mishaledddd-blog · 6 years
unreal relationship #4
Bowers was found near the front door; he stood in the middle of the living room, to Stan's surprise, leaving his shoes on the rug. This is… Pretty sweet of him. The guy smiled at his own thoughts, awkwardly waving his hand at his guest to follow him. Henry looked awkward surrounded by expensive furniture and tried once again not to touch this or that thing. This made Stan fall in love with him even more. He is incredible.
— In general, Henry, — upon arrival in the room, the curly donkey sacked onto the bed, getting down to business. His companion looked around in surprise, expecting to see in the room of a pedantic Jew the same as in the whole house. White empty walls and fragile vases, for example, but not the room of the average teenager at the height of the transitional age. — My parents don't believe that I have a boyfriend…
Henry folded his arms over his chest, looking at him with disdain and skepticism.
— Because you don't have it, I think.
— Yes, but they don’t know about it, and we just need to make them believe it, you know? And when I say this, I mean… — Stan buried a trembling hand in his curly dark hair, afraid to utter the following words and see the reaction of Henry. — I mean everything that lovers usually do, you know. They have to see… — He faltered again, swallowing the sticky drool of anticipation. — Our love.
Bowers did not look surprised and did not show disgust. Surely, when making a decision, he thought about it more than once, about his forced actions concerning Uris and those words that he would have to say to him in adults. How will look at him. So he just nodded in response, awaiting further explanation. Stan had enough of that; the lightening sigh he himself broke from his weathered lips and he even smiled. Next to Henry, his body was always tense, because this man didn’t fit into his world at all, you could expect anything from him, and it aroused all of nature. Henry was a wild beast, and Stan was just a stupid man who cherished the hope that he could tame him.
— In-in general, in front of them, we will hold hands and kiss.
— As you say.
Stan was even more surprised when he looked at Henry with his eyes wide open.
— But if anyone ever finds out about this, — he looked back at him threateningly and the guy was relieved to understand that Henry was still the same, he just really wanted money. — To your end, loser, you know that I'm not joking.
He came up to Uris inadmissibly close, so much so that he could even feel warm, heavy breathing on his cheek with the smell of cigarettes and Juicy Fruit. His strong hands forced the mattress to bend with a creak, he did not take a warning look from Stan, who had become frozen by such unexpected contact, and then he grinned altogether, recoiling.
— If you are going to play a couple that have been together for quite a long time, shouldn't you be more cold? Or do you just like me?
— Not at all, — Stan immediately waved his hands often, feeling the blood inside boil with adrenaline and excitement. — It's even better, right? Parents should see my sincere feelings… And yours too.
— Yes, yes, I will work on my loving look at the mirror, of course, all for the sake of money.
— How much did Richie promise you? — Stan asked suddenly. His family was quite rich and he could pay any price, however, Bowers answer did not explain this to him.
— Not so much. Consider that I do it for free, it will cost you nothing.
For some reason, the brown-haired looked at the same time a little sad. However, not only Stan had the ability to change masks like gloves, and Henry immediately pretended that everything was in order. Stan was not sure that he could ask him about his state of health, because they are not friends, but rather former school enemies, but this still has weight. A heavy, even weary sigh itself escaped from the lips. They still had a lot of work and he was not sure that three days would be enough, because to communicate with Henry, even despite his agreement and willingness to cooperate, it was still difficult. His heart… «Created all sorts of garbage and threatened to arrange for him to meet with death ahead of time», strictly speaking.
— In this case! — he got up from a soft bed, embarking on confused looking around the room in search of the right. A drawing album, old and with several yellowed pages, has served him for many years. There were many drawings of birds, and just nature in general. Henry himself, without noticing it, looked first at the graceful lines of drawings, although he had not been interested in art before, and then at Uris's beautiful hands. His long fingers took a pencil and began to draw a plan of action. — I’m sure my father heard about you. No offense, but we will have to try to be accepted… — Stan muttered something quietly under his breath, so the guy with the earring in his ear had to sit next to him and bend down to his face almost closely. — Are there any provocative questions? Let's invent a beautiful, but realistic love story. We find out each other's interests… — when Stan lifted his head slightly to ask Henry about something, he was frightened to see his face so close to his. Again. — Discuss the scope of what is permitted.
