misatokatsuragi2022 · 11 months
Strasser's Germany and Nazbol USSR althistory
National Bolshevism wasn't a concept for another 60 years, until the fall of the Soviet Union and the associated economic problems created a strong nationalist current among those who wished to bring back the union. And Strasser was a moron who had no chance of getting into power, so.
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misatokatsuragi2022 · 11 months
i still dont know how to use this website
hi scp fans its me misato katsuragi im idk what im doing hi hi
read my shit
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What's the deal about the unavailabilites of Martian launch window during the 70s?
god its been a while but basically mars windows operate on a cycle, something like every 15 or 20 years dont remember the exact number - in the mid to late 60s the windows were perfect but as the 70s dawned the windows start to get more and more difficult and more and more expensive energywise. It's not that you literally can't do it during the 70s, it's that it becomes so much harder to do that it's cheaper and more practical to start planning for a mission in the early 80s then it is to rush for a mission in the 70s. Basically, this has to do with energy cost and preparation time more then anything.
edit: forgot to mention this was known as The Unfavorable Period in at least one paper written at NASA during this time, most mars plans revolved around either probing missions such as viking or, in order to hit the earlier windows, the original Voyager probe program (1969 and 73 dates), and there were studies being done to try and see if a manned martian flyby or landing could be done in the early 70s, but to my understanding these studies were gone by the mid 70s when it was clear NASA wasn't going anywhere for a while.
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idk what im supposed to say. ask me shit.
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im bored
ask me things
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I wrote these! Read them! still working on TFF btw.
I hope you enjoy : D
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What happened to TFF?
Still happening, It's a video game now separate from TNO. I need to update my tumblr lol! Been a bit of a hectic week for me, yknow? But yes, TFF is coming, though its a new world not connected to TNO. Basically got kicked off the team and decided I didn't want the year of my life I spent working on TFF to go to waste, so we split amicably. No hard feelings to anyone and I still talk to a good few devs. but yes, TFF is still happening !
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play guangdong
go. go play it. maybe the final front will come quicker if u do. go play it.
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What's a polycule
a group of people who all date each other/a group of people who all date the same person
That's the question you ask anon? Not the plurality thing?
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join tff
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How good is Neon Genesis Evangelion?
look man just because im a katsuragi fictive doesn't mean I'm qualified to answer that question.
ill answer it anyway fuck you
yeah its pretty good! i mean, i have trouble watching it now for obvious reasons but its pretty good.
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Tumblr media
shout out to my thomas otten paine fans. If only you knew how bad things really are in the American space program.
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Apollo-Soyuz is the most underrated mission of the Apollo program IMO.
‘Man FUCK the Cold War lets be space buddies instead’
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Eh, Rogallo Apollo is not that cursed, right?
its pretty fucked up, apollo re-enters at 20,000 miles per hour or so. pretty fucked up.
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Glider Apollo as in Rogallo wings or what?
its very very unclear, but it looks lie rogallo wings was the intention. same as glider gemini and glider mercury. fucked up ideas!
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Wait is Titan even strong enough for that?
ahhh! sorry i got this days ago and forgot to post
theres multiple different ideas for a lunar gemini, you can do a flyby with a titan but not a landing. for that you need something bigger
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Will moon mission using Gemini hardware uses LOR or EOR?
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