miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
“Mayor Lodge, May I have a word?”
He loved people who were used to being feared - they were the easiest skin to get under. “Would it? Seems to be thriving with all the changes I’m making. All the changes I made without you.” He gave a barely there smile as he crossed his arms, “What have I done? I made things better and I am going to continue to do so. You’re welcome to stay on as a coach, but your Headmastery services are no longer needed.”
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“Superfitial bullshit,” she countered, referring to his supposed changes. “Better?! “ she scoffed shaking her head and readying a barrage of insults when he cut her off, and cut her to the bone. “WHAT?!” she bellowed. “You’re trying to fire me?! You don’t have the authority. You’ve lost your god damned mind you hippopotamic landmass!” She picked up the nearest thing and chucked it across the hall. “You know what?! Fine! You think you can do better with these children, then you do it! I quit! YOU can deal with the whining and the arguing! YOU can handle the drama and the stress! YOU can live with a bunch of horned up little snowflakes! ME? BUT don’t for a second think this is over. I can’t wait to see your face next election when they make ME, one Sue Sylvester, local icon and hero, the mayor and I run your ass out of MY town!’
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
“Mayor Lodge, May I have a word?”
Originally posted by glee-gifs
“I’m not the one questioning it’s contents, Sue,” he pointed out bluntly, listening to her on coming tantrum of a tirade. “No, they’re the heart and soul of you. Face it, they’re all you have. You haven’t done anything helpful for this institute in Lord knows how long and it’s time we stopped kidding ourselves. The Cheerios are washed up, just like you.” He chuckled and gave a step closer, getting uncomfortably in Sue’s space, “Doesn’t seem to be your school anymore…does it?”
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Those words cut deep. “How dare you,” she growled, “No one speaks to me like that.” Her blood was boiling. What rigth did this asshole have to come in and start changing things!? “This school would collapse without me! This TOWN would collapse without me. You have no idea what i have done, what I have sacrificed for this school. You waltz in here and think you know, but you don’t know who I am any more than you know how much is too much hair gel!” She took in a breath and starightened up, trying to hold her ground. “What have you done” she asked, a tinge of fear in her voice as Hirim elluded to the school being taken from her.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
“Mayor Lodge, May I have a word?”
Sue was nothing if not a jarring woman as Hiram looked up to see her stature in his way. “Yes, Sue?” he sighed as she threw the newspaper in his face. “Are you not aware of what a newspaper is? I know it’s a little more tangible than you’re little cable show, but certainly you’re not that out of touch.” He looked over the article she mentioned and hummed. “How is it not clear? Your little ‘cheerios’ or whatever other breakfast cereal you call them are not doing well enough to support the insane budget you set aside for them. It’s time to make things a little more even around here.”
Sue’s eyes narrowed. She wasn’t used to anyone talking to her this way. That was HER thing. “I’m well aware of /what/ a newspaper is, perhaps attempt to read the thing, if you’re capable...” He glowered at the man as he skimmed the article. How could he be so casual about this?! “MY Cheerios have one back to back state championships, they are the heart and soul of our athetics program. Talented ponytails come in from all over this planet to be on MY Cheerios and you want to hack our budget to death? You’ll never get away with this.” He grabbed the paper back from him and took a step into his personal space, going toe to toe with him. “I don’t know who you think you are or what you think your role is in MY school, but you’re out of line, you’re out of your depth and you’re out of my school. Get out. Now!”
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Originally posted by glee-gifs
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
“Mayor Lodge, May I have a word?”
Sue cornered the man as he rounded the corner of her school. Seemed like he was around far too much lately.  She shoved todays newspaper into Hiram’s chest. “What, pray tell, is this? Our budget is being cut by 35%? You do realize that what’s left will barely cover my girls’ ponytail scrunchie costs, correct?”
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Those choices sound much more reasonable. Perhaps some dafodils or tulips as well? They’re rather hearty to the cold I see.  Well I expect the change back into the fund to be used later for other grounds keeping.
Yes this sounds perfectly fine. I may be a bit early in the season for flowers though. Perhaps something that’s a bit more hearty? I can give you a 200 dollar alloance to get some greenery around.
I suppose I am being overly optimistic about Spring being around the corner. I am hopeful that we won’t have any more frosts, but maybe that’s a pipedream. Maybe some hostas and lily of the valley. 200 is extremely generous. I bet I can get them to give me a good break. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Right. I can see that with the dozen-or-so students I have spoken with who have been here years and are not any close to being productive society members.
