Jasper’s Fusion Partner Theory
While watching the Steven Universe leak, there was one character who stood out to me- Holly Blue Agate.
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Jergins Everywhere. Holly Blue Agate. Digital image. Know Your Meme. Cheezburger Network, 3 Jan. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2016. 
The part of Holly Blue’s design that stands out to me is the horn-like structures on her hair. Also, she is an agate gem, which we have had one implied to us before. In the episode Bismuth, the titular character says, “Yeah, the rest of the Crystal Gems! Old Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake?” For the record, crazy lace is a type of agate, and there is one corrupted gem that has a similar color scheme to it.
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Stephenson, Philip. 2 Pound Old Stock Mexican Crazy Lace Agate. Digital image. Rare Rocks and Gems. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
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ChronoKai. Quartz Monster. Digital image. Steven Universe Wiki. Wikia, 12 Aug. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
The color scheme is entirely what this connection is based on, but it can be assumed that the corrupted above is the Old Crazy Lace that Bismuth mentioned. Amethyst, Bismuth, Garnet, Pearl, and Rose are the only known gems to have survived the corruption song put out by (according to Centipeedle) the Diamonds. If the above corrupted gem is Old Crazy Lace Agate, then the horns on the head would be a shared trait through corruption, like Centipeedle’s gem acting as an eye. In order to be sure that the corrupted gems are all agates, I found a few that matched up with colors of some found in Jasper’s prison: Lake Superior Agate, Moss Agate, Purple Agate, and Rain Flower Agate.
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Englund, David. Lake Superior Agate. Digital image. David Englund's Photography. SmugMug, n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2017. 
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Agates China Rain Flower. Digital image. Dwarves' Earth Treasures. Sailor Energy, n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2017. 
There are more examples of the agates, but I had to remove some to fit the other images onto one post.
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ChronoKai. Red Quartz Monster. Digital image. Steven Universe Wiki. Wikia, 12 Aug. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017. 
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ChronoKai. Orange Quartz Monster. Digital image. Steven Universe Wiki. Wikia, 12 Aug. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
While all the files call them quartz monsters, I believe that because Old Crazy Lace was called a quartz, and that all these gems share body structures and horns, they are all agates. They all share the horns, similar hair colors to Holly Blue. Based on the structures, I believe that the gem Jasper fused with in Earthlings is indeed an agate.
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Ludexkoo. Water Jasper. Digital image. Steven Universe Wiki. Wikia, 2 Aug. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
My final piece of evidence for Jasper’s corrupted fusion partner is a song lyric from What’s the Use of Feeling Blue, from the leaked episode That Will be All. “A sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it’s for. An agate terrifies, a lapis terraforms.” From this direct quote of Yellow Diamond, the gem who would know every gem’s purpose, we learn that an agate is meant to be scary. The Jasper fusion is monstrous, a beast, terrifying. Because Jasper’s mind was involved in the fusion, it can be assumed that part of the uncorrupted agate’s traits would come through. 
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Lenhi. Earthlings 191. Digital image. Steven Universe Wiki. Wikia, 11 Aug. 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
Horns. The fusion has horns. What type of gem has that been shown to be a trait of? Agates. The gemetics line up as well, with jaspers and agates being formed in similar situations and with similar minerals. I believe that the gem Jasper fused with is an agate of some type. As for the horns spreading to Jasper afterwards, I believe that it is just corruption residue because the horns are the same color as mystery agate.
If any reader has evidence to prove or disprove my theory, please tell me, so that I can understand my weak points, and those could be the basis for another theory. 
I hope this weigh a duck on you.
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Procrastination is hard
because at some point, there is nothing left to do but the initial assignment. Not that there are no activities to do, just that they’ve all been worn out, and you feel empty.
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You’re in charge of assigning every child on Earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to him/her to quit. You decide to assign yourself.
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Crottleneck Bowds
 Crowds are a very frustrating social creation that only can be compared to a self-sustaining avalanche of anger. Most members are aware of the problems caused by the high use of a single path, but believe that going a shorter distance is worth the sacrifice. However, this causes more people to want to enter an area than the space can hold, causing a buildup. Because many push past each other in an effort to escape the human nightmare, some get left behind and act as roadblocks for others. When more people are forced to stop or slow down,  more have to slow to go past them. This is why I say that they are self-sustaining: the bottleneck will continue to grow until everyone has passed through. 
 This may seem like a problem, but the true frustration occurs with two large groups trying to go along a small pathway, say a stairwell. Most public places include a handrail to separate the directions of people’s movement, similar to the double yellow lines in the middle of roads. I do admit that this system can get broken with a few people going on the wrong side, the problem does not grow very much. If there were no handrail, there is no clear division between movement, so the width of lines can shift. Once the shift is formed, the thinner line accumulates more of a backup, leading to further problems.
 At this point, a reader may have gathered that I do not like the apparent hive mind of the crowd in motion. It is not the worst of the scourges; that title belongs to those who disregard their surroundings and stop. I mentioned earlier that when a few people do it, it slows down traffic. Imagine a garden hose. It is turned on, and there is a nice flow. Put a thumb over the end, and the part that would normally run into that space emits no movement. The other end puts out water faster. Sadly, human crowds are not fluid and do not speed up after finding less of a space to move.
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Remember this next time you use Bidoof as an HM slave.
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