misfiled · 6 days
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misfiled · 2 months
”match my freak” match my melancholy. be nostalgic about a past you weren’t even that happy in. find something to be haunted about throughout every second of your day
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misfiled · 3 months
if ur wondering what the fuck is wrong with me imagine how i feel
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misfiled · 3 months
why is being alive so… like this
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misfiled · 3 months
Don't ask me for relationship advice cause I'll tell you to kill him
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misfiled · 3 months
have we tried substance abuse my liege
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misfiled · 3 months
(flirting) you look like you bruise really easily haha. i can smell fear btw
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misfiled · 3 months
"maybe the problem is you" oh the problem is definitely me, next question
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misfiled · 3 months
they should invent a place where i belong
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misfiled · 5 months
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54 notes · View notes
misfiled · 5 months
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misfiled · 6 months
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AnaĂŻs Nin, from The Voice
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misfiled · 11 months
what the fuck is rizz. tell me i’m the knife you twist inside yourself
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misfiled · 1 year
i love self sabotage i’m so good at it (i’m a bad person)
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misfiled · 1 year
“It's taboo to admit that you're lonely. You can make jokes about it, of course. You can tell people that you spend most of your time with Netflix or that you haven't left the house today and you might not even go outside tomorrow. But rarely do you ever tell people about the true depths of your loneliness, about how you feel more and more alienated from your friends each passing day and you're not sure how to fix it. It seems like everyone is just better at living than you are. A part of you knew this was going to happen. Growing up, you just had this feeling that you wouldn't transition well to adult life, that you'd fall right through the cracks. And look at you now, it's happening.”
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misfiled · 1 year
let me be your coffee
for you won't find anything
tastier than me.
and I promise
to turn your wake up
into a beautiful
sleepless night.
--- h.harouche
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misfiled · 1 year
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587 notes · View notes