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Yes well some just can’t be helped, can they? Though those you’ve spoken to are still years away from 30. Our claim success rate has always been over the state standard limits. I assure you that we’re doing quite well here Mr. Lodge, I don’t expect someone in politics to understand the intricacies of education.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Hmm. I think there’s question to what that machine is being oiled with.
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Blood sweat and tears of our students, of course. What else?
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
As you can see Mr. Lodge, we are a well oiled machine around here. The best of the best of triplets and performers only.  I think you’ll find that our insititute is the pride of LIma Heights.
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As the only mayoral candidate in this week’s election, I wanted to introduce myself. I am Hiram Lodge, and from my views of this town, it seems Lima Heights could use a lot of help. Seems like I may be just in time. Where better to start than getting to know the young adults of this educational establishment, since you are the future. Pleasure to meet you all, I am sure. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Why no one has done this already is beyond me. Does no one take pride in our grounds? Good boy. Your ambition will not go unnoticed. Perhaps you can rally the troops into following suit.
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We are expecting a VIP visitor this week.  All club meetings are postponed this week. Students will be expected to report for cleaning duties. The grounds are full of litter, unslightly leaves and mud, and dormitories smell like my teenage son’s dirty sock hamper. I expect this campus spotless by the time he arrives.
Sorry to hear you feel like the place is in such an utter condition, Miss. I’ll sweep all the falling leaves that clutter the steps up to the subs building. It’s making it difficult to step inside, to be honest.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Seriously? We’re on cleaning duty now? As if they don’t charge enough tuition around here to hire proper help.
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Certainly, Miss. I’ll make sure my room and the hallways in the Doms building are looking pristine enough for such an important visit.
Good boy. I’m sure you understand the importance of looking the part. Of course we have nothing to worry about, but when VIP’s show up, it’s always best to impress.  I won’t have bad press! I consider just locking up the less desireable students but Will won’t have it.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Good boy. We can’t afford a mess around here. 
Yes miss understood. Will start cleaning the grounds as soon as possible.
Good boy. Make sure you for a squad to assist you. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Yes this sounds perfectly fine. I may be a bit early in the season for flowers though. Perhaps something that’s a bit more hearty? I can give you a 200 dollar alloance to get some greenery around.
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We are expecting a VIP visitor this week.  All club meetings are postponed this week. Students will be expected to report for cleaning duties. The grounds are full of litter, unslightly leaves and mud, and dormitories smell like my teenage son’s dirty sock hamper. I expect this campus spotless by the time he arrives.
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Hello Miss. I was noticing that the flowerbeds around the dorms could use some weeding and sprucing up. Would it be alright if I had my wholesaler send up some flats of groundcover and maybe some impatiens? Impatiens always look neat and clean without being obtrusive. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Yes miss understood. Will start cleaning the grounds as soon as possible.
Good boy. Make sure you for a squad to assist you. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
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We are expecting a VIP visitor this week.  All club meetings are postponed this week. Students will be expected to report for cleaning duties. The grounds are full of litter, unslightly leaves and mud, and dormitories smell like my teenage son’s dirty sock hamper. I expect this campus spotless by the time he arrives.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Well I can only really have a future with one of them and the other two have been spoken for for a while so I apologize for depriving you of the drama, Miss. I’ll do my best. I’m hoping I don’t fuck this one up.
That’s true. I’m glad you finally see that. What a silly waste of time to pretend you and another submissive could do anything but hold each other back.  I’m glad you’re seeing clearly now. Just stay focused on your Dominant and you’ll do fine. It’s the other Clarington I worry about. He will never find a claim until he accepts who he is and what is his mark is. It’s so exhausting watching him pretend. Covering up his mark like that will some how stop it from existing. All he’s doing is prolonging the enveitable. 
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Listen ya shriveled up goat herder in a cheap tracksuit, ain’t a fucking game. Jackson Schuester is as fine a man as you’ll find even looking with a magnifying glass. I’m honored he’s goin’ with me. Seems to me, I’m damn lucky.  And Morgan Rhodes is not a snotty rich girl. She’s got more class in her pinky finger than you got in your whole body, so don’t talk about her like that you jaded cheer hag. 
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Well, Miss, woodworking is a great hobby if you’re feeling bored. 
Oh please, I’m Sue Sylvester. I don’t work with wood. I don’t even believe in wood.
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miss-sue-sylvester · 3 years
Understood, Headmistress, and I’ll keep Mr Clarington in mind. Do you think we’ll need additional security for this shindig?
My guards are very capable. I don’t think it will be neccessary. Generally, the serving students are humbled by the experience.  I like to make sure they know their place, spill some drinks and make them clean it up, that sort of thing.
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