in a few quick strides.  ❛   Leeet’s... stick with  WEISS  , Sun. When did you get here... ?   ❜
        It’s only been a matter of days for her, but she still feels considerably calm about her situation by comparison. Then again, Sun probably had a way different environment back in Remnant... Here, the urgency has given way to the consideration that this might be a much-needed state of calm before returning to the storm. ... Literally. 
     ❛   I know the kingdom is called ‘Vraelgard,’ but... They haven’t said much. There’s a Princess and everything --- just like in the books.  ❜  
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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mirrornaster · 4 years
    send the corresponding symbol(s) for headcanons surrounding the given topic(s)!
🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body?  how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them?   🍅  :    how does my muse feel about plastic  /  cosmetic surgeries   &   procedures?  is it something they have done or would do?  do they mind if others do it?   🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick? 🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?   🍑  :    how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance?  do they spend a lot of time on their hair,  makeup,  grooming,  and clothing?  is there a particular reason why they do or don’t?   🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?   🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?   🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?   🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?   🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?  🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?   🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them?  🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?   🍋  :    what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much?   🥭  :    how important to my muse is their hometown,  or where they’re from?  are they proud of it,  or considered a hometown hero?  did they move away,  or do they wish to?
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mirrornaster · 4 years
||  █ ▌— a grin forms on prompto’s face at the words. he doesn’t mind being watched, not when he’s taking photos. it’s something he’s always taken quite a bit of pride in, something he knows he’s got skill with ( and he worked hard for that skill, grueling hours, not that he minds those ) and so he turns to look at the one who complimented him.
❝ thanks, ❞ he says immediately, snapping one more. the sun is in just the right place and he wants to see if increasing the shutter speed and adjusting the aperture slightly will give him a better result. he peers at that picture before tilting the camera toward her, showing her that one as well. ❝ so, this one. better? worse? ❞
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❝ oh, yeah, the time. i, uh, guess i should probably head inside soon but… there really aren’t many moments when the sun is cooperating perfectly, are there? i’ll stand around all day for it if i have to… ❞ he sounds a little sheepish, a little self-conscious, but only a little.
      ❛   Hmm...   ❜   DESPITE   her own concerns about the time, she finds herself studying the photo intently all the same. She can’t help it --- aesthetics, design, photography, art... They’re satisfying to indulge in, and familiar territory for any Atlesian --- or long-time visitor to Vale, for that matter. Several fingers rest beneath her chin, and a thoughtful hum idles in her throat. 
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     ❛    This one looks better technically --- the focus is sharper... But I like the one that you took first, too. They’re two completely different moods; this one focuses more on the sunlight, so the first photo looks more... Sad by comparison ? ... That’s just from my perspective,   ❜   Weiss quickly adds; the last thing she wants is to give the impression she’s any sort of expert. Passionate, maybe.   ❛   It’s... admirable that you’re so dedicated to it,   ❜   she resumes politely, gesturing briefly at the camera,   ❛   but... This place is kind of... Strange, isn’t it ?  So it might be better to make sure you live another day. I don’t know about you, but they took away pretty much any means I had of defending myself properly.   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
“I get productive when I’m nervous.”
PSYCH : accepting ! 
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      ❛   I’m sort of the same way… I don’t really see the harm in it. Unless, of course, you can’t be productive at all without being nervous — that’s how deadlines creep up on you, you know.   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
☆ ☆ @mirrornaster​ liked!
⁝ ▹ NOCTIS always stands in a little bit of a slouch, and though it’s something he has been told explicitly not to do by a myriad of advisors he does it anyway. He’s leaning against the side of a building somewhere in the heart of the city, trying to stop himself from feeling too bored. He’s not very good at people watching (that’s something Gladio has always been better at) but he does notice the woman as she walks by.
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The scar looks like she’s a fighter of some sort, and it reminds him of the scar that Gladio had gotten defending Noctis when they were younger. The familiarity is enough to make him approach her. “Hey, do you know if there’s anyone posting hunts around here?”
