Rex Orange County is a very new obsession of mine. I dove deep down the rabbit hole of youtube and stumbled across this album and BOY oh BOY am I glad.
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Greetings and Salutations
If you’re reading this, odds are you and I have quite a bit in common. I bet you’re laying in your bed, it’s way past your bed time and you’re really connecting with your inner emo 13 year old self tonight. Or you still are an emo 13 year old who is denial that it is indeed just a phase. Or maybe it’s not, I graduated highschool with people that never really seemed to grow out of the emo thing. They just evolved from cat ears and fingerless gloves to wannabe instagram models. That sounds a lot ruder than I had intended, but if you are reading this post and giving it the time of day, again we have a good bit in common.
To provide a little background on myself I will link my sound cloud because what better way can you get to know someone than stalking their social media accounts and prying through their music library? I hear eye contact is a good way to establish healthy relationships with people “irl” but I can’t say I’ve had much luck with that one. Which leads me to my whole point of this post and “blog”- i am fucking lonely. And I dont mean the romantic, poetic lonely. I don’t write beautiful haiku's or bathe or really anything productive for that matter. I pay a therapist to listen to me bitch about my first world problems but there are some things better saved for the Internet. I have contemplated starting a blog numerous times, even paid for a URL. But like everything I start, I never finished, or even really started. Paid for empty internet space. I’m not quite sure what all this blog will entail or how long I stick with it, but if other people’s misfortunes makes you feel even just a little better about your own shitty life, stay tuned. 
I guess this is the part where I formally introduce myself after much nervous rambling. My name is RaeAnne and I am 19 years old. I am attempting life for the first time (unless you believe in reincarnation) in which case I should have this shit figured out by now. Long story short, I need an outlet for posting as i please and what better platform than tumblr? 
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