miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Sebastian nodded as Mercedes continued on about the planned kiss, not saying anything following as the silence was surcease from the massive headache pounding away at his skull. After a few moments, he heard his castmate’s voice break through and ask him how he was feeling. Normally, he wasn’t used to this question. He was always the life of the party and the center of attention; he was the one dampening the occasion by asking someone why they were being such a ‘party pooper’. Now, Mercedes did the deed, and he wondered how horrible he must have looked for someone else to mention it to him.
“Slight headache,’ he revealed, though the wince he uttered after only small movement proved that slight was a malapropism. Sliding further into the couch, Sebastian frowned and opened his eyes again. “You don’t happen to have any pain killers? Anything that’ll get this migraine to go away, I haven’t felt this shitty since the morning after premiere night last year.”
Her gaze softened when he said that he had a headache. “Slight? Or more than slight. Why didn’t you just say? We could do this another time, and I could try to do something to help.” She put down her script, moving to her purse to grab painkillers and a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She opened the water for him, and poured two painkillers into the cap handing it over to him. “Here. Do you want to lay down? I’ll even cuddle you if you’d like.” She didn’t know the remedy to making him feel better but she was willing to try anything. She laughed quietly at his remark about the premiere. “Oh…you went too hard at that premiere party. I went swore I’d never touch hard liquor again after that premiere party.”
Distractions || Sebcedes
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Staring at his lines, Sebastian pressed his elbows on his knees and scrolled on his phone. He had, as usual, forgot his script in his car, and because of his usual slip, he took to taking photos of his scripts after they were handed out. This time he was rehearsing lines with Mercedes, who usually did well under the circumstance and stayed in character despite Sebastian’s nonchalance. Today, however, he had been a bit under the weather and not feeling well, and complete out of the mood for games or tricks. Scrolling through the script, he waited for his partner to reply to a line that he might continue speaking a manuscript that he’d had difficulty getting into character for on his own. He heard a pause and looked up only to hear Mercedes ask him to stop being distracting. 
Rolling his eyes, as he usually did, Sebastian deadpanned. “I’m not being distracting.” She continued, and though he heard some excitement on her end, he couldn’t rise a celebration out of himself. Though he had  kissed the woman since their chemistry read almost two years ago, he had imagined kissing her again and again, and the script writers had finally planned for an ‘almost’ moment. That was fine, and for the actual kiss, he was excited. He knew it would probably come with practice and one or two awkward smooches behind screen, but after the episode aired it promised more in the future. Kissing was nice, an activity that he liked, but he couldn’t wrap his mind around kissing, or excitement, or Mercedes, even, not with the massive headache pounding at his head. Raising an eyebrow, he pushed back on the chair and hoped she would do most of the talking.
“You’re thinking about the kiss already?’ he joked, flirtation on his lips though the words spilled out quietly only.
Mercedes playfully rolled her eyes. “It’s going to be a big moment, and I want to get it right. The fans really look forward to that stuff, and they analyze it. I don’t want to disappoint,” she said honestly. She studied him for a long moment, realizing that something was missing today. There was that lack of back and forth that they normally had together. “Are you feeling okay?” Instantly, she’d lost that focus on what she was trying to do and wound up wanting to make sure he was okay. They’d get the lines, they always did, but right now she wanted to make sure her co-star was okay. His normal flirtation coming out quiet, not as filled with the gusto that it normally held any other day.
As she thought about them running lines, she realized that the fact that he was distracting was because he was doing nothing at all. He was simply there and going through the motions. That was why she had trouble focusing, because it all just seemed a little off, and it was all because he was acting like himself. Mercedes frowned then, realizing that there definitely had to be something wrong with him.
