misfoldedproteins · 3 years
it’s so sad when cishet girls are like “I’m a feminist but I’m not a hairy lesbian” like don’t be so hard on yourself<3 I’m sure you have some good qualities too<3
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
Estrogen is harmful to men's hearts apparently but their own testosterone fucks them up too. Imagine going bald... lol. And have you seen the Y chromosome? LMFAO.
that one terf anon going "why do you think calling a whole group of people weak and slow and fragile is a BAD thing??". like okay, since terfs love talking about science and biology and how things are in nature, let me tell them this: natural selection and survival of the fittest.
in nature, species rely on speed, strength, size and intelligence to survive and live long enough to reproduce and care for their young. if half of a species is slow, weak and small, it automatically puts them in a much greater risk of death and extinction. human are the most intelligent species but even intelligence has its limits - if you're getting chased by a bear, intelligence won't help you in any way, you either run fast enough to get away or then get mauled.
plus, since so many terfs claim that human males are abusive and rapists by nature and not only by socialization, the idea of males protecting the females with their strength and speed can be thrown out the window right?
so that leaves us with the fact that 99% of the time, if you say that a whole species is slow, weak and small and otherwise helpless, it is NOT in any way a compliment.
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
Just wanna let you all know that as an ex prostitute, there is no such thing as a “swerf” and the closest thing TO a sex worker exclusionary feminist would be those that silence and ignore the massive stats of unconsensual/forced women and sex workers that want to leave the industry, and amp up the voices of willing sex workers as the most important instead xoxo
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
@ OP
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you know what’s embarrassing? the fact that you all still can’t let harry potter die in a ditch. its embarrassing that you can’t stop reading or consuming content for a mediocre (at best, honestly, it’s not even well written and it’s cliche) series, it’s embarrassing that you still want to buy that video game, it’s embarrassing that you want to watch the HBO Max show. And no, I don’t care if you pirate those things or thrift those books or whatever, because that just shows that you’ll bend over backwards for a racist, antisemitic, transmisogynistic author instead of supporting authors of color, jewish authors, or trans authors. there are so many actual well written fantasy series out there, it’s all been done before and will be done again better. i don’t care how important this series was when you were 11. you’re 20 now, take the hogwarts house out of your bio and MOVE ON
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
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A few months ago, it was revealed that Hunter Biden was involved with buying sexual workers. Many people praised him for this, saying how great he is for ‘supporting’ sex workers. Now it shows him bargaining with a real human trafficker and talking about the trafficked women in a degrading and exploited manner.
People praised a rich white man with political power for buying and exploiting women and now they are surprised to see how he not only talks to these women behind closed doors but how he isn’t supporting them, he is purchasing them and using them.
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
the most pretentious women I know are all coming out as non binary trans on facebook this pride month. literally all of them are with men lol
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
Why should feminism benefit men?
Our liberation movement is not for men. It's for the betterment of women
Stop trying to center men in feminism. They're the focus everywhere else. They have enough
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
“women are too emotional owo” is so rich coming from the sex whose kneejerk reaction to anger is murder
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
men be like “you want equal rights what about equal fights?”” like mate you’ve been assaulting and abusing us forever equal fights means we burn you at the stake for being male
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
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not my biology professor being a they/them 😭 man you are like pushing 50 pls
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
I’m really um sick of almost every single person I know being deathly, suspiciously silent when I talk about prostitution and porn. I don’t really get it. What more do you want to hear? a 15 year old girl went missing and videos of her were found on pornhub. A woman in India was gang raped and murdered and her name became a popular search term on porn websites. an estimated 99% of sex trafficking victims are female, which seems weird since sEx WorK is such an empowering, pro-female industry according to you guys. I don’t really get what else I need to say to all my Totally Feminist Friends for the lives of women to matter more than their orgasms 
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
It sucks to be a leftist and socialist because whenever I try to find communities of people with these beliefs online it’s just them talking about how the exclusion of ace Demi furries is the reason why white supremacy is rampant in America and then leftist men talking about how workers are exploited but then tell women that they should make an onlyfans
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
‘Men are taught not to be emotional’
Pal men are taught to throw tables across the room if they’re angry and punch people who mildly disrespect them— all of these things are emotional responses they’re just incongruous with what we consider emotional to be i.e. a sniffling teenage girl. Men are super emotional. They’re selfishly emotional. They’re so emotional that they *have* to let any living creature around them feel the pain they feel inside even for a sec.
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
Going to stop paying attention. I’ve noticed enough
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
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I was scrolling through Facebook and found this with these comments. And I fucking can’t with y'all.
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
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misfoldedproteins · 3 years
libfems learned the word social construct and haven't used it correctly once in their life
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