mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— kaz-raval​ ;
What a rocket Max was. In the blink of an eye Max had rolled like smoke off the table and into his lap. And Kaz would never complain about someone straddling him. 
Was Max going to get what they wanted out of? Probably not. 
He leaned back and his legs dropped to the ground with a heavy thud of his workboots. With hands rested on her thighs to keep her from falling, Kaz gave the wheels of the chair a healty push. They spun out quick and then slowly spiraled to a halt. 
“It’s makes no difference, hm? I think you’re not being honest here.” A pause. “But you do realize– half of this depends on Bishan. Know what I’ve realized? He enjoys pissing people off. Especially me. Very on brand for him.” His fingers drummed on her legs as he smiled. “So how you reckon we resolve a thing like that, hm?”
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with the spin, max falls into a fit of giggles, disappointed when they stopped and all too eager for them to go again. childish, perhaps, but at least no one could say she wasn’t easily amused.
“oui, you ain’ wrong. mais, i think there’s more to it than he lets on, me. again, ain’ none of my business an’ he’d probably lose his shit wit’ me if he knew i was here botherin’ you.” she shrugs.
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“i don’ know, kaz. i jus’ don’ want to have to completely keep my word, oui? i like you. be a shame to ruin tha’ pretty face of yours.”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— sergeantjhart​ ;
— 🐕 —
While her response wasn’t exactly reassuring, he supposed he hadn’t really been expecting it to be. Her points were realistic, and that was exactly what he’d been looking for. On their own there wasn’t too much to worry about when it came to the walls; they wouldn’t degrade too quickly in the weather they most commonly saw in Georgia, and they were sturdy enough to withstand anything a walker would be able to throw at it so far as Jesse could tell. 
It was the people that would always be the biggest concern. The people that they welcomed into their town just as much as those they knew threatened from the outside. As much as Jesse wanted to see the best in people and think that they were all honest and good deep down, he’d seen enough to know otherwise. And there was no real way to know until they’d already walked inside their walls and lied between their teeth, was there? 
“Guess it’s hard when you’ve only got someone’s word to go off of.” 
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“Let’s make quick and quiet work of this,” Jesse comments, gesturing ahead as the group of walkers Max had seen came into view, readying his blade and stepping away from the guard to grab onto the closest unsuspecting walker and plunging the blade through the temple. He lets the body drop to the ground with not much more thought spared to it as he moves towards the next. He had struggled a long time ago with the idea that these were once people and they couldn’t just go around killing them. 
They may once have been people but they certainly weren’t anymore. 
“non, not entirely true.” whatever excitement and light in her eyes reflected the joy of being outside of the walls on the hunt for those pesky walkers shifted into something far darker and unreadable as she looked to the military man with a quirked brow. “migh’ be if you didn’ have someone like me, mais, you do, don’ you? gettin’ a read on people an’ findin’ out what they’re up to was my life. you got suspicions, mon ami, i’ll find find out if they’re true.”
alas, it isn’t a thought she dwells on as jesse’s orders distract her, following the gesture to the walkers with glee. and she notices, he is far more quiet and skilled about it, taking them out as they’re distracted, before they’re noticed.
and she could follow that. she knows this. considers it, even. but max came out here for fun. and fun, she would have.
with knives drawn and a grin on her face, max whistles, catching the attention of the remaining walkers. she skips on by them, careful to miss their grabbing hands and snapping jaws, turning them away from jesse to give him an opening. and she’s fast on her feet as she ducks and slips behind them herself, planting a knife in the neck of one, before she slips down and cuts ligaments in another’s legs, stabbing a knife through its eye socket as it fell.
and as another approaches her, max stands and bobs on her toes with a laugh, playing the damsel while keeping a good and watchful eye on the other two.