Distractions || Sebcedes
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Distractions || Sebcedes
Mercedes sat in her trailer across from Sebastian, and it was just another day for them, honestly, running lines together. They’d done that often, it was a part of the job. Often times she truly enjoyed it and it was a way to bond with your cast mates when you ran lines with them. When she ran lines with Sebastian, she found that she had so much fun that it hardly felt like work. Today however, Sebastian Smythe was being too damn distracting for his own good. She wasn’t truly able to put her finger on it, but something about her was completely distracting.
As she stared at her script intently, she peeked up at him, opening her mouth to say the next line. “Could you stop being so distracting? Some of us are trying to work here,” she accused. “At this rate, we’ll never get to the “finally” moment when our characters nearly kiss only to upset the viewers when they’re interrupted.” Some part of her was glad that there was no kiss, but rather an almost kiss. She’d had many on screen kisses, but something about this inevitable one was unnerving to her.
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
A crease formed on her brows as she wondered how it were possible for anyone to fall out of love with him after getting to know him. “How’s that possible?” She knew him, knew him well and thought that it seemed so impossible not to like him after knowing him.
She could feel heat rising in her cheeks when he said she was cute. “Hey, I do. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy being cold too. Just because I like to burrito up as soon as it’s cold. Mercedes snuggled closer to him. “If I’m scared, you have to. Or else you’re going to spend all night on the phone with me. Sir, Mister, no one is moving fast here. We’re just having a sleepover.”
Her brows rose at thought that he’d never been the one night stand kind of guy. “never? I’ve had some one night stands, previous to marriage, of course. What does short-winded, and fast paced relationships look like with you?  Her head rested on his shoulder, but as she spoke she looked up at him.
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
“And I think a lot of women are cute, but I don’t consider marriage for all of them,’ he plussed, answering back into the nearly empty home. “Sometimes they get to know me and fall out of love, I’ve been told I’m quite a desolate.”
Sebastian smiled when Mercedes returned, wrapped in linen cloths. “Yeah, you really look like you like the cold… all bundled up and cute,’ he mused, pulling Mercedes in with open arms. He laughed as Mercedes summarized the movie perfectly, “So, you’re inviting me to spend the night? – Couldn’t even buy me dinner first? That’s fine, we can move fast. I like fast.”
Wrapping his arm around the woman, Sebastian let her snuggle into his arms as he pressed play on the screen. They talked lightly through the credits, Mercedes urging him to say more. “Booty-calls…’ he hymned. “I’ve never been that guy..? I’m more into short-winded, fast pace relationships. I, however, have never had a one night stand. I swear it, I always call back. Two night stands, maybe.”
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes chuckled when he said that the woman that he was interested in at least thought he was cute. “A lot of women think you’re cute,” she offered, which was truth. There were countless women that works don set with them, actresses, extras, stage hands, production team, etc that found him cute. “Is that so? So it’s like you start out with the attractive outside, and then they get to know you and bam, they’re suddenly heart eyes for you?” She could attest, even though she shouldn’t have been able to considering the fact that she was married.
“Normal temperature for me. I like it cold. I like it like a winter wonderland in here,” she said as she adjusted the thermostat and grabbing blanket a blanket from the linen closet.
She threw a glare his way when he mentioned laughing at her. “Me being afraid is no laughing matter. You probably should have packed an overnight bag if we watch something scary, because I’m not sleeping in this big house alone after some cray has ran rampant through the streets killing at will on this movie.” She wasn’t being in the least bit facetious either.  Mercedes handed him the blanket as she scooted closer so that they could share it. “And just what kind of ending do you think it’s going to have?” She knew what he was implying, but she wanted him to say it. “No, I invited you over while it was still daylight. You came over during booty call hours,” she pointed out.
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Breathing in quickly through his teeth, Sebastian squinted. “I think she might have a clue; if not, she at least thinks I’m cute, so I’m already halfway through the door. First women are charmed by my looks, then the rest follows suit.”
Sebastian smiled lightly at Mercedes’s adoration, eyeing Mercedes as she stood. “It’s freezing, Mercedes, don’t even try to tell me this is normal temperature. 