— The framework of what is permitted is good.
However, the bully was not in a hurry to move away. He liked to see the confusion on the face of the usually calm and unshakable Uris. A guy from a good Jewish family who, it turns out, has dirty thoughts about people of his own sex. Surprisingly, in the modest opinion of Bowers, but definitely nice. He had his reasons for thinking that. Stan was embarrassed and fell out of bed due to the awkward movement, although usually he was just an example of confidence. He, red and disheveled, got up from his seat and brushed off his pants, as if there could be rubbish at all. This is his room, after all.
Henry grinned at that, feeling the heat in his chest. Yes, such Stan is unusual, more homely and absolutely exactly cute, he liked. He immediately tried to stop thinking about it. His goal is to simply do what is required and get the money, it's not even a pleasant pastime. Totally.
— I think you should come to work with me tomorrow. There we will be able to discuss everything, it’s just that the time is already late and I’m tired — Stan, clinging awkwardly to the castle, was looking for reasons to stay alone and calm down, because Henry Bowers along with his strong hands and pleasant smell should not be, made him worry. — It would be better if my parents did not see you. Mom now cleans the pantry, and the father is in the office in the morning, so you need to be careful
Bowers got up after him, looking the guy from head to toe. Standing in the middle of his own room, he suddenly seemed small and frightened. Henry would feel like a real bastard, not noticing it and staying here. He nodded shortly, looking away to the side and noticing the window, which could not be seen from behind the curtains that matched the color of the wallpaper. It was not so high, and besides, a tall tree growing nearby gave him a strange, but interesting in its riskiness, idea. Without further ado, he began to open the window, followed by the panicked look of the room owner and his questions. The window sill met his hooligan ass with cold. Before barefoot touched the rough bark of the tree, Henry looked over Stan with a grin. Devils danced in his gaze.
— Go out the door and give me my shoes, be so kind, — with these words, without any grace, he tried as carefully as possible to jump from the branch to the next, and then to the soft, slightly damp grass. Stan was anxiously watching this action, and when gray eyes glared at him in response, he hurriedly retreated into the room. His heart was beating loudly in his chest and with each of his blow Stan's world was crumbling to pieces due to the awareness of his own feelings. He was a smart guy, but right now he was simply a standard of idiocy. As carefully as possible, he went downstairs, bypassing the living room and empty corridors. Thank God, no one ever found out about the arrival of Henry Bowers.
— Here, — Stan handed over his faded sneakers to the above, thinking that he would definitely buy him a new guy, albeit unreal. He can not let this handsome look in front of older Uris, as if a ragged from the street, but that is exactly what Henry was.
By the way, he looked like he didn’t want to leave at all — he looked at his former classmate with an unreadable look. On one side, Stan understood him because quite a lot of time had passed since Richie arrived; it was noticeably darker and cold in the street, but before he could say anything, Bowers fell from his stupor. He grunted something quietly, and then awkwardly pulled on his sneakers.
— I'll come closer to dinner when the break starts at work, — hearing this, Stan glanced at him blankly, with a little respect. — What? You didn’t think that one of them is so correct and you are running around looking for money, jewish ass?
Stan chose to leave the appeal to himself unnoticed, silently radiating waves of interest.
— I'm fixing the car. Well, you know, poking around in the engines and maraya hands in engine oil. It fits me.
Perhaps this is true. In any case, only with one view of sweaty, half-naked Henry, who strains his muscles in order to tighten some part, Stan’s whole body trembled. He blushed more and more, as his thoughts became more and more frank and cheeky, and when he came to himself, he realized that he was left standing on the street completely alone. The singing of crickets and the chattering of cicadas tore the silence of the night as he slowly realized one thing. Henry Bowers does not know the address of his work, and Uris himself forgot to tell him about it. Fuck.
