mischiefiisms · 3 years
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Bob Radlinski
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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as always, feel free to change pronouns/alter etc to fit!
“ show them what destruction looks like. ”
“ you are the kind of book that has magical stories trapped in every single page. ”
“ power is so much more important than beauty could ever be. ”
“ sometimes the people you love are the ones that will cause you the most pain. ”
“ stop holding onto the things that don’t love you enough. ”
“ no one is going to protect us but each other. ”
“ love is also dark. it is ferocious and angry and destructive. ”
“ i could not understand the sadness that was trying to devour me from within. ”
“ the person who will save you, time and time again, already exists inside you. ”
“ you may have been given wars in this life, but in you there lies an army. ”
“ the cosmos that gifted you the chaos, also created you with care. ”
“ when was the last time someone was kind to you without wanting anything from you? ”
“ when was the last time someone was gentle with your soul without asking for something in return? ”
“ you are a miracle. ”
“ there are stars glittering inside you. ”
“ the dark matter of you hides an immeasurable amount of strength. ”
“ a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort. ”
“ sometimes if you let people do things to you, you’re really doing it to them. ”
“ it’s gonna hurt because it matters. ”
“ that’s the thing about pain: it demands to be felt. ”
“ you know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? that’s where i’ll always love you. that’s where i’ll be waiting. ”
“ you can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. ”
“ time is chasing after all of us. ”
“ i’m playing at real life instead of actually living it. ”
“ it’s as if people can see the damage written all over me. ”
“ you are not the opinion of somebody who doesn’t know you. ” 
“ you are not damaged goods just because you made mistakes in your life. ” 
“ you are not going nowhere just because you haven’t gotten where you want to go yet. ”
“ maybe you lost someone that you never expected you would lose. maybe you lost yourself, that’s even worse. ”
“ you are not damaged goods or muddy from your failed explorations. ”
“ you are the person who survived a bunch of rainstorms and kept walking. ”
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
i’m the kind of pretty that people like to break glass doll upon a shelf,  invitation to cruel hands  coaxing apathy stained fingers to reach forth eagerness to be the one who left me shattered
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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November 2021
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
“I will hear you; I will listen to your sadness, Even when I have my own.”
— Akif Kichloo. (via iamfawad)
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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The dream of my life Is to lie down by a slow river and stare at the light in the trees- To learn something by being nothing
- Mary Oliver, Entering the Kingdom
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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there we go. bio and rules page has been added!
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
Don't mind me following people before I even finish setting up Estellas blog....
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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Hobbit fashion appreciation post
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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make me choose » anonymous asked Lucrezia or Cesare Borgia
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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mischiefiisms · 3 years
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Buttermilk Cake with Chattanooga Whiskey Frosting
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