“oh, jesse! whatever will i do!” she plays, dramatically swooning. “won’ you save this poor lil thief?”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— southernrays​ ;
Ray found himself laughing with Max at her antics. When she pulled back, he used the opening to lean in slightly, feeling dangerous and like trouble all on his own. His beard brushed her cheek when he placed a kiss there. Then, he leaned in a bit closer, so close to her ear she had to be able to feel his breath. 
“In your dreams darlin’.”
He pulled back after that. Max was always a wild card and Ray knew better than to press his luck any further. He enjoyed her company and their flirtations, but he knew it did not go any deeper than that between them.
“Any southern man worth his weight in salt can ballroom dance.” Ray held out his hand for her to take. He didn’t care how silly they would look with their fancy dancing in the middle of karaoke night. Some drunken fellow was singing Billy Joel behind them. Max was always a good time, and he did not want to disappoint her tonight. Not when everyone was in such a good mood, himself included. “May I have this dance?”
if she didn’t know better, didn’t see how uninterested he’d been in her beyond her games, she might’ve taken him up on exploring those dreams. she might’ve kissed him there and then and whispered about how good it sounded, taking him out back, showing him how dreams do come true.
but he pulls away, leaving her with her mouth open slightly and fun in her eyes.  maybe dreams were supposed to simply be that, after all.
and as she takes his hand, she plays the fall from the bar a little too dramatically, landing against him with a “oh my” and a grin. have this dance, he most certainly could.
“go on, sweep me off my feet like we’re cinderella an’ prince charmin’,” she tells him, putting herself in place, ready for him to lead. “make me forget abou’ midnight.”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— benny-chanda​ ;
Bishan felt a tiny bit taken aback by the rim of tears beneath her eyes, but kept himself from freaking out about it as he watched her. Tears of joy they were, they had to be.
A shiver ran through him at her words, she expressed that it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her, and he couldn’t help the smugness. “You want to play a song instead?” he asked.
nodding, tali takes him by the hand and pulls him towards the front of the stage and the piano. there wasn’t a world where she’d go up there alone without him close by, finding herself relying on him for both support and encouragement and, it’s a difficult thing, to get up there and stand beside the piano as she leaves him in the slowly forming crowd, her chest tight with an unfamiliar anxiety. it’d been far too long since she performed in front of others, certainly those who didn’t have ulterior motives, or her boss in the audience watching her.
“what shall i play?” she asks bishan, her fingers running over the top of the piano.
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— benny-chanda​ ;
read more.
and draw out new sounds, he did.
just when she thought he couldn’t do any better, he does, and it doesn’t take long for her to gasp and moan his name as her back arches and her form trembles, one hand grasping his hair while the other took to the sheets to support herself as a flood of warmth and release shot through her.
and when she falls back down against the bed, she’s breathless, her thighs trembling beyond her control while a series of giggles rise in her chest.
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— yahnaa-padney​ ;
She was already giddy, but the question of a dance almost made her shoot out of her shoes. She loved to dance, and dancing with people she liked was such a huge thing to her: she only ever held great memories of it, her mind long after recalling specific moments of the night. First Holly now Max, she was in dance heaven. She had to thank the one who organised this because she felt like she had made many new friends. “Absolutely!” She called, already dragged towards the dancefloor, using all her little dance moves she’s picked up at clubs over the years to swing to the music, and all the while keeping Max’ hand in hers.
max allows yahnaa to drag her anywhere. hell, if yahnaa took her outside to dance around some streetlight pole, she’d follow without question, a smile on her face and a fuzzy feeling in her chest. she needed this, she thinks. a moment where she could let go and enjoy herself despite the drama and all of the things she worried about around town.
“oh, look at you, ma cherie!” max swoons, “all these moves!”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— finnbrooks​ ;
Finn leans over while being careful not to shift Max around all too much. The notepad he had is slipped off the desk and balanced on her lap and a new page found to scribble on. Every name his listed with a note next to the first mentioned on that says ‘this one preferably’. God, how stupid is he? The runners haven’t come back with anything…
They might not be looking for it.