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mishaledddd-blog · 6 years
unreal relationship #3
Richie did. He wasn’t there until the evening, but Stan was confident that Richie was just kicking dicks and getting acquainted with suspicious people in Tinder. However, in fact, he ran all day in parks and libraries in search of a suitable second half for his friend. So he came in the evening to the house of the Uris couple with a librarian. Stan opened the door and thought that it was necessary to let his father do it, perhaps then this cute guy would immediately run away. Because, well, his pale face and shaking hands did not attract or inspire confidence.
— His name is Jeff!
Jeff shook even harder when he was slapped on the shoulder in support. Stan rolled his eyes to this action, no longer paying attention to the new acquaintance, giving himself to the old one. Richie, realizing that he didn’t get at all with a choice, asked Jeff to step aside and wait around the corner.
— I don’t understand what you don’t like, — he took a deep breath, rolling from heel to toe. This guy really never could just stand still. Stan is sure that if there were suddenly a fireball there, the next time he and Richie would have met at his funeral. — Clever, loves books.
— And still cowardly and frail, — Stan heard the loud call of his father at the back of the house, Stan cursed, starting to panic. — Find someone else, okay? — and slammed the door in front of his friend.
Richie nodded. If the first one is garbage complete, and that is exactly what irritated Stan meant, then the second one should be his complete opposite!
— What the hell? — The next morning, barely getting out of the door on the way to work, Stan jumped in fright on the spot, hitting his head on the doorway. But even the pain did not make him budge at the sight of a man of such appearance, as if he were in prison more than once. Richie was pretty smiling next to, spreading his arms to the side:
— This is Gregory!
Gregory grinned at him quite nicely, waving his hand affably with a flower squeezed between his big fingers. He quietly sank and handed the dead, wounded plant into Uris's trembling hands. Stan himself nodded, feeling laughter rising to his throat, except that it was not clear because of the hysteria or the absurdity of the situation.
— No, Richie? — he waved his hands and the yellow dandelion with a soft rustle fell on the stone walkway outside the house. — Definitely not. Too big and untidy, — after these words, Stan disappeared behind the fence.
Richie sighed heavily, patting a new friend on the shoulder. Gregory liked him as a person, but he did not appreciate this old friend of this impulse.
— I say — he is squeamish. Well, nothing, not all is lost, my friend!
He was full of optimism and promised himself that Stan would definitely like the next candidate. Tozier spent the whole day in thought, and then went out into the street, saw some passer-by and led the way with his hand.
— Romeo, and this is my last sentence!
— No… — Stan sighed wearily, leaning his shoulder to the doorway. Some holiday was nearing and there was a blockage at work today; all suddenly needed flowers. — He is ordinary and not remarkable, I would rather lose him somewhere in the park before we wait for dinner with my parents.
To say that Richie was surprised is to say nothing. But in the curly words it was still true, and he chose this Romeo only because of an interesting name. The guest immediately found himself kicked out in the ass, and Tozier himself nodded silently and headed towards the house. Many thoughts flashed through my head, but the fresh evening air did its job — brown eyes lit up with a joyful light and the next evening Stan was in for a surprise. Because Richie was not wrong.
— This is… — a lump in my throat prevented me from speaking, Stan now and then swallowed, staring at the picture presented.
— By sight I see that I guessed. I just tied together some facts, and now — get it, sign it!
Richie smiled triumphantly, however, his smile visibly shook when he forgot himself and tried to pat Henry Bowers standing next to him. He, gloomy and angry, squeezed his wrist in his huge hand and pushed aside. Stan's knees buckled at the sight.
— How did he persuade you to this? — Uris, quietly surprised, was confused, but pleasantly surprised. Henry grinned at it so brightly that he needed to grasp the cold wall of the house unnoticed, which helped a little to come to his senses and cool the ardor.
— I'm here just for the money, so do not rejoice, fagot, — Henry twitched his shoulder, which said how much he did not want to be here. None of the two of them paid attention to Richie’s surprised look, which he immediately diverted from the hooligan. Well, okay.