        ❛   --- Hm ?   ❜
    DESPITE   the majority of passersby being in a similar situation to her ( that is to say, here totally and completely against their will ), very few stopped her to converse. If she were to guess, it has something to do with her walk --- she’s always had a particularly quick gait, a slight sway... But each stride filled with purpose. 
    Ice-blue eyes flit quickly over his form --- slouched posture, easygoing half-smile... Relaxed, but with a wiry frame. They seemed close in age... And of all people to ask about hunts, she finds it a little amusing that he picked a Huntress. Was that a coincidence --- or was he sizing her up too ? 
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       ❛   ... No, I haven’t. I found it a little odd... Seeing as they make a point to warn you not to be out past dark. There must be something terrorizing these people out there... But no one seems to know much at all. ... Or care about it going away any time soon.   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
Psych — Season 5  {Sentence Starters}
“I just saw a guy get killed.“
“I could’ve suffocated in there!”
“I get productive when I’m nervous.”
“What are you guys, UFO chasers?“
“I will not do this with you right now!“
“Okay, that definitely crossed the line.“
“Have you ever been tested for idiocy?“
“You are free to believe what you want.“
“That makes no sense! Are you crazy?“
“Why did you pick me in the first place?“
“You look like the kind of guy who does.“
“Now, let us go forth and kick much ass.”
“Holy crap, are you checking your email?“
“Why do you gotta take it to a dark place?“
“I’m shocked at you for not being shocked!“
“In your professional opinion, how do I die?“
“I’m trying to tell you that I would protect you.“
“What is the world’s coolest truck doing here?“
“Whoever said work was supposed to be fun?“
“Have you been seeing clues this whole time?“
“You’re not afraid of the competition, are you?”
“Are you asking me out next to a dead person?“
“I will eat you in manageable, bite-sized pieces.“
“The truth is, I want to change, I need to change.“
“I told you that newspaper thing was a dumb idea.“
“Your negativity is clogging up my psychic signals.“
“Whatever it is, I highly suggest we do not touch it.“
“That lonely bald guy in the corner makes no sense.“
“Wait a second, you’re mad at me for not being mad?“
“What do you even know about street racing anyway?“
“I don’t know where I’m going to be living in three days.“
“You just pressed my competitive button, and now it’s on.”
“We gotta do something to let them know they can trust us.“
“Why don’t you let the women, and children… and men, go?“
“How do you know exactly how much money I have in there?“
“What if we let them work together? Separately, but together?“
“If I had to choose, I would die execution style, by firing squad.“
“That was the giveaway! Pardon me for trying to challenge you!“
“Heh. Nice try. That would mean we’re at war with the machines!“
“Sir, if you don’t calm down, I will be forced to tase you in the face.“
“The keys were already in the ignition. What was I supposed to do?“
“It’s probably safe to assume it’s something lethal. Is that accurate?“
“You know what? Maybe now’s not the time; I have a flight in an hour.“
“I believe that people who carry guns should do what their therapists say.“
“My results speak for themselves; you just hold me to a different standard!“
“Am I the only person that’s freaked out he’s been sitting there the whole time?“
“Wait a minute, I have a room! A really nice one. Paid for by a convicted criminal.“
“Why, does that scare you? Or does that not scare you? And does that scare you?“
“You gotta grow up. People have sex and they kill each other. That’s the real world.“
“Well, let’s see. I watched some Phineas and Ferb, took a nap, had a snack. I’m a little tired.“
“First of all, no one’s asking you to choose. And secondly, why that? It’s brutal and violent.“
“New rule. From now on, any cover story or fake I.D. must be run past me and approved.“
“I would shoot him in a dark alley and leave evidence suggesting certain people were behind it…“
“I need the proper amount of time to concoct my alter ego that best complements yours in a situation.“
“She may look like hell, she may sound like hell, she may run like hell, she may smell like hell… but, she is fast as hell!”
“Take lots of pictures. Not of sights. Don’t take pictures of buildings. Take pictures of moments, because that’s what matters.“
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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         ❛   How is it that every time I turn around, someone’s making that Princess mad ?   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
say “i don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure” despite the fact that it certainly is not a pleasure. 