Direction given to her might increase those chances, give him reason to hope.
Her next question causes for him to freeze in his writing. Pain relief never was his aim. Percocets or vicodin, before he ever was diagnosed he never played with it. “N-no, I don’t need- the clinic doesn’t need them.” In fact the clinic might, though, so Finn corrects himself. He knows he made it clear it’s for him, it feels better to hide it. “Well, the clinic might need them. They’ll take anything.” He goes back to finishing what he’d been writing.
“A secret for a secret…” he murmurs to himself, carefully tearing the sheet of paper off to fold into a neat square. A thief, she was? Or is she still, with how she looks for excitement? Finn has barely anything time to think about it when his mind focuses on three words alone. “Butters… your loins? Excuse me, what? It is not… I’m not even sure what I’m trying to process here. Is it an image, is it just the words chosen? I don’t even know where to begin.” Not the point of the conversation, but…
Finn breathes in deeply as he pinches the bridge of his nose all while shaking his head. “I’ll keep the thief bit and your buttery loins under wraps.”
( fin. )
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— calebmajhi​ ;
“Alright, then, we’re not going anywhere.” It’s as easy as that. Caleb urged her to move, to take off and put herself first. She is firm in her decision and Max isn’t the type to argue with. He is positive that once her mind is made up it is useless trying to convince her otherwise.
Vaguely, Caleb wonders about this boy and what he’s done to earn Max’s loyalty. He doesn’t ask about it because it’s not his business, he just keeps holding her. “But we can stay right here for as long as you need.” For the next ten minutes, hour, or until the night ends. It’s the least Caleb can do.
( fin. )
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
conditioning my opponent
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— benny-chanda​ ;
He smiled into the kiss, maybe a little too smugly but her silence spoke words, and he knew she was baffled to say the least. He hadn’t expected this intense a reaction, but he was basking in it regardless. Enjoying every moment. He watched her with interest, but his smile faded a little at the question. 
Bishan shrugged. “I figured… chances were you would want to play a song. Show everyone here how amazingly talented you are,” he said. “Or you wouldn’t want to do that, I just thought I should give you that option.” 
bewildered and in awe for his reasoning is perhaps the best way to describe her expression the more bishan explains himself and, when he’s done giving her the option to perform or simply enjoy the night for what it is, tali’s eyes feel warm with a line of tears and, with a nod, she presses her forehead to his.
“this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” she whispers, hiding against him with the overwhelming feeling of feeling as though she mattered for more than her skill, for more than all she could offer. “i... i don’ know what to say.”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— yahnaa-padney​ ;
Yahnaa noticed the alcohol on the other’s breath then, when her head ended up between someone’s palms, but decided to ignore it. She was enjoying the look on her face far too much. “Oh! Oooh! Please do, I would love to learn more songs!” She smiled widely. “Of course, of course I remembered!” She took Max’ hands in her own and made a little squealing nose. “I am so glad you liked it!” 
she’s so incredibly endearing that max can’t help but find a soft spot for yahnaa building a place inside of her heart. maybe it’s about time she had little princess among her boys. it’d been a while since she’d made a friend in a girl.
“dance wit’ me,” the thief tells her, pulling her towards the dance floor.
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— benny-chanda​ ;
read more.
now, in this moment, he is far better than she remembers him being and the more his tongue moves against her, the more tali squirms and moans and gasps, arching her back and rocking her hips against his mouth, her fingers grasping his hair with a world of praise and encouragement falling from her lips.
and the closer she got to finishing, the more her moans turned into breathless gasps. “<you’re doing so good>”, she whines, the breathless spanish passing her lips through a smile before her head tilts back again. “don’ stop, please, please don’ stop.”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— chahid-narayanan​ ;
Their words had an effect, one they hadn’t expected, but Chahid was glad she didn’t fight them over it. There was a lot about themselves that they kept a secret, and they knew nothing about her either. But the fact that she could reflect on who she was, made her a better person in their eyes. If she really had done evil things, she did face them, felt bad in a sense. Why else would she be drinking. 
