misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
not that i'd ever blame you for being afraid of that, but i don't think tsukasa would be the kind to get violent just at seeing us.
maybe he'd be afraid.. but..
i don't know... just.. from everything i've seen and heard of him..
[Akito gets back from his tour with Tsukasa, exhausted from running around so much.]
rui… hey. i think i met that friend of yours…
- @demon-akito-official
(*rui smiles in surprise at akito's voice- and what he actually says, beaming at the other.*)
ahh, really~? i hope he was nice to you too! he is really sweet, isn't he?
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui's expression softens at akito's reaction, daring to let out the tiniest humming sound as he smiled at the other.*)
..i'm glad, then. please don't push yourself too hard, okay? go at your own pace. small steps to feel better about being here..
[Akito gets back from his tour with Tsukasa, exhausted from running around so much.]
rui… hey. i think i met that friend of yours…
- @demon-akito-official
(*rui smiles in surprise at akito's voice- and what he actually says, beaming at the other.*)
ahh, really~? i hope he was nice to you too! he is really sweet, isn't he?
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
it's.. not your fault you were treated so badly before. i'm certain there's still people who would be terrified of me.
you don't have to force yourself to be here for my sake, or do something you don't want to just because i asked.. something so silly as that cafe date..
(*rui steps forward, taking akito's hand gently and brushing over it with his thumb.*)
but, i care about you so much. i'm here for you, okay..? something's wrong, i'm there.
i may be happy here. but i'm still more often than not most happiest with you.
[Akito gets back from his tour with Tsukasa, exhausted from running around so much.]
rui… hey. i think i met that friend of yours…
- @demon-akito-official
(*rui smiles in surprise at akito's voice- and what he actually says, beaming at the other.*)
ahh, really~? i hope he was nice to you too! he is really sweet, isn't he?
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
fufu~.. he does like his tours doesn't he? always so eager to talk, he's lovely to listen to..
(*as akito continues, rui's expression sinks in a familiar way- not unlike the cafe date.*)
(*rui glances away, thinking on how to respond before he looks back with a more focused expression.*)
i want to tell him. i'm going to tell him. even if i have to open him up to the idea of it slowly.
i want to tell him.
[Akito gets back from his tour with Tsukasa, exhausted from running around so much.]
rui… hey. i think i met that friend of yours…
- @demon-akito-official
(*rui smiles in surprise at akito's voice- and what he actually says, beaming at the other.*)
ahh, really~? i hope he was nice to you too! he is really sweet, isn't he?
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
[Akito gets back from his tour with Tsukasa, exhausted from running around so much.]
rui… hey. i think i met that friend of yours…
- @demon-akito-official
(*rui smiles in surprise at akito's voice- and what he actually says, beaming at the other.*)
ahh, really~? i hope he was nice to you too! he is really sweet, isn't he?
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui's face also flushes at tsukasa's actions, and what almost was.. but the cue for the end of intermission breaks that trance.
..still, rui finds himself shifting slightly to lean against tsukasa as best as he can, keeping his hand in tsukasa's hold.*)
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
..i see..
well, it's a wonderful dream, to make people smile. and you know..?
(*rui squeezes tsukasa's hand with a warm look in his eyes.*)
i'd say you're quite good at it.
(*rui's eyes flickered away as he thought over his next words.*)
..while i did have friends, at my old home. people who i still care about dearly.. i don't think i realized how miserable i truly was, there..
until.. i came here, and i met you. and you've been so kind, and shown me so many things..
i'm the happiest i've ever been.. i just hope..
(i want to tell him.. i have to tell him..! but not here. it's dangerous.. people could be listening.)
i just hope.. that you'll accept every part of me. even what you haven't seen yet..
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui nodded along politely at tsukasa's story, smiling gently.*)
i can imagine.. it's unfortunate you couldn't do it more often, but how wonderful it must've been to still have good experiences like that..
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
Tumblr media
uh oh gayboy
but he hasn't seemed put off by anything that's slipped past my hiding..
i want to tell him.. tsukasa has been so kind.. he might actually understand if i explained it..
