misoling · 49 minutes
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my vgen comms are open!
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onebitart's VGen Comms Open
Waist/Knee-Up: $60 USD
1st extra chara: +$40 USD
2nd extra chara: +$20 USD
detailed background: +$25 USD
Full Body: $80 USD
1st extra chara: +$60 USD
2nd extra chara: +$40 USD
detailed background: +$25 USD
Banner: $80 USD
background included
1st extra chara: +$40 USD
2nd extra chara: +$20 USD
All payments upfront. If you have any inquiries, please contact me through email or DM.
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misoling · 1 hour
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suki tte itte
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misoling · 2 hours
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I've been longing for Daisies to push through the floor And I wish plant life would grow all around me So I won't feel dead anymore
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misoling · 8 hours
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misoling · 1 day
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suki tte itte
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misoling · 2 days
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* And then, when we got to the village…
* They were the one that wanted to…
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misoling · 3 days
Ask prompt: 82 with Karasuno boys driving for the first time after getting their license with their teammates along for the ride....to varying degrees of success lol
82: one driving, other passenger
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Asahi's first time driving the team around!
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misoling · 4 days
they posted a full version lol it’s mr Stacy’s dad for me
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misoling · 6 days
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played danganronpa for the first time in the year 2024 👍
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misoling · 8 days
I made Hungarian mushroom soup and it's a little too delicious to be real
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misoling · 11 days
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misoling · 13 days
not caring too much about a fandom’s favourite guy is the worst. you’ll think “oh i’ll look into the tag see if anything new and cool’s there” and it’s just that fucking guy again
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misoling · 16 days
other drivers will see your safe distance from the vehicle in front of you and go "is for me? 🥺" and then proceed to not use their turn signal before swerving into your lane
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misoling · 19 days
Honestly, a not-insignificant contributing factor to my mid-20s gender crisis is that I used to think I was viscerally repulsed by playing as male characters in video games, but eventually I realised it was literally just playing as smarmy brown-haired thirtysomething dudes with an emotional range running the gamut from dull surprise to generic rage that put me off, and basically every other sort of male player character was fine. It's just that this happened to be when the Uncharted series was really taking off, so a solid 50% of all male video game protagonist fit that mould! Nathan Drake sucks so much that he made me question my gender, is what I mean to say.
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misoling · 21 days
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I love the incredibly fair and functional justice system in Ace Attorney
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misoling · 1 month
I love it when the unreliable narrator begins to trip and reveal the flaws in their story and themself. I cannot explain how much I adore them. The moment you realize that "wait, something is not right" and start to rethink the whole book is the absolute best thing to happen to you while reading. You just know the reread will be even better.
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misoling · 1 month
Essential genres of webcomics, updated for 2024:
Gag-a-day strip with the art and writing of a forgettable newspaper comic, but which inexplicably has 25 years worth of intricate setting lore and requires a day-long archive binge to fully understand the context of a grade-school pun.
Self-proclaimed deconstruction of superhero comics or giant robot anime or magical girls or something that has the exact same plot beats as every other self-proclaimed deconstruction of superhero comics or giant robot anime or magical girls or something. If you support the artist's Patreon you can download alternate versions of selected pages where the protagonist has their tits out.
Webtoon that sprang into existence complete with a hundred thousand followers at some point in the last week; the art displays immense technical mastery of figure drawing, but absolutely no grasp of effective panel layout, and the writing's gender politics are weirdly reactionary for something whose official synopsis manages to use the word "queer" three times in the space of two paragraphs.
Long-form narrative which hasn't received regular updates in several years due to the author's incredibly demanding real-life obligations, but instead of cancelling the comic or going on hiatus, they continue to publish one page roughly every four months with the kind of grim determination normally associated with historical anecdotes about the Battle of Stalingrad.
Fantasy adventure comic which you strongly suspect, but cannot prove, is a direct adaptation of somebody's high school GURPS campaign. The story is so elaborately and discursively plotted that you need to keep the fandom wiki open in a separate tab simply to remember who the fuck any of these people are.
Chicken-scratch parody comic about, like, Rainbow Brite fighting the Care Bears or some shit that somehow has better writing than anything on Netflix.
Semi-autobiographical slice of life comic, except with robots.
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