mischapugh · 17 days
Mastering Me!!
Where do I begin? I want to start by saying Professor Jenkins is the goat!! I have enjoyed learning to be an artist manager while launching a product effectively. This month has been very transformative as I continue my journey with the Entertainment Business Master’s degree. Taking an introspective look into the entertainment industry has been challenging and very satisfying. As I take the time to reflect on this course, I feel both overwhelmed and relieved. I sense growth!
This course introduced me to the many multifaceted compartments that align in the world of artist management. Presented with many scenarios and issues that a manager would face, I got a realistic scope of what it would be as I continue to grow my brand. It is now apparent that to be an effective artist manager, I must have more than passion; I must have the keen mindset of a businessman able to navigate through the many complexities presented in the field. This month, I was challenged to learn how to balance the personal desires and creative wants of any artist I manage based on the demands within the industry. There is a thin line between market viability and artistic integrity.  I was challenged through scenarios to identify the proper way to respond to managers or artists who feel they are too old even to be relevant. This caused me to be compassionate and learn to identify the artist's values that can meet at the point of compromise.  I found that it is best to be who the artist needs, be stern, and still effective through understanding, not rage.
An enlightening portion was when we took a deep dive into the product. I had to think outside the box because when you think of products, you automatically think of shirts, mugs, and hats. This challenged me to think of items that would be more valuable to an artist’s fan base. It was an eye-opener. I learned you are also responsible for the entire being when managing an artist. They are the product, and their merch, music, collabs, etc., are the microcosm they evolve around. To be effective, one must take a holistic approach because all decisions made in the product management clauses will significantly impact the artist's career.
Though I faced many personal challenges during this journey, my dedication to my overall goal and my artist didn’t waiver. I can see how intense this industry is, and the need to be the best cutting-edge individual who stands out amongst a crowd of duplicates is pressing. Being the best manager requires me to be relentless and innovative, always ahead of the curve. I believe I am up for the challenge. I have a burning passion for seeing my artist succeed. The commitment to see all of my artists successful is a passion that needs no fan to its flame. I remind myself each day why I decided to choose this career path. I desire to champion my artist and assist them in realizing their dreams are possible, alive and breathing. This month, for me, is the evidence of steadfast perseverance. I have found that a comprehensive understanding of product and artist management is essential for establishing your niche. As I continue to enroll in this program of study, I will hold the lessons learned as a blueprint for success. This month proved that despite opposition, I am more than a conquer and will overcome every obstacle in this ever-changing world- the entertainment industry.
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