misophoniasux · 8 years
Once when I played hide and seek at my youth group, I hid in a sort of wooden box that had an opening in one side and was basically sealed when pushed against the wall. I was hidden for almost an hour when I decided to give up and come out. When I walked downstairs there was no one left except my family and the youth leader. Almost no one knew I was gone. From that point on, I have determined to never be the one forgotten. And so far I think it's worked pretty well.
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misophoniasux · 8 years
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misophoniasux · 8 years
sorry but a relationship where you forbid each other to talk to the opposite sex isn’t a relationship at all. love is about admiration not possession, we might live in a world where materialism is acceptable but people aren’t the same you can’t control someone like that
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misophoniasux · 8 years
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misophoniasux · 8 years
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misophoniasux · 8 years
Hey people
I haven’t been active much recently - sorry bout that - how are all my fellow misophonics doing? I’m not doing amazing, but I can’t complain…so yeah. Comment on this so I can see who’s active :p thx
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misophoniasux · 8 years
Your actions and your words should always agree with each other.
(via dryyoureyes-startbelieving)
Of course, unless you're socially paralyzed and can't do certain things in public that you talk about because you're too nervous. #pshhwhatitotallycantrelate... #definetlynottalkingaboutmyself...
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misophoniasux · 8 years
I don't care.
I just don't care anymore. Do you ever have the feeling that you just don't care anymore. That no one cares what you do so its not really worth trying anyway. Literally no one. For me, it's more about how I feel rather than what I do. I do a lot. I appear to be successful. But no one ever asks me how I'm doing. How I'm feeling. How I enjoying things. They just ask about the activity. It's like hi I exist as a person not just a being who does activities. Talk to me. Ask me how I'm doing for fucks sake. Care about someone other than yourself for a freaking half-second or more. Think about me. Think about how I'm going to feel if you do a certain thing. Don't I matter?
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misophoniasux · 8 years
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misophoniasux · 8 years
That awkward moment...
...when you haven't logged into tumblr in so long you have to update your entire bio for it to be at all relevant again.
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misophoniasux · 8 years
Me: in general it sucks to be a girl
Me: by any way you want to measure it
Male coworker: makeup ads for my gender are marketed as a post rugby or workout application
Me: makeup ads for my gender are marketed by telling us that our value to society is determined by our attractiveness. We get told we're self obsessed and wearing too much makeup if it looks obvious, that we look tired and unwell if we don't, and that "see? you don't need to wear makeup" if we wear just enough that it looks subtle. Men on social media simultaneously call out women who post pictures with makeup as deceptive, and women who post pictures without makeup as ugly. A woman in an professional environment is far more likely to have her appearance judged as part of her performance than a man. Women seen on television and film often have perfect makeup, even if the character has literally just woken up in bed, creating unrealistic expectations. During rape trials, what a woman was wearing and whether or not she had makeup on is often used as an argument against her character by suggesting that her appearance was a "sexual invitation". A large number of trans women are killed every year for wearing makeup and looking female instead of male. Oh, and makeup ads for men are marketed in strong traditionally masculine contexts to compensate for the fact that makeup is seen as "feminine" and therefore a bad thing.
Me: I would drop a mic but you should never damage sound equipment
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misophoniasux · 9 years
American School System: We have given knowledge to the youth.
The doctors: You fucked up perfectly good children is what you did. look at them. they have anxiety.
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misophoniasux · 9 years
me: pls talk to me pls !!pls pls!!!
me: *can't hold a conversation*
me: *has nothing interesting to say*
me: *is bad at replying*
me: pls :) talkto me
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misophoniasux · 9 years
My mind: don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy. Don’t be clingy.
Me: clingy
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misophoniasux · 9 years
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misophoniasux · 9 years
i miss getting party bags at the end of parties why dont we still do that party bags were the best part of the party
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misophoniasux · 9 years
Me: stop fucking shaking
Brain: !DANGER!
Me: there's no danger
Brain: ....,THAT WE CAN SEE!!!
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