The question gave them a slight pause. They were still on shift, taking care of the plants. But they figured helping someone was a good reason to take an extended break. “Sure,” they said in response, smiling as they helped her up.
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— southernrays​ ;
“No teasin’ here. I’m good for at least one dance of your choosin’.” Ray had hit the dance floor earlier, but he was still in a good enough mood to head back out. He was an okay dancer, better than his father for sure but that was not saying much. He could keep rhythm and he had been raised on the two step and square dance since he was out of diapers. A couple beers in, and still pacing himself, Ray had maximum energy and enthusiasm for the night. 
“And what do you plan on stealin’ tonight Miss Max? Besides my countertop and attention of course.”
“ugh, so obsessed wit’ your counter top, ain’ you?” she sighs dramatically, giving the bar a good pat. “can’ tell if you’re hintin’ for me to get off it or...” the thief leans in close again, brushing lips over ray’s cheek as she moves to whisper into his ear. “or if you’re hintin’ to get on here wit’ me.”
it’s all in fun, of course, evident by the way she can’t even begin to hold the nature of her words to any level of seriousness, falling into a fit of giggles that even included a small snort as she leaned back and wiggled with glee.
“can you ballroom?” she asks, “i wan’ to do somethin’ slow an’ romantic wit’ you.”
even if the music didn’t match.
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— fletcherbailey​ ;
His compliments are rather lackluster he realizes, the true appreciation for how beautiful Max looks subdued. Her grin makes him feel better about it. Fletch just focuses on swaying in time with her, his eyes never leaving her face. How could they with how bright and happy she looks?
“Pigeons?” Oh boy. In one way or another Max is still up to something. Harmless, though, isn’t it? Much better than fists flying and noses being broken. “Be merciful. To whichever pigeons you ‘pull’. You’re such a trouble maker.” But she had always been - his own personal imp. He can’t find it in him to complain.
One of his hands lifts from where it’d been on her waist to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “This is nice. You know, for once we’re just having - fun.” Every instance in which they had seen each other had been weighed down by different types of stress. Not this time, not tonight. “I feel like I’m back home with you like this.”
perhaps it’s a sign of her mischief, the way she cackles and clings to him tighter with a lack of reassurance as to whether or not mercy played on her mind. the aim of the game, after all, is to score as many free drinks as she could before she hit her limit and her limit sat high and mighty as far as she’s concerned. and as pleasantly drunk as she is now, it’d taken the chugging of a good handful of beers and a few rounds of shot to get here.
and she had no intention of stopping any time soon.
“no, it’s not like back home,” max states with a grin and the tilting of her head. “we haven’ put traffic cones on our heads an’ gone to war yet.”
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mischiefmaxed · 3 years
— southernrays​ ;
Ray could feel her warmth with how close she was. She was still sitting on his bar, of course. Max kept him distracted to get her way, a bit of misdirection that he was sure she had used a hundred times. Tonight he didn’t mind the attention though. With alcohol thrumming through his veins, Ray was more forward than normal. He wasn’t at the sloppy or stupid point and wouldn’t get there tonight, but he could meet the dangerous, teasing look in her eyes easily.
“Somethin’ country? You think that’s all these boots can do? I should be offended, Miss Max.” Another laugh. His hands moved up to her waist and he gave her a nudge forward, reminded once again that she was taking up important bar real estate. “I can bump n’ grind just as good as I can two step.”
“bump n’ grind?” she repeats with an excited giggle, moving with his nudging only, in the wrong direction. max shifts until her legs sit over his side of the bar, a knowing and mischievous grin slipping into her features oh so easily as she hums and considers the sorts of dancing they could be doing. 
“shouldn’ tease a girl like that, ray,” she warns playfully, patting his cheeks gently. “an’ you definitely shouldn’ be teasin’ a thief, either.”
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