Stan has some more problems with this. Henry Bowers, though not suited to the role of his boyfriend from the word «absolutely», was the best candidate anyway. Because for his sake the curly was ready to suffer a lot and his presence alone gave the heart such a pleasure that he could not stand on his feet. Three days remained before the ill-fated dinner, and Stan was not sure that he would be able to prepare Henry for him. But being in love is a strange thing and any logical arguments just eluded the grasp, once she appeared on the horizon. Embarrassed, Uris looked away, looking his former school enemy from head to toe. He never dressed in a special way, however, in priority he always had shirts with damn short sleeves. If it is summer, then Stan gets even hotter. As now, because the hands of Henry — is a new art, not suitable for the description of any of the existing ones.
— Do not worry, you will get your full, — reassured his master of the house, looking gratefully at Richie, who was standing somewhere in the shadows. — But we… I think it is worth discussing a plan of action, if it's not difficult for you.
— When? — Henry asked rudely. Stan swallowed from the prospect of putting him in his house and his room. This was something intimate, in his opinion.
— Now.
Henry nodded and went straight ahead, squeezing between Stan and the wall straight inside the house. The guy stood in stupor for a while, feeling the skin burn in the places where Bowers had accidentally touched him. Richie laughed softly beside him, breathing out into the chilly evening air.
— Chemistry on the face. God, I was so stupid, not noticing your direct hints on this guy!
Stan blushed even more from the moment he saw the main hooligan of the school in front of the porch. There was nothing like that. He wanted to say this to his friend, but he remembered that Henry was at his home for the first time and now he probably walks through empty corridors in a stubborn and foolish hope of finding the right room. It is impossible for parents to see him. With that thought, Uris smiled at Tozier for the last time, closing the door behind him and leaving him alone with himself.
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mishaledddd-blog · 6 years
unreal relationship #2
All the next morning, the guy spent the hard thoughts about his problem, and then went to work. A cozy-looking shop, inside full of different types of flowers. He loved this work with all his heart, although he understood that, most likely, his life would be connected with politics. But even moving the pots with plants from place to place and serving customers, it was impossible to distract from annoying thoughts. Of course, the first thing Stan thought about his best friend Bill, but everyone in the city already knew who this guy belonged to. Therefore, it was necessary to bring someone who was not in the house of Urisov, that is, a man unfamiliar to Stan, otherwise he would not be surely believed. He folded his arms over his chest, leaning his waist on the table for buyers and looking out the window, where strangers lived their bright summer, while he had to look for a way out of the current situation and work for the future.
Even the parents wanted to annoy, somehow, but the guy himself had not yet decided to choose for this an intelligent, decent and generally the most ideal candidate, or someone like the vile Rygalo Huggins? The guy almost laughed out loud, imagining how embarrassed he was approaching the gang of hooligans and, blushing, forgive Belch to step aside with him to talk. They would surely be accompanied by uncomprehending, mocking and hostile views. Henry would look at him like that, just pay attention.
Thoughts again brought him somewhere not there. He started when he realized that the door to the room had opened with a pleasant melody of bells and a hurricane of dark hair flew up to him with a reddish tint.
— Richie? — Stan puzzled looked his friend from head to foot, being obviously surprised.
— Stan-the-men! — Richie greeted him, using broken English unpleasantly to the rumor. — I was at your house, but then I remembered that you were, like, a busy guy. Your father looked at me at first with a hostile attitude, like that, and then he suddenly smiled a villainous smirk and said that I was quoting «your boyfriend and my son is at work now». I, frankly, did not understand the fuck and started here for explanations. Well?
Stan listened to his friend with a gloomy expression on his face. He would never have thought that such a guy as Richie would become his listener, but now I wanted to speak out as never before.
— Find a boyfriend? — Richie bit his lip, blushing either from embarrassment, or from pent up laughter. All this time he tried not to show his own skepticism about the situation. — Is there anyone in mind?
— Henry Bowers, — Stan squeezed out of himself without any emotion. Richie laughed at that line. — Doesn't surprise you… All this? That is, I am gay, Richie, the most gay gay you can imagine or find on this planet.