“If you are scared of this movie, I’m going to be too busy laughing to try to help you locate any serial killers in the house. But if you jump in my lap, I think this night will have a much different ending than you expected,’ he said in sarcasm, burrowing further into his shirt. “I guess your message about being scandalous was very true, I knew you invited me over so you could seduce me. Shame on you.” 
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes wasn’t able to fight the giggle that left her as she knew that he would decline the offer of hearing the details of her sex life with her husband. She didn’t know many people other than the ladies she hung out with that would want to hear the details and swap stories. But that really didn’t happen often unless it was a really good night that they just wanted to share.
“You’re ready to settle down? Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. I know the media would be shocked to see the day!” To be honestly, Mercedes was shocked, and she felt the uprising of some emotion she couldn’t quite put her finger on when he said that he had a lady in mind. “Eloping, that sounds like you’ve got it bad. Does whoever the mystery lady is know that you’ve got her in your sights?” She wondered who the woman was, but didn’t want to seem too nosy by asking a million questions.
The actress found herself laughing at the antics of her guest. “Look at you, looking adorably cold over there. It’s not even that chilly in here, but I’ll go bump the air up a little and get you a blanket.” She laughed again. She did tend to like it pretty chilly in the house, and with her husband not around, she found herself living in a winter wonderland of temperatures.
Her brow arched, rising as he mentioned this show being about a guy killing people. She never handled scary well. “If I’m in your lap by the end of this movie, just remember you chose that life, and if I make you walk with me and search this house for crazies before you leave, this is the life you brought on, Mister,” she warned before getting up to go adjust the temperature and get a blanket.
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Sebastian squinted his face and shook his head, “As hot as that sounds, I definitely don’t want the details about you and Davie. We can keep that piece of your relationship a secret.” Shrugging, he sat the remote in his lap as the movie began, looking over to Mercedes again, wearily.
“I don’t know, I’ve just been thinking that maybe I’m ready to settle down. The entire ‘playing-the-field’ thing runs it’s course… Like, I’m not ready to quit now, but don’t be surprised if I come on set married one day. I’ve got this lady in sight, so, might have’ta elope…”
Shoveling his arms into his shirt, Sebastian complained, “It’s cold, why is it always cold over here? You’re like a fucking vampire, I can’t live like this.
“Basically this crazy guy named Bateman kills a bunch of people, and we call it dramatic art. You’ll enjoy, unless you’re a scaredy-cat. Then you can cuddle up with good ole’ Bas over here..”
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes simply grinned and shrugged. It was possible that she thought him a charmer and a ladies man. “Well, Mr. Haven’t been hurt since Kindergarten, yes. Yes it is the way I think of you.” She was anything if not honest. “You’re not slighted.” She pursed her lips and playfully rolled her eyes at his dramatics.
She held up her hands, shaking her head. “No, no! I don’t want to hear about these exchanges. The only way I will is if I get to share my own experiences about me and my husband,” she retorted, knowing he probably didn’t want to hear any of those details either. Her brow rose, curiosity peaked as he said he was retiring his playboy ways. “Why’s that? What’s got you ready to retire, or is there a someone that has you wanting to retire from your playboy career?” She didn’t want to admit that deep down, she hoped there was no who, though she was married, so it shouldn’t have mattered to her if he did have someone he was willing to commit to.
“Sure, we can American Psycho and chill, but I should warn you, I’ve never seen it. So give me the run down first so I can prepare myself for what I’m about to watch.”
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows, sensing a twinge of sarcasm, but said nothing about the comment. He’d been to Mercedes’s home plenty of times; he wasn’t sure if much of what he did was ‘stepping over the boundary’, but he did his best to make himself at home. Mercedes never stopped him, and Sebastian had a habit of not knowing when enough was enough; he’d test the water.
Sebastian guffawed as Mercedes spoke,  turning to face her eventually. “Mercedes,’ he finally said, biting at his thumb and bowing his head. “Is that really how you think of me? - I’m slighted. 
