miss-kiki · 6 years
Couch bed
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miss-kiki · 6 years
I can show you the world
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Caption this 🤣
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miss-kiki · 6 years
A dog
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miss-kiki · 6 years
For the last 6 months my neighbour has kindly been walking Kiki for me while I adjust to mum life. But today we're back! Missed my good woofo
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Jinx is home and on a bunch of drugs.
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They weren't able to diagnose anything but they ruled out a lot of stuff.
So we're currently only treating the symptoms and pain management.
If she still has symptoms in a week then we're back at the vet to discuss our next steps.
She's pretty quiet but happy to be home.
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miss-kiki · 6 years
Won't eat a dog biscuit but begs for mandarin
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Update from my vet friend -
"I am already feeling better with my temperature going back to normal and pain relief on board :-)
- She's a lovely girl Rosie! from WhipTash"
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My old girl is sick 😓
She has lost 4kg in 2 months, has a fever of 41 degrees, she’s lame and is listless. Last night I thought she may die in her sleep.
She’s at the vet now for a couple days while they run tests and put her on an IV.
They thinks its her stomach as the xray showed it looking murky. All bloods are normal. She’s having an ultrasound tomorrow. She’ll be so stressed at the vet cuz she loves her quiet routine.
I’m so worried about her.
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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My old girl is sick 😓
She has lost 4kg in 2 months, has a fever of 41 degrees, she's lame and is listless. Last night I thought she may die in her sleep.
She's at the vet now for a couple days while they run tests and put her on an IV.
They thinks its her stomach as the xray showed it looking murky. All bloods are normal. She's having an ultrasound tomorrow. She'll be so stressed at the vet cuz she loves her quiet routine.
I'm so worried about her.
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miss-kiki · 6 years
Apparently the one thing in the world Kiki won't eat is this cute doggie donut
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Have you ever seen such cute puppies?
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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We're still alive over here just spending all our time with the human puppy
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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A dog and her boy
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miss-kiki · 6 years
My sweet pupper!
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We took @miss-kiki on our beach walk
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Maybe a lil jealous that human puppy gets all the hugs atm
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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This dog literally ate shit on our walk this morning and then smeared it on my leg! She smells foul and has been banished outside pending a bath.
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miss-kiki · 6 years
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Jem & Scout
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