— Wow! — his friend made a shock on his face, immediately starting to smile and laugh. Without permission, he plopped down on the counter, sniffing his nose, covered with sparse freckles, all the flowers he could reach. — Well, really, Stan, we live in a rather tolerant society, so be simple and, as it were, — he sighed dreamily. — Follow the call of the heart, okay? If you like any guy — just go ahead! Who knows, maybe he's gay too. And all are gay. Even me. You know, being a simple gay is much better than having clown fetishes, like Bill.
— This is, — Uris cleared his throat, hiding embarrassment. The memory of his best friend and his new boyfriend made him nervous. Robert was strange, with this look on his face, when «one eye looks at you, the other towards the Caucasus», but rather interesting and cheerful. — Bad example. Should I listen to my heart and run to the store for flowers for Bowers? — he was still trying to change the subject and somehow defuse the situation, because it was strange to talk with someone about his own interests, even as a joke, even if it was Richie Tosier. — Oh, wait, we're already here.
— If your heart creates all sorts of garbage and threatens to arrange for you to meet with death ahead of time, Stan, — Richie once said knowingly, buried in pillows. — That this is love and, of course, I will support you. Bill supported…
— I will die of embarrassment if you do not stop.
The idea that someone like Stan, a good and decent at first glance guy, is attracted to his gender, was struck. Well, Richie really believed that in a couple of years he would meet a friend with a no less diligent girl, with whom he would connect his whole future life. But maybe this will be a guy. In any case, Richie wanted to hope for it. However, wanting to escape, Uris suddenly caught his friend off guard:
— And who do you like?
— Um, nobody, — Tozier lied quite honestly.
— Hmm, I think you spell the name Eddie wrong.
— Amazing, — Richie breathed, not becoming denying the obvious. This made Stan triumph and even forget for a short moment about his own problems. — Do you blame me for not choosing whom to be born? Cool-cool.
— No one blames you, Richie, no one dares. Especially me.
— Yes, yes, of course, Henry Bowers is your prince on a white horse!
Cool air from the included air conditioner over his head, gently ruffling curly strands, relaxed them, along with a cacophony of all sorts of sweet smells. The conversation was not tense or undesirable, as if they were just gossiping and chatting over trifles. Stan would never have thought that someone like Richie Toziera, the most talkative and seemingly frivolous guy, could be so understanding at some points. He is a good friend, despite all the jokes and quirks.
— Consider that I am your guru of romance and will find not only a guy for dinner with your parents, but also the love of your whole life. It's not me, if that.
— What a pity.
— The easiest and surefire option is money, — he gave quite practical advice, in his opinion. — I understand, Stanley, you don’t have to be so crooked because of this, you have to push all your Jewish nature to hell and offer someone money. Do you have a bag of gold with you just in case? And if there is, then where do you keep it, huh? In these their kosher curls?! — he stretched his hands, sticky from sweetness, to strange hair, starting to play with them, not even paying attention to other people's otbryvaniya and curses.
— You said you would help me!
— Yes, I said, but you also do not sit idle, — Tozier jumped off the counter, flapping his curls and smoothly straightening the glasses that had slipped from his nose. — I’m not so sure of my defeat, but, dude, you’re so picky that I’m just…
— … Go the fuck out of here right now. And then come back, but with a boyfriend for me.
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mishaledddd-blog · 6 years
unreal relationship au #1
Stan was in a panic.
This did not happen to him for a long time, because his whole life in the last few years was simply an example of a quiet family life. Family life with parents, of course. In the end, he was only sixteen and, as the guy rightly thought, this age was not too suitable for a romantic relationship. All his thoughts were busy studying and choosing the university, this is what his whole life will depend on in the future. He lived on a «school-part-time-house» schedule, and on weekends, if he was lucky, «house-friends-house» and this seemed more than correct.
Returning from a part-time job, Stan often listened to reproaches and questions to his side, concerning, in the main, all the same future. Only now the tired brain, along with a no less tired body, refused to memorize and reproduce any of this afterwards. Choosing a profession, looking for a college and, finally, a girl…
He had no reason to sound the alarm until the moment when the father announced at one of the family dinners:
— Stanley, — he began, quite softly and calmly, folding his instruments into a plate. — I found you a bride.