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mirrornaster · 4 years
a recognizable image within a sea of unfamiliarity. it mattered not the time nor place; the faunus would always find her family one way or another. it was not as though weiss was a difficult character to miss in passing either way. had it been so easy to find her in a whole city? or was it blake’s subconscious passively seeking out such comfort?
truthfully it had been the latter. yet this was no time to dwell on her excitement in such achievement. not alone, at least. without stumbling in stride the faunus ends up alongside her teammate, huffing softly before intentionally breaking the silence between them.
“ well, wherever we’re headed… ”
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“ seems to be somewhere pretty important. ”
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          ❛   Wha----- Blake ?!   ❜    SHE   lacks her dear friend’s composure, mouth falling open as she finds herself compelled to do a double-take. Her steps come to a screeching halt, despite Blake’s earnest effort to match her stride. Maybe they’ve only been separated a matter of days by her own perception, and maybe that time was even shorter for Blake... But the mere sight of her was still such an immense relief, such an immediate weight shoved off her shoulders, that her posture slumps --- and her expression warms. Perhaps the warmest it’s been since her own arrival, a period that’s been filled with almost neverending frustration.
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         ❛   That doesn’t even matter now --- I’ve already completely forgotten where I was heading !  I’m just so happy to see you... !   ❜  With every other word her tone rises and quickens, as if she might burst any moment; her hands raise and lower repeatedly, as if deciding whether or not she’ll pull the Faunus close --- but her excitement gets the better of her, and her hands continually freeze mid-air. 
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mirrornaster · 4 years
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He found his living quarters, which he was alone in. He managed to place that demonic beast sealed disc in a nice place. Plus he was nice and a wizard gave him a little strap to carry his weird toy sword on his back! Things were looking up! Now if only he hadn’t panicked during that weird talk he had with the lady, he would have an idea of where he was. 
For now, he should try to find someone who may know more then he does here. Walking among mages and wizards was at least normal, though the one girl he met when he was running with that cursed disk was here! Maybe he can ask her! “Excuse me! I’m sorry for comin’ to you in a panic yesterday! But could you maybe help me understand where I am? My name is Asta!”  @mirrornaster​
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          SHE   could pretend she didn’t hear him... 
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          But she’s become a bit of an expert when it comes to his ‘type’. He wouldn’t go away --- just talk a little louder until she took notice. He seems harmless enough... So with a great deal of near-physical effort, Weiss irons out the creases of irritation between her brows; pursed lips forcibly fall lax.   ❛   Right --- I remember you. I’m Weiss... As for understanding where you are, if you mean right this very second, I can help. But as to this whole place in general...   ❜   She trails off with a short sigh, rubbing at the back of her neck with a gloved hand. 
        ❛   That’s a little beyond me.   ❜
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mirrornaster · 4 years
       ❛ forgive me, did i startle you? ❜ a gentle inquiry, the hand which had touched upon the other’s shoulder finding its place to the side of her as it had been prior to having reached for the other. a flinch having been felt, daenerys could have only drawn the conclusion that she had perhaps frightened the girl in some way. briefly would a small smile stretch across her lips, nothing short of apologetic for the queen was surely so. call it habit that she be so bold as to touch upon another, absent their permission — a habit which she need break now that she was here. these people were not her own.
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       ❛ you seemed rather lost, was all. i did not mean to scare you. ❜
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          ❛   No, it’s... It’s fine.   ❜    IT’S   embarrassing --- the reflexive need to flinch with an unexpected touch. A part of her knows that it’s exaggerated in her mind, that personal context wasn’t readily apparent to a stranger; an even bigger part of her didn’t care, and worked herself up into embarrassment nonetheless. 
      An apologetic smile, a polite cant of the head --- a mild bend of the knee.   ❛   You didn’t scare me or anything... I guess this place is just a little overwhelming. I thought I had a good idea of where I was going... Then I looked up and realized I had no clue at all.   ❜
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