missdragoon · 8 months
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Let me tell y'all about this bed.
About a month ago, I randomly stumbled across the tumblr @unfuckyourhabitat , which is based off a book by the same title that gave practical strategies for cleaning and maintaining your environment in a practical way. The author makes posts daily reminding everyone to make their beds, and I, being a devout anti-bedmaker, was prepared to dismiss that. But the rest of what she was saying made sense, so I decided to give it a try, and I can say without exaggeration that this habit has changed my whole home life. I’ve made my bed every day for the past month, and starting the day with that one quick act of tidying makes me feel prepared to spend other minutes in other areas of my house and car and classroom, because if I can get up at 3:30AM and muster the energy to better my habitat then, surely I can manage to wash a dish or sweep a floor in the evening.
My house is sparkling, y'all. You know how many dirty dishes are in my sink right now? Zero. When was the last time I cleaned the base of my toilet? Why, every Thursday actually! And what did I do last weekend, just for giggles (and because it needed doing)? I washed my blinds. Washed. My blinds. Like with a bucket and rags and the whole shebang. A month ago you would never have caught me willingly spending my weekend doing something that labor-intensive for a reward as small as not having a decade of dust on my blinds. But I find myself wanting to do those little things now, because I’ve been living in this clean and organized habitat and I love it. It doesn’t take much, just one or two quick tasks a day to keep things from getting out of hand, and I honestly credit my continuing enthusiasm and motivation to this bed.
If my bed is all pretty and made, surely I can put the clothes into the hamper when I take them off instead of a pile on the floor. And if I have a clear floor, I suppose I can avoid dropping my junk on the tables too. And if my room is organized, I guess I can keep my bathroom tidy too. And if my bathroom is tidy I might as well keep the kitchen clean. The chain of logic goes on and on until eventually it just clicked somewhere in my brain that I want a clean habitat and I’m willing to do a little work each day to have one.
And it starts with a bed that’s made.
So thank you, ufyh, for kicking my butt into gear in this one eensy weensy area of my life that turned out to be not so eensy weensy at all. The light switches I Lysol this afternoon will be dedicated to you. ✊
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missdragoon · 1 year
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Cunk on Earth 1x04
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missdragoon · 1 year
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what black mirror episode are we in now
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missdragoon · 1 year
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Throwback to this pendant commissioned by @alexia.rost Here you can see the sketch and the final result - a sterling silver bind rune pendant. www.etsy.com/shop/DarkwoodJewelry #rune #runic #runes #celticjewelry #witchesofinstagram #necklace #darkjewelry #futhark #bindrune #bindrunes #vikings #norsepagan #handmade #runology #norse #norseart #darkwoodjewelry #runicmagic #vikingjewelry #darkart #norserunes #nordicrunes #runesjewelry #runenecklace #runependant #commissionedart #occultjewelry #occultism #sketch #jewelrydrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3woHTLpuM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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missdragoon · 1 year
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Inspired by @bowldrips' cool bindrunes I wanted to see if I could make a bindrune that looks like what it says. Pretty sure bowldrips could make this look a lot better (tbh, I could make it look better, but don't feel like it) but I think this is reasonably close to the goal
ᚼᚢᚿᛑᛦ hundʀ 'dog'
my browser displays ᛑ with the staff dotted but putting the dot under the twig was pretty common
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missdragoon · 1 year
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Frog Sightings - a sigil made to bring about seeing a frog
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missdragoon · 1 year
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missdragoon · 1 year
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Born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore space. Born just in time to explore space cat✨
Part of my Space Cat series
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missdragoon · 1 year
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For Mewblade
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missdragoon · 1 year
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missdragoon · 1 year
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mold poisoning stories
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missdragoon · 1 year
I love "i would kill for you" ship dynamics but what about "i would stop killing" ship dynamic??
I would lay down my sword for you. I would change my nature and go against everything i've known. I would resist the easy way out of solving my problems. I would give up the adrenaline of battle to stay by your side and make tea instead. I'm not sure I know who I am without a weapon in my hand because I've had to fight for so long but for you I'm willing to try and figure this out.
It must be hard. To put down your weapon that's protected you for so long. It's allowed you to stay alive it's kept you from getting hurt--physically and mentally. Because you've never had to worry about a real relationship if you think you'll be dead at the next battle. And you feel naked without it and it feels like you're ripping off an extension of yourself. Are you even whole without it? Are you worthy of being loved if you can't prove it by risking your life? And yet they've found someone who's asking them for something much harder than dying in battle on their behalf. They've found someone who wants them to live. And that's much more terrifying.
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missdragoon · 1 year
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alla mingalёva
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missdragoon · 1 year
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annd all mashups in one post
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missdragoon · 1 year
Important Question
In the zombie apocalypse which celebrity would be funniest to have turned into a zombie who retained all their mannerisms as they try to eat you?
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missdragoon · 1 year
If you like frogs. Or possums. Or cool builds. Or happiness. This is the video for you.
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missdragoon · 1 year
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