Stan's world at that moment, if not collapsed, then staggered for sure. He looked incredulously at first into the eyes of his unshakable father, and then at his effaced mother. All plans for the future, that he had been building for all these long years, did not make sense for the post if he was forced to marry. He bit his lip thoughtfully, immediately starting to analyze the situation in search of all sorts of possible developments.
— I know her? — He asked hopefully, because, after all, they could conclude a contract or just be friends, being husband and wife. How naive of him, but hope dies last. — Are you going to marry us now?
— I don’t see any reason to pull this off, — Ravvin gave his son a dismissive look. — This is Aviva, did you see her when she visited us last summer. Marriage to her will also help our business, you know, her father has a certain power over some of the departments…
Stan closed his eyes, miraculously restraining himself from not shouting or cursing loudly. Aviva… She looked at him with real hearts in her eyes, as if no one else existed in the world. All the time she ran around the tail of the poor guy, not understanding the hints and not wanting to accept direct refusals, and when summer came to an end and she was sent back to her parents, Stan woke up the next morning to an incoming message on social networks. Then, for the first time in his life, he probably saw a woman’s breast and first of all sent Aviv to the black list. With such a person it is unlikely to find a common language, even if you try to shove all your dislike far away, because the girl’s character was not only not very good, so she didn’t understand the simplest exact sciences. Damn it.
— I… I don’t think this is a good idea, father, — he made a feeble attempt to object, but was immediately interrupted:
— This is not discussed, Stan. Next Friday they will come here to discuss the details of the wedding.
Just a week in order to find a way out of this situation. Stan nearly howled in desperation!
— Son, — Patricia said, looking at the boy with undisguised tenderness, all this time carefully hidden from her husband. — We gave you a chance, asked you about whether you have a girlfriend.
— You shouldn't blame us, — Ravvin nodded in agreement.
— I, — Stan sighed, honestly not knowing what to say to that. Marry at such an early age, and then have children under the same yoke of the parents — not what he wanted. It was necessary to think quickly, absolutely any option would be suitable for a short time, but to delay the wedding and find another more suitable way out. It was already dusk outside the window, somewhere beyond a distant forest, a bright red strip of sunset appeared, turning into a delicate pink, and then an endless blue sky, darkening on the eve of the night. Suddenly, the boy opened his brown eyes and looked at his parents again, but with much more confidence. — You asked me about girlfriend, and therefore I did not tell you about boyfriend.
He almost grinned, thereby ruining the whole plan when he saw the faces of the adults stretch out; they, apparently, did not even anticipate such a development of events. Mom sat down even more directly and looked away, but she didn’t look particularly surprised. Stan had to forget about her when he caught a suspicious look from his father. Obviously, he did not believe his word.
— Stan, I know that Aviva is somewhat obsessive in his desires and I still remember how you ran from her, but, nevertheless, son, this is no reason to say so, — he smiled good-naturedly, but was in that smile Something sarcastic and vile, from which the younger Uris was embarrassed, which he, unfortunately, could not pacify in time.
— I will bring him, — he said firmly, nodding to his own words and decisively shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth. — And then you cancel the wedding.
Ravvin looked thoughtfully at his son, hemmed, but he never answered anything. However, Stan doesn’t need any more — his father always expressed his reluctant agreement in this way, and Patricia only exhaled quietly, just starting to eat. What was on their minds for each of them, Stan did not know, but he suspected that they absolutely did not believe him. Well, he himself signed the death sentence. Because he had no boyfriend, because up to this point he was not even sure about his orientation. But it's better to accept yourself and live with a man whom you at least just want sexually than with Aviva.
Yes, and the guys who liked Stan, always turned out to be either hooligans, or just aggressive bully. Given that he himself fell in love only once… and still in love. I didn’t want to think about something sad. I took a glass of water with trembling hands and drained it almost completely. Damn.
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