“I can assure you, I have not been ‘up to’ anything tonight or today, for that matter. I can keep you clued in, if you’d like? I’m retiring my playboy career, if you must know.”
Sebastian shifted through the selection silently, finally frowning, and saying, “Would you like to American Psycho and chill? Is that a thing now?”
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes smiled as he made himself at home without her really having to say so, taking off his shoes and putting his feet up on the table. “I’m glad I don’t have to say make yourself at home.” As she sat she folded one of her legs under her, grabbing her remote, putting it between them.
“So Instagram kept you from coming over? The people you follow must post so much good stuff.”  She laughed a little when he asked her why she made that face. “Because as fashionable late as you were, I was thinking that it was something else that took you that long.” She didn’t even want to think about what it could have been. She didn’t want those mental images in he head. “Besides, who knows what you get up to at night. Or in the daytime for that matter.”
Mercedes pulled the netflix icon on her tv and she handed Sebastian the remote. “Choose something good. If you choose something boring I’m going back to sleep and Im using you as a pillow. Which I might use you as a pillow anyway.”
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Sebastian shrugged and shook his head, tipping the beer bottle to his lip. He definitely wasn’t going to come to someone else’s house and comment on how they looked, that was crossing the line.
Following Mercedes to the living room, Sebastian sat a few feet away from her on the couch. He slid his out of his shoes and threw his foot on the table, making himself comfortable. He offered a wide smile, laughing at Mercedes.
“If you must know, I was on Instagram, Mercedes. Probably some other social media during that time, I don’t know. The time flies. – why’d you make that face, what do you think I was up to?”
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes rolled her eyes playfully. This man, she liked him, but she couldn’t help the roll of her eyes at his lateness. “You know what?” she said, shaking her head and running her fingers through her hair. “I hate you sometimes.” She totally meant it lightheartedly, but her side eye was strong as he said that he wouldn’t have come earlier.
“Well, I mean I said eight, and it’s 10:15 now, so yeah I got bored and fell asleep. So, I look a little what?” she placed her hand on her hips, head cocked to the side, lips purse waiting for his answer. As much as she was amused by him she acted annoyed.
She headed toward the living room then, plopping down on the couch. “So what were you doing between the hours of eight and ten? Do I even want to know?” She almost shuddered at the thought.
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Sebastian got out of his car and locked the doors behind him. Shoving his keys in his pocket, he gave Mercedes’s door a firm few knocks, and waited a few moments for her to let him in.
“My dearest,’ Sebastian shouted upon seeing Mercedes, opening arms wide. He trekked in the house, Mercedes finally allowing herself to be enveloped in arms. Sebastian smiled against her soft curls, ears perking upon hearing the promise of beer. 
“You know just what I like,’ he whispered, drifting towards the kitchen. “I was going to come earlier,’ he began. “Just kidding, no I wasn’t…” After retrieving a beer from the refrigerator, he turned around to finally get a look at the woman.
“You look a little,’ Sebastian winced a bit, squinching his eyes and nodding. “Please tell me you didn’t fall asleep while waiting for me, was I that long gone?”
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Mercedes didn’t really cheek her watch, she told Sebastian to come by when he could. She hadn’t been worried that her husband would happen upon them because he was out of town. Sure they weren’t going to be doing a single thing but hanging out, but her husband might fight that a bit odd, her spending time with another man late at night.
She’d neglected to look at the clock for an hour, then she checked her phone to see that it was after 9 pm. She just assumed that maybe he wasn’t coming, and instead fell asleep on the couch. It wasn’t until she heard a knock on her door that she woke, startled. Looking at her phone she frowned it was after 10, who the hell could possibly be at her door? She wiped at her face making sure she was drool free before she stood, stretching. Mercedes headed for the door then.
