missingskeleton · 1 hour
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The most incompetent campaign of the 21st century
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missingskeleton · 2 hours
I know this will bother unhealed adults, but the real world, more often than not, does give you second chances and do overs. Very rarely are things set in stone. And people, especially young people, deserve to know that. Because lording the idea that they can never mess up, even once, does a lot more damage than good.
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missingskeleton · 2 hours
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missingskeleton · 2 hours
Claiming you shouldn't be fat is one of the biggest lies they'll try to sell you
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missingskeleton · 3 hours
honestly amazed that the US has, in the last few months alone, managed to develop a form of centrist terrorism where people with the least extremist views known to man are poorly attempting to assassinate politicians
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missingskeleton · 2 days
chuckling indulgently.. oh go on... i suppose a LITTLE bit of monica in my life wouldn't hurt
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missingskeleton · 2 days
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its been about 6 months
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missingskeleton · 2 days
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missingskeleton · 2 days
This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.
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missingskeleton · 2 days
it bewilders me that there isn;t a musician called dj tgirl yet
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missingskeleton · 2 days
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missingskeleton · 2 days
So, I found out a fun fact this last weekend!
Every state has a Department of Weights and Measures. One of their jobs is to make sure that companies are actually selling you the quantities they claim they're selling. For example, this is the department which tests gas pumps and makes sure they're really pumping out a gallon of gas when they charge you for a gallon of gas.
If you happen to, just as an example, notice that your 1lb (16 ounce) box of San Giorgio spaghetti actually only has 10oz of noodles, and you weigh your other boxes of spaghetti to discover they run from 10 to 14 ounces but never the full pound they're supposed to have, and that's why you never seem to have enough pasta for leftovers the next day, then you can report that to the Department of Weights and Measures.
They will want to know where you bought the item, and then will investigate whether the store or the manufacturer is routinely shorting customers. If they do, they will issue a fine to the offending party, you will be eligible for a refund, and under some circumstances lawsuits may follow.
Now, I don't know the outcome of the complaint I just initiated, but they did not want to know specific receipts or times of purchase. Which is good for me as I didn't keep any of those things, at the time I just said "Wow, fuck San Giorgio" and switched brands. But this is still enough to get an inspector out.
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missingskeleton · 2 days
At the start of one of my many attempts at uni (we're no joke on number seven) I took an anthropology class because it seemed cool. This was at the absolute height of the popularity of Bones so the first lecture was literally standing room only, fire hazard levels of packed.
So the professor comes in and I cannot express enough how much this man was actually round, not tall, greying, balding, and literally wearing a three-piece tweed suit with a little red bow tie. He was the most perfect human being I've ever met.
Anyway the look on his face when he saw an actually packed lecture theatre was one of sheer unbridled glee. Natural, right? His dinky little subject is suddenly unbelievably popular.
Which gave him the perfect opportunity to talk about pissing for a solid hour. Because that was his specialist subject. Comparative urination etiquette.
This man who was the Platonic ideal of a humanities professor stood there and talked enthusiastically about piss to a packed to the rafters lecture theatre full of bright-eyed first years, and as this was a Monday morning it was almost certainly many people's first ever university lecture of their whole life. His eyes were glittering with joy the whole hour. He was having the time of his life.
There were absolutely no questions at the end of the lecture. He, apparently having fully understood what he was doing, clearly expected this and instructed us to have a lovely day and wished us good luck on our higher education journey.
You could sit anywhere you wanted in the lecture theatre the next week and the lecture was intro to methods in anthropology.
I don't think I could ever love a man more than I still love him.
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missingskeleton · 2 days
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I hate this so much.
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missingskeleton · 2 days
if 3000+ devices exploded simultaneously and thousands got injured, 37+ ppl died in usa or london or france anywhere in the imperial core this website would be talking about it nonstop. my coworkers' relatives are lebanese and he hasn't been able to contact them because everyone's nervous of using anything with a lithium battery. the kids from diaspora are teaching their parents how to turn off find my phone and airdrop and other geolocating options. it's absurd to me people are carrying on like its normal, or just don't care cause c'mon ppl blow up in the middle east all the time, right?
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missingskeleton · 2 days
Anon has a male friend who insists his ex had "too many shoes", upon further questioning it was revealed that she had about 20 pairs of shoes which anon believes is below the average number of shoes for most women.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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missingskeleton · 2 days
Today i was told an 18 year old came in for an interview and "she just straight up asked how many sick days she could take in a row! You cant just ask that!" And all i thought was wow. Based. Please keep shaming interviewers like this kids, it rules
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