missionstreet · 1 year
have been thinking about this every second since i saw it
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missionstreet · 1 year
Actually, I want to do a study of regret rates for Harry Potter-themed tattoos versus regret rates for gender confirmation surgeries, because my naive suspicion is that the former are considerably higher at this point.
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missionstreet · 4 years
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My shop is now opened with new stuff!! :D Enjoy!
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missionstreet · 4 years
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redraws of some of my favourite recent pixel pieces
patreon | twitter
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missionstreet · 4 years
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final ascent
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missionstreet · 4 years
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self-care bear 
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missionstreet · 4 years
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Day 2749 - 17 January 2020
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missionstreet · 4 years
So I just now learned about Stagecoach Mary and how have I never heard of this absolute LEGEND of a woman before
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She was born a slave and freed when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued (she was about 30)
She was about six feet tall and 200 pounds and once she was free she decided she’d never take shit from anyone ever again
When one of her close friends, a nun by the name of Mother Amadeus, became ill with pneumonia at her convent in Montana, Mary headed alone into the frontier to nurse Mother Amadeus back to health
After Mother Amadeus recovered, she gave Mary a job as the foreman of the convent. She repaired buildings, took care of chickens, made the long and dangerous journeys into town for supplies, and did other odd jobs.
She could drink most men under the table, and one saloon offered five bucks and a free shot of whiskey to any man who could take a punch to the face from Mary and remain standing. 
She was once said by a local paper to have broken more noses than anyone else in Montana
She was outspokenly Republican, which at this time was the liberal party in America, and would get into political debates with the more conservative townsfolk
One time a man insulted her outside the saloon so hit him in the face with a rock, and only stopped when other cowboys held her back.
On one supply run into town, her wagon overturned and the horses fled. Mary spent all night single-handedly fending off a pack of wolves with her guns before she righted the heavy wagon by herself and tracked down the spooked horses. The only thing lost in the accident was a jar of molasses.
She lost her job at the convent when she got into a gunfight with a male employee who did not want to take orders from a black woman. She reportedly shot him in the ass, which angered the local bishop.
After losing her convent job, Mary spent a brief time running a restaurant, where she welcomed and served all comers
When a job for a mail carrier opened at the local US Post Office, Mary got the job because she managed to hitch six horses to a wagon faster than any of the male candidates
She was sixty at the time
This made her the first black woman mail carrier, and the second woman mail carrier in US history
When the snows were too deep for the horses to manage the long and dangerous delivery routes, Mary would strap on snowshoes, put the bags of mail on her shoulders, and do it herself
At one point she apparently had a pet eagle????
She only retired from the mail route when she was about 70 years old, and instead made a quieter living by babysitting and running a laundry business in the town of Cascade
She was a huge baseball fan and often gave the local team a big bouquet of flowers from her garden
The people of Cascade loved Mary so much that they closed the schools annually on her birthday
When a law was passed in Montana that forbade women from drinking in saloons, the mayor of Cascade granted Mary an exemption. 
When her house burned down, the whole town got together to help her build a new one
She continued drinking, fighting, and going to baseball games until she died of liver failure at 82 in 1914
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Mary (far right) and the local baseball team
Anyway sorry for gushing I just now heard about her and I’m in love
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missionstreet · 4 years
where is that renaissance painting with those two fellers and a giant fucking random skull on the floor that looks like it was accidentally stretched out in photoshop
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missionstreet · 4 years
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Thank you silent hill artist and creator of pyramid head Masahiro Ito
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missionstreet · 4 years
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Alanna the Lioness cosplay by Faestock on DeviantArt
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missionstreet · 4 years
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Madoka Magica Witches
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missionstreet · 4 years
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**Added prints of this set to my storenvy for those who were interested.
Finished them \*o*/ My two favourite (anime) things combined! Also posted on pixiv:
PMMM ☆ PKMN | hitsu [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40383000
Now I need to… do Christmas stuff… like all my Christmas shopping fml
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missionstreet · 4 years
She still hates these sheets.
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missionstreet · 4 years
Do you have any shop recommendations for hair accessories? I’ve looked at your posts but there didn’t seem to be anything specific for hair stuff. Thanks!
Hi, thanks for the question! (image via)
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I have a post with some shop recommendations for traditional Chinese hair accessories for hanfu here, and you can also check out my hair ornaments tag for all my posts related to hair accessories. With that said, here’s a more comprehensive list of my recommendations for Chinese hair accessories shops on Taobao (click name for link to Taobao page):
1) Xun Zan Ji/寻簪记 - A large variety of elegant designs that make heavy use of floral themes and pearls:
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2) Shui Mo Jiang Hu/水墨江湖 - Light, ethereal designs in gradated colors (my personal favorite!):
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3) Feng Xue Chu Qing/风雪初晴 - Airy, feminine designs bursting with delicate details:
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4) Jing Chen Xuan/静尘轩 - Traditional designs for a more formal and/or mature look. Has a gorgeous collection of gold filigree pieces, including lotus crowns:
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5) Qing He Ji Yi/青荷记忆 - A wide assortment of classic styles showcasing traditional motifs (the ornaments in the top image of this post are from this shop). Notable collections include graceful crowns (guan) and lovely silk flowers:
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6) Hua Yue Sha/花月砂 - Beautifully crafted designs mainly in gold and silver, including filigree, with gems providing pops of color: 
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7) Chai Dian Fang/钗钿坊 - This shop specializes in Chan Hua/缠花 (wrapped flowers), a traditional Chinese craft of making floral hairpins with fine textiles:
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8) Yangzhou Feiyi Ronghua/扬州非遗绒花 - This shop specializes in Rong Hua/缠花 (velvet flowers), a traditional Chinese craft of making floral hairpins from fine silk on twisted wire frames:
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Of course there are a lot more great Chinese hair accessories shops out there, but hopefully this gives you a place to start ^^ 
Finally, I’ll leave you with this self-deprecating meme image (“Ladies who wear hairpins will never admit defeat!”) that pokes fun at how hanfu lovers can get addicted to buying the many different types of Chinese hair ornaments :P
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Hope this helps, and have fun! 
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missionstreet · 4 years
itscaats on ig
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missionstreet · 4 years
why are there so many posts like “i wish none of us had to work office jobs i wish we were all picking apples and dying wool and digging in the dirt” like fuck off i absolutely do not want to do any of that i want air conditioning
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