When she opened it, she smiled. “I should have known it was you. I tell you eight, you show up after 10. I was thinking you were just standing me up,” she said before stepping aside for him to come in. “I have snacks, and drinks are in the fridge, there’s beer, and then there’s also wine. Just help yourself. I shouldn’t even hug you, Mr. Fashionably late.” But despite her words she did embrace him.
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Sebastian made a priority of being fashionably late. Eight was dangerously early, and he couldn’t help feeling like a middle schooler going to their first boy-girl party. He did, however, recognize that Mercedes was doing her best to remain platonic with him. Not that coming over to her house after dark sounded platonic at all. Sebastian took all the steps towards what he wanted, he just let Mercedes think she had the control.
He opted on a light-weight New York Rangers hoodie and a pair of jeans, his go-to outfit. The drive to Mercedes (and her husband’s) house was around a fifteen minute ride, if you were going the speed limit. Sebastian had a terrible knack for driving way faster than what was permitted, and arrived in eight minutes flat. 
Looking at the time, he winced when the clock read ‘10:14′. He had waited until 10 P.M. to actually get out of bed, so there was no true surprise. Sebastian did worry about the countenance that Mercedes would probably bare upon seeing him on her doorstep. Maybe he should have brought roses to make up for it?
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Netflix and Chill || Sebcedes
Mercedes hurried around her house, cleaning up a bit. As she looked at the clock she wanted to mentally facepalm because she’d said eight, that was pretty early. Although she didn’t want this to seem like it was something other than two friends hanging out. That’s all it would be. Yeah, it was a Netflix and chill type situation, but it was platonic chilling. Strictly that. It didn’t matter that she was fond of looking at Sebastian, or that when they were on set together that she admired the way his shirts fit, hugging him and hitting at the muscle underneath. She was married, and it was okay to window shop. that was all she was doing. Just window shopping. It didn’t hurt to admire, besides she really did like working with Sebastian and spending time with him in the ways a married woman should and not in the ways that she shouldn’t.
That still didn’t stop her from standing in her walk in closet and debating whether or not she should dress up or down for this occasion. She’d even tried on many different outfits and even debated putting on make up before she realized that this man had seen her on many occasions sans makeup. They had to come to set that way as a blank canvas to be made up. Mercedes settled on some black leggings and a nice top. Her hair was a mess of curls and she was satisfied with that. Meandering back into the living room, she began to re-tidy. Mercedes shook her head, what was she doing? It was just Sebastian. She went to raid her kitchen for snacks setting everything out neat before she sat back down on the couch waiting for Sebastian’s arrival.
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
It’s okay if you’re not prompt and punctual at 8. Just come over when you can. There’s no rush.
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8 is a bit early, but done deal.
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
How about tonight, 8 my place?
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Tell me the time and the place, dear.
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Tonight if you’d like. You know my work schedule just as well as I know yours, So anytime we’re not filming.
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We’re talking in circles. When can I see you again?
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
Might be, but it’s one that’s set up for you to lose, Cutie.
I do, but I also like that mysterious Sebastian that only comes out sometimes too.
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Is that a challenge?
Oh, I thought you liked me this way?
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
They may persist, but you’ll never break me, Smythe.
Can I put in a request for that Sebastian? Because I’d love to see more of him.
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Yes, I know, that’s why my attempts persist.
You make me blush, too bad that Sebastian does not make many appearances.
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miss-mercy-j-blog · 8 years
It was a compliment, I promise. Now reading it back, it honestly sounded way better in my head than it did after it was out in the universe.
I was just saying, you should be comforted by the thought that I’m not luring you over to not watch Netflix. Well, I’m different than so many women before me.
See, and there’s that cute, gentlemanly, Sebastian that I know and quite like.
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Mercedes, you’ve got to work on your compliments. Because I couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult… it was a compliment, right?
‘Several actually’, aren’t you modest? – And that’s what so many women before you have said.
Whatever you say, you know I always do whatever you ask of me.
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