misseddagger · 4 years
I’m going with door number three; they’re clever, and TFP was one, giant trick. (Seriously; there is *nothing* real in that episode. From start to finish it’s fake as fuck.)
Why in the HELL would they write Redbeard as Victor Trevor if they'd already had Mycroft tease Sherlock about Redbeard in SoT?
"Sherlock, do you remember... Redbeard?" To which Sherlock responded, "I'm not child anymore Mycroft."
Mycroft is a lot of things, but he's not teasing Sherlock about the best friend that was murdered and then was replaced in his mind by a dog- kind of evil. Which either means Mottiss are either extremely sloppy or wrote themselves into a huge corner trying to be more clever than they are OR they've planned something they now can't follow through on. My guess? It's the first one.
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misseddagger · 4 years
Well. Obviously...
JOHN HAMISH WATSON: THE IDEAL MAN. (#nsfw -ish? for sex fantasy bit)
Another of my ‘courtroom scene’ meta-videos. The way I see it, through these MP women we are privy to Sherlock’s romantic thoughts for John. With that in mind, and in the spirit of spreading the love for John Watson, here’s a comprehensive list of his positive character traits, explicitly verbalized throughout the series (up until TAB), which of course make him ‘The Ideal Man’ in Sherlock’s eyes:
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misseddagger · 4 years
Sherlock, Yorke and the 5-act structure
So, let’s see. We know from Yorke that a five-act structure should ideally be able to be folded in half. If we assume a series 5 was intended for Sherlock, that means series 2 and 4 should match up. Surely they don’t. Right? 
The Six Thatchers should match up with the Reichenbach Fall. 
Reichenbach fall: Sherlock is tricked by a criminal mastermind who disguises himself as an actor; who uses Sherlock’s arrogance as a weapon against him, and ends up causing Sherlock to kill himself (or at least appear to do so) in order to save John. John opens and closes devastated by the loss of his friend. 
The Six Thatchers: Sherlock is tricked by a series of criminals who disguise themselves as ordinary people (disguise is the name of the game in TST: it blatantly opens with the case about the kid who disguised himself as a Car seat...); who uses Sherlock’s arrogance as a weapon against him (Norbury and, arguably, Mary, who uses Sherlock’s arrogance to drug him so she can escape), and end up causing Mary to kill herself in order to save John. John (and Sherlock) closes the episode devastated. 
Bonus; Mycroft opens TST with manipulation of reality to get Sherlock out of his certain death-sentence. He must have closed TRF (although not shown) with manipulation of reality to get Sherlock off of that roof safely…
The Hound of Baskerville should match up with The Lying Detective:
THOB is about Sherlock, fish-out-of-water and grandstanding with John as collateral damage, in a case about a criminal that drugs a man almost to insanity; to the point where he sees things that aren’t real. 
TLD is about Sherlock, grandstanding his way through a case with John as collateral damage, while being drugged almost to insanity, in a case with a criminal who drugs people. 
A Scandal in Belgravia should match up with The Final Problem:
ASIB is about a female mastermind that ensnares, beats, tortures and otherwise uses Sherlock for her own purposes, eventually being defeated by her own arrogance. John, Mycroft and Sherlock are all involved in her elaborate con. Oh, and we end with *the* most over-the-top action hero’y sequence. 
TFP opens with a series of absolutely *insane* action hero’y sequences; most notably the patience bomb… Otherwise it’s about a female mastermind who ensnares and tortures Sherlock for her own pleasure. John, Mycroft and Sherlock are all involved in her plot. 
Bonus points: both ASIB and TFP references James Bond *quite* heavily.
I expect that were you to do a scene-by-scene breakdown and comparison, you’d spot a *lot* more similarites and parallels. 
Or, I might just be going crazy. Like. You know that happens in this fandom... ;)
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misseddagger · 4 years
…dafuq went wrong with the ASIP one? That is *not* Sherlock from yon young and innocent days of sharp black suits, tight plum shirts and clean shavenness… 
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Sherlock Holmes is honoured in new set of stamps featuring Benedict Cumberbatch as the famous detective and new book cover illustrations (x)
A new set of stamps is being issued to celebrate Sherlock Holmes, featuring images from the award-winning BBC TV series and other stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Six stamps will show characters from Sherlock, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Amanda Abbington and Andrew Scott.
They include Sherlock Holmes, Doctor John Watson, Jim Moriarty and Mycroft Holmes. When UV light is shone over the stamps, hidden details from a storyline are revealed.
‘Our stylish new stamps mark the acclaimed and award-winning TV series and are complemented by illustrations of some of the stories Conan Doyle considered among his best.’
The BBC’s Sherlock has been broadcast in 180 countries.
The stamps go on sale on August 18.
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misseddagger · 4 years
Oh - um. Excuse me, but wouldn’t that be the first episode of series 2 and the last episode of series 4? All... mirror-like, if they’re, I dunno, working off of a Yorke-inspired five-act structure? 
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I’ve just realised that this is another one of Chekhov’s guns.
(For those who don’t know, Anton Chekhov once said about writing: “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.”)
In this case: if the audience is so blatantly told that a character is a virgin, it’s *supposed to become relevant* at some point. If an unexpected trait like this is revealed out of the blue, there really needs to be some sort of narrative reason for this. In other words, it’s a thing that should *change* in the course of the story.
Apparently, Moffat and Gatiss realised this at well at some point, but they couldn’t come up with anything better than Eurus drily remarking in the very last episode, “Oh! Have you had sex?” (which she somehow deduced from the way he played his violin).
Which is something that does NOT make any sense to the viewers, for we have no idea who the hell Sherlock is supposed to have lost his virginity to in the mean while.
It’s just another one of those huge details that does not make any sense.
Not sure why I’m bothering writing this down. It just occurred to me and I wanted to get it out of my system, I guess.
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misseddagger · 5 years
Oh you guys. Obviously the Doctor Who one was an aborted declaration of love, while the Last Vow one was a joke between two former roommates. I mean... any sort of similarity is obviously disproven by the simple fact that Doomsday was a man and a woman, and the Sherlock one is between two men. Because you *know* men can’t be in love with one another or grieve when saying goodbye (unless they’re saying goodbye to the woman they love). 
I mean. Don’t you guys know media? ;) 
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Doomsday + His Last Vow
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misseddagger · 5 years
No lie detected.
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misseddagger · 5 years
Not only sits beside the river; he has that strange breakdown, with the special effect (which I still haven’t figured out the point of), of him, on the railing, floating in mid-air, and the perspective being that of the river. It’s a very odd scene. TLD is a very... symbolic episode. Even if I’m still lost as fuck in about 90% of it. 
@sagestreet just posted a Black Sails meta about a painting of a river standing in for a River as a Threshold between the ordinary outside world, and the special world on the other side, and rivers as a trope in queer cinema, also separating the ordinary world from the world of free love. Of course this makes me think of Sherlock, and how many times the Thames, in particular, has figured in the episodes. It’s been a while, and I only watched S4 once, but isn’t it in TLD that Sherlock sits beside the river with Faith, and also has a kind of breakdown on the bridge right over the river. I don’t remember if it’s at the end of TST or TLD that he’s walking over the river on a bridge with the lines about when are we locked onto a certain path, etc.
But also, in general, Baker St, Barts, NSY, Buckingham Palace, Belgravia, Whitehall, Big Ben, even Soho, and many more of the show’s settings are north of the river, but Battersea Power Station and that pivotal scene with Irene=Sherlock’s libido, is south of the river, and close to it. They all had to cross the river to have that scene. 
I don’t know London geography well enough to say if, for instance, Alex Woodbridge’s corpse was on the north or south bank, or where various other places shown are. Maybe others can chip in with that, and other more well-formed ideas.
@sagestreet, @ebaeschnbliah, @possiblyimbiassed, @gosherlocked, @freethemfrom1895, @spenglernot, @watchthemfall, not sure who else to tag off the top of my head. @raggedyblue
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misseddagger · 5 years
The Good Sherlock
Remember that line? “Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”
I put to you that the Magnificent Bastards were at least *planning* not to end the show where they did. Because we didn’t get good Sherlock.  Way back in ASIP, Sherlock is so bored with life he’s suicidal. He’s worse than ever in TLD. (Which, incidentally, Mycroft also predicted in ASIP: “He could be the making of my brother. Or make him worse than ever.”)
You’d think, if series 4 was the end, that they’d have tied a neat bow on the last episode? And yet not. Sherlock ignores John to satisfy his boredom, and the whole thing is, honestly, too surreal to be taken seriously. 
So Sherlock is still not a good man, and John’s still not made Sherlock. 
You draw your own conclusions
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misseddagger · 5 years
So I had this idea, which isn’t going anywhere, so I’m officially orphaning it to anyone who wants a go at it. 
Daddy Holmes gets sick and needs a transplant or something, and Mycroft and Sherlock obviously step up and get tested. Only Sherlock isn’t a match. He’s not biologically related to daddy at all, in fact. 
It turns out that mummy for some reason seduced a young man (very young; 16-ish), and when Sherlock came out of it, she just never told anyone. But she will not reveal the name of this young man. 
So what happens is, an edict comes down from above, that all public servants needs to get their DNA registrered (because, you know, the British Government will do anything for his baby brother), and lo and behold; there is a match. 
Greg Lestrade is Sherlock’s biological dad. 
Cut fun and games (and painful awkwardness) as Greg (who’s always wanted kids, but it just didn’t work out that way) tries to be a good dad for Sherlock, (up to and including trips to the zoo), and Sherlock fighting him tooth and nail (coincidentally very much like a recalcitrant 4-year old). 
(I figured it’d be Mystrade and Johnlock - but if you want to run with it, you pick the direction. Obviously. Just drop me a link if you do. I’d love to read it). :D
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misseddagger · 5 years
Time to choose a side, Dr Watson?
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That’s the problem, isn’t it? John is apparently supposed to choose a side. Now, what is he - a soldier or a doctor?
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(Continued under the cut)
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misseddagger · 5 years
But, yeah, we’re completely delusional, right? 
Shipping Johnlock - we didn’t start it, they did.
Mycroft ships Johnlock.
“Should we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?”
Mrs Hudson DEFINITELY ships Johnlock.
“There’s another bedroom upstairs, if you’ll be needing two bedrooms.”
Angelo ships it insistently.
“I’ll get a candle for the table, it’s more romantic.”
Moriarty ships it resentfully.
“I will burn the heart out of you.”
Irene Adler ships it amusedly.
“Someone loves you. If I had to slap that face, I’d avoid your nose and teeth too.”
Jeanette ships it frustratedly.
“You’re a wonderful boyfriend! And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man.”
Ella ships it sneakily.
“Everything you wanted to say to him, but never did, say it now.”
John ships it, deep deep down.
“…And no one will ever convince me, that you told me a lie.”
Sherlock ships it desperately.
“You. It’s always you, John Watson. You keep me right.”
In the end, didn’t even Mary ship it?
“I know what you could become…the Baker Street boys, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.”
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misseddagger · 5 years
Hey! I loved your fic lists about JohnWhump and John's abusive father and past, do you have anymore John-centric fics?
Hey nonny, not sure what all you’ve seen yet. I will do massive JOHN post . ..
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John Woos Sherlock
John is Kidnapped
John is Gay Fics
John Was “Straight” Before Sherlock
John in Denial After Sex withSherlock
John 3 Continent’s Watson –Sexual History
John Comes Out
John Comes Out- Part 2
John is drinking too much – Alcoholism
John has a fever
Suicidal John
John has PTSD
John recovers from rape
John Hurt/Comfort – John Whump
Jolto fics
Top!John & Bottomlock
More Top!John
Bamf!John fic recs
Dom!John Fic Recs
John Three-Continents Watson’sSexual History
John Cries
John is insecure
John has a secret
John the Vigilante
John is an assassin or spy
More Apologies from John
John-centric fics
John is a Good Doctor
Stories retold with both John& Sherlock’s POV
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misseddagger · 5 years
I actually think that’s the point; to make people focus on the subtext. A big, red warning-sign; pay no attention to the surface!  ...then again, I’m holding out on making decisions until and unless we get a series 5. Right now it’s Schrödinger’s crap, TBH...
What happened to Sherlock? Part VIII - The Sign of the Hetero Norm (1)
Why does Mary Morstan play such a prominent role in BBC Sherlock? 
I’m surely not the only one asking myself this; while she’s barely mentioned in canon after marrying Watson, she’s all over the place from TEH and onwards in Mofftiss’ adaptation. And when I recently read this excellent fic by @discordantwords, a couple of things dawned on me, that I think have been brewing in my mind for quite some time. Which brings me to the long promised continuation of my marathon meta series about what I think we’re actually seeing in this show. Because the entire point of Mary Morstan seems to be to prevent Sherlock and John from getting together in a romantic relationship - a story of hetero norm. This eighth installment will explore the ‘case’ of little Rosie, and the role she and her mother plays in this show. 
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This far I’ve published an intro and seven installments, each with corresponding attempts to test my hypotheses:
Introduction - The game is on (explains the method of analysis) Part I - Blog vs TV-show Part II - Re-living memories Part III - Drugs and weirdness Part IV – Heartbreak and coma (1) Part IV – Heartbreak and coma (2) Part V – Bizarre scenarios Part VI - Live and let die (1) Part VI - Live and let die (2)
Part VII - The Importance of Being Earnest (1) 
Part VII - The Importance of Being Earnest (2)
This installment will also be parted in two, and the second half can be found here (X). Many of the screen caps from BBC Sherlock in this meta are from Kissthemgoodbye.net - thanks! And thanks also to Ariane DeVere for the incredibly useful transcripts!
My next hypotheses is, in and off itself, a clear and straightforward prediction that can be explicitly verified or falsified once we finally get to S5, so it will be extra fun to see what happens with it in future: 
Hypothesis #8: John is not the father of Mary’s baby
(Disclaimer: My suspicion here only concerns John’s biological offspring. It would still be possible that John, and perhaps also Sherlock, might father the child - if it exists - by adoption. It does not exclude a metaphorical reading where the baby represents, for example, Sherlock’s and John’s relationship. I also want to stress that this hypothesis is an attempt at logical reasoning based on observations in the show and in ACD canon; it’s not meant to be ‘gossipy’ and has nothing to do with whether I would actually like to see this happen or not - that’s a whole other story. ;) )  
This hypothesis has been brewing in my mind for quite some time now, but I don’t think it’s just a hunch; there are actually a series of reasons that have made me come to this conclusion. 
(Continued under the cut)
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misseddagger · 5 years
We’re a fungus on Tumblr. 
does the sherlock fandom still exist?
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misseddagger · 5 years
This guy. I mean, seriously. 
a decade of Benedict Cumberbatch
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misseddagger · 5 years
Legit my bedroom for the night
No, it’s not 221b, but I’m mildly amused none the less... tempted to take a yellow marker to the damn thing, to be honest...
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