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui turns to tsukasa, eyes practically sparkling in delight and excitement of what he was seeing.*)
this is amazing.. i've never seen anything like it before.. the effects they used were like magic... it's incredible.
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui smiles from beside tsukasa, squeezing his hand as he watched the performance. human shows and acting were so fascinating.. and all the different effects and the like they used to bring their concepts to life.. it was wonderful.*)
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui waves in greeting, smiling fondly at the other.*)
hello, tsukasa~ it's nice to see you again.. i'm looking forward to seeing a show with you.
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui looks to see the name of the theater so he can pull up the address for tsukasa.*)
i'm at (theater) right now! don't worry about taking too long, i was just on a walk and remembered our conversation from before when i saw it!
(*tsukasa's phone dings, with a text from rui.*)
tsukasa? you mentioned acting during our date, and i was wondering.. if you wanted to see a show together? for our second date and all!
[Tsukasa picks up his phone out of curiosity, beaming once he sees it's a text from Rui. He responds quickly.]
YES! I'd love that! Where are you right now? I'll be on my way!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
indeed! if you're that confident you want to go on another one.. it's more than okay with me.
(*rui laughs- truly laughs, feeling lighter than he's ever been, squeezing tsukasa's hand back.*)
i don't know if i've ever felt this happy, before..
[In excitement, Tsukasa proceeds to send Rui a text. Thank god he had his phone number.]
Rui! Hi! :D
You remember that cat cafe I showed you during our tour?
[Tsukasa quickly sends a photo of the cat cafe.]
Do you wanna go there right now? If you have time, that is!
(*rui beamed at the text, eagerly replying.*)
yes, i'd love to! are you already nearby? i can be right there!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui once again could only stare in awe as tsukasa went on and spoke of him so kindly- fondly.
even for as much as rui cared for akito, he'd grown used to the fact the ginger could be rather stern and abrasive- even when he does care underneath that.
but tsukasa..? tsukasa was nothing but kindness. of reassurance there was nothing wrong with him. that he was fun to be around..
when's the last time he was told something like that..?*)
(*his voice wavers, as he certainly doesn't want to make a scene by crying.*)
..thank you. really. i deeply appreciate your kindness.
[In excitement, Tsukasa proceeds to send Rui a text. Thank god he had his phone number.]
Rui! Hi! :D
You remember that cat cafe I showed you during our tour?
[Tsukasa quickly sends a photo of the cat cafe.]
Do you wanna go there right now? If you have time, that is!
(*rui beamed at the text, eagerly replying.*)
yes, i'd love to! are you already nearby? i can be right there!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
mm..? really?
(a convincing acting portrayal..)
i've never been told something like that before.. people don't exactly like me very much.. can count the old friends i've got on a singular hand.
it's.. quite nice actually.. to be told these strange characteristics of mine are something people would enjoy..
[In excitement, Tsukasa proceeds to send Rui a text. Thank god he had his phone number.]
Rui! Hi! :D
You remember that cat cafe I showed you during our tour?
[Tsukasa quickly sends a photo of the cat cafe.]
Do you wanna go there right now? If you have time, that is!
(*rui beamed at the text, eagerly replying.*)
yes, i'd love to! are you already nearby? i can be right there!
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misfit-devil-rui · 5 months
(*rui flushes considerably, staring in awe at tsulasa's reaction.*)
a.. adorable..? really?
(*his face must be as red as a tomato... for as nasty of a comparison as that is.*)
(i've heard humans can replicate the noise of a purring cat in similar ways, but i don't know what to tell him..)
it's worth a try, if you want..? i'm afraid i can't explain how i do it..
[In excitement, Tsukasa proceeds to send Rui a text. Thank god he had his phone number.]
Rui! Hi! :D
You remember that cat cafe I showed you during our tour?
[Tsukasa quickly sends a photo of the cat cafe.]
Do you wanna go there right now? If you have time, that is!
(*rui beamed at the text, eagerly replying.*)
yes, i'd love to! are you already nearby